
2009-02-03 4:38 am
1)A 和B說:(我們二人來比賽看那個快一點?>
2) C 跟A和B說:你們不用比賽了,我一定比你們快
3) D跟他們說 :你們不要爭,快不是最重要,我們的職責是要確保人們的安全


回答 (11)

2009-02-03 5:39 am
✔ 最佳答案



A said to B, “Let’s have a race and see who will run the fastest!”
C talked to A and B, “We do not need a race to prove. I am surely the champion!”
D said to both of them, “Relax guys! Speed is not the only, safety should come to our first concern on roads.”

2009-02-02 21:40:54 補充:
最後一句修改: D said to both of them, “Relax guys! Speed is not the only. On roads, safety should come to our first priority.”

2009-02-06 01:06:09 補充:
what is the ''something'' in your eyes?

2009-02-06 01:11:57 補充:
I am also curious about your standard to vote for the best. I am not saying I am the best of all. I believe you have the ability to examine what grammatically correct sentences should be like. 001 is right in SOME parts, but not ALL. I believe you can see that right?

2009-02-07 02:03:04 補充:
AWESOME! Now you lay more emphasis on ''safety''. In my version, I made use of the fact that ''only'' actually rhymes with ''priority'', though the original text does not carry the same phonic feature.
2009-02-09 12:55 am
I am going to talk about xxxx.
He doesn't think it is cool to argue with someone whose English is not as good as what he expects.

He is going to talk about the English language with some English professors. Guys, let's wish him good luck.

2009-02-10 15:33:00 補充:
Garlic gor gor

Perhaps this is why
you voted for 001

2009-02-10 15:33:34 補充:
If you want a more formal (but dumb) way, you may say "Age difference"
Did you agree with her? It is a dumb way to say that

2009-02-10 15:34:25 補充:
You may say, "This relationship has a ten years gap(age difference)."
( 001 typed these)

a ten years gap????????????????

2009-02-10 15:35:24 補充:
Why is there no "plural" in the case of a 30 years old man? I don't get it.
( from 001)

What the heck is going on?

2009-02-10 15:35:56 補充:
For the sentence, 'I (have) a ten year old dog?', people will still understand you, but it's grammatically wrong. It's a direct translation from Chinese. 我有一隻十歲大的狗。( 001)

2009-02-10 15:36:58 補充:
( have) <--------- What is this? Is it optional?

I have a ten-year-old dog? garlic gor gor you did not know this adjective huh O_O is that why you voted for 001?

2009-02-10 15:37:38 補充:
For the sentence, 'I (have) a ten year old dog?', people will still understand you, but it's grammatically wrong. It's a direct translation from Chinese. 我有一隻十歲大的狗。( from 001 too)

2009-02-10 15:38:07 補充:
How about " I love you", " I need you" in Chinese or Cantonese?

2009-02-10 15:38:47 補充:
後句你唔可以話佢文法上有錯﹐但係實質上有無人會咁用﹖ 學習語言﹐vocabulary and grammer 是要注意﹐但是勿忽略語言最重要的功用。


2009-02-10 15:39:05 補充:
garlic gor gor you should explain all these to yourself

2009-02-10 15:40:01 補充:

you voted for this WONDERFUL answer!

2009-02-10 15:47:56 補充:
I am also curious about your standard to vote for the best.

2009-02-12 02:13:56 補充:
You know we all make mistakes.I am so glad to hear that.

It seemed to me that you had no idea what I said to you. That was the main reason why I had to remind you of that.

2009-02-12 02:14:03 補充:
I strongly think that you should quit talking about people's shortcomings. I did not talk about yours in the first place. Don't you forget you are the one who has been talking about this and that all the time!
2009-02-08 7:03 pm
On knowledge only:
1.快一點? is faster, not fastest.
2.不用比賽- There is no competition. 'champion' is not the correct translation.
3.Omission of 職責 in the translation is an oversight.

2009-02-08 11:04:48 補充:
On etiquette:
1.Obviously there is a conflict of interest if you comment and answer at the same time. It's better to do them separately.
2. Comment on the answer only. Don't mention names if you can.
2009-02-08 1:32 am
The "only" has the meaning of priority, I don't know before.

But the answer from answerer 003 is smooth and sounds
more like a native English speaker in my point of view.
2009-02-06 10:59 pm

overall i guess your version is better.

what do you think about this? "speed is not our (first) priority, but safety"
2009-02-06 8:44 am
回答者: 候選編號 003
回答時間: 2009-02-02 21:39:05
Speed is not the only. <------- Do you miss something here?

2009-02-08 00:12:40 補充:
Wow, I don't know that rhymes can replace words. Can you give me more information on this?

2009-02-08 00:21:57 補充:
I do not know that we can write a sentence like this:
Speed is not our but safety is our primary concern.
= Speed is not our primary concern but safety is.

Again, do you have any more information on this?

2009-02-08 00:31:03 補充:
I don't claim to be the judge of the answers. I cast my vote on the quality of the answer and when two answers are more or less of the same standard, I give my vote to the first one. That is how I vote and I am not afraid to tell the world openly about it.

2009-02-08 00:43:04 補充:
I write the opinion not because I owe you one, particularly to a statement that is confrontational and provoking. I believe in fair play and enjoy the exchange of ideas. That is why I am here.

2009-02-11 01:45:12 補充:
whatiswhat, allow me to quote your famous words.
We all make mistakes. Only dead people don't O_O

2009-02-11 13:30:24 補充:

2009-02-13 00:17:56 補充:
I never talked about people's shortcomings. I pointed out a mistake when I knew one.
I did not call people names, nor did I humiliate anybody.
I did not make emotional charges against anybody.
Prove me wrong if you can.
I cannot help it if someone does not like my comment.

2009-02-13 08:44:40 補充:
I have not ridiculed anybody in any of my posts when someone has made very silly mistakes but some posts do.
I have been writing in response to some people's answers that do not look quite right.
I cannot help it if someone cannot tolerate being told he made a mistake.
2009-02-05 2:51 am
2009-02-03 5:32 am
1) let us have a competition to see who is faster,A said to B .

2) You don't have to compete. I must be faster than both of you.C said to A and B.

3)All of you don't compete, high speed is not the mast important thing. Our responsibility is to ensure the safty of the people.D said to them.
參考: me
2009-02-03 5:18 am
A and B said: (both of us compete look at that quick spot?
2) C said to A and B: You did not need to compete, I was certainly quicker than you 3) D to say to them: Do not struggle, is not most important quickly, our responsibility is must ensure people's safety
參考: me
2009-02-03 5:16 am
1)A 和B說:(我們二人來比賽看那個快一點?>

1) A said to B, " Let us have a race to see who is the fastest."

2) C 跟A和B說:你們不用比賽了,我一定比你們快

2) C said to A and B, " You don't need to have a race, I'm sure to be faster than both of you."

3) D跟他們說 :你們不要爭,快不是最重要,我們的職責是要確保人們的安全

3) D said to them all, " You don't need to argue, being fast isn't the most important, our responsibility lies in ensuring the safety of the people."
參考: ^.^ Hope it will help.
2009-02-03 5:03 am
1) A and B said that,(Our two people compete look at that quick? >
2) C said to A and B that,You did not need to compete, I was
certainly quicker than you
3) D to say to them: Do not struggle, is not quickly most important,
our responsibility is must guarantee people's safety
參考: 我

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