我認爲靈感來自不同的思維衝擊在一起 英文eng怎說?

2009-02-01 6:55 am
我是這樣寫的, 會否好chingish?

I believe in that inspirations come out from one idea crash against another idea.

請大家幫忙, 求正確說法

回答 (5)

2009-02-01 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 首先我地唔會講 "come out from",只有 "come out" 或 "come from"
2. crash against...唔會有呢個搭配.crash通常係指物理上0既大力撞擊.



When different sets of mind come across together, this is where inspiration is born.


2009-02-02 19:26:25 補充:


When different sets of mind come together, this is where inspiration is born.

2009-02-02 19:37:28 補充:
回應garlic2010: 首先唔好講"請教"咁凝重.大家可以交流意見係好事.

1. sets of mind 中的 mind係指諗法/思想(並非借代人).電影 “A beautiful mind”的mind原係指”頭腦”,但係電影製片人用左借代法,用“A beautiful mind”借代擁有呢個beautiful mind 0既主角John Nash. “Great minds think alike”中同樣以“minds”借代活生生0既人,所以呢處的確係指人.
2. come across的確需要補充受詞.此處係我當初打多左 “across”一字,答案已經修改左.感謝賜正.
2009-02-18 12:42 am

thanks for pointing out the meaning of "mind" with reference to the great movie "a beautiful mind".
2009-02-03 5:00 am
在「我認爲靈感來自不同的思維衝擊在一起 。」的句子內,靈感大概是指我一個人的,不是很多人的。這樣的話,發問者(和garlic2010)把「思維」譯為ideas是很貼切的。
不過如果不尋常地是指集體的靈感,ideas 仍是「思維」貼切的翻譯,而minds也勉強解得通。

2009-02-03 08:25:08 補充:
借代法(Metonymic Law)--借代是指說話或寫文章時,不直接說出所要表達的人或事物, 而借用與它有密切關係的人或事物來代替的一種修辭方法。拙見認為如果原文用了借代法,翻譯時當然盡量忠於原著。原文沒有用到的,在翻譯時要有必不得己的理由才可用,以免意思偏離得太遠。


2009-02-03 08:39:55 補充:
在「我認爲靈感來自不同的思維衝擊在一起 。」的句子內,靈感大概是指一個人的,不是很多人的。這樣的話,發問者(和garlic2010)把「思維」譯為ideas是很貼切的。
不過如果不尋常地是指集體的靈感,ideas 仍是「思維」貼切的翻譯,而minds也勉強解得通。

2009-02-03 12:56 am
I would put it as:
I consider that inspiration is generated when different forms of ideas are overwhelmed one another.
2009-02-01 10:40 pm
I believe in that inspirations come out from one idea crash against another idea.
This sentence is very chinglish and not correct.
The correct and equally chinglish sentence is
I believe that inspirations come from ideas crashing against one another.

A better translation is as follows:

I believe that inspirations spring from the interaction of different ideas.

2009-02-01 18:27:03 補充:
chrystielam, 很欣賞閣下具專業水平的翻譯技巧及英語能力,參閱閣下的回答使我獲益良多。關於閣下的翻譯例句有一些問題想請教。

1. sets of mind 中的 mind 應是解作見解、思想,還是如電影 A beautiful mind,或諺語 Great minds think alike 中是指人呢﹖

2009-02-01 18:27:45 補充:
2. come across 在例句中作 intransitive verb 是否合適,如我說 Hong Kong is where East and West come across 有問題嗎﹖

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