Is it right?<句子>

2009-02-12 6:33 am
The fans were waiting at the airport hoping to see Jay arrive.
這個arrive是動詞or what???

The composition has many mistakes written in haste.
這句子中要不要加being在written 之前呢???
如果唔要ge 話written係唔係p.p??

Having watched TV for over an hour, she went to do her homework.
這一句ge verb 有一個定兩個???

回答 (3)

2009-02-12 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The fans were waiting at the airport <hoping to see Jay arrive>.
這個arrive是動詞or what???

“Arrive”係動詞,因為放0係see(感官動詞0既一種)後,而感官動詞後動詞要用infinitive/basic form,所以寫“arrive”.

***所謂0既一句唔可以有2個verb,意思係每一句句子都只可以有一個main verb.***呢句只有一個main verb “were waiting”,< >係一個participle phrase,而phrase之內0既see係to-infinitive,而arrive並非main verb,佢都只係infinitive.


The composition has many mistakes <written in haste>.
這句子中要不要加being在written 之前呢???
如果唔要ge 話written係唔係p.p??

< >內的文字為一個participle phrase,作用係形容/進一步解釋 “mistakes”,文法上可以刪除而唔影響句子結構.

原句係簡化左句子.原本應該係咁寫: The composition has many mistakes <which were written in haste>,刪除 “which were”目的係簡化.“written”係past participle,因為mistakes係唔會自己出現0既,係人為,所以用passive voice. “being written”都係被動,但係就會變成present progressive tense,邏輯上唔成立.d錯處被人見到0個刻,已經被人寫低左(simple past tense),唔會一直被人寫緊(present progressive tense).


<Having watched TV for over an hour>, she <went> to do her homework.
這一句ge verb 有一個定兩個???

一句句子只可以有一個main verb, “having watched”並非main verb,為左0係句子生存,佢就轉化為present perfect participle.


Having watched TV for over an hour, she went to do her homework.
是由After she had watched TV for over an hour, she went to do her homework.轉來的,我想知個watched在那句中仲係咪verb定係可有兩個verd 同時存在??

在 “After she <had watched> TV for over an hour, she <went> to do her homework.”裡,呢句有2部份(即係2句子句),而每句子句都可以有一個main verb,所以呢句亦無違反文法.


放心.英文來來去去都係0個d章法.總之每句完整句子(sentence)或者子句(clause)都可以有1個main verb.如果你有興趣,可以send email同我討論.
2009-02-12 7:22 am
The fans were waiting at the airport hoping to see Jay arrive.
這個arrive是動詞or what???

A: 係動詞
其實你這句有三個verb,分別是wait, hope 和see。有兩個甚至三個verb沒有問題,只要你懂得將第二個verb變gerund(+ing)或 to+infinitive 便可。

The composition has many mistakes written in haste.
這句子中要不要加being在written 之前呢???
如果唔要ge 話written係唔係p.p??

written 係p.p,因為句子有has在前面
一係你加been,咁has been written就變左被動時態(passive voice),意思就係「篇文被寫了很多錯處出來」

Having watched TV for over an hour, she went to do her homework.
這一句ge verb 有一個定兩個???
A:有三個,分別係watch, go 同 do

After she had watched TV for over an hour, she went to do her homework.轉來的,我想知個watched在那句中仲係咪verb定係可有兩個verb 同時存在??
A: 係動詞,雖然不知你問上半句定下半句,但都可以答你有兩個verb同時存在是可以的。

2009-02-11 23:24:00 補充:
參考: 自己
2009-02-12 6:50 am


這一句有兩個verb -
參考: Me

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