
2009-02-24 6:42 pm

回答 (1)

2009-02-24 7:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 原文中粗體位置有誤.無可能自己同自己比較.可能係打字0既問題.翻譯時我寫其他對手(its counterparts).你可以按原文意思,自行決定係咪要修改.
2. 翻譯中我以引號標識 "這個名詞" “high-definition digital terrestrial receiver”



Nowadays, “high-definition digital terrestrial receiver” is a widely-known term in Hong Kong . PCCW and Hong Kong Broadband are two local providers of high-definition digital service, with their broadband service bundled with a high-definition digital terrestrial receiver for free or on a monthly-rental contract. In terms of scope of service, Hutchison Global Communications (HGC), compared to its counterparts, is confined to mobile phones, home broadband and home telephones so far, without a step in high-definition digital service. The situation reveals the company’s less diversified product lines and weaker competitiveness.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 22:23:48
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