
2009-02-05 8:10 am





回答 (4)

2009-02-05 10:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. did you just get back from school?
2. how come you didn't go to school yesterday?
3. which school are you studying right now and what grade are you in?

hope it's helpful for you.
2009-02-05 6:17 pm
你是否剛剛放學? Are you off from school just now ?

點解你昨日無番學呀? How come you missed the school yesterday ?

你讀邊間學校和幾年級呀? Which school are you attending and what grade ?
參考: self
2009-02-05 5:10 pm
Hence there are 'formal style' answer given, i'll put some more 'speaking eng' like answer.

要問人你是否剛剛放學? you just off from school?

點解你昨日無番學呀?.. why were u at sch yesterday?

你讀邊間學校和幾年級呀?what school are you in? what year are you?
參考: me
2009-02-05 10:30 am
要問人你是否剛剛放學?Have you just left the school?

點解你昨日無番學呀?Why were you absent yesterday?

你讀邊間學校和幾年級呀?Which school are you from? How about your grade too?

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 16:17:00
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