中譯英......”公開展示並僅作參考” ..點譯..急

2009-02-02 7:10 am
想問下......"公開展示並僅作參考" 英文係咩?

可否用"... is shown to the public for reference"


回答 (4)

2009-02-03 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
".......is/are publicly displayed for your easy reference."

2009-02-03 11:15:42 補充:
is/are publicly displayed - 作公開地展示
for your easy reference - 僅作參考

shown - 陳列/展出/顯示/演出/放映

is shown to the public - public 於此作名詞 (公眾/民衆)
此句會譯做"向公衆/民眾作展出", 與"公開展示"於文義上有少許差別。
2009-02-02 8:20 pm
公開展示並僅作參考 -
1) This is publicize and for reference only. or
2) The display is open to the public and for reference only.
比 "this is showing to the public for reference" 好.

參考: Own
2009-02-02 9:49 am
....is displayed for the public's reference.

展覽的"展示",用"display"比較合適. "public"需要跟"the"才能有"公眾"的意思.
2009-02-02 7:46 am
...is shown to the public for reference only - correct


public前用the, but reference前 no the.

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