World History Should Be Forced In Schools.?

2016-11-03 8:34 am
I feel like WORLD history should be taught in schools. Most people only know about their own history and kind of makes people more... arrogant?

I mean, even if they taught one small thing about other countries, it would do a lot of good. Some people don't know basic history like the roman empire was made up of Europe and the middle east. That the Chinese civilization started well before 3000 BCE.

Just a small fact from each country, is that so hard to ask? I feel like history is a way to manipulate people. This race was the best, so we will only learn about this races history. WHY?

Why can't you learn how a native american made cloth, how a Nubian made pyramids, how an Arab made a mosque, how a Filipino made a hut. Or even mall things like the way a Jamaican would extract milk from coconuts! along side WITH european culture.

Each race has ways they've contributed to the modern world. And each culture has its own unique ways of thinking. No race is bad, every single race has some thing good that comes out of it. And i wish history wouldn't be so biased, and would express it rather than hide these differences.

回答 (10)

2016-11-03 8:49 am
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what is needed is the USA to teach that there are other countries besides the USA

who realy care who Know all the US presidents

i am english and never Learned who all the Kings were That is why we have Libraries and History Books
2016-11-04 9:22 pm
It was when I was in school, however, I don't know about today. There's so much B.S., world wide, which makes it extremely difficult to get anything correct.
2016-11-03 10:34 am
People who enjoy history usually show enough initiative to read outside the syllabus.
2016-11-03 8:42 am
World History IS taught in schools. It's just to what extent. You can't just teach "world history" and expect to fit it all in there. You're talking about millions or even billions of years of history depending on what age you start teaching in (ie recorded history vs pre-history) You have to pick and choose --- and because we as humans are always more comfortable within our own cultures and societies, the teaching of history will always be skewed by where we live.

Unless you want to spend your life learning World History (which would fascinate me but not everyone), you can't just force it upon people.
2016-11-04 3:06 pm
It is taught in the country where I live. Always was. And nobody need to "force' it, either.
Because it's common sense to know as much as possible about the World you're a part of.
No wonder the USA is forever fumbling and bumbling and making a fool of itself to a World it knows nothing about.
2016-11-03 5:03 pm
The study of history is not simply learning a random collection of "small facts," you idiot. Anyway, most schools do teach a good deal of world history nowadays. Your head seems to be stuck in the 1950s.
2016-11-03 3:06 pm
I agree, but the problem in the US is the students, who refuse to learn history.
2016-11-03 2:57 pm
There are geography reference books that give a thumbnail sketch of every country. If one is taking a course in World History the reference would help to inform one. The reference book would help any person who takes pride in being informed. There are such people out there.
2016-11-03 1:59 pm
Congratulations you learnt how a Jamaican would extract milk from a coconut. Now, what did you learn? Nothing. You learnt nothing important oft he culture, history and society of Jamaica. You learnt unless information that is not enlightening int the slightest. You could have learnt about rude boys and the development of Jamaican street culture you know something affected Jamaican culture and identity but no coconuts were more important to understanding of Jamaica and its people.

What you're talking about it trivia. There is not enough time to learn about every culture, race or nation. You have to be selective. If you choose not to then he only way you can cram all that in is to dilute the history to meaningless and forgetful dribble.
2016-11-03 11:34 am
That will be too harsh on pupils in a History class. You don't need Guantanamo; you simply send the inmates to a class of "World History". Young chaps find it hard to memorise their own History in their Lingo. And here you talk of World History !
History (after the prelims) need interest of the Learners.
2016-11-03 8:41 am
And what do you drop from the current syllabus?

I do agree with you in most respects, however, the fact is that many nations use schools (and history particularly) to make/train good citizens of that country rather than good citizens of the world.

Why not? Because taxpayers indirectly set syllabuses and not enough of them agree with your pov.
2016-11-03 8:41 am
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