Linda R

Lv 7
回覆: 11
2017-03-03 6:13 am
how to get your parents to let you wear makeup?
回覆: 140
2017-03-01 4:51 am
IS THE GOD OF ISLAM the same AS THE CHRISTIAN GOD. or very different?
回覆: 5
2017-02-04 2:21 am
how do i get my baby daddy to come up with the idea to start a GoFundMe to pay off the $100K+ he owes me in back child support?
回覆: 238
2017-02-07 4:57 am
SHOULD DONALD TRUMP increase or decrease minimum wage?
回覆: 284
2017-02-01 7:11 am
Why bother deporting illegal immigrants? Why not just tell them that they either leave or they go to work camps?
回覆: 43
2017-01-17 10:29 am
do you think it's reasonable for your parents to not allow you to sleep in the same bed as your boyfriend even though you're a legal adult?
回覆: 5
2016-08-18 7:51 pm
Why do young child struggle in daily routines?
回覆: 143
2016-12-20 5:03 am
DO YOU FEEL LONDON should become an INDEPENDENT Country?
回覆: 14
2016-12-13 7:14 am
I can't live in my parents house anymore!! I am 19 and I don't have any money but I need to get out! Help me out please? What should I do?
回覆: 111
2016-12-09 3:39 pm
Why isn't everyone a feminist? And if you aren't personally, then why?
回覆: 13
2016-11-30 7:30 pm
If the requirement to rent an apartment is 3x the rent, and the person comes short, but have a good savings account, can that person rent it?
回覆: 32
2016-11-26 6:14 pm
I have a neighbor that has dog poops in her yard. She has pooped in our yard. What is the best way to deal with it?
回覆: 21
2016-11-21 10:37 pm
Do people in the south and south west decorate their houses around christmas time?
回覆: 8
2016-11-23 10:14 pm
What are some common unisex names?
回覆: 18
2016-11-08 9:07 pm
Do you think kids and teens should be allowed to vote?
回覆: 117
2016-11-05 4:01 am
What do you think is the right age for girls to start wearing makeup?
回覆: 10
2016-11-03 8:34 am
World History Should Be Forced In Schools.?
回覆: 53
2016-11-04 2:44 am
Can the mind (conscience) survive after death?
回覆: 86
2016-10-30 7:03 pm
ARE YOU OK with GOVERNMENT MONITORING ALL your phone calls and sending to POLICE?
回覆: 9
2016-10-28 7:20 pm
Which is an easier major; English or political science?
回覆: 745
2016-10-27 5:29 pm
Do you support abortion or no?
回覆: 193
2016-10-22 8:25 pm
Do you believe in love at first sight?
回覆: 25
2016-10-19 8:56 pm
Why can't humans cultures and countries get on together?
回覆: 40
2016-10-18 5:40 pm
why are there so many college graduates unemployed or doing minimum wage jobs?
回覆: 204
2016-10-11 8:53 pm
A couple (who I used to think were Christians) is putting up Halloween decorations at their house. What would you do in my situation?
回覆: 5
2016-10-12 5:23 am
Do people still celebrate Halloween? I haven't seen any houses decorated all halloween stuff is way over stocked.?
回覆: 724
2016-10-04 2:50 pm
If you were to die what would your last words be?
回覆: 10
2016-09-30 2:18 am
Is community college a good option for me?
回覆: 18
2016-09-28 4:00 am
Theres a moth in my room and I cant seem to sleep. How do I get rid of it and do they hurt you?
回覆: 14
2016-09-23 7:04 pm
Do You Know when You Changed The AC or Furnace Filter?
回覆: 13
2016-09-24 1:05 pm
Can I not have car insurance while out of the country/not driving any cars?
回覆: 21
2016-09-16 4:40 pm
my parents made me break up with my girlfriend because of her political views?
回覆: 36
2016-09-16 8:35 am
Do you believe Obama will suspend the election and declare martial law?
回覆: 10
2016-09-18 1:20 pm
Paying a mortgage at 20 please help?
回覆: 6
2016-09-15 10:16 pm
Will I get my permit on the spot if I pass my driver's permit written test?
回覆: 10
2016-09-03 7:44 am
The man I'm having an affair with who happens to be my ex is jealous of my husband why?
回覆: 41
2016-08-31 3:33 pm
Im a woman and not into cosmetic. Is it normal?
回覆: 6
2016-08-30 11:41 pm
Can I smoke in a specific way so I won't smell at all?
回覆: 7
2016-08-30 8:06 pm
Paying Utility Bills From Business Account?
回覆: 14
2016-08-28 1:46 am
can the IRS call you because you owe them money?
回覆: 17
2016-08-28 3:55 pm
is, the hardest solution, always the best?
回覆: 14
2016-08-20 6:01 am
there is this restaurant that is bad(their food) but people go there anyways, how to convince people they should eat at a better place?
回覆: 67
2016-08-14 8:26 pm
do you eat AT OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE, CHILLI'S, olive garden. DOES THE FOOD SEEM very heavy and greasy?
回覆: 39
2016-08-19 1:14 am
How often do you change your socks?
回覆: 329
2016-08-11 5:21 am
My white brother is dating a black girl, what do I do?
回覆: 11
2016-08-10 3:25 pm
Is their any laws on pepper spray and taser ?
回覆: 7
2016-07-23 11:07 pm
Pros and cons of going vegan or vegetarian?
回覆: 75
2016-07-29 2:14 am
How many genders are there?
回覆: 75
2016-07-18 3:08 pm
Now that I'm the Boss at Work, will it be more effective managership if I'm Not Nice to my subordinates?
回覆: 8
2016-07-14 2:55 am
I found a 20 at the bank I took it?
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