”任何事件都發生在剎那之間” in English?

2009-03-16 8:22 am
"任何事件都發生在剎那之間" in English?

回答 (9)

2009-03-16 9:02 am
✔ 最佳答案

”任何事件都發生在剎那之間” in English?

Everything ( in this
world) happens in the blink of an eye在剎那之間.


2009-03-18 22:07:21 補充:
in an instant = 剎那之間 <--------------錯到無仔生

in the blink of an eye <---------- 絕對無錯

翻譯不是 A--B Put your own feelings into the sentences!!!

2009-03-19 15:54:57 補充:
in an instant = 剎那之間 <--------------錯到無仔生<------A bad joke!

I am so sorry!

In an instant <--------Correct too

翻譯不是 A--B Put your own feelings into the sentences!!! ( This is only my opinion.)

2009-03-20 17:03:59 補充:
I have just seen something cool. I would like to copy and past it here.

2009-03-20 17:04:10 補充:

2009-03-20 17:04:46 補充:

2009-03-20 17:05:42 補充:

2009-03-20 17:07:33 補充:
I am an electronics consultant. Trust me! It is extremely hard to find a 100% accurate stopwatch!

2009-03-20 17:08:32 補充:
Please note that I copied and pasted the Chinese sentences from the opinion section.

2009-03-20 17:33:04 補充:
I have just seen something cool. I would like to copy and paste it here.

2009-03-21 09:28:54 補充:
003 should show some native English speakers -> 一剎那者為一念

2009-03-21 09:29:15 補充:
I am sure their eyes would be like @_________________@

2009-03-22 14:42:10 補充:
你係咪癲架?<----About this question, I would like to say something about it.

If a middle-aged lady had two snoopy stickers on her nose, two live struggling chickens

2009-03-22 14:42:17 補充:
( not frozen ones!) under her armpits and spoke like a teletubby,
I would prolly ask her the same question. If the lady were really insane, she would not be able to provide me with a correct answer. O_O

Sometimes we cannot help asking questions. It is all automatic!

2009-03-22 14:51:12 補充:
你係咪癲架?<----To make this question sound less offensive,
you may add some words to it.

For example, 你係咪癲(癲地)架?<----你係咪(有D/DD)癲架?<----or
you may even ask " Are you unlike me?". <--------------------

2009-03-22 14:51:19 補充:
Please note that you will never get a correct answer from you know who!

D (little) DD( little bit= ho little lor)<-------


2009-03-22 14:57:36 補充:
"錯到痴線" comment was copied from one of whatiswhat24's responses <--

Those answerers copied and pasted crazy words from their translator machines. They were so irresponsible and tried to butcher this beautiful language. I still want to say their ANSWERS were 錯到痴線!

2009-03-22 15:24:19 補充:
If a middle-aged lady had two snoopy stickers on her nose, two live struggling chickens <---------------A lady in my example

2009-03-22 15:27:10 補充:
eicacheat's secrets

eleanor_lok( 小學級 5 級 ) 2008-11-25 12:30:23 投票編號 003
annaon94( 小學級 5 級 ) 2008-11-25 12:07:27 投票編號 003
glcarolyn( 小學級 5 級 ) eicachan( 碩士級 2 級 )

2009-03-22 15:27:33 補充:
she won after cheating)

2009-03-22 15:29:04 補充:
That lady is not a funny person! Jklo911, she is a a big cheat on Yahoo!

2009-03-22 15:30:57 補充:
How do we call someone who cheats, talks nonsense and gives out meaningless information in English?

2009-03-22 15:32:59 補充:
You may always check out her profile. I am sure you will find more evidence if her profile is OPEN for public.

2009-03-22 15:39:38 補充:
sam.hui28( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-21 06:52:30 投票編號 005

deedillon17( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-21 16:57:12 投票編號 005

chauchiuman( 小學級 5 級 ) 2009-03-22 09:56:01 投票編號 005


I am still looking at these with my eyes @_____@ at the moment!

2009-03-22 15:40:15 補充:
5005 5005 5005 Very nice numbers!

2009-03-22 15:45:08 補充:
Is there something called "IP addresses" in English? I think Yahoo will let me know soon!

2009-03-23 17:02:12 補充:
Towhomitmayconcern, I think your comments are all awesome. I mean it.

2009-03-23 17:03:37 補充:
絕對無錯 comments la

2009-03-23 17:04:32 補充:
By the way, where is my friend Jklo911?

2009-03-26 00:37:25 補充:

2009-03-26 00:38:13 補充:
Thank you all for voting!!!
2009-06-25 5:51 pm
Thank you
2009-03-22 9:27 pm
唏!唏!唏!請 jkio911不要本末倒置!

People are pretty defensive here – 這是閣下提交意見的開場白。任何人(至少本人)都可以聽出那弦外之音。

現在閣下提出 - No offense but I think chrystielam can use some ice about now. –怎麼chrystielam會突然成為了始作俑者?

2009-03-22 13:44:07 補充:
至於閣下指in the blink of an eye = 眨眼之間 <---錯到痴線 – 這是清清楚楚的comment,並非如閣下所云,只是: a bad joke。

閣下旣然已經提出 "錯到痴線" 這個論點,那就請閣下坦然接受別人的批評或讚賞!別人有否需要 "so worked up about it",應該不須閣下指點!

2009-03-22 14:04:32 補充:
最後,no offense,please allow me to leave a piece of advice here:

Do think twice before criticizing others next time!

Sometimes commonly abused words like "peace" cannot be used to justify any intended misdeeds nor harm done!
2009-03-21 9:05 pm
若認為查字典麻煩, 請至少用 google search 一次 in the blink of an eye.

2009-03-21 13:07:34 補充:
查字典, 想可靠一些, 建議用 cambridge, oxford, longman 等 "英英" 字典.

2009-03-21 13:09:36 補充:

i don't think we have to get personal and we all know very well who's doing what right here.
2009-03-21 8:15 am
eicachan你係咪癲架? -_-
2009-03-20 4:45 pm


2009-03-20 08:59:12 補充:
字面上in the blink of an eye 是一瞬,不是剎那。
Yahoo字典instant 的中文解釋是立即的,即刻的,頃刻,一剎那...。以剎那是0.018秒來計算,是較接近立即和即刻的意思。這樣看來翻譯在剎那之間為 in an instant 可能較貼切一些。
2009-03-20 3:12 am
任何事件都發生在剎那之間" in English?


Everthing is happen in a sudden
參考: think
2009-03-18 10:08 pm
People are pretty defensive here, so I'll just post a comment to show that I'm not doing this for any other reason other than to help people. You can have the points and credit.

任何事件都發生在剎那之間 = Anything can happen in an instant

in an instant = 剎那之間

in the blink of an eye = 眨眼之間

2009-03-18 14:08:29 補充:
任何事件都發生在剎那之間 =

Anything can happen in an instant

in an instant = 剎那之間

in the blink of an eye = 眨眼之間 <---錯到痴線

2009-03-22 06:34:40 補充:
No offense but I think chrystielam can use some ice about now. Both "in an instant" and "in the blink of an eye" can be used interchangeably. The "錯到痴線" comment was a bad joke. There's no need for everyone to be so worked up about it. ~ Peace ~

2009-03-22 06:40:10 補充:
I also read something worth copy and pasting here recently:
"其實在討論的同時,很應該給予別人一份尊重, 否則討論便沒有意義了"
Let us not forget why we are here, unpaid and on our own time. The commitment everyone has in helping others is worth celebrating, not trashing.

2009-03-22 14:32:31 補充:
Thanks for the advice. As for your lopsided comments, you can keep them. The "錯到痴線" comment was copied from one of whatiswhat24's responses to another user. So using it back on him was a joke indeed. I hope you're not trying to fan the flame because...

2009-03-22 14:45:04 補充:
...you still hold a grudge from my responses to your critic. http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7009021801116
I don't agree with everything your critic said and certainly didn't like his tone. But some of his comments are valid and should be acknowledged...

2009-03-22 14:48:02 補充:
whatiswhat24: Hmm...to me, eicachan's comments are hilarious and entertaining. I won't bash anyone who show such humor as being 癲架...that's quite an offense statement. That's why I suggested some ice for her to chill out...not as an offense...only some friendly advice.

2009-03-22 14:48:55 補充:
offensive statement I meant...

2009-03-22 15:06:52 補充:
Everyone here is donating time to help others so we have a lot in common. I don't see a need for this senseless brawl. I'm willing to let bygone be bygone. But constructive criticism is always welcome. "出夜街的人doesn't mean night owls" is the perfect example.

2009-03-22 15:16:33 補充:
該人不會在回答欄回答...﹖That was the intention but things took an unexpected turn. I can spend the next few postings giving my reasons but I won't bother. Draw you own conclusions if you will. If you have something constructive to say, then I'm all ears.

2009-03-22 15:21:00 補充:
whatiswhat24 said: "Please note that you will never get a correct answer from you know who!" I'm pretty "new" to this site so please enlighten me...who are you talking about?

2009-03-22 15:44:55 補充:
Good info, thanks. My intention in coming here is to satisfy my desire to share my knowledge with others. I'm sure our paths will cross again in the near future, in a good way of course. Until then, keep up your great work in servicing this community! ~ Cheers ~

2009-03-22 15:57:16 補充:
Yes, "IP address" = Internet Protocol Address.
參考: 知少少扮代表.
2009-03-16 8:53 pm
Anything could happened within a flash of time.
參考: own

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