
2009-02-09 10:30 am
Dear sir/Miss,

I would like to apply the position of graphic designer which you advertised in xxx and hence I am sending you this letter for application of the position. With my academic background and work experience, I believe I am a suitable candidate for this position.

I graduated from xxx with a graphic design of xxx degree. I have been employed as a Graphin Designer in xxx Company.
During my time with xxx has afforded me exposure to many facets of design, including computer skill, marketing planning, and communication skills and have developed good personal relationships with customers.

I feel confident that my qualifications and knowledge in Design make me a suitable candidate for this position. I look forward to meeting you.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,


回答 (4)

2009-02-10 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.加標題: “RE: Application for the Position of Graphic Designer”
3.CV等同你0既自我推銷武器,所以你要表現得好有自信.適當應用形容詞(e.g. strong; professional; adequate; profound)能夠令你0既CV特別有說服力.
4.你見份工係設計師,言語要特別著重呢方面0既能力同經驗,要講得尤其詳細. “many facets of design”太抽象,只係輕輕帶過呢一行,人地唔會有咩特別印象.我補充左 “... a wide variety of projects that largely demanded my creativity, flexibility and project management skills”,借助creativity, flexibility 同埋project management skills呢D比較有力0既名詞,令你封信說服力更強.


Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Application for the Position of Graphic Designer

I am writing this letter of application to express my interest in the position of Graphic Designer advertised in XXX (the newspaper) on XXX (date). My strong academic background and experience of professional design are adequate reasons to qualify me as your best suitable candidate.

I am a XXXX (year) graduate from XXX (university name) with a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. Due to my profound pursuit of developing my expertise in graphic design, I entered XXX (company name) in XXX (year of employment) as Graphic Designer. During the employment, I was exposed to a wide variety of projects that largely demanded my creativity, flexibility and project management skills. My experience as Graphic Designer also demonstrated my capability of teaming with others, communicating with clients, marketing planning and computer application.

Attached with this letter is my resume for your perusal. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the contributions I can bring to your company. Please feel free to contact me at XXXXXX (telephone number) anytime of your convenience. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,
2009-02-09 5:24 pm
I am writing in response to your recruitment advertisement posted in XXX on XXX for the post of graphic designer. I am keen to apply for the post and I enclose by curriculum vitae for your kind consideration. With my academic background and work experience, I am sure you will find me a suitable candidate.

As you can see from my C.V., I graduated from xxx in [year] with a graphic design of xxx degree. I have been employed as a Graphin Designer in xxx Company from [ date ] to [ date ].

During my time with xxx, I have been exposed to many facets of design, such as [ ]. I have also gained experienced in , marketing planning. I have good computer skills, and have developed good personal relationships with customers. With the good communication skills and marketing planning skills which I have learnt in my past employment, I will be able to hope to be able to develop take care of your clients satisfactorily and develop more new business opportunities for your company.

I look forward to the opportunity to meeting with you to discuss my future at your company and the ways in which I can be of assistance the company.

I thank you in anticipation for your favourable consideration to my application and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
2009-02-09 11:42 am
1. Dear Sir/Madam,

2. I graduated from xxx with a graphic design of xxx degree
===> I was graduated from xxx with degree of Graphic Design (* 有冇個concise D正式名稱?)

3. I have been employed as a Graphin Designer in xxx Company. 純粹中間「Graphic」打錯字

4. During my time with xxx has afforded me exposure to many facets of design .... (之後成段)
During my days in XXX I have acquired varied design skills under substantial industrial training in order to become a versatile designer. I am able to manage marketing planning, work out the design product seamlessly with all necessary computer skills, communicate efficiently inside a team and build good relationship with customer.

5. I feel confident that my qualifications ....... 最好寫做:
I am sincere and confident that my working experience and qualifications of design will suit your company needs and I would be grateful if I had a chance to devote to and benefit your company in my career path.
2009-02-09 11:41 am
There are plenty of sample letters over the net. Just go to Google, type 'application letter sample' and search. They are all very good and useful.
參考: myself

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