My white brother is dating a black girl, what do I do?

2016-08-11 5:21 am
No I won't accept him dating a black girl, and it's not because I'm racist, i'm not, I just don't want him to have a mixed family. I told him he has a week to dump her or that I'm cutting him out of my life forever. If he doesn't do it, than I don't know, I might never talk to him again. What do you think I should do here, I mean I don't want to lose my brother, but I'm not accepting his black girlfriend either. How can I convince him to dump her already?

回答 (329)

2016-08-12 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
that's kinda racist. If my brother was dating a black girl, I would be okay with it as long as she would not be stuck up or rude. Accept the fact that your brother is dating a black girl and let him be happy. Isn't your brother's happiness important to you? I think he deserves to be happy and has the right to date whoever he wants, whether it be a black or a white girl. You should support him and not try to convince him to dump her. Did she do anything to make you not like her? I don't think so. Accept the fact that your brother's dating her and let him be happy. At the end of the day, I think your brother's happiness matters.
2016-08-12 2:30 am
You, sir, are an idiot.

Saying you're not a racist doesn't make you not a racist. When you look at his black girlfriend, and you're unwilling to accept her dating your brother specifically because she's black - when you judge her not based on who she is but on her race - that makes you a racist. Period.

Simply put, it's not your decision to make, and he doesn't need your approval. Love is something that just happens. If he loves this girl, he loves her - it's not something he can just turn on and off just because you don't like her. You should be ashamed to ask your brother to choose between his relationship with you and a girl he cares about very much.

If you're willing to turn your back on your own brother, whom you've shared a lifetime of memories just because of who he loves, then you're a piece of crap for a brother and I hope you do cut him out of your life and never talk to him again. If that's the kind of person you are, he's better off without you in his life.
2016-08-12 7:25 am
I'm black. My stepmom is white. My little brother and sister are mixed AND my older sister is currently in a relationship with a white guy and I have zero problems with it, neither does anyone in my family. And if me or my family had a problem with it we wouldn't be able to do anything about it because you cannot control another person's relationship. It doesn't matter if it's your brother because at the end of the day it's HIS girlfriend, HIS relationship, and most importantly it's HIS life. He has the right to date whomever he wants. So what you need to do is back off and be a mature adult.
2016-08-11 5:31 am
This black girl could be the best thing that's ever happened to your brother. Get to know her and then maybe you'll see this situation differently. There is nothing wrong with a mixed race family, it's 2016. You are not able to choose who your brother falls in love with. Threatening to cut him off so that he does what you want is manipulation. Be kind and the world will be kind to you.
2016-08-12 1:04 am
There is nothing wrong with a white man dating/marrying a black girl. If the two people were the same gender, that would be a problem, regardless of racial background.

I'm a white man, and I'd only date women who are over the age of consent. I'm straight. If I dated someone, it would have to be a woman. And she'd have to be over the age of consent, which is 18 here in Indiana. And she'd have to be within 10 years of my age, and I'm 31.

Now, I've always been single. I like white women (blondes, brunettes, and redheads/strawberry blondes). I also like black women.

Anyways, I'd rather date a black woman (not a lesbian) than to date another dude, even if he's white.

I'm not against interracial marriage. I'm for marriage between a man and a woman, regardless of race. If there is anything I'm against, it is homosexuality. Because that is wrong. As long as the marriage is between one man and one woman (and as long as they're both human), color don't matter.
參考: What God joins together let no man separate.
2016-08-11 9:16 pm
You're his brother! ITS NOT WHAT YOU WANT it's what your BROTHER wants that makes him happy. You may not want a 'mixed family' but your brother just may want that with her. Be happy for him. How are you even going to cute off family like that? Just let it go, do nothing. You may have some common ground with her and actually end up seeing past her being black.

What if you dated idk an Asian chick and you liked that girl alot with string feeling and your bro said "dump her or I'm cutting you out of my life" how would you feel?

You always have to see his side, how he is feeling, the cruel situation your putting him in to choose between family or a friend.
2016-08-12 4:49 am
Okay, I know you're his sister and you're just looking out for him because you love and care for him, but you really need to back off. This is your brother's life, not yours and I don't see how the fact he's white and he's dating a black girl should bother you or bother anybody. Racism is a horrible thing to live with and you should give her a chance. Get to know her and if you still don't like her then that's your problem, not your brother's. If he wants to be with her then he shall. Don't something that might just be making him happy. I don't think you would like to ruin your brother's happiness right? And if they break up, they break up. If they stay together, they stay together. End of.
2016-08-11 5:39 am
You deserve to lose your brother for giving him an ultimatum like that. It's not your decision how he lives his life so let it go. Try being supportive and if or more commonly when it falls apart just be there for him. All you are going to do is push him away. At the end of the day what's more important? Getting your way or having your brother and family?
2016-08-11 5:52 am
Wow as racist as you say you aren't. You definitely are. Maybe if you keep being this way your children might end up having mixed children. It's not cool that you see people of color different when at the end were all humans. It's like saying I like poodles but not winne dogs. If my poodle has puppies with a Winnie dog I'm taking her to the pound. When at the end it's just puppies. Nothing to cry over about. It's just cute dogs or in your case cute babys. Maybe God will send you some mixed children so you learn to love and leave this life with love in your heart.
2016-08-13 3:15 am
Let your brother date who he wants to date. Race should not be an issue w/dating other people. Its an issue bc you don't see a races dating other races that often. As a norm people date other people who are same race as them bc its something they have in common with but that should not be the case w/ dating someone!

I know a couple who are married and had kids together! The mother is white, the husband is black. My uncle has a daughter who married a black man and had kids w/ him. They seem like a very happy couple and happy to have beautiful smart kids. I've met the family and they are nice people. They are just little different from everyone else and different is ok. You just don't see different races dating that often.

Whatever you do, Do NOT put a wedge in between your brother and his girlfriend. Get used to it. He seems very happy w/her and she's happy w/your brother. Accept your brother and her! Be supportive of your brother of what HE wants in life. If he's happy being w/this lady then so be it. What if they want to get married someday and have kids together? If my brother was dating a black woman I would accept her and support my brother for it. I don't think there's anything wrong with different races dating.
2016-08-12 12:14 am
Sorry but I can not take you seriously. In this question you state that your brother is White. In your other questions you state that your brother is Black. Which is it ? You say that you don't like a mixed family. but if on the off chance you have one Black and one White brother your family is already mixed so get over it
2016-08-12 10:11 pm
I dunno really.... I mean.... You're probably thinking 'ewwww what the hell is that THING dating my brother?!?!'

Did it ever cross your mind that this 'black girl' you speak of is also a human being, with as equal rights as anyone else in this whole world, including YOU. She is NO DIFFERENT to anyone else. Although, perhaps we should be reconsidering whether YOU are in fact entitled to those rights, or whether you should spend as much time as you need in the position of being sl****d off and looked down on because of your COLOUR or ETHNICITY until you eventually realise what a pathetic human being you are being.

You know, I'm not religious or anything but I am going to pray for you and others like you. I'm going to pray that you either learn to love every single individual on this planet who has done NO wrong or if you can't do that, shut the f**k up and leave your poor brother and his girlfriend alone.
2016-08-11 10:38 pm
Are you sure you not racist because what u saying sure sounds racist too me IT DOESN'T MATTER IF SHE'S BLACK UR BROTHER IS HAPPY AND SHE'S JUST LIKE ANY OTHER GIRL AND U GONNA CUT HIM OUT OF YOUR LIFE JUST BECAUSE HIS GIRLFRIEND IS BLACK AND THAT U DON'T WANT A MIXED FAMILY!?!?!?!?!!? give me a break. would u be complaining about losing ur brother and cutting him out of your life and convince him to break up his gf if she was white right? NO!!!!!

it's sad to see what black people have to go through it doesn't matter whether im black or white ranting about this though because where all the same even though I am white the reason why im saying this is to let black people know that u got some white people out there defending u guys because where both human with different color which doesn't matter
2016-08-11 8:51 pm
Creds to Google:
1. Racist-
a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More

Let's put this into perspective. Let's say, your brothers girlfriend is white- now is there a problem with them dating? I dont think so. You are the definition of a racist. You must think that your race is somehow superior in order to not accept anyone if they are of another race.
Get over yourself. It is your brothers life. You can't live through him. He accepts it and after all, HE'S the one dating her. He should definitely cut all ties off with your ignorant because you are ******* scum.
2016-08-11 9:55 pm
This actually makes me feel ashamed of humanity. Like I'm sorry. I know you claim you are not 'racist' but thats pretty much fitting the criteria of racism.

Your brother has the right to date whoever the **** he wants, jheez he could date a criminal if he wanted to and he does not need no ******* acceptance from you! I apologise for being so brutal but this topic really gets under my skin.

To be honest in the kindest possible way, i think your brother is better off without a person like you and so is his girlfriend. I pray he stays with her and has a good life without you and your unaccepting racist family.
2016-08-12 3:12 am
Accept her girl! Your brother loves her and I'm sorry but you can't make him dump her or split them up. A mixed family is wonderful. I'm all for it because I'm a mixed child myself(black and white lol) and if you're not accepting her because of her color, then that makes you a racist. Maybe you need to spend time with her and get to know her. If you find something in common with her, then maybe you'll accept her more but yeah you can't split them up and if you want to have a good relationship with your brother and your family, you wouldn't make him dump her if he loves her so much and you would accept her. It's about your brother and his feelings not you.
2016-08-11 10:41 pm
"it's not because I'm racist, i'm not, I just don't want him to have a mixed family" - Why am I having such a hard time believing that you're not racist. You just said you don't want him to have a mixed family.

Let me tell you something... Not all babies come out tanned and brown eyed when a black and white person have had sex.

My brother and sister and I have the same mother but different fathers. Their father is black. My sister looks Latino/Middle Eastern and her father is Caribbean. When she met her fiancée, she had two blonde, white skinned and blue eyed babies.

Maybe the same could happen for your brother.

Not everyone wants to date their own race, it's boring.
參考: It depends on which DNA the baby takes most from each parent.
2016-08-12 12:56 pm
If he is in love and she is a really nice person why do you have a problem? My brother also dated a black girl and when he went off to university they had to back up and he cried like hell. I think you should be a better sister for him and support him. It is his life and his decision. He will have to live with her everyday and share his life with her - not you. And it is racist that you dont want them to be together because you dont want your brother to have a mixed baby. I have been in a mixed relationship for 2 years and we are very happy. The world is becoming more globalised and allowing us to come together and meet people for all other the world. It is a beautiful thing. Even if you cant be completely happy with your brother's decision. Cutting him out of your life is disgusting. Obviously you would be a horrible person to do that especially because of the reason you are trying to justifying it with.
2016-08-11 11:35 pm
Go ahead and cut him out of your life. You'll be doing him a huge a favor. I'd be embarrassed to be related to you too.

Edit: I've seen your other questions. Don't you ever get tired of trolling? Go outside into the fresh air for a bit. It'll do you good.
2016-08-11 6:43 pm
Do you honestly think anyone will help you? I mean seriously? He's your brother for goodness sake, leave him be. If you're too blind to see the beauty in their relationship, then wake up and get glasses. You should be proud of him for being with her. I'm sure he will have an amazing family with her.

If you say you'll push him out of your life because of his girlfriend , then he'd be better off without you.
2016-08-11 6:46 am
Shes a girl not an alien.
2016-08-11 5:27 am
If he really loves her, he's not going to dump her just because you said so.
And, it's none of your business who your brother dates. It's his life and he can do whatever he wants with it. He doesn't have to listen to you.
So if you really want to cut him out of your life because of who he dates, then do it.
It'll be better for him to not have an asshole like you in his life anyways.
2016-08-11 5:31 am
Naw ,ain't nobody got time for dat.
ah ah , he ain't leaving her.
2016-08-12 5:41 pm
Well, i know you're just looking out for him, but personally, i don't think there's any problem with your brother dating a black girl. If he's happy with her then you should let him be. If she's treating him badly then that'd be a valid reason. But if she's just fine, there's no problem. So what if he has a mixed a family? It's not definite they're getting married. And anyway, he could end up having kids with really exotic skin :v
2016-08-12 12:32 am
2016-08-12 12:22 am
judging by all your stupid questions with different races in them, I'd say your a confused, **** stirring troll. have a good day and please get a life
2016-08-11 5:49 am
It's none of your beeswax.
2016-08-11 5:39 am
It is his life and you can't tell him who he can and can't be in love with, what if he was gay would you cut him off for that????? you should support your brother for whatever he does.and if you hate the idea of your brother dating a black woman why don't you go ahead a join the Ku klux klan
2016-08-12 5:20 am
I find you very ignorant and close minded to believe that but that's my opinion.I'm not mixed,but mixed kids tend to be beautiful inside and out.You can't shun or disown your brother just because he is dating a race different from yours,that's shallow and stupid.Wise up,it's 2016.And to tell you the truth,you are racist,because I don't know a non-racist person who would do that.You are literally hating on a potential life and that's wrong and you shouldn't do that.Don't be insecure just because mixed kids has the possibility of being judged.Get all of that hate and prejudiced out of your heart now!All of you,really.It's his life not yours.I'm disappointed and ashamed of society,especially white society as their are a lot of people who would think like you in a situation like this.Just realize that racism is unnecessary and to be honest we are nobodies compared to God.So don't act better.This question along with other questions and comments piss me off.
參考: I wouldn't mind if I were the only person in this messed up world really.And please don't say you are not racist as studies have shown that 90% of whites have some sort of racial bias.However I know that not ALL whites are like this but you are apart of,I suppose majority.
2016-08-11 9:26 pm
There would not be a mixed family. Both are of the same race...keep human
However you protest to the contrary your view is racist.
Nor is it your business.
What do you do? Let him make his own choices. Simple.
2016-08-11 4:53 pm
Who cares what you want ? Not your life worry about your own love life instead of sticking your nose in other peoples business
2016-08-12 6:23 pm
Let me start off by saying 'I feel for you'.Miscegenation that goes on within family members creates a lot of problems.Not only to keep our roots European/non Jewish and not develop traits of the third world...but also cultural clashes.Can you imagine sitting at the table and hearing his black girlfriend whine about having to work on MLK day and how her boss was racist because of it?Or her view on not celebrating 4th of July because 'it's the white mans holiday' as I've heard blacks say over the past few years.I'll be damned if I'm going to give someone that green light to permit white hatred from a black or a white self-loathing family member.

Regarding your brother it's your choice future wise.Try spending time with him just the two of you if he can't comprehend the outcome.But yes this does change things between the two of you.
2016-08-14 8:18 pm
He needs to handle his business like a grown man and put u in your place. There is no way on Gods green earth that you have a say in who he dates or marries. You can't do anything about it just let it go because it isn't your life. You dont own your brother. And black and mixed people are beautiful too. Im mixed and my fiance is white and our little girl is gonna be mixed too (and im VERY proud of her race and happy to pregnant with her) and i would NEVER tell my baby girl when she gets older who she can and cant date based on their color. If you dont want to be lose your brother then stop trying to boss him around and lose the preconcieved notions about black and mixed ppl bc we are not all the same just like not all white people are the same.
參考: Its not your life.
2016-08-11 11:21 pm
It's not your place so mind your goddamn business is what you should do. It's his life, not yours. Worry about who you'll date.
2016-08-11 11:02 pm
Mind your own damn business
2016-08-11 10:23 pm
Troll alert
2016-08-11 9:33 pm
This question is so fake
2016-08-11 9:19 pm
2016-08-11 7:44 pm
Troll. Your think this is funny huh? You're an idiot.
2016-08-12 6:02 am
Then go. Your brother doesn't need your negativity in his life. And I, a white female, married to a black man, enjoy my life! I get enough stares from people around me, I sure as heck wouldn't want my family to judge me as well. And I'm sure your brother gets looks too, and doesn't need it from you as well.
AND so what if they have mixed babies!!! That is an INNOCENT child, who does not need to be judged nor grow up with family, who dislikes them and their mother for the color of their skin. If you feel this strongly about your brother dating a black female. A fuggin human! Then go.
They have enough battles to face before them, with race, interracial couple hate, and let alone relationship problems between them, that every relationship goes through, then you need to go. Let them be happy and have a chance to survive in this cruel world. Without your judgement.
2016-08-11 8:30 pm
Is she one of those uppity, bitchy 'Shenaynaye' black girls; or is she a very modest, well educated, down to earth, successful black girl like Simone Biles?

The reason I ask is because it kind of makes a huge difference whether she's one or the other.
2016-08-11 7:16 pm
Shame on you for even putting him in a situation to choose. If you aren't racist, then what on earth is wrong with mixed kids? I believe if you truly love someone and have their best interest at heart, then you are happy for them when they are happy. Stay out of it unless she becomes toxic to his well being. I truly hope you are just trolling, there are too many race problems as it is for you to come around spewing your open ridiculous hatred. If I were him I'd say you have a week to cut your crap before I disown you!
2016-08-13 12:57 pm
You need to grow up and get your head out the 1920's. Idiot. What difference does the colour of someones skin make. She is a person like you or me and you should consider the fact that she has feelings too.
2016-08-12 11:58 am
You don't tell a man what to do with his life especially when you know he's not doing anything wrong. What you're doing is disrespectful to him. Let me guess. His black girlfriend is prettier or hotter than you. That's why you're acting that way. Sit your bitter *** down and mind your business.
2016-08-12 7:47 am
If you really love your brother, be happy for him. Respect that this is who he loves, her skin color is irrelevant. Don't make him have to choose between you and her. You'll regret it. If you'd make him choose you, he'd hate you for it. If he chooses her...well, then you lose him. Is that really what you want? Please grow up and just deal with the fact that your brother loves a black girl. Your oppinion does not matter, this is none of your business really. The heart wants what it wants, your brother can't help whom he likes and forcing him to break up with her will only bring him pain.
2016-08-12 4:49 am
It's none of your business who he dates. If I was your brother, I'd disown your selfish *** in a heartbeat. And gets some black d_ck while you at it to Boo.
2016-08-12 12:15 am
Leave him and his relationship alone. If he is happy, you butt out. Unless she's being unfaithful or abusive towards him you have no right to try and break them apart. Your brother's happiness should matter more than your want to have a family that isn't mixed. Grow up.
2016-08-11 11:46 pm
Racist .-, I hope your brother cuts you out of his life he would be better off without you.
2016-08-11 11:35 pm
Nothing, mind your own business.
2016-08-11 10:58 pm
Nothing its his choice not your's...
2016-08-11 9:48 pm
Don't do nothing cuz it ain't yo life you racist assjack
2016-08-11 8:09 pm
I hate to be rude but I'm dating a black guy, that's pathetic, being in that position it's tough when people won't accept your happiness I think you should get over yourself and be happy for him, his life his choices. It'd be his own family one day not your's. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T DO IT, BUT DO NOT STOP OTHERS FROM LIVING THEIR LIFE.
2016-08-15 2:32 pm
Race mixing is genocide.
2016-08-15 7:08 am
You are racist. Take this as an opportunity to realize the fact, and try and evolve into a less judgemental, hateful human being.
2016-08-15 6:35 am
u might wanna suck your bro off
2016-08-14 2:33 pm
It's his choice. If he wants to have mixed children there is nothing you can do to stop him. It would be great news for him if you remove yourself from is life because you are interfering!
2016-08-14 12:35 am
You are racist...period
2016-08-13 6:37 pm
Offer her corn chips and grape soda. That'll break the ice.
2016-08-13 2:52 am
What you said is are racist whether you think so or not. Saying you'll cut him out of your life for dating a girl and trying to be happy? That's messed up. God created us all equalky. We're all human beings and god lovez them just as much as a white girl. Accept it because you'll lose your brother.
2016-08-13 1:45 am
Your question here is part of the problem in this world today. You say your are "not" racist, but in fact, the whole view of this question implies that you are racist. You say you will basically disown your brother because he is dating a black girl. That is completely absurd. Maybe you need to re-evaluate yourself, because clearly you have a problem.
2016-08-13 12:26 am
For years and years black men have dated white women and it has always been "okay", now white men are dating black women more frequency and its a problem. I believe love has no color and if that person makes you happy go with it.
2016-08-13 12:17 am
You shouldn t do anything. It s none of your business who your brother chooses to date. What s the problem anyway? If you feel you have to do something then congratulate him on finding someone who makes him happy. That s more than enough contribution from you.

I m a white guy. Many, many years ago (more than I care to think about) when I was a child, I recall my very wise mother saying to me and my siblings about potential future boy/girlfriends: I don t care what colour they are as long as long as they re a Christian . If you re not a Christian yourself I guess you just drop the last part of this. It was good advice anyway.
2016-08-12 9:58 pm
Yeah I'm not a killer but I do end people's lives by my own, they would've lived if it weren't for me. But don't get the wrong idea. I'm not a killer! I just ended their lives.
2016-08-12 9:21 pm
Mind your own business! What possible business is it of yours? If you meet her, be pleasant. If she isn't be pleasant. You will have your brother his whole life. Take care of him and love him, no matter what or who he does. That is unconditional love. Families can do that for each other. Or not.
If he falls in love, welcome her to the family and try to get to know her.
She is a person first, then a woman, then a daughter, sister, or mom. Give her a chance to be your friend so you and she and your brother can stay close.

參考: My youngest son brought home a pregnant black woman once. I welcomed her with open arms, hugged her fed her, and she was shocked speechless!! Later on, she gave birth to my grandson and he is gorgeous, smart and well-raised. The time for sorting people out like laundry is passed! Get with the rest of the world- and embrace differences and understand each other.
2016-08-12 6:33 pm
Theirs nothing wrong with a white dating a black! And u say your not racist but clearly u are if your so bothered by this! I'm sorry honey but your gonna have to get over it, if they marry they marry. You can't stop it.
2016-08-12 5:48 pm
Saying that you don't want him to have a mixed family is racist bud. Hate to break it to you but saying your not racist isn't fooling anybody. Cutting him out of your life because you don't like his girlfriend is extreme. What if he did that to you? You would find it unacceptable. His choice of who he has a relationship doesn't really affect you in anyway, plus what's wrong with a mixed family?
2016-08-12 1:08 pm
Stop kidding yourself. You are, without a doubt, a racist.
2016-08-12 12:50 pm
Your brother is free to love who he wants, same to you.
Is there a problem to have a mixed family? (Don't be like Hitler)
You guys will still be separated in the future because you two will get married (maybe), you won't live under the same roof, right? He will have his own life, and you also.

More you want him to dumb his black GF, more you can't. It's like that. Go easy, let him do what he wants now, maybe they will break without your interruption, or I don't know.

I suggest you to stay quiet and just watch them for a moment.
2016-08-12 12:29 pm
Are you serious?! You are so selfish, and racist! Don't even say you aren't you psychological liar because what's the difference if she is black?? Get over yourself. This isn't your life. It's your brothers! He doesn't need a controlling person like you in his life anyway. You're not a true sister because if you were, you wouldn't care what race he dates, you'd care for his happiness. It's 2016 ffs, you seriously need to back off. I don't get people like you! The mixed color doesn't matter. Get a life and stop controlling others.
2016-08-12 11:35 am
Genetically speaking mixed race children are no different from white or black children.
It would seem that the problem is with your worries about how others might react.
Other peoples ignorance is no reason to stifle your brothers wishes.
2016-08-12 9:44 am
Dude you are being racist. There is nothing wrong with black people and mixed families! You are overreacting way too much. Just because someone's skin color is different doesn't mean you cut her and your own brother out of your life. You wouldn't kick someone out for having a different hair color, would you?! This is messed up.
2016-08-12 9:28 am
Why is a mixed family bad? What does that have to do with anything? Unless she is a rotten/ill behaved individual or is cheating or into drugs/criminal activity, you have no basis for trying to break them up. I myself have disapproved of my younger brother's past choice of girlfriend, but trust me when I say showing your disdain for their bf/gf will push your sibling away. And y'know what? He figured out for himself that his first gf wasn't right for him.
I know you want to look after your sibling, and maybe you have your own ideal girl in mind, but the thing is, it's HIS girlfriend. Not yours. Your brother's happiness and wellbeing are the most important aspects, right?
If she's not right for him, he'll figure it out on his own. If she is the one he shares the rest of his life with, you have to be able to respect that. Unless there is an actual threat to his safety, you do not get to have any say. You can say you think he could do better because ___, but you do not get to choose.
2016-08-12 7:21 am
That really isn't your decision to make, it isn't your life. There is nothing wrong with an interracial relationship. What I do find wrong is that you are giving your brother an ultimatum to choose between you or her. No one should have to choose between family or the person they love. If you truly care for your brother, then be there to support him with the person whom he loves and makes him happy. Be understanding at least. If not, then your brother is better off being happy with his girlfriend than he is with you.
2016-08-12 6:36 am
Seriously? What s wrong with having a mixed family? You say your not racist, but you are, so you don t even deserve your brother, if you don t like mixed families, then don t have one, but that s your brothers life, it s not yours. If you don t like it, and you choose to cut him out of your life, then by all means, it s your decision. But you have no say over his life or happiness. How dare you tell him he has a week, he has as long as he ******* wants! Yiu obviously don t love your brother, or else you would be happy for him, And you wouldn t encourage him to throw away his happiness. What kind of sister are you?
2016-08-12 4:21 am
Leave them alone, it's none of your business that together. How would you feel if your brother did the same huh? You dating a Filipino, he denies it and cutting you out of his life. How would you feel?
If you truly love your brother let him be with that girl. Don't be a ???????? to him OK? stay away from everyone's business you trollop????
2016-08-12 4:00 am
People have a free will and can live their life the way they want to. And falling in love with someone isn't a crime. Sorry she doesn't fit your picture perfect white family. But he is happy and she is happy and if you love him you'll accept it.
And we are in 2016, there are plenty of interracial couples.
參考: A product of an interracial relationship. White dad and black mom. I'm not sorry (:
2016-08-12 3:23 am
Okay number one you are racist! When you can't except someone for the color of their skin YOU ARE RACIST!! Repeat it "I am racist". Number two you really don't love you're brother because if you did you would be happy for him; you're really just a self b*tch and you're really dumb/ignorant if you think that you aren't racist. You don't know what the future holds you aren't God, he might not have kids or last with her. So what YOU need to do is......GET YOUR OWN LIFE!
2016-08-12 2:41 am
Im sorry but you are racist , so what if he has mixed children. and you are supposed to be his brother ! whats the matter with u. u giving him a ultimatum is verry wrong and u should be happy for him as long as he is happy. If i were him i would choose her because he dosnt need you in his life. you are very wrong in this situation!
2016-08-12 2:34 am
You have some kind of interracial phobia. Which to put it quite frankly, is really silly. The bottom line is that it is his life and he is doing what is making him happy. You are in no position to take away his happiness. If you truly cared about your brother, you would support him no matter who he wanted to fall in love with. So shame on you.

If I were you brother and you told that to me I would tell you to go to hell. Just saying.

But let's get to the issue of mixed families. Just what is it about interracial marriage are so intolerant about? Are we not all equally created human beings? Are you saying that it is immoral for two people of different races to have mixed children together? Well, I'd like to see you justify your argument.

You are wrong in this situation and you know it.
2016-08-12 2:14 am
I think he would be more tham happy to never see you again. My mom is dating a black guy but so what? I use to like a Mexican girl so am i a bad person? Have you ever cared about anyone before? If you cared about anyone or even your brother, you wouldn't care about their skin color.
2016-08-12 1:39 am
Think about your brother and if you really love him, he's your family and if this girl makes him happy then let him be happy with her. It doesn't matter what you do or don't want for him, the only thing that matters what he wants and you should be accepting of whatever that may be. I hope you come to your senses and let your brother be happy.
2016-08-12 1:00 am
You are racist. end of story this question should be removed.
2016-08-12 12:44 am
Well you sound pretty racist to me!!! Your saying that your not racist but you don't want him to have a mixed family?? A bit confusing if I do say so myself!! What's so wrong with having a mix family?? Anyways you can't stop him from dating her especially if he's in love with her there is nothing you really can do about that, but learn to accept the fact that he's with who he wants to be with. Just be happy with it!!!!
2016-08-11 11:59 pm
Have you ever heard of these two things?
1 - love
Its so powerful not even you can break it.
2 - a heart
That is only controlled by one person and that person only knows who to be with. Im afraid you can't stop that.

If you don't like it, sod off
2016-08-11 11:33 pm
1.Why is her race a problem?2.It's HIS life NOT yours.
2016-08-11 9:34 pm
You don't need to do anything.
2016-08-11 9:10 pm
The bbc
2016-08-11 5:28 pm
"I'm not racist"
2016-08-11 11:25 am
whats wrong with you color shouldnt matter as long as she treats him right
2016-08-14 2:18 am
I really don't see your problem. I mean, I'm African American/Caucasian and Native American but was taught all people are the same, made from the same earth. So what EXACTLY is your problem. And the fact that I'm a mixture means that my siblings are all a mix of different hues too. Our Indian mother did a great job with us! One of my daughters is married to a white man and so? Why does there have to be a "so" with your brother in this? His woman is made from the same stuff as he and you. My only advice for you is you need to get over yourself! Stop allowing selfish color society to dictate to you who's proper to love and be with! And now you're acting just like this society by dictating to your brother who he should lover and be with!
2016-08-12 6:08 am
Suck it up and stop being such a Nancy. And yes, you are racist because you're describing black people as like an outcast tribe or some ****. Grow up. Racism is a childish thought. It really is. Only kids will bully people that are different to them in school. Growing up is maturing. By the sounds of it, you haven't matured at all. Unless you're still a little kid.
2016-08-11 10:06 pm
Your racist point blank. Get over yourself and its a good idea to cut ties with him, so your brother can live a happy life.
2016-08-11 5:36 pm
Dude you say that you're not racists but you're over here saying you don't want a mix family. But seriously mind your own business it's your brother's life not yours. I can't believe it is 2016 and people are still racist. -_-
2016-08-11 2:33 pm
Mind your own business. It's his life. If you don't like it, go hole up somewhere with your racist friends.
2016-08-11 6:08 am
You're a terrible sibling. Accept your brother's happiness, and get the f*ck on with your life.
2016-08-12 3:15 am
Tell him about that, if he doesn't listen to you then tell your parents to stop him. If he doesn't listen to anyone then you can't do anything other than not respecting him. I am not racist, but wouldn't date a black girl. You are not racist, too. Hating someone is racism, not liking someone is not. But, do not, never insult that girl if you see her...
2016-08-12 2:22 pm
You want what is best for your brother and our race as a whole. Very admirable. One approach would be to warn him about the dangerous nature of having bi-racial children. They are more likely to suffer birth defects and have poor overall health, not to mention they are mostly despised by both races and will suffer relentless bullying. Point out that blacks are hypersexual and very unlikely to make a faithful partner. If all else fails then go with your plan of ostracizing him, sometimes enough pressure from family can make someone realize how wrong they are.
2016-08-11 5:28 am
I suggest buying a gun and shooting her. For tips on dumping the body i recommend hydrocholirc acid.
2017-03-01 9:40 am
參考: The Key To Seduction
2017-02-27 9:57 pm
I experienced blonde hair, and i died it black and people said i looked waaay better blonde because black tends to make my face look pail.
2017-01-16 6:19 pm
I actually have blonde hair and I love it! I love it because it's what looks best on me.
2016-08-31 10:33 pm
believing that pigment, whether more or less of it, in a person's skin is a factor in identifying anything other than 'the color of ones skin', is precisely the definition of racism... butterypeople are merely a collection of the worlds most challenged thinkers; limited by their own ability to execute sound reasoning skills, logic or even basic intellect... they formulate outlandish judgements based upon pigment... they exude stupidity at its finest! sometimes when i read these questions, i assume they were only posted as a form of entertainment for the person asking it... you might be bored, for instance, or perhaps a part of you has always thrived upon conflict for unexplained psychological reasons, or maybe your intention is none other than a simple, and effective i admit, effort to rile up a heated debate... i hope any of the above scenarios might explain this post... and if it's true that one of these reasons apply, then i breathe a sigh of relief that all hope is not lost for you...
2016-08-18 8:37 am
Just see them!!! :)
2016-08-16 10:26 pm
You sound racist as ***. It's his life and he's in love with her. Why should his interracial relationship matter to you? Is his girlfriend nice to you? If so, you're the one with the problem.
2016-08-16 3:46 am
Get a time machine and move back to 1950 and then you can probably pull it off, but you are going to be washing sheets for the KKK for a long time to come. If they do have a mixed family that is up to them. If you want to judge their child(ren) on the basis of color, knock yourself out. But it's a bigoted thing to do (I.E., it IS racist) and you are making choices based on your own limited imagination and limited understanding.
2016-08-16 2:23 am
Can't really do much about making him dump her. Just disown him I guess...
2016-08-16 1:38 am
What is the matter with a person who is another colour, they can't help it
2016-08-16 12:43 am
That is racist. Mixed families are a beautiful thing. Your brother should have the freedom to be with who he wants and not feel threatened, pressured or ashamed to be with them or not. As long as he's happy, keep letting him live happy with the girl he loves. :) Everything is going to be fine and soon you'll except her!
2016-08-16 12:36 am
date the black girls brother
2016-08-16 12:31 am
Racism is toxic
2016-08-16 12:00 am
Just tell your brother to do whatever he wants. Maybe your brother is just curious.
2016-08-15 9:55 pm
What the **** you are pretty racist .if he likes her...WHO GIVES A ******* CRAP
2016-08-15 9:51 pm
YOU ARE A RACIST! Face the fact. Wth does your bother dating a black girl have to do with you? Maybe you want to date your brother. That's why you're so angry about it. Anyways you can't do anything about you. ONCE YOU GO BLACK YOU NEVER GO BACK!! ;)
2016-08-15 9:00 pm
Leave it alone
2016-08-15 7:08 pm
2016-08-15 6:55 pm
Just ask yourself " what would Jesus do" ? He loves all people so please get over it !
2016-08-15 6:44 pm
Accept her into the family *** hole
2016-08-15 6:15 pm
u should join the kkk
2016-08-15 6:05 pm
My mom is black and my dad is white and I'm mixed with Abunch of things like Cherokee and Hungarian and, your sounded rasist, you should be happy for your brother and support him on anything y'all are a family!
2016-08-15 5:48 pm
Let him be happy
2016-08-15 5:31 pm
Date an Asian woman yourself.
2016-08-15 5:23 pm
woooow, you're making it sound like your brother is dating a monster. You are racist. what's wrong with black women and having mixed kids? are we all not human, regardless our race and gender etc? are the mixed race babies going to have 7 legs and 3 heads? i don't know how you were raised but you need to get over it. i'm fully black and African for that matter and i would gladly date/marry a white man as much as any other race.
2016-08-15 4:45 pm
my sister is white and is dating a black man because of people like you we have hate and racism. when you look at someone dont look at the shade of there skin look at there heart and how they treat your brother/sister whoever . If she is just a horrible person than its a different if your looking out for him but hating because she is black is wrong. love doesnt have a color ok love is love. be happy if he is happy. if she makes him happy than be happy for him dont give him that choice to make its wrong. you will regret it later on in life because losing a relationship with a brother/sister is hard and will hurt later on in life.
2016-08-15 4:37 pm
Who your brother sleeps with-white black orange male or female-is none of your concern.HOWEVER...I UNDERSTAND you're afraid because of sterotypes.Sooo investigate the girl;her history,habits,education,background,credit,addictions,religion,etc. IF ANYTHING COMES UP THAT WOULD THREATEN THE SAFETY OF YOUR BRO OR FAMILY. THEN YOU SAY SOMETHING,and provide the proof.Trust me.You can find better reasons to dislike a person besides their race.OH ONE MORE THING.EVERY RACE HERE CAME FROM BLACK PEOPLE.THEY ARE THE GENETIC ADAM OF THE WORLD.THERE IS ONLY ONE RACE(but many cultures) HUMAN.OR BLACK With many shades. Without the chemical that makes skin black you would die.Melanin does more than color skin.Even though you are white your body and blood are flooded with melanin.WE ARE ALL INDEED ONE. LEARN TO JUDGE PPL ON THEIR CHARACTER. NAMASTE and goid luck dear.
2016-08-15 3:59 pm
You're ignorant. If I were your brother id be dumping you. Get over yourself. If he's happy leave him alone.
2016-08-15 3:22 pm
Love is love and should not be judged based on color, religion, ethnicity, gender, ANYTHING. Let them be.
2016-08-15 3:22 pm
Nothing let him be happy
2016-08-15 2:20 pm
Sorry for your lose
2016-08-15 12:55 pm
Let him be
2016-08-15 9:55 am
What you should do is to show respect.
2016-08-15 9:37 am
White people logic.....
2016-08-15 9:26 am
So why don't you want him to have a mixed family?
2016-08-15 8:03 am
Slap him and call him a ****
2016-08-15 6:55 am
love is love. accept the girl as a possible friend, but continue to love and appreciate your brother no matter.
2016-08-15 6:38 am
That's being racist.
2016-08-15 5:04 am
If youre not being racist why must you refer to the colour of her skin, see everybody has the same mindset and what can happen to you may happen to anyone but nevertheless is it your concern about your brothers relationship with a black girl unless your being racist. Just support your brother because hes your blood ,although you might not like the girl it is really not your business on who he dates .
2016-08-15 4:48 am
That's...kind of racist. If he's truly in love with her, he's not going to let her skin colour get in the way, and he will most likely not dump her for your needs. You should support him and his happiness, whether you don't agree with it or not. Because honestly, it's not your place to decide. And cutting him out of your life because you don't want a mixed family is ridiculous.
參考: Common knowledge.
2016-08-15 4:43 am
This shouldn't be a big deal to you. As long as she's a nice girl, her race shouldn't effect the way you think of her and them as a couple. Also, mixed babies are the cutest.
2016-08-15 4:02 am
2016-08-15 4:02 am
You stop being a racist asshole.
2016-08-15 4:00 am
Nothing. it's none of your business. just leave him alone okay?
2016-08-15 3:27 am
You do nothing it's his life *****
2016-08-15 1:52 am
2016-08-15 1:03 am
Saying you don't want a mixed family is racist first of all! Secondly if you would cut your brother off for something that stupid then good riddance to you. You don't deserve him anyway. Inbred ****...
2016-08-15 12:27 am
You're job is to be happy for him.
2016-08-15 12:02 am
hide your racism with polite pleasantries
2016-08-14 11:21 pm
What do you do? Stop being a racist a**hole that's what you do. There is only one race, the human race. If you don't like it feel free to move to another planet.
2016-08-14 11:08 pm
Get the KKK involved. Nothing better then a good hanging on a friday night better then watching crap on telly
2016-08-14 9:58 pm
2016-08-14 9:57 pm
Nothing ..................This World is a Melting Pot ..................... one of His ansesters could have been Black !
2016-08-14 9:39 pm
Your problems are yours. Wish them well and support the pair. You do realize that prejudice usually stems from ignorance. Take a good look at how you think.
2016-08-14 8:19 pm
it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS who he dates==BUTT OUT. He does not tell you who to date, does he ?
2016-08-14 8:08 pm
Find out some really bad dirt on her and her family and share it with your brother. Do a background check on her and her family to see what you come up with. If nothing, maybe your making a mistake about all of this.
The word we know as RUTHLESS has a historical significance.

When God couldn't find one virtuous women amoung his people to be worthy to be in the line a David in the time of BOAZ so God chose a beautiful and virtuous black women named RUTH who was soo beautiful Boaz couldn't take her to town and find a husband for her, so he eventually married her himself and never looked back.
This beautiful story can be found in the BOOK OF RUTH in the Bible.
2016-08-14 8:01 pm
Get daddys shotgun and nuese and scare that lil n*gger off dont forget mons fresh bed sheets to wear also
2016-08-14 7:18 pm
What's wrong with caramel babies?
2016-08-14 6:25 pm
I have read several of the other answers/comments and I don't think some of the people actually read your entire post b4 answering. Do you know this lady? How long have they been dating? If you know her well and they have been dating for a while then maybe you should sit down with your brother and tell him your concerns. He might not have thought about a mixed family. He might even suggest that you talk to his girlfriend.
2016-08-14 6:18 pm
It's his life, not yours. Let him do what makes him happy.
2016-08-14 5:42 pm
Her skin color is irrelevant
2016-08-14 5:34 pm
Lol youre retarded
2016-08-14 3:10 pm
For certain the situation is intolerable. I recommend that you go to some diversity training before your brother cuts you out of his life for being the ignorant dolt that you obviously are.
2016-08-14 2:55 pm
You gave your brother a week, when that's over just kick the **** out of him if you feel that strongly about it!
2016-08-14 2:33 pm
Sounds to me you want to be there for your brothers support. You might want the best for him, but nothing is more valuable and importannt than happiness.
2016-08-14 1:17 pm
thats so messed up let him like who he wants !!!!
2016-08-14 11:05 am

Hey, whatever floats it, right? I don't care what color she is as long as she's nice, well-mannered, respectful, and not a Ghetto Fatty with a Black Lives Matter attitude. In that case, you can keep it!

(Plus, Black girls who have petite little booties are HOT!!!)
2016-08-14 10:32 am
That IS completely racist, even if you think it isn't. I hate this world sometimes...especially this generation. Who cares if he's dating a "black girl"? Does race REALLY matter that much to you? I feel horrible for this girl, being judged just because of people who believe in the stereotypes that others place on her race. My opinion? Don't do ANYTHING about it. It seems like you only care about YOUR happiness and not his. Let him be...he wants to date her, let him date her, okay? You really need another reason for him to dump her other than "She is black".
2016-08-14 10:28 am
What you do is not get involved in your bothers relationship! It's up to him who he wants to date and you have no say in what potential mixed racial family they may have. Love your bother and the fact that she brings him happiness
2016-08-14 8:27 am
That is seriously racist and why do you get to decide who he dates just grow up he can do what he wants
2016-08-14 8:26 am
Yeah girl you racist, don't try to sugar coat it. The race of his *maybe* future children should not matter to you but his happiness. I wouldn't be shocked if he cut you out of his life for being so rude.
2016-08-14 8:07 am
Nothing. He has a right to date any willing woman of his choice.
2016-08-14 7:43 am
mixed babies r hot tho
2016-08-14 7:40 am
You let him date her. Its his life and he has all the right to choose someone he truly loves to be in his life. You have to stop getting involved in his life.
2016-08-14 7:32 am
This is 2016.
2016-08-14 7:09 am
2016-08-14 6:44 am
nothing go date a black man get a life an let him live his
2016-08-14 6:29 am
It will be a hard breakup for her. Black girls love to hold on to white guys. He should dump her suddenly so she won't have the chance to trap him by getting pregnant!
2016-08-14 6:22 am
so what? your nephew will be the sweetest milkshake ;)
2016-08-14 6:08 am
Let your brother date who he wants Tf long as the girl is not using him for money or acting stuck up or acting ghetto then let her be damn
2016-08-14 5:47 am
Call up the KKK
2016-08-14 5:32 am
He should date whoever he wants. If she hasn't done anything to you then you should at least give her a chance. Don't judge her just because she's black, she might be really nice.
2016-08-14 4:35 am
Has he tried other women? Maybe that's his only choice?
2016-08-14 1:32 am
Don't u want your brother to be happy? Think about it from his perspective would u like it if u had to choose between your girlfriend or your brother. And yes it is racist if u don't want black people in your family!
2016-08-14 1:15 am
How about nothing. Who your brother dates has sod all to do wth you. You don't own him or have any right to decide how he runs his life. Infact if you were my sister I'd tell you to shut up and fek off.
2016-08-14 1:03 am
Get her to blow you.
2016-08-13 11:31 pm
Well just because you say you aren't racist doesn't make you less racist. Hypochrite.
2016-08-13 9:23 pm
Yes you are racist because you are discriminating. Let him be happy! If that is who he want fine why do you even care about the race. If you gotta problem then maybe he should cut you out of his life with all do respect.
2016-08-13 8:32 pm
Are mixed kids a bad thing?
2016-08-13 8:21 pm
So what? It's his life he can date whoever he wants and youre being really racist. If you're not happy with it or are not fond of interracial relationships then house don't have to be in one but don't interfere in someone else's life
2016-08-13 7:52 pm
Dude, you're a racist, be honest about it. How can you convince him to dump her? If he truly loves her and isn't a doormat, then there's nothing you can do.
2016-08-13 7:05 pm
You are pretty racist. It's your brother's life and whoever he wants to be with its his business. He may be your brother but he's still a human with a choice.
2016-08-13 6:27 pm
Can you clarify why you "just don't want him to have a mixed family"? Maybe sorting that out for yourself, and maybe doing some reading online about other kids/adults who are mixed might help you to figure out don't want your brother to have a mixed family. In terms of how you can convince your brother to do something that you want him to do, it's hard for me to give you advice on how to accomplish something that I personally think is so psychologically unhealthy. It's awfully controlling of you for a situation that I can't understand at all. On the other hand, with you being so unempathetic and controlling, you might honestly be doing him an enormous favor to give him a break from having you in his life, at least until you can grow a kind heart.
2016-08-13 6:24 pm
you're a dumb ***** you really are, you should get slapped
2016-08-13 6:06 pm
This is his decision - NOT yours. Your racist attitude will only divide your family - NOT make it stronger.
2016-08-13 5:30 pm
That's sad. If your brothers happy then that's what should matter. You're not dating her so why are you worried?
2016-08-13 5:11 pm
Get over it. Easiest answer ever.
2016-08-13 4:14 pm
2016-08-13 3:25 pm
Seriously dude youve gotta be trolling if not your a really shitty brother if you cut him off good for him he should be able to date who he wants you or anyone else should have no degree of controll in HIS life because its HIS life
2016-08-13 1:13 pm
2016-08-13 12:27 pm
If your brother has a mixed-race family, how does that affect you? It's his business, not yours. To be honest, I hope the two of you do get estranged...because he's better off without a racist sibling like you.
2016-08-13 8:37 am
You must want to date your brother..
2016-08-13 7:06 am
Well now sweetie cut him out he doesn't need your racist *** bringing negativity to his relationship. Shut up and don't threaten your blood. That's awful of you
2016-08-13 6:54 am
2016-08-13 6:39 am
This may be knew to you,...but you're racist. Tolerating a race as long as they don't get inside of your inner circle is a definition of racism. I think the first step is to acknowledge that you are indeed racist, try to understand why you are, and go from there. Unless some black slapped you up for no reason, I'm behind your ideas and your obsurd question, you will find your racism has no real substance.
2016-08-13 5:58 am
Let it be. People are people. As long as they love each other it shouldn't be a problem.
2016-08-13 4:56 am
You're such a no life having troll. Are you black or white because your previous question said your black brother is dating a white girl.. smh @ all these answers.
2016-08-13 4:51 am
Love doesn't have a color. I think that you should just suck it up & let him be happy if its meant to be it will be.
2016-08-13 4:44 am
back the **** off. that's what you do. be accepting.
2016-08-13 3:37 am
it's not really your choice. my bro is dating an ugly girl (of a diff race too) but he makes his own choice. i feel you tho.
2016-08-13 2:48 am
What's up with that ??just a skin colour grow up
2016-08-13 2:15 am
What is with all the questions about race??? They should be treated equally!
2016-08-13 1:42 am
Mest up
2016-08-13 1:19 am
Wow! Not even dogs are this dumb... Someone has a lot of growing up to do.
2016-08-13 12:24 am
What do you do? Mind your business. ???? ????
2016-08-12 11:54 pm
Um yes ur racist...
2016-08-12 11:31 pm
Accept her or continue being the selfish **** you are I'd rather keep a lover that I love dearly and possibly gonna Marry then still have some selfish racist dramatic **** as a sister.
2016-08-12 11:08 pm
Go kill yourself
2016-08-12 10:50 pm
Why wouldn't you want a mixed family? That's ignorant of you. Let him do what he wants and quit trying to make him not love someone because of their skin color. People like you irritate me so much
2016-08-12 10:33 pm
Doesn't matter, as long as he's happy and she's happy
2016-08-12 9:35 pm
Jump off a cliff???? (Said in jest)
2016-08-12 9:24 pm
You must tell him that is not michele obama
2016-08-12 9:15 pm
stop being a racist asshat, either get to know her and accept her or cut them out of your life, if you have views like this im sure theyd be glad youre not in their lives
2016-08-12 8:51 pm
Get them married mutually to enjoy a proper mutual life as good human beings & a way to increase of your family members as a next generation..
2016-08-12 8:41 pm
You be happy for them, don't be racist, life's too short
2016-08-12 8:33 pm
i saw cut him out of your life but not because of his girlfriend but because of the racist dumb *** you are, he will be better off without your input in his life as im sure his girlfriend is a far better person than you will ever be!
2016-08-12 8:11 pm
Support him that's what you do
2016-08-12 8:10 pm
Sounds like your brother should cut you out of his life. Pfft: not wanting a mixed family. This little latte or mocha or cappuccino babies would be adorable. His new gf could be a white crack dealer instead. But you're worried about the color of his children? White people problems.
2016-08-12 8:10 pm
You are so racist! maybe your brother should cutt you off not the other way around.
2016-08-12 8:00 pm
You have no say in his life. It's none of your business.
2016-08-12 7:21 pm
Isn't that kind of a stupid ultimatum to make when you're brother is fully capable of making his own decisions.
2016-08-12 7:14 pm
Who the **** are you to interfere in his life? Let him be happy. It's up to him if he wanna have kids with her it's not your decision. If I was him I would gladly cut off everything with you.

It's his life and you have no say. He can be anyone ******* one he wants.
2016-08-12 6:52 pm
Having a mixed family is his life choice and getting involved with his potential future because it's not your type is terrible. If he is with her then he sees a future with her and he wouldn't care what color his babies were because they would be half him and half the woman he loves. What if they do break up? Then you would have cut him out of your life and he'll never forgive you all for something that clearly could have been avoided. I am mixed and I am proud and there's ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with it!
2016-08-12 6:24 pm
You should be less concerned with mixed race families (which I have observed tend to be happier than pure race families) and be glad that your brother can find happiness for himself
2016-08-12 6:23 pm
You say "I'm not racist" but then go on to list a bunch of racist reasons...

Well done on contradicting yourself, racist.
2016-08-12 6:19 pm
Your so mean! Why are you doing that. Stop telling him to stop loving someone! Ur so ******* stupid ! I hope you break ur neck loser and you are Racist !
2016-08-12 6:04 pm
Thats just racist. I'm reporting you on yahoo answers
2016-08-12 6:02 pm
Why does it matter? If she is a good person and they love each other, just keep your racist mouth to yourself!
2016-08-12 5:55 pm
Nothing what is wrong with that?
參考: Common sense
2016-08-12 5:50 pm
It's not because you're racist? There's no other reason to not want him dating someone of a different race. That is terribly ignorant of you to make him choose between her or you. Love doesn't know race. If he has feelings for her, then there is nothing that you or anybody else can do about it.
2016-08-12 5:49 pm
Well if you can't convince him, you'll have to make that hard decision. Good luck.
2016-08-12 5:45 pm
If he's happy, why ***** about it? Let him live his life, you arent the boss of him or anything.
2016-08-12 5:37 pm
In the end it's really none of your business ...
2016-08-12 5:31 pm
You are racist, definitely. And it sounds like your brother would be better off without your ignorant, pathetic, racist idiocy messing with his life. And why do you think you can dictate who he dates or make demands like that on life, you inane twit?

How you deal with someone close dating a person whose skin pigmentation doesn't match your own? You wish them well and be glad at their happiness.
2016-08-12 5:10 pm
Wow, you got an asian mentality.... Bengalies should only marry bengalies, indians should only marry indians, NO BLACK CHILD SHALL MARRY MY CHILD/BROTHER... damn it!! what is it with color ppl!!!!
2016-08-12 4:25 pm
is this f0r real? i think y0u might be a tr0ll bc n0 white men want t0 d0 that. i knew 0f 0ne white firend gr0wing up wh0 didi that 0nce. she was really trashy t00 0n a basketball sch0larhip at his sch00l. he is a plish prince 0f the h0ly r0man empire and his parents were m0rtified. anyway it was just a wierd phase and he s00n br0ke it 0ff with her. he then went back t0 dating y0ung white girls 0f the rank 0f lady 0r ab0ve and eur0pean m0dels. the black girls m0ther and the girl were s0 devastatedafter he br0me it 0ff that they t00k the subway all the way d0wn fr0t eh br0nx t0 his building 0n 5th avenue and 64th st t0 try t0 talk t0 his m0m and dad and see h0w they c0uld fix things. it seemed strange that she was s0 upset bc the wh0le tim they were dating she 0nly yelled at him and c0mplained. very 0dd but i think thats jut the way they are. anyway im sure y0ur white br0ther will realize he can d0 better and m0ve 0n. he pr0bably has g0tten int0 rap music and that kind 0f crap and thats why
2016-08-12 4:18 pm
You are rude. If he's happy with this girl why does it affect you. Why are you to say who he should and shouldn't date. You sound petty, try looking past it and get over yourself. She's a person too.
2016-08-12 4:07 pm
Disgusting isn't it?

Maybe you should pay a male model to have sex with her, film it and then show it to him.

Hopefully then he will dump her.
2016-08-12 4:04 pm
Learn to eat watermelon and fried chicken
2016-08-12 4:03 pm
I mention June & Lycans and Stephen Fry and thru a bird and 7ee and undercovers and mashups 1ce and the next day or the next few minutes someone is talking about it. Cringe. I only love my 1 angel stalker. <7GTMG3
2016-08-12 4:00 pm
That is racist..
2016-08-12 3:51 pm
You need to mind your own business and butt out of his life, and get on with your own life, oh sorry I forgot, you don't have one!
2016-08-12 3:50 pm
Your only option garanteed to get you results is to confront her and fight her. Unless you're scared ,then crawl back under wimpy *****. Jk i know you dont got what it takes, she would mop the floor with your pasty ***, if not, prove me wrong. Your brother is gonna EAT HER BOOTY LIKE GROCERIES, and your nieces are gonna be some alicia keys, j.cole looking kids. She's gonn inflitrate your family and theres nothing you can do about it. Unless you got the balls to fight her ,( which you dont) they got JUNGLE FEVER. deal with it
2016-08-12 3:49 pm
so what Moses dated an African woman
2016-08-12 3:46 pm
I wouldn't be surprised if you were a person who says 'I am not a racist but...'
2016-08-12 3:20 pm
Why are you worried about what his biological offspring will look like? If you're that close minded, then maybe you should go your seperate ways.
2016-08-12 3:05 pm
Shut up and except it you are not in charge of your brothers life
2016-08-12 2:41 pm
2016-08-12 2:20 pm
it is racist by the nature you care what color the kids are. If the concern is your kids will turn black, it doesn't work that way. The carrier genes don't disappear or anything like that. It's color. We are human beings. Color is color and all colors are present in the universe in all things great and small
2016-08-12 1:54 pm
I know where you're coming from, try to get other girls to talk to him, meet girls yourself and try to hook them up with him.

Sit down and talk to him or give him a counselor,

This is serious
2016-08-12 1:46 pm
2016-08-12 1:41 pm
Watch them have Oreo sex ????
2016-08-12 12:33 pm
If your brother and his girlfriend are happy, leave them be.
2016-08-12 11:10 am
Then your rascist ,its his choice not your. I would hit u in the back of the head
2016-08-12 10:39 am
it is his decission.
2016-08-12 10:25 am
You should never have children and stop talking to people about your ideas.
2016-08-12 9:50 am
Wow that just makes you a racist bit*h, just saying. Hopefully your brother is happy with his girlfriend and I hope they have kids one day. Having a mixed family is amazing! Hope that answers your question.
2016-08-12 9:45 am
Unless you want to date her, also - nothing.
2016-08-12 9:31 am
He should cut you off
2016-08-12 9:23 am
You're an as(s)hole. He's dating her, not you, so don't get involved in his relationship.
2016-08-12 9:11 am
"...and it's not because I'm racist, i'm not..." Of course you are.
2016-08-12 8:51 am
Wtf dude...
2016-08-12 8:44 am
You are racist
2016-08-12 8:39 am
If only all that crap you posted was real. You really should come through with the implied threat. The less *bleeps* like you talk to decent folk, the better.
2016-08-12 8:17 am
You are being a racist though and I don't understand the point of this question.
2016-08-12 8:09 am
You are full of ****! Everyone go through his profile, he makes up stories of how he s black, white, and dating girls of other races. Come on now, stop with the bull ****.
2016-08-12 7:02 am
2016-08-12 7:00 am
What do you do ? You love him regardless of the may not agree, fine have your own opinion just let him be happy and enjoy his life with a beautiful black woman.
2016-08-12 6:30 am
here's what you do jump off a f#cking bridge or drink bleach
2016-08-12 6:24 am
Let her keep dating the girl if she's a decent one. But if she's a teenybopper, tell him to dump her!
2016-08-12 6:00 am
You, sir are the most racist person I've ever met. And cutting off your own flesh and blood too just for expressing his love? Shame, shame, shame to you. Maybe if you find someone you love and your brother doesnt aprove of her how would you feel? Now ima stop now, people like you sicken me you racist hog.
2016-08-12 5:21 am
Explain to your bro what you don't like about it.
2016-08-12 5:10 am
Sounds kinda racist to me, also back the **** off it isn't your place. You don't decide who your brother dates. If anything he should cut you out of his life
2016-08-12 4:45 am
Get over yourself you racist cracker
2016-08-12 4:15 am
I suggest you go to a BLM protest, in a way to connect, and understand her more.
2016-08-12 4:00 am
What is the business of yours? How can you control other;s life?
2016-08-12 3:42 am
2016-08-12 3:16 am
ok this actually makes me mad, its his life, not yours, you never know where the relationship will go and if they do end up having kids, then so what? they will be your nieces or nephews! and you should love them no matter what! be happy for your brother that he found someone who makes him happy. a human is a human, no matter the skin color
2016-08-12 3:09 am
Go ahead and cut him off your life, I bet his new girlfriend is more important than you are, lol.. You don't need to poke your nose in others' life. Whoever he dates, is his choice, it's his life, he can do whatever the **** he wants.
2016-08-12 2:32 am
If you are a girl marry him .... if you are a boy marry him, make him forget about her any way you can.I have faith in you!
2016-08-12 2:26 am
You are just awful and you are racist let your brother date who he wants and just accept it there is nothing wrong with white people dating black people
2016-08-12 2:20 am
By saying " am not racist " it doesnt mean you not racist.

You are not police of his life .
2016-08-12 2:02 am
I doubt that he would dump her, and you would most likely lose him...
2016-08-12 1:56 am
As long as he loves her why do you even care what color they are? That's on him if he wants mixed kids not you. And mixed kids are beautiful why would you not want them?
2016-08-12 1:51 am
You sound racist. If not you wouldn't care. I myself am mixed with white and black. Nothing wrong with that.
2016-08-12 1:49 am
sounds pretty racist to me..
2016-08-12 1:38 am
i don't think there is much you can do, honestly though, idc if you're racist or whatever. I'm white race but of mid east ethnicity, i wouldn't dare imagine me marrying or dating anyone who isn't my race or ethnicity. just personal preference.

but remember, he has his life and you have yours... don't be in his if you don't want to, no one is forcing you, but for you to cut off your family member, your brother because someone he is dating isn't his race well thats ****** up.... and there is no undoing it. your choice. hope u make the right one.
2016-08-12 1:27 am
Sorry, but you sound racist. She's human and there's no difference between you and her besides her skin color. I can see if you didn't like her because she had a bad attitude, but that is clearly not the case. Who are you to tell your brother who to date and who not to love? So what happens if they last and have colored kids???? Are you not going to love your nieces/nephews because of their skin color. You need to really evaluate yourself before you claim not being racist.
2016-08-12 1:24 am
Nothing. You do absolutely nothing. If he is happy you should be happy, so keep your nose out of things that it doesn't belong in. If he likes this girl, you shouldn't have to threaten him that you'll never speak to him again for him to dump his girlfriend. Do you really want him to blame you for his unhappiness, especially if he loves the girl.
2016-08-12 1:22 am
Relax hes only dating her it prolly wont last anyways. If u dobt want to date outside your race thats your prerogative but u cant tell someone else how to live their life.
2016-08-12 1:10 am
It'll be your loss, not his.
Grow up.
2016-08-12 1:09 am
People like you make me lose faith in humanity
2016-08-12 1:08 am
I'm sorry, but I don't think it really matters what YOU want. It's not YOUR life. Get over it and let your brother be with whoever the **** he wants to be with. The world doesn't revolve around only what YOU want. So.
2016-08-12 12:57 am
You mad?
2016-08-12 12:55 am
Lots of people want to preserve they're family but I say but out of his life. Like do u rather him have sex with u. That way it's in the family.
2016-08-12 12:53 am
Its his life, not yours. Leave him alone. You may very well loose him forever if you get into this.
2016-08-12 12:36 am
Imagine if it was the opposite, how would you feel? I take you don't like blacks so I'll say what if you were really into a Hispanic guy and your bro said you couldn't?
2016-08-12 12:28 am
Lol wow what an idiot. Not racist? Sounds like you are, i feel bad for the person who dates you, i hope your brother stays with her and cut you off for good
2016-08-12 12:21 am
Nothing and you are racist.
2016-08-12 12:18 am
You ARE u serious?....who the f do u think u are?....really?'s wtf u mind your own f-ing stop being a douche bag join the year 2016 an get the f over it...WOW...unreal.
2016-08-12 12:13 am
Ridiculous if he loves the girl you can't put ultimatums like that for him to dump her,
you will seriously regret it if you do it.
2016-08-12 12:11 am
I think if you cut him out of your life it would be better for everyone
2016-08-12 12:09 am
nothing wrong with that
answerm ien
2016-08-11 11:58 pm
What's wrong with being mixed?
2016-08-11 11:57 pm
nothing. you do nothing.

Also if you are judging her based on her race, you are racist. not wanting your brother to have a mixed race family is racist.
2016-08-11 11:54 pm
Dude please it's your brothers life not yours so stop acting like that and hell yes your racist if your brothers happy then let him be his family will mixed not yours please stop being so ****** up
2016-08-11 11:20 pm
Well, that was racist.
2016-08-11 11:02 pm
He's your brother, and if he already made the decision to date outside of your race, it is because he values her more than you know beyond race. He isn't doing this to offend you it shouldn't he's capable of dating whoever he wants, sorry hun I don't know what world you live in but we don't get to choose what race we have in our family, most families are mixed. And did you choose your race? No and did she ? No so realize we are all human and respect her for dating your brother and favoring your family
2016-08-11 10:18 pm
Get over that's what you do its his life not yours.
2016-08-11 9:57 pm
Well it depends if he's actually in love, I'm gonna be honest I'm white and my girl is white but after getting to know and love her I'd love her no matter what she looked like so if he is actually in love let them be
2016-08-11 9:52 pm
Rape him.
2016-08-11 9:41 pm
2016-08-11 9:16 pm
2016-08-11 7:12 pm
You are racist. It's his life, you don't tell him what to do.
2016-08-11 2:43 pm
You are ready for Psychiatrist
I met couple colored girls and I found they are very sweet and cute!
2016-08-11 12:22 pm
they are dating but dear its not about you its stupidity that u dont want a black girl with your bro .dont spoil your image front of your brother .you please focus on your self
2016-08-11 6:51 am
It sounds like ur racist
2016-08-15 10:53 pm
Sorry sweetie, I won't sugar coat crap for you. You are racist, stop infringing on your brothers relationship & happiness. Your Misconstrued views will push people away from you not towards you. Also a reminder it's 2016 freedom of choice is allowed. You are beyond ignorant. Crack open a brown egg and a white one same colors on the inside. Your selfish. Nowadays racism is at a all time high your just a sheep following the herd. Let people live their lives they are not living their life for you. Like it or lump it
參考: Me
2016-08-15 9:16 am
Your poor brother. Imagine having a gobshite like you for a sybling.

It doesn't matter what colour his girlfriend's skin is, is she a good person? Is she kind to him, sweet to him? Is she pleasant, well-mannered, intelligent? Hard-working?

If she's all of the above, your brother is a lucky man, and instead of being a prize ORSE hole, you should celebrate his good luck, not be a racist pig about it.

You don't even know if their relationship will last long enough for them to even consider marriage, never mind have children. You really are a STUPID bigoted piece of work, you know that?
2016-08-14 1:42 am
if you are not racist the why do you object to him dating a black girl he is human like you are. plus if your brother is a grown man then you don't have an y thing to do with who he dates. you need to come on up to this century there are mixed couples all over the place. people like you are the ones that hold our people back. we have feelings just like you. and most likely your brother came up to her to be with him. do you just don't want him to be with a black girl or you don't want him to mix with any other race. think before you answer, because this will tell you if you are a racist.
2016-08-13 3:45 pm
Believing that pigment, whether more or less of it, in a person's skin is a factor in identifying anything other than 'the color of ones skin', is precisely the definition of racism. Racist people are merely a collection of the worlds most challenged thinkers; limited by their own ability to execute sound reasoning skills, logic or even basic intellect. They formulate outlandish judgements based upon pigment. They exude stupidity at its finest! Sometimes when I read these questions, I assume they were only posted as a form of entertainment for the person asking it. You might be bored, for instance, or perhaps a part of you has always thrived upon conflict for unexplained psychological reasons, or maybe your intention is none other than a simple, and effective I admit, effort to rile up a heated debate. I hope any of the above scenarios might explain this post. And if it's true that one of these reasons apply, then I breathe a sigh of relief that all hope is not lost for you.
2016-08-12 9:55 pm
2016-08-12 2:25 pm
I firmly believe that there is nothing wrong with dating someone of another race!!!! I don't think you're being racist but preference maybe.

I'm not going to give you a lecture about races and all that jazz but maybe look at the situation differently. You're brothers happy with this girl and you're probably causing him a lot of unneeded stress.
You clearly don't love your brother enough to let him be happy regardless of who it's with, and if you did love him you'd accept it. You don't NEED to lose your brother. It's your own decision here. Hopefully you make the right one.
2016-08-12 3:54 am
Hey guess what?

We don't want our bleed mixed with another's that has someone racist in the family
參考: Young Black woman
2016-08-12 1:30 am
Well that is kind of racist in a way. But let your brother be happy wouldn't you want to be happy with the person you want of your dreams this is not fair for your brother you are only getting what you want look at your brother want to be happy too cuz it is kinda racist though because you just need your brother he's dating that's not color is but it's bad situation so you and your brother should handle this talk to your brother and see what he thinks...
2016-08-12 12:58 am
I suggest you go out an get some of that black stuff yourself. It does not rub off
2016-08-12 12:51 am
kill her
2016-08-12 2:22 am
It's either a phase or he's color blind and confused. Basicly what u say is racism but in my family it's not exceptible at all. We shun that person until things change. If I was the father is beat him with a belt and put some sense in his head
2016-08-11 8:19 pm
Don't take to him anymore
2016-08-11 8:18 pm
Throw a fi t
2016-08-11 7:09 pm
Tell him to cut it out
2016-08-11 11:59 pm
Blacks and whites should not mix. Only good thing is that it results in less blacks in the world, for they are truly a blight on humanity.
2016-08-11 5:51 am
I think you should not let skin color bother you. Mix family is a beautiful thing. You need to get over it and worry about you.

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