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”任何事件都發生在剎那之間” in English?
Everything ( in this
world) happens in the blink of an eye在剎那之間.
2009-03-18 22:07:21 補充:
in an instant = 剎那之間 <--------------錯到無仔生
in the blink of an eye <---------- 絕對無錯
翻譯不是 A--B Put your own feelings into the sentences!!!
2009-03-19 15:54:57 補充:
in an instant = 剎那之間 <--------------錯到無仔生<------A bad joke!
I am so sorry!
In an instant <--------Correct too
翻譯不是 A--B Put your own feelings into the sentences!!! ( This is only my opinion.)
2009-03-20 17:03:59 補充:
I have just seen something cool. I would like to copy and past it here.
2009-03-20 17:04:10 補充:
2009-03-20 17:04:46 補充:
2009-03-20 17:05:42 補充:
2009-03-20 17:07:33 補充:
I am an electronics consultant. Trust me! It is extremely hard to find a 100% accurate stopwatch!
2009-03-20 17:08:32 補充:
Please note that I copied and pasted the Chinese sentences from the opinion section.
2009-03-20 17:33:04 補充:
I have just seen something cool. I would like to copy and paste it here.
2009-03-21 09:28:54 補充:
003 should show some native English speakers -> 一剎那者為一念
2009-03-21 09:29:15 補充:
I am sure their eyes would be like @_________________@
2009-03-22 14:42:10 補充:
你係咪癲架?<----About this question, I would like to say something about it.
If a middle-aged lady had two snoopy stickers on her nose, two live struggling chickens
2009-03-22 14:42:17 補充:
( not frozen ones!) under her armpits and spoke like a teletubby,
I would prolly ask her the same question. If the lady were really insane, she would not be able to provide me with a correct answer. O_O
Sometimes we cannot help asking questions. It is all automatic!
2009-03-22 14:51:12 補充:
你係咪癲架?<----To make this question sound less offensive,
you may add some words to it.
For example, 你係咪癲(癲地)架?<----你係咪(有D/DD)癲架?<----or
you may even ask " Are you unlike me?". <--------------------
2009-03-22 14:51:19 補充:
Please note that you will never get a correct answer from you know who!
D (little) DD( little bit= ho little lor)<-------
2009-03-22 14:57:36 補充:
"錯到痴線" comment was copied from one of whatiswhat24's responses <--
Those answerers copied and pasted crazy words from their translator machines. They were so irresponsible and tried to butcher this beautiful language. I still want to say their ANSWERS were 錯到痴線!
2009-03-22 15:24:19 補充:
If a middle-aged lady had two snoopy stickers on her nose, two live struggling chickens <---------------A lady in my example
2009-03-22 15:27:10 補充:
eicacheat's secrets
eleanor_lok( 小學級 5 級 ) 2008-11-25 12:30:23 投票編號 003
annaon94( 小學級 5 級 ) 2008-11-25 12:07:27 投票編號 003
glcarolyn( 小學級 5 級 ) eicachan( 碩士級 2 級 )
2009-03-22 15:27:33 補充:
she won after cheating)
2009-03-22 15:29:04 補充:
That lady is not a funny person! Jklo911, she is a a big cheat on Yahoo!
2009-03-22 15:30:57 補充:
How do we call someone who cheats, talks nonsense and gives out meaningless information in English?
2009-03-22 15:32:59 補充:
You may always check out her profile. I am sure you will find more evidence if her profile is OPEN for public.
2009-03-22 15:39:38 補充:
sam.hui28( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-21 06:52:30 投票編號 005
deedillon17( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-21 16:57:12 投票編號 005
chauchiuman( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-22 09:56:01 投票編號 005
I am still looking at these with my eyes @_____@ at the moment!
2009-03-22 15:40:15 補充:
5005 5005 5005 Very nice numbers!
2009-03-22 15:45:08 補充:
Is there something called "IP addresses" in English? I think Yahoo will let me know soon!
2009-03-23 17:02:12 補充:
Towhomitmayconcern, I think your comments are all awesome. I mean it.
2009-03-23 17:03:37 補充:
絕對無錯 comments la
2009-03-23 17:04:32 補充:
By the way, where is my friend Jklo911?
2009-03-26 00:37:25 補充:
2009-03-26 00:38:13 補充:
Thank you all for voting!!!