The most sickening fact of Yahoo Knowledge is that people who do not even know how to write properly try to look erudite and talk up a storm :( Would those RESPECTABLE SCHOLARS please have mercy on all English learners by keeping their crappy theories to themselves? -_- My trash bin for them is gonna explode...grrrrrr....Just shut their pie holes, stop the stinky talk, and everyone will SINCERELY thank them for being so friendly to the knowledge world. 在Yahoo知識的小世界裡,最教人倒胃的是一些以為先知實為神棍的英語教授道貌岸然的偉論滔滔,像是某某學者先知般指手劃腳卻藥石亂投,唯恐天下不亂。他們若果真的希望為世界做點善事,只要他們不要勞動聖軀,像小學生在圖書館裡乖乖守法保持肅靜,知識的濁流慢慢變成清泉。世界美好,指日可待。
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