這是否passive voice還是另一些grammer?

2009-02-14 11:20 pm
His family was possessed of a large fortune.
這句的was possessed 係passive voice還是另一些grammer?

回答 (4)

2009-02-15 11:13 am
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His family was possessed of a large fortune

was係輔助動詞(helping verb), possessed係形容詞(adjective), 與 “of”使用係形容詞配搭,即係解 “擁有” (having/possessing),係英語裡面非常常見0既用法,同鬼無乜關係喎... -_-

於是,原句並無任何passive voice成份,純粹個adjective係past participle形式咁架0者.其實英文裡面有好多近似0既例子,都係以past participle作adjective使用,而無passive voice意思:

e.g.1. I am worried about my children. (唔係 “被擔憂”,係 “擔憂”佢0既孩子.)
e.g.2. Mr. Fong was so much disappointed at the moment that he could not even speak a word. (唔係 “被失望”,而係 “感到失望”)

呢種結構經常被誤會係passive voice,自己要小心,查字典就一定無事.
1. 注意adjective前方0既動詞,係視乎時式改變.
2. 正確串法係GRAMMAR呀.

2009-02-15 03:22:55 補充:
參考網頁: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/possessed (留意形容詞一項)
2009-02-21 7:02 pm
不要總以為有 "-ed" 就一定是 "過去式" 或 "被動式動詞", 很多情況下, 只是形容詞.


2009-02-21 11:03:39 補充:
adjective FORMAL

be possessed of sth =

to own something or "have something as a quality:

He was possessed of a large fortune, but sadly no brains to speak of.

2009-02-15 8:06 am
No, not passive voice.

"Was" is the main verb.
"Possessed" is an adjective.
"Possessed of" is an idiom. It means "having", "in possession of".

The structure of this sentence is similar to:
His family was interested in making money.
2009-02-15 12:09 am
首先﹐唔知你係邊度找到這句子﹐因為這句子唔 make sense. 其實是否想話﹕


His family was in possession of a large fortune. (如果要用 "of"﹐就要寫 "in possession of")


His family possessed a large fortune.

基本上﹐was possessed 一般解作 “被鬼上身”(e.g. He was possessed by an evil spirit - 這是 passive voice)﹐至於 possess 一般只用 active voice. (e.g. The country possesses rich mineral deposits.
參考: professional interpreter

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