英文翻譯, 請大家幫幫忙,............爆急

2009-02-02 3:05 am


回答 (5)

2009-02-14 7:56 pm
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樓上0既翻譯...你自己判斷吧! 我個人主張用字淺白,合符文意.我個人意見:
1. “含意”用implication比較合適.
2. “很心急地希望”我會話desperately wanted
3. “不斷向上爬”我會話 “...climbed up and up and up”比較具體


The implication of the picture: the anxious piggy desperately wanted to get the meat in the pond. He climbed up and up and up. No matter how hard he had tried, his efforts were still in ruin.
2009-02-02 7:48 pm
Meaning of this picture: This piglet waiting for a chance to cause trouble hopes to have the meat in the pond very impatiently, so it is climbing upwards constantly, but until the evening, it can not eat the delicious meat one.
2009-02-02 3:57 am
The meaning of this picture: it is ready for the pig urgently pond hope that we can eat meat, so it continued to climb, but until the evening, it is to eat these delicious meat.
2009-02-02 3:46 am
This drawing meaning: This is only ready to make trouble the young pig hoped very impatiently may eat in the pond the meat, therefore it crawls upwardly unceasingly, but until the evening, it was cannot eat these delicacies flesh lump.................
2009-02-02 3:35 am
This pictures meaning: This is only ready to make trouble the young pig hoped very impatiently may eat the meat which is in the pond , therefore it upwardly crawls unceasingly, but until the evening, it all is cannot eat these delicacies the meat block.
參考: myself

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