Do You Know when You Changed The AC or Furnace Filter?

2016-09-23 7:04 pm

回答 (14)

2016-09-23 8:30 pm
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I use a quality filter made to last 3 months and change it at exactly every 3 months. The life of your A/C unit depends on using a clean filter. A dirty filter uses more electrical energy and causes the unit to work harder.
2016-09-25 12:12 am
I am old and forgetful. When I change the filter I put a small piece of masking write the date on it and stick some place inconspicuous on the unit so I know when it as done.
2016-09-24 1:27 am
參考: Been there
2016-09-24 4:21 am
change mine once a month from dec to feb the change it in mar and not again til 1st of june the jul aug sept then oct 1st and again in dec 1st
2016-09-24 3:48 am
When used 24/7 at least every month. Clean filters keep electric bills down. Just like clean air filters in your car help gas economy.
2016-09-24 3:14 am
Yes, I know. How can that possibly be useful to you?
2016-09-24 12:19 am
I changed them monthly at my old house, which was quite dusty.
2016-09-23 8:48 pm
I know - cuz I write the last date changed on it. Then replace it every 3 months. Sometimes - like when the heat or AC haven't run all that much - it's a bit premature . . . . . . but easier to remember and filters are cheap insurance.
2016-09-23 7:13 pm
Ours are changed when they look dirty.
2016-09-26 4:47 am
Automatically do this when the time the Spring and then in the Fall.
2016-09-26 2:04 am
Every season change
2016-09-25 6:57 pm
The chopped off boners of the elderly
2016-09-23 7:06 pm
2016-09-23 7:53 pm
At least annually, if not sooner. Best to change it out each year right before the cold weather hits.

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