請幫我睇睇有無錯=] thx

2009-02-25 5:37 am
Is not easy to forget you.Even I try and try..Maybe ,I am not really want to forget you.
We have drunk together,eaten together,walkek together,slept together...But,we have not be couple..Maybe we are friends only.

回答 (5)

2009-02-25 6:54 am
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Is not easy to forget you. (這句子無 subject﹐應該加“It”在前面﹕It is not easy to forget you.....)

Even I try and try.. (Even I try and try不是一句完整的句子﹐所以應順連在上文將意思連貫﹕It is not easy to forget you even I try and try)

Maybe ,I am not really want to forget you. (Maybe 之後無須加逗號﹐I AM not really WANT - 的文法錯了﹐want是動詞﹐之前無須加 am﹐所以應改為﹕Maybe I don't really want to forget you.)

We have drunk together,eaten together,walkek together,slept together...(“drunk”是形容詞﹐不能就此跟在“have”之後﹐而後面只需用過去式便可說明曾經一起做過這些事情﹐而不是用過去完成式﹐所以應改為﹕We've got drunk together, ate together, walked together and slept together)

But,we have not be couple..Maybe we are friends only. (“But”之後無須加逗號﹐“have”之後是跟“been”而不是“be”﹐“couple”之前要加 article “a”﹐故應改為﹕But we have not been a couple. Maybe we are friends only.)
參考: a translator myself
2009-02-26 9:26 am
呢類疑似情書0既野,要多d利用感情0既張力,所以有d字眼可以絕對d,誇張小小,例如 “nothing”, “all efforts”, “ruins”, “never” “everything”.

你原句d together重覆得太厲害.咁重覆法,唔係叫強調,係叫煩 =.= 唔好意思.簡潔0既字眼,會令你篇野更有力量.
It is nothing easy to forget you. I tried so hard, but all efforts were in ruins. I never want to take you away from my memories. Look! These were our past days: we drank, ate, walked, slept...everything we did. But, we are not a couple. We are only friends.
2009-02-25 12:49 pm
It is not easy to forget about you no matter how hard I try. Maybe I do not really want to forget about you. We got drunk together, had eaten together, had walked together, had slept together. Despite of all these, we have not become a couple at all. Maybe we are friends only.
2009-02-25 6:20 am
It is not easy to forget you.Even I try and try..Maybe ,I am not really want to forget you.
We have drunk together,eaten together, walked together,slept together...But,we have not be couple..Maybe we are friends only.
2009-02-25 5:40 am
We are together as couple, but it is not.

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