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首先,我要講一講,我主張唔好用d專有名詞(例如deforestation, afforestation),呢d名詞普通讀者未必明白,而且感覺比較陌生.我傾向意譯.
Carbon dioxide, produced primarily by the burning of fossil fuels (such as coals and petroleum), is the prime culprit among all gases amplifying the greenhouse effect.
煤、石油是能源料Coals and petroleum as energy sources
Most carbon dioxide can naturally be absorbed by tropical rain forests. Elimination of rain forests, however, has failed this natural shield, which in turn has accelerated the greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect has driven up the earth’s surface temperature, which can thus cause: 造成溫室效應使地球表面溫度增加引起
1.Rise of the sea level海平面上升
1.1The sea surface is warmed, thus expands water, and causes rise of the sea level海水受熱膨脹令水平面上升
1.2Melting glaciers grow the volume of sea water冰川上的冰塊溶解使海洋水份增加
The pronounced rise of the sea level has increased threat to coasts where their economies have been largely dampened 海平面的顯著上升對沿岸地區經濟損害
The underground water has been driven further inland, making us liable to contact with fatal, prehistoric viruses which used to be mined underground millions of years ago. 地下淡水被上升的海水推向更遠的內陸地方。冰封十几万年的史前致命病毒可能会重见天日
2. Massive animal migration動物大遷移
This can cause spread of diseases like encephalitis, dengue fever and yellow fever. 有可能促使腦炎、登革熱、黃熱病等疾病的蔓延。
To absorb carbon dioxide emitted, we need to establish more woodlots and plant trees with priority. 擴大綠化,優先植林,以增加吸收二氧化碳。
We also need to invest more efforts to develop renewable energy sources such as nuclear energy and solar energy. Another responsibility definitely lies on our shoulders, by conserving energy.