
2009-02-24 7:46 pm

回答 (2)

2009-02-25 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 注意此文要用第一人稱.
2. “包括xx, xx或xx”裡面,用“或”唔係太妥當. “包括”0既0野可以好多個(以原文為例,有好多個業務接觸點),而每個之間係並存(並非互相排斥),所以應該用 “和”.我0係翻譯度修改左.
3. 我主張多D用active voice.原文係自我推銷,用active voice力量更強.


The HGC business network has been stretched to different parts of the world, including Macau, India and Australia. Our overseas business concentrates on telecommunication service. Supported by our eager growth worldwide, HGC is believed to have the capacity to expand the 3G business to many more spots in the world. The results are weightier market share and numerous potential customers driven to our brand. Ultimately, a flourishing number of people in the world will enjoy our quality service and polished reputation.
2009-02-25 2:32 am
Hutchison Global Crossing's business has been extended to all parts of the world, including Macau, India, or Australia ... ... overseas operations, mainly to telecommunications services. Hutchison Telecom Services With the constant development in other places, I believe the future of many more places can be developed 3G business, such Hutchison Dan can increase market share, but also able to draw in more potential customers around the world, so that more guests can enjoy the Company's services and improve brand awareness.
參考: mine

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