如何用英文send email俾客

2009-02-26 6:43 am
告訴佢附件係invoice, 請佢查收及付款。
應該如何禮拜地send呢個email呢, 請幫手, 謝

回答 (3)

2009-02-26 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. “Hope all is well”大家一開始先打個照面,希望佢一切安好.
2. 粗體部份係叫佢check張單,然後找數.
3. 最後叫佢有咩佢都可以問.
Dear XXX(e.g. Mr. Big),
I hopeall is well. The invoice is enclosed for your reference.Please check, and settle the amount asstated on the invoice. You are always welcomed to let me know if you haveany inquiries.
Best regards,
XXX (Your Name)

2009-02-25 23:34:38 補充:
sorry yahoo食左d字,留意串字: I hope all is well. The invoice is enclosed for your reference. Please check, and settle the amount as stated on the invoice. You are always welcomed to let me know if you have any inquiries.
2009-02-28 1:06 am
Attached is the invoice dated XX. Please acknowledge receipt and make payment. Thank you.

2009-02-27 17:09:01 補充:
I hope all is well. The invoice is enclosed for your reference. Please check, and settle the amount as stated on the invoice. You are welcomed to let me know if you have any inquiries.
2009-02-26 8:02 am
Attached is the invoice dated XX. Please acknowledge receipt and make payment. Thank you.

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