Why bother deporting illegal immigrants? Why not just tell them that they either leave or they go to work camps?

2017-02-01 7:11 am
I think it would be great to get some work out of these lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs.

回答 (284)

2017-02-01 6:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How exactly does the sentence "LAZY Mexicans stealing our JOBS" make sense?
2017-02-02 9:20 pm
If they are "lazy" what would they want with "stolen" jobs?
So they are stealing jobs but not working when they get to work?? Help me out here, I don't read retard very well.
2017-02-01 2:38 pm
You just contradicted yourself. Mexicans are "lazy", yet they're "stealing our jobs".
2017-02-01 8:23 am
I'm sorry for your grand mother, but the truth is rape had nothing to do with the fact that they were Mexican, think about the whites and the rapes they do. The white boy who raped a passed out women and got 90 days. They did not label all white men racist. Don't listen to trump, be intelligent.
2017-02-02 3:52 pm
That's funny. The only people I see begging for money on the street is WHITE PEOPLE. When have you seen a mexican? That's right. Because we're out stealing YOUR JOBS. Why?
Bilingual *****
2017-02-02 12:25 am
Do you really want those kinds of jobs?
2017-02-01 7:19 am
I am as "anti illegal immigrant" as the next guy, but when you wrote "lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs" you really sounded rather, ...well...stupid! That is of course unless you have a job that only lazy people would want to do................
2017-02-02 6:00 am
Senseless question.
2017-02-01 11:47 pm
I know a lazy Mexican who works 80 hours a week ...
2017-02-01 12:28 pm
Who goona pick your tomatoes for your double cheese job
2017-02-03 10:59 am
Ahh, the Labor Camps...brings back good memories. Mein Fuhrer would be proud of you.
2017-02-01 1:12 pm
Why place them in work camps here when they're already taking jobs from us......
They can GO HOME and work.
2017-02-02 8:21 am
Nazi used to put Jewish people in work camp, does it sound a good idea to you?
2017-02-01 9:18 pm
Good one, Pig. How about all the lazy Americans sucking off the public teat on welfare. You should study up on that before you show your ignorance. Most Mexicans come here for a better life and work. Most "illegal immigrants" are not from Mexico. Ask any Native American, and he might tell you we ALL are illegal immigrants. Peace.
2017-02-02 12:39 am
You are a dumb *** mofo that indigestion sucking their own dick and now ask dumbass questions.
2017-02-01 4:48 pm
Because we are native to America.
2017-02-01 7:15 am
that's actually been the "progressive" philosophy in places like California for decades...
2017-02-01 5:42 pm
Somebody has to do the work. Trumpees think hard work is walking to the all-you-can eat buffet instead of riding their electric too-fat cart.
2017-02-01 1:54 pm
"get some work out of these lazy mexicans stealing our jobs"...? Get work out of people already working?
2017-02-02 9:00 am
2017-02-03 2:03 am
They better leave quick or we're going to start killing them
2017-02-02 12:19 pm
"lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs."
If they are lazy, how are they stealing your jobs?
2017-02-01 10:34 am
Trump sure made you dumber lol. Well I recommend you to go with a Mexican im talking the real Mexican guy who came as wet backs from mexico. Go with him and go work at his job and you will find out how lazy mexicans are. Just go see for yourself just don't chicken out buddy
2017-02-02 10:20 pm
They're lazy, yet they steal jobs? LOL.
2017-02-02 2:38 am
I have yet to meet a lazy immigrant. They are all hard workers. So many Americans hate immigrant workers because they take less money for doing the same job. Americans are spoiled. I am almost 65, so I think I know what lazy is! I am a 2nd generation American from Irish, German, Russian Grandparents.
2017-02-01 11:06 pm
This is offensive to Hispanics. I stand with Trump.
I find no reason to assume Hispanics are lazy. It is obvious you have never tried to keep up with a Hispanic person working a job.
2017-02-01 8:50 pm
They simply go home & wait their turn.

Look, their home nations, if ANYWHERE in North or South America are not nearly as bad as places in Africa, Asia and the mid east. And even parts of Europe where people are "white" (that evil word)

We don't need them here and they don't need to be here.

If we're going to bring anyone here, it should be LEGALLY and it must begin with those who benefit the nation most.

At the moment those are in India, China and other parts of Asia, as well as advanced countries in Europe...wherever the highest performers are.

People in their less advantaged nations must either accept birth control and reduce birth rates so they can build an economy or they're just gonna suffer.

2017-02-01 9:18 am
Yeah, deporting illegal immigrants is a pretty stupid idea. What's even more stupid is complaining that you don't want them to have "our jobs" but you want them to go to a "work camp". Please try making sense.
2017-02-02 1:52 am
What an idiot. So lazy and stealing jobs makes sense exactly how?
2017-02-01 8:28 pm
Trolling again? Don't you have any work to do?
2017-02-01 11:28 am
Why don't you go pick strawberries, apples, brusselsprouts, lettuce, garlic, citrus, or do you want all those crops to go to other countries that have only cheap labor? See how much food comes from the tech industry and how good a new iPhone tastes.
2017-02-01 10:06 am
So, a lazy Mexican stole your job and you want to send him to a work camp. Did you even read the nonsense you posted?
2017-02-01 9:33 am
Mexicans aren't lazy they are some of the hardest people what are you talking about
2017-02-01 7:43 am
They are very hard working. Pretty sure those " lazy mexicans " are out working right now while you ask questions on yahoo.
2017-02-02 2:11 am
So you want a job working in the fields?
2017-02-03 8:41 am
because 1.) We have a Constitution, and 2.) Most of the country is not filled with evilhearted scumbags like you. And don't worry, your job cleaning toilets at the 7-Eleven is not in jeopardy by Mexicans.
2017-02-03 2:01 am
If these Mexicans are so "lazy" then you don't have to worry about them "stealing" jobs. Lazy people don't apply for jobs they just file for unemployment and register for EBT (food stamps). By the way, the fact that you are automatically assuming that these jobs are "yours" shows you have a disgusting sense of unrealistic entitlement. That is your problem, not the so called "lazy" Mexicans.
2017-02-02 8:52 am
I love that you said "lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs." It seems like you are complaining about immigrants for other reasons because you can't simultaneously say Mexicans are lazy when they are "stealing our jobs". If they were lazy they wouldn't be "stealing our jobs." What makes them our jobs anyway? We are all human beings in need of safety and support so they are just doing what they can to improve the life of their family. I think it is quite noble since they know there are so many people in the U.S. that don't care about their lives because they are hispanic. They can't win! I wish all immigrants the best!!
2017-02-01 7:50 pm
They work a lot harder than us and they do a lot for their families
2017-02-01 12:49 pm
Well. 1st of all immigrants are only taking the jobs that nobody else wants to do. 2nd can u tell me who will do this work if they all get deported. And why to attack all immigrants? Why not just to take over those who have committed felonies? Yeah im pretty sure theres many other ways to solve the immigration problem.
2017-02-01 7:59 am
So you basically want to enslave anyone who can't go back to his country (such as gangs, an oppressive, regime, etc..).

Your jobs bill, would basically be prison guards and secret police men, while you'd have a policy of undermining free labor with slave labor.

So we'd be subsidizing industries to use this slave labor force (such labor rarely turns a profit.)

This is why you get called a fascist.
2017-02-01 5:50 pm
What do you mean deport? Why not just give them the gas chamber?
2017-02-03 4:10 am
How can a lazy person steal a job ? Me thinks U R an idiot .
2017-02-03 3:46 am
They are lazy but are "stealing jobs" ? Why are you upset about illegal immigrants taking maid and landscaping jobs? They are working just like everybody else.
2017-02-02 1:11 pm
Yes those lazy Mexicans! Picking fruits and vegetables for us! Becoming doctors, working in labor unions, becoming judges, teaching our children, building our homes! Risking their ******* LIVES SO THEIR CHILDREN CAN GET ******* JOBS AND BE ******* HAPPY LIKE YOU AND ME. Oops sorry, it's just that I don't like it when people judge an entire group without any evidence. Just like you wouldn't like it if I called all white people racist and rude, or Christians gullible idiots, men lustful rapists, etc, etc. Simply put if the veggies and fruits you're eating were grown in the US there's a pretty big chance that a "lazy Mexican" picked it.

Did you also know that these "lazy Mexicans" often died from dehydration while working in the fields? Thankfully though we have people like my father who is also a "lazy Mexican" working for better working conditions for these farm workers. (He was often gone on business and works extremely hard for me, my family and those who need a voice)
2017-02-02 1:06 am
Such camps are illegal.
2017-02-02 12:47 am
Your comment is rascist. Watch your words!
2017-02-01 5:54 pm
Actually this is all you have to do. Deny work. They will go back
2017-02-01 1:52 pm
How long before 'work camps' become 'concentration camps' where death awaits them?

2017-02-01 11:54 am
So sad you can only do the job of an illegal Mexican.
That is a ******* joke. Read this article about American farmers trying to hire Americans to pick produce in their fields. Hardly any are interested in the work and those that start quit almost immediately. Grow up. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/05/us/farmers-strain-to-hire-american-workers-in-place-of-migrant-labor.html

Oh - this article is even better! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/05/15/north-carolina-needed-6500-farm-workers-only-7-americans-stuck-it-out/?utm_term=.ea40865e4cb9
2017-02-01 11:23 am
Well, Starbucks is hiring immigrants #DrinkStarbucks
2017-02-01 7:17 am
America is not a slave society, whether you like it or not. Sounds like we need o deport YOU.
2017-02-02 10:36 pm
So you want them to steal all our work camp jobs now???
Well OK, but first they have to build the work camps. But not till after they finish building that wall.
2017-02-02 1:51 am
We should deport you for being so ******* stupid! How do you contradict yourself in one sentence? We are lazy, yet taking all your jobs? Ok, so you really want to work in landscaping, janitorial, house cleaning, flipping burger kind of jobs?
2017-02-01 11:45 pm
Thats the right thing to do.
2017-02-02 1:25 am
It's true they are stealing jobs from low skill Americans naturally born here. Plus creates class war. So enough Mexicans from Mexico we already have plenty. Build the ******* wall.
2017-02-01 8:49 pm
You don't know how immigrants have a disrespect for our country until you live near them like I do.
Deport them..they are ruining our country
2017-02-01 11:49 am
Not a bad Idea. Might get some free lettuce picking goin on.
2017-02-05 4:54 am
Stealing jobs? LMAO. Would you like to work in the fields harvesting spinach, tomatoes

I visited one of the huge veggie farms in California and saw not one white dude among the workers. Of course you didn't know that.
2017-02-03 1:27 pm
Because most people don't want to have primary sector jobs(agriculture,mining,forestry,fishing) so people from countries that don't have much job openings go to countries and usually take the jobs nobody wants. Most people in developed countries aim for tertiary sector jobs(jobs related to education, government, law,etc.). The US is a developed country so there's a lot of job opportunities available. Foreigners come to get those jobs as there are less jobs available in their country.
2017-02-03 11:18 am
Most mexicans do the work americans are way too lazy too. They work their *** off for little pay and terrible conditions, which most americans would never do. Mexicans aren't the issue, greedy companies and employers are.
2017-02-03 5:32 am
What work camps? That's just another form of taking care of them.
Although this is just wishful thinking I say leave or face summary execution. Quick, clean, and simple, until a democrat gets a hold of it.
2017-02-03 4:56 am
If Mexicans go away lazy people wont have an excuse for well fare
2017-02-03 2:42 am
the whole thing is sad ........ nobody wins
2017-02-02 10:36 pm
silly immature post.
sillier answers from some
2017-02-02 2:58 pm
Someone like you should line up and go to a work camp yourself.
2017-02-02 2:09 pm
lmao what jobs are they taking from you?
2017-02-02 1:01 pm
Those who ignore History are doomed to repeat it and all its injustices.
2017-02-02 12:23 pm
By saying "I think it would be great to get some work out of these lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs. Your saying that you work in the fields because the last time I checked the majority of field workers are Mexican. Do you work in the fields because thats the kind of jobs they taking the ones nobody wants!! @pig
2017-02-02 12:14 pm
I heard mexicans are the hardest working country in 2016 so **** the **** up retard
2017-02-02 11:36 am
Do you actually have a job? If not, I suggest you learn Spanish, go to Mexico and take a job off a Mexican.
2017-02-02 10:57 am
I'm not going to say they are lazy, but they are driving down wages. I'm okay with them getting citizenship, but do it the right and legal way. If you aren't a citizen, don't pay taxes and contribute or take care of yourself, or have felonies....then we don't need people like that in our country. That's not just Mexicans, it is everyone who comes here wanting a free ride or get money the illegal way.
2017-02-02 8:17 am
Mexicans would not be "aliens" if we annexed Mexico. They want to be a part of US anyway, obviously. And Catholics are Christians also. They eat pork and we already know they fit into our country. Let's have an immigrant pork test!
2017-02-02 1:33 am
You can't send someone to a work camp. And they're not lazy. We just have to have legal immigration instead of illegal immigration, like all the rest of the countries do. The left has it soooo overblown.
2017-02-02 1:32 am
Deporting them makes you look nicer before the public
2017-02-02 12:49 am
Can you actually understand what you wrote? Lazy and working are contradictions of terms. But they need to be legal or leave.
2017-02-01 8:34 pm
2017-02-01 7:39 pm
I think, if Mexicans are 'stealing jobs' then they are already working. And how can a lazy person somehow steal your job if they're lazy? Honestly, i think that you need to stop complaining about the Mexicans. You are all lazily sitting in the couch, watching football, and not even applying for those jobs and whining how the Mexicans stole YOUR job because you think every job in America is yours. You act like you're so entitled and if anyone actually works hard to get what they have, you get butthurt and ask the most unnecessary, stupid questions on Yahoo.

Maybe to get that job you want so bad, you can stop trolling on Yahoo answers, turn off your computer, and get your *** off the couch just like the rest of the Mexicans
2017-02-01 1:23 pm
Did you write this as a Troll -- to be funny?

It makes almost no sense to write: "I think it would be great to get some work out of these lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs."

If they're really stealing our jobs, aren't they already working?

= democratic socialist for common sense
2017-02-01 12:23 pm
How are mexicans lazy. I live in Texas I've been here a few months. Though I'm from up north. And they are the hardest workers and very smart at saving money. Yeah in every stereotype u have the few who fit. But I also grew up near lots of Mexican families when I lived in VA when iwas young, for a while. Nothing lazy about them. No one wakes up asking to be the ethnicity or race they are
2017-02-01 7:24 am
I agree. Your jobs, to be specific. Go get your food stamps, lazy.
2017-02-01 7:16 am
They can build a wall even, maybe that's what Trump meant by the Mexicans paying for it
2017-02-03 5:21 am
I know right. we should just kill them or use them as personal slaves. They're only good for vaccuming, lawnmower. or having inbread greasy illegals! Hopefully Trump will rid us of them soon!
2017-02-03 3:06 am
The Mexicans here don't own big businesses like Hotels, clothing stores, food stores, brands like Starbucks and Cocoa Cola. They work as waitresses, sales assistant, fruit pickers, cleaners, farming and other low paid and low skilled jobs.

I personally feel that America should have stronger borders firstly and they have a right (and they should) deport any illegals, they should also give these type of low skilled jobs to the unemployed Americans first before they give it to migrants. But most Americans wouldn't really want to do jobs like that (although I think unemployed people should be forced too).
2017-02-02 8:46 am
They should deport the illegal immigrants because they did not work hard they took the shortcuts and took all of our jobs .The one thing I don't get is when us people go into their country we need a visa and if not you are either arrested or deported I feel they should the same in the us
2017-02-02 9:58 am
make them build the wall
2017-02-01 11:03 pm
It is best to just deport them.
2017-02-01 11:19 am
They do shitwork. You shoot them. Read history!
2017-02-01 9:50 am
**** them all
2017-02-01 7:33 am
Because they are criminals
2017-02-01 7:13 am
I'd rather they just go home.
2017-02-01 2:22 pm
Don't no
2017-02-01 3:40 pm
Once they are Gone you Tax payers dont need to waste Food and Resources on them
2017-02-01 7:21 am
My grandmother experienced rape at the hands of a pack of feral mexicans. Trump was right, they are rapists.
2017-02-02 4:46 am
We should just kill them on the spot.
2017-04-18 11:13 am
idk dude trump is our president
2017-03-30 7:33 am
what do you mean deport? well, why not just give them the gas chamber?
2017-03-17 4:48 am
one suggestion in the senate to deal with illegal immigrants is to make it hard for them to even exist here...
hiring and illegal results in a hefty fine, renting or selling a home to illegals results in a fine... selling any form of transportation would be illegal... harboring illegals always has been a serious crime, it just gets enforced...
closing loopholes in welfare,healthcare, housing, and other such programs intended for americans requiring confirmation of identity and naturalization... commiting any crime results in doing hard time...
the illegals either assimilate and apply for citizenship like immigration laws require or it becomes pointless to stay as an illegal...
the money saved in not supporting illegals and saving the cost of deportation, would save americans a staggering amount of money...
america is not about slave labor, that practice ended numerous decades ago...
civil rights groups shall have a hissyfit, to bad, deal with it...
political correctness is coming to an end...
2017-02-27 8:41 pm
put them in work camps to earn their keep, then rent them out as cheap day laborers...
2017-02-25 6:39 pm
"lazy mexicans stealing our jobs..."
if they are lazy, how are they stealing your jobs?
2017-02-12 3:32 am
You must kick them out, otherwise immigrants will kick you out.
2017-02-06 10:20 pm
fine anyone hiring them $100,000
2017-02-06 11:54 am
Or how about anyone who disagree's with Trump??? You really want to take that road??? Hitler tried it, how was that for the world??
2017-02-06 5:20 am
There'd be no jobs to steal if lazy Americans quit sitting around on the internet like you're doing.
So get back to work, ya bum. Before a Mexican gets your job, too.
Then we'll have to learn Spanish just to know what whoever replaces you is whining about...
2017-02-06 2:03 am
It has nothing to do with them stealing jobs. They don't work legally. Most of them work in lousy jobs getting paid under the table anyway. Would you want to take their place? The only legitimate reason for deporting them would be because they contribute to the crime problem. Many of them steal identities, become prostitutes, etc because it's the only means they have to support themselves.
2017-02-05 10:51 pm
It may be a good idea to first stop them working for a week during which all of their jobs could be made available to unemployed American citizens who believe as you do.
2017-02-05 5:39 pm
We are a country of laws. We should enforce the laws and deport them. No work camps.
2017-02-05 4:15 pm
These people much better depart fast or even we will begin eliminating all of them.
2017-02-05 6:40 am
Because how would you do that? Think about it, it's like going door to door knocking to find an immigrant doing what you want them to do. It's like hitting a poor puppy in the face really hard until it does what you want it to do. Not fun. Not cool.
2017-02-05 4:41 am
Got to love America: even idiots who spew idiotic statements are protected by the First Amendment.
2017-02-05 4:08 am

2017-02-05 3:59 am
Great troll question. Try again.
2017-02-05 2:51 am
Thanks to field workers we all have fresh fruit and vegetables on our tables and they don't steal jobs they do most jobs that the other people don't want to do
2017-02-05 12:16 am
lazy mexicans steeling your job? you must not be very good at what ever you do !!!
2017-02-04 4:27 pm
Illegal immigrants should be bbqed alive
2017-02-04 2:47 pm
Who are wrong dude. Mexicans are not stealing jobs. Technology is. People are blaming other people for stealing jobs when in reality technology is taking over the world. Have you ever given thought why factories no longer need workers? BECAUSE THERE ARE MACHINES DOING THE JOB. I mean the person who wrote this question is probably too ignorant to understand what is going on.
2017-02-04 12:53 pm
If "lazy mexicans" are "stealing your jobs" that just means you arent a good candidate to hire. Funny because the only people complaining about jobs are uneducated hillbillys... You think that because youre white youre automatically going to get hired? Maybe they arent the problem, maybe you are.
2017-02-04 11:40 am
I understand that you have your own opinion and I do too so here it goes: who the **** do you think you are, we are not stealing 'your' jobs okay *****, I bet if all of us Mexicans stopped working and there were finally jobs openings I would like to know how many of you stupid *** lazy Bitches would get up. Mexicans actually work hard. That house you live in was probably built from Mexicans. I wouldn't be surprised if you were white, all of you dumb ***** are racist little cunts. **** you and your stupid *** work camps we are better. Since that stupid ***** we call our president is building a wall we are going to dig holes.
2017-02-04 9:16 am
If mexicans are so lazy why are they the ones getting the jobs?
2017-02-04 6:48 am
You're a piece of ****.
2017-02-04 5:09 am
We can't look to a government of weak moral character, weak resolve to save the world. The governments of the world are corrupt, too weak and selfish to share their power. They are too ignorant, foolish and weak to save the world. We the people are much stronger as we unite to each other in strength to save our world.

We are stronger than a weak government that lacks the strength to save the world, and represent a greater united humanity. We are much stronger when we unite, come together for change, to save the world.

Weak world governments seek to divide, dis empower people, within no real intention to save any of us, or the planet we live on. We've had enough with WEAK world government... They don't have the strength the people have to unite and save the world. They just want to divide us...

Enough is enough, this is insanity.
2017-02-04 3:32 am
We shouldn't have to deport them. Just employers or nobody should hire them. That mean they will never make money to live so they will leave probably go to Canada
2017-02-04 3:10 am
When you say lazy and stealing jobs in the same sentence it proves your intellect
2017-02-04 1:55 am
You mean like Nazis death camps? How "Trumpish" of you.
2017-02-04 1:42 am
2017-02-04 1:42 am
lmao I am white myself and I think people like you are bringing America to its knees. Trump literally brought the US to a diplomatic chrisis, and you sound like a neo-nazi so stfu you racist :D
2017-02-04 1:23 am
"Lazy" Mexicans "stealing our jobs"? That doesn't make sense.
2017-02-04 1:01 am
Illegals don't get deported because they make good, cheap labor.
2017-02-03 11:51 pm
Maybe you should be a little more educated before you ask hateful ignorant questions. Let's start with, THIS COUNTRY WAS FOUNDED ON IMMIGRATION. Do you know how hard the Citizenship test is? Many "natural born" americans couldn't pass that test. Not to mention the process takes a ridiculously long 7 years. And the Hispanic/South American immigrants who do show up illegally work jobs that a lot of Americans WONT. I come from a low income family where my father worked construction (which many immigrants are willing to do) My father thought too highly of himself to take a job with lower pay than he wanted when we were in such a rut and he was unemployed and his children were at risk of going hungry. The Mexican or South American Men will do what it takes for their families. they come to America for better opportunity. Shut your racist mouth. You don't know ****
2017-02-03 11:47 pm
Ask lestermount
2017-02-03 11:08 pm
both ideas are bad
2017-02-03 10:25 pm
Just charge employers a big fine and they we all leave on their own.
2017-02-03 10:02 pm
i can tell you voted for T-rump
2017-02-03 9:41 pm
And what do u do when all the work camps are full?
2017-02-03 8:43 pm
First of all I want you to understand something. Not every illegal alien is a Mexican and if you mean Latino people specifically say Latino. It makes you look uneducated. Secondly, Latinos are some of the most hardworking and highly employed people in this country. Especially the ones who are not Americanized. They appreciate fair pay for hard work. Also besides the lack of ethics in your idea to put them in work camps, you don't seem to understand the way Latino culture works and how their lifestyle typically affords them the ability to thrive even in average income scenarios. Latinos live in large groups typically where they pool their money together to get by as a family unit. Traditional Americans refuse to live like that and couldn't thrive on their salary. PS also paying for these camps would be expensive and you just destroyed America's infrastructure by taking away affordable labor and stuffing it into camps that would be payed for by taxpayers. It would never work you bigot.
2017-02-03 6:40 pm
Maybe The question you should ask is why the employers are giving the jobs to Mexicans.
2017-02-03 6:21 pm
Lol, you're contradicting yourself there. If Mexican people are so lazy why would they be stealing your jobs ? Having a job involves work, not being bone idle.
2017-02-03 3:49 pm
If illegal have to send them back to their country.
2017-02-03 3:16 pm
2017-02-03 3:14 pm
First off, it is “undocumented people” or “immigrants” NOT “illegals”. Actions can be illegal but people can not be “illegal”, but they can be “undocumented”. Please educate yourself on those terms.

Second off, undocumented people do not have the proper documentations to obtain a high paying “american dream” job. So please explain to me what “jobs” undocumented people are stealing from us Americans? Are you talking about the minimum wage jobs that no American wants?

Third, there are 196 countries in the world today. If anyone outside the United Stated were to come to America undocumented it would make them an immigrant. Mexico is ONE country out of the 196.

Fourth, was your ancestor also told to work at a work camp when arriving to this country? Don't forget, your ancestor was also an immigrant (unless you are a Native American). I know I know, it's so hard to take in that your ancestors were once immigrants too.

Fifth, Lazy Mexicans stealing our jobs? How can they be stealing our jobs if you claim they are lazy?

Before you ask such ignorant question and make such ignorant suggestion , please educate yourself on topics you know nothing about. Start off with learning terms and then where your ancestors came from.
2017-02-03 2:08 pm
Wow you are a new kind of stupid
2017-02-03 1:33 pm
You mean the "work camps" that have existed for decades, with corporations bringing in illegals to work? Asinine.
2017-02-03 1:19 pm
Work field.
2017-02-03 1:12 pm
Oh, work camps is it ? Where the old sign.
WORK MAKES YOU FREE, stands over
the entry. Not only will it become open to
Catholics, Jews, and other USA religions
again there are ovens fueled by all who get
worked to death.
2017-02-03 11:40 am
Stupid. They are working even more than some Americans that claim to have a mental illness.
2017-02-03 10:56 am
Your joking right...
2017-02-03 8:28 am
Idiocracy at its best
2017-02-03 8:24 am
as there is reported to be about 9 Billion in America , where would they start ?
2017-02-03 8:16 am
I hate when ppl say Americans dont want those jobs. My husband has worked construction and labor his whole life.
2017-02-03 8:09 am
2017-02-03 7:53 am
You racist people keep cring about stolen jobs. You have so many on welfare and food stamps that won't get up that couch to do a days work, just complaing about about somebody taking your jobs. Well you better start complaining again to your administration. They will be taking thousands of jobs just in Kentucky alone once they appeal the affordable care act. Smile now cry later., Bam
2017-02-03 7:12 am
Is a Mexican stealing your job? What do you do?
2017-02-03 7:07 am
2017-02-03 6:18 am
All of you voted for Trump, right? ALERT, most of the people trying to get into this country we call home, are not Mexicans! That is why it is so sad. Try getting out a map and see if you can find the countries south of Mexico. Now try walking from there to the border of the United States with your baby, not to just escape dictators, but, to work at any job, including being a prostitute. Yes, there are mexicans, but they work in the fields, and take jobs no one here wants. You will see many of them mowing the grass of the lazy americans, or taking out the garbage in restuarants because it's beneath we lazy americans. Why send them to work camps, they just left.
2017-02-03 4:46 am
I'm guessing your 'A' is for Adolf.
2017-02-03 4:30 am
cause of donald tump
2017-02-03 4:12 am
You make no f*cking sense lol.
2017-02-03 4:08 am
They're taking jobs that YOU'RE too lazy to do. You're disgusting. GO HOME to the UK or Ireland you absolute absent-minded immigrant. America is founded on immigration. How can you be so DUMB
2017-02-03 3:43 am
Are you ******* kidding me? So you're basically saying that you want auschwitz but with Mexican people to happen?! Also I'm so damn sick of dumbass uneducated racist people saying "Mexicans are stealing all our jobs" are you that ******* stupid? Most jobs that illegal immigrants are "taking" from you no LAZY white person would ever take. I'd like to see most white people out doing the physically taxing and sometimes demeaning jobs that Mexican immigrants are forced to do just because they didn't have the "privilege" to be born in a certain geographic location. I genuinely hope that you die a horrible horrible death and live a dreadful life with no joy in it.
2017-02-03 3:38 am
2017-02-03 2:41 am
2017-02-03 2:35 am
Wow, I truly belive I've never read anything as ignorant as your question and attitude. You have apparently never worked with a Mexican. In my experience they are first to work, outwork everyone during the day, are last to leave. If they're taking your job it's because you suck at yours. Which I get the impression may be the case. Local big chain hardware store where I live. Quite possibly a couple dozen illegals out by the street, waiting for contractors to pick them up for various odd jobs. They are proud, and I've never seen them with their hand out on the street corner, like the white folks. For the most part, these are proud people who provide for their families, no matter what it takes.
I'm white, American, and a conservative
2017-02-03 2:10 am
Sir you are supremely stupid.Mexicans are some of the hardest working people in the world.The next time you have one one of your fancy salads ask yourself how it got there and who did the work.They do jobs WE'RE TOO LAZY AND WEAK TO DO.
2017-02-03 1:58 am
If they leave or go to work camps. who will work for the major companies for sub-minimum wages?
2017-02-03 1:51 am
the truth is rape had nothing to do with the fact that they were Mexican, think about the whites and the rapes they do. The white boy who raped a passed out women and got 90 days. They did not label all white men racist. Don t listen to trump, be intelligent. www.coporatetechnologies.in
2017-02-03 1:32 am
Both "solutions" are not gonna solve anything.
2017-02-03 1:15 am
are you stupid? mexicans come to america for work bro and they literally are the hardest working people here get your fatass a job
2017-02-02 10:58 pm
Why not offer citizenship if they work to build the wall?
2017-02-02 10:53 pm
Isn't slavery illegal?
2017-02-02 9:58 pm
I think they should be give jobs but if they are lady to work then they can be deported...
2017-02-02 9:36 pm
Ok so Mexicans are "stealing" jobs but are lazy? So your saying they steal jobs but don't work for them? What a senseless and retarded question you just asked...
2017-02-02 9:00 pm
If you haven't heard there's not enough work for our own.
2017-02-02 8:41 pm
You are horrific.
2017-02-02 7:14 pm
They are lazy yet they steal your jobs. Sound logic their, very sound.
2017-02-02 6:18 pm
Jffh fhjcs
2017-02-02 6:09 pm
2017-02-02 5:57 pm
At least ask question mindfull
2017-02-02 4:13 pm
If they're lazy, why would they be steeling jobs?
2017-02-02 3:58 pm
2017-02-02 3:38 pm
Well you whites stole their land (California, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Arizona, new Mexico, Oregon , and half of Utah.) In 1848. You whites are the illegals. This is Mexican land. whites steal land then say it's yours. Squatters..
2017-02-02 3:35 pm
If it weren't for them our crops wouldn't get picked and the majority work in fields in all kind of weather and do the jobs lazy americans will not do. Is it their fault that they just want a better life for their families ? If your gonna answer with an uneducated answer better not to say anything. If the US government would take lazy men off welfare and create a system between welfare and farmer's to supply them with able bodied men off welfare there wouldn't be jobs for them to take. Any other illegal in other jobs should be sent home. By the way all the taxes they get taken out of their check they don't get back. So when you point your fingers consider pointing them back at yourself for lack of knowledge and for our government not trying to change things. They want the poor to stay that way and immigrants to take the fall. Wake up america
2017-02-02 3:29 pm
If a lazy person is stealing your job, what does that make u
2017-02-02 3:18 pm
Due to the fact that the illegals are unregister it would be impossible to be sure that all are there
2017-02-02 2:11 pm
"They're stealing our jobs." In Australia that's what white people say about Asians 😂
2017-02-02 1:51 pm
Hitler, is that you?
2017-02-02 1:48 pm
I just wish we can somehow help getting other countries on their feet. I know that sounds childish but, if mexico wasn't such a bad place right now..who would want to illegally immigrate?
2017-02-02 12:59 pm
I'm going with you are a racist frikking idiot.
2017-02-02 12:32 pm
Gg immigrants
參考: Yep
2017-02-02 12:09 pm
What do you mean "tell them to leave"? Tell who to leave? You're talking about millions of people. Millions of people are going to leave ALL AT ONCE? How would that happen?

That's the problem with people who say "go back to where you came from". They have no actual plan to do this.
2017-02-02 12:01 pm
I think they should be allowed time to become legal citizens and if they don't THEN deport them.
2017-02-02 11:58 am
How would a Mexican immigrant "steal" your job? Okay, so you want to do yard work? You want to work in a kitchen? You want to work in a job that doesn't require a college degree when you likely have the privilege of having one? Maybe start thinking logically.
2017-02-02 11:55 am
It's too much paperwork
2017-02-02 11:45 am
2017-02-02 11:36 am
Because that wouldn't make any sense.
2017-02-02 11:15 am
you must be one of the deplorables.
2017-02-02 11:01 am
2017-02-02 10:48 am
2017-02-02 10:44 am
2017-02-02 10:38 am
2017-02-02 9:42 am
Even though I don't like the idea of work camps... I suppose a have a choice could help the process. I know with children it always helps to give them a choice. Like if they don't want to go to bed, they may argue, but if you hand then a choice of of something worse than going to bed, then it put control back in their hands and they are more likely to do as you wish.
2017-02-02 9:40 am
2017-02-02 9:37 am
2017-02-02 9:37 am
To do what? Make things that Americans should be making? They already do that. Send them back to be the burden of the country they belong in and then they can apply to come back legally.
2017-02-02 9:27 am
Using the word "stealing" would imply that you actually had a job in the first place, Nazi
2017-02-02 8:39 am
because are not Nazi Germany.
2017-02-02 8:25 am
Sense less
2017-02-02 8:16 am
Population increase?
2017-02-02 8:15 am
2017-02-02 7:50 am
2017-02-02 7:38 am
If you put them in work camps. They then have rights. Cost about $40,000 a year to feed & house them. You hire them under the table they only cost about $15,000 a year to use. You forget medical, guards, all that stuff.
2017-02-02 7:32 am
Then what? Give the job to a fool like you. Trying to be smart *** but cant even ask a question without contradicting yourself. If americans stopped thinking they were to good to make as little money as immigrants are willing to accept. Then there would be no jobs for them.
2017-02-02 7:02 am
This is America. Don't blame anyone else for your failures. Go back to school and get a degree. Many of us have worked our way through school without scholarships or loans. It's really easy to make excuses or blame others for not meeting your goals in life. If I miss understood anyone and you were speaking of field labor, yes they are taking your jobs.
2017-02-02 6:59 am
whatever !!!
2017-02-02 6:55 am
2017-02-02 6:44 am
2017-02-02 6:42 am
2017-02-02 6:01 am
Dude, they may be here illegally in some cases or they might have work visas, but I'm here to tell you they are some of the hardest working SOB's I've ever seen.

I had to get a new roof a few months ago because of a hail storm and the all Mexican crew completed the job on my 2 story house in a day and a half. They cleaned up every bit of debris and magnetically pick up any nails. And...they seemed to enjoy their work.

I don't think that too many Americans could work at their pace. They are anything but lazy.
2017-02-02 5:57 am
You could do that if you want to throw out the constitution. If the government could put immigrants in work camps then that opens the door for them putting ANYONE in work camps. Aside from that many immigrants, both legal and illegal, already work in situations similar to work camps. How many white people would work in the fields tending the crops in 95 degree weather with the sun blazing and pick strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes etc. on an industrial scale for jobs no white man would bother with. How many white men would work on roofs replacing shingles in the blazing hot weather in a Florida summer? I haven't seen any doing either.
2017-02-02 5:56 am
stop feeding the troll
2017-02-02 5:52 am
2017-02-02 5:11 am
I would never have banned seven whole countries!! But I will say that Obama's Vetting system needs to be vetted or totally revised to accommodate for the real numbers of radical Islamists who are out there and only want to come to America to exploit it and would do us harm. If it is found that a Visa holder has the same views as the Genocide president of Sudan that persons visa should be revoked immediately and barred from entering the uninted states permanently
2017-02-02 3:43 am
I Think That President Trump Has Been A Lot For The USA Rights, Services, Jobs Etc But I Really Think That He Committed A Huge Mistake Devolped All Of That People To Their Original Nations Because That Only Created A Almost Globe Catastrophe Only Compares To Sirya, France, Nigeria, Ukraine Etc But With The Only Difference Than That Each Problem Is Withing The USA Right Now!!!
2017-02-02 3:38 am
2017-02-02 2:50 am
2017-02-02 2:48 am
What would Melania Trump do in a work camp?
2017-02-02 2:29 am
2017-02-02 2:27 am
Those policies are ineffective
2017-02-02 2:17 am
2017-02-02 2:10 am
you are very funny
2017-02-02 2:04 am
Sure! We should put them in the work camps right after putting in the narcissist, bigots, incurable hateful and cruel. Opps, we couldn't because all the camps would be full of the above.
2017-02-02 1:24 am
How do you get lazy Mexicans to work?
2017-02-02 1:19 am
2017-02-02 1:17 am
The only reason the economy is messed up is because the senate of interests sold America away and they sold your future with it you are secured to believe "Mexicans" are taking jobs in reality it's not the truth.
2017-02-02 12:54 am
These so called illegal immigrants do jobs that lazy Americans do not want to do. They work very hard and they do it with a smile without complaining. and are willing to work for almost nothing, working 2-3 jobs. The US should be happy and welcome them in. Especially in California. , which was once their land that was stolen from them.
2017-02-02 12:22 am
What you're worried about isn't job stealing. It's employers hiring people for a pittance so they can save money and not hiring people who are legal residents. If a legal resident were hired, they would have to follow a host of employment laws, pay taxes, provide benefits, and report earnings. With an undocumented immigrant, they don't have to do that. The problem is not with immigrants, legal or illegal. The problem is with employers breaking the law and hiring them illegally. Why bother hiring a workforce of legal residents when they can hire immigrants? Employers who are taking advantage of these people are the problem because they don't want to pay legal residents full wages or taxes on their labor earnings or provide benefits.
2017-02-02 12:12 am
the US doesn't have work camps other than possibly using inmates for some projects close to the prisons
there was a time we had CCC camps but that was a voluntary situation, and if illegals are here it is pretty hard to find them(or they wouldn't be here)
2017-02-02 12:06 am
have you not read that they could not be forced to work... e.g. in Germany I think, the young men refused to work...
2017-02-01 11:34 pm
WHY NOT make the lazy Americans on government assist go to work camps..
no more food stamps
no more rental assist
no more free bees..
2017-02-01 11:26 pm
This is bull
2017-02-01 10:19 pm
Who's going to pay for the work camps? Where are you going to put them? Even the Nazi work camps cost money to run. Someone had to pay for all that poison gas. Are you happy to pay more taxes to build and run work camps? Then fine.
2017-02-01 10:11 pm
The Mexicans who I have known were all hard-working, honest people who, like everyone, just want to improve their own and their children's lives. What kind of person are you to oppose that?
2017-02-01 8:34 pm
It is illegal to have forced work camps in the US.
Even if an EO is signed.
2017-02-01 6:54 pm
And give them a w2 and a tax id #.
2017-02-01 4:47 pm
honestly... just smoke some weed and everything will work itself out.
2017-02-01 4:30 pm
Well you see, that's morally unacceptable to enslave them.
2017-02-01 4:06 pm
Blind to or of Hestia?
2017-02-01 3:42 pm
your stupid, get a life.
2017-02-01 3:31 pm
2017-02-01 3:25 pm
If they are lazy then how are they stealing your jobs??
2017-02-01 3:18 pm
That would cost a shitton to maintain.
2017-02-01 3:05 pm
Quite frankly, it could work but you would have to depend heavily on the law of inertia for an object to have the tendency to move forward even after attempting to stop. California rolls also are pretty good. Yum. The dog is outside by the way :/
2017-02-01 2:24 pm
So, you say they're lazy and not working, and you also say they're stealing our jobs. Which is it?
2017-02-01 2:21 pm
2017-02-01 2:13 pm
So we give them a job an American could have? That's what they're here for...
2017-02-01 1:55 pm
2017-02-01 1:48 pm
i think that in cause of crime.
2017-02-01 1:26 pm
That's a thought.
2017-02-01 12:50 pm
i have a better idea. lets promise the illegals citizenship if they help build the wall. lets just have them lay the final bricks from the south side of the wall. its a win win.
2017-02-01 11:47 am
michael jackson is 59
2017-02-01 11:06 am
2017-02-01 8:44 am
They should come here with right papers so they can be legal and it will cause no more future problems.
2017-02-03 2:20 pm
One suggestion in the senate to deal with illegal immigrants is to make it hard for them to even exist here.
Hiring and illegal results in a hefty fine, renting or selling a home to illegals results in a fine. Selling any form of transportation would be illegal. Harboring illegals always has been a serious crime, it just gets enforced.
Closing loopholes in welfare,healthcare, housing, and other such programs intended for Americans requiring confirmation of identity and naturalization. Commiting any crime results in doing hard time.
The illegals either assimilate and apply for citizenship like immigration laws require or it becomes pointless to stay as an illegal.
The money saved in not supporting illegals and saving the cost of deportation, would save Americans a staggering amount of money.
America is not about slave labor, that practice ended many decades ago.
Civil rights groups will have a hissyfit, to bad, deal with it.
Political correctness is coming to an end.
2017-02-03 7:43 am
Idk dude trump is our president
2017-02-03 4:32 am
They should be made to build the wall, to pay for all the public services and welfare they've used over the years. Not slavery, indentured servants until the debt is paid.

Edit: Antifas should join them, to pay for their vandalism
2017-02-02 9:37 pm
They don't belong here. They must be deported. let them try to enter the country legally.
2017-02-02 8:20 am
I think deporting is supposed to be easier?
2017-02-02 8:08 am
Because their crime and lack of respect for environment is ruining many parts of the country.
2017-02-02 7:49 am
2017-02-02 3:22 am
2017-02-02 2:55 am
If they were here legally they would be paying their fair share in taxes. Who cares? The working class who foots the bill cares.
2017-02-02 2:51 am
Mexicans aren't lazy; if they were they wouldn't be "stealing" your job. When have you ever actually had your job stolen by a Mexican? That's retarded. They do work that Americans feel they're too good to do. They ought to put lazy Americans like you into work camps.
2017-02-02 1:54 am
Why is Donald Trump asking this question on Yahoo?
2017-02-02 12:33 am
Man your showing how foolish and uneducated you truly are. Some of the hardest working people on the planet are Mexicans and also taker a great deal of pride in there workmanship. We would not see many of the craziest low riders and paint schemes on cars ever created without Mexicans. Also some of the most incredible landscapes, pools, ponds etc. Plus many of these so called lazy Mexicans you speak of do jobs most Americans will not like Picking vegetables and fruit. So the next time you want to complain about Mexicans look in your fridge or on your counter and realize all that food would not be there without them.
2017-02-01 10:54 pm
Because we are native to America.
2017-02-01 3:04 pm
I agree that all illegal immigrants should be deported immediately. They would always find ways of not leaving the country.
2017-02-01 12:10 pm
good idea
2017-02-01 10:16 am
because they'll whine their way around it
2017-02-02 9:31 am
Trump 16 screw the libs
2017-02-02 12:21 am
Work camps are an excellent idea for able bodied people who refuse to work and are living on welfare.
He that does not work should not eat either.It is " do or die " in this world All.illegal immigrants should be deported.
2017-02-01 9:27 pm
Then we still have to feed these scumbags if we put them in work camps, just get them the hell out of our country so we don't have to support them. We have enough stupid brain dead liberal idiots on welfare, that we don't need any illegal aliens on welfare.
2017-02-01 7:40 am
Destroy them
2017-02-03 1:56 am
Put them in work camps to earn their keep, then rent them out as cheap day laborers.
2017-02-01 2:01 pm
They should be handled the same way as Mexico handles illegal aliens from Guatemala.

They come because the law is so pollitically correct. They want to run illegal business in the USA. Only a fool believes they come for jobs.
2017-02-01 7:19 am
This country is on the verge of destruction due to homosexuals and Mexicans. I'm glad Trump is fixing it so we'll all be super rich
2017-02-01 11:01 am

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