sentence pattern ~~

2009-02-25 5:20 am
I would like to ask if my sentences are grammatical

1- Sufferers of bulimia have times when overindulging in various foods and then vomit to get rid of it

2 There are no meaure of threat on certain cancers if we keep on feasting on fatty meat and ignoring the intake of wholegrain varieties .

回答 (2)

2009-02-25 11:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sufferers of bulimia have times when overindulging in various foods and then vomit to get rid of it
1. “have times + v-ing”唔係正統英文0既搭配.你最好避免呢個組合.
2. 你講呢句句子係一個現象,唔係曇花一現0既野,所以應該用simple present tense.
3. “and then vomit to get rid of it”唔清晰. “it”係咩呢?你前面0個句係 “various foods”,首先唔係“it”單數先啦.
Sufferers of bulimia recurrently overindulge in various foods and, to avoid weight gain, immediately engage in self-induced vomiting on the other hand.
There are no meaure of threat on certain cancers if we keep on feasting on fatty meat and ignoring the intake of wholegrain varieties .
1. 句子詞義互相矛盾.前半句係講 “無任何癌症0既威脅”,後半句又講 “如果我地係咁狂食肥膩野完全唔食五榖類食品”.我翻譯時已經修改,上半句改為“患癌機會大好多”.
2. 注意 “feast”後加object受詞,因為此處feast係transitive verb.
We are at greater risk of having cancers if we keep feasting ourselves with fatty meat, without considering a proper intake of wholegrain varieties.
2009-02-25 7:33 am
I would like to ask if my sentences are grammatical
(應改為........are grammatically correct.)

1- Sufferers of bulimia have times when overindulging in various foods and then vomit to get rid of it
("have times" 不足以形容 bulimia 患者的特性﹐所以 "have times" 可以刪去。 "...when overindulging in various foods and then vomit to get rid of it" 這片子中前後 grammar not consistent﹐句子可簡單改為﹕

"Sufferers of bulimia overindulge in consuming large amount of various foods and get rid of it soon by vomiting."

2 There are no meaure of threat on certain cancers if we keep on feasting on fatty meat and ignoring the intake of wholegrain varieties .

(這句不錯﹐just a typo - "measure". )
參考: a translator myself

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