do you eat AT OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE, CHILLI'S, olive garden. DOES THE FOOD SEEM very heavy and greasy?

2016-08-14 8:26 pm

FOOD AND DRINK. i CHECKED THE MENUS AND ALL these places food is salty, high saturated fat, very sugary, lots of calories and not healthy. The protein content can be very good and thats why people feel filled up. But its also have tons of chemicals and toxins. I mean, the folks that eat here look healthy. But the food is indeed very heavy, greasy, fatty, salty, sugary, and not good for heart health. These places always seemed packed though. The people dont gain weight from it

回答 (67)

2016-08-16 3:32 am
"Not Good for the Health"; Bloomberg's Food Police strike again, ANY food produced for the Home is processed "With Too Much" <whatever> . You cannot buy processed meats, or any canned items without having Salt in them "too much" according to the Food Police.
People go to Restaurants for a Lark, not to Live off them. Fun time without the necessity of slaving over a hot stove. You "poison" yourself even if you live off your own Garden and farm animals.
Add to that the "Snake Oil" scammers who every 20 years come out with the "Toxins in the Bowels" crap (Pun intended). That is what the bowel is for, To remove the stuff the body has no use for.

Ate at Olive Garden Once, They managed to have screwed up my restaurant favourite, Cole Slaw, And Claimed "other" people really loved it. Maybe ... I spit it out.
It is pretty hard to screw-up Cole Slaw, they managed to do it. royally.

The Best thing if your going to fret about it, is that unlike mums home cooked meals you can Not go back to a restaurant.
2016-08-16 12:40 am
Your not gonna go to any of those and get something healthy, I enjoy thier food it's not too greasy
2016-08-15 2:18 am
None of the three you mentioned are among my favorite places to eat, although I have eaten at all three at some time in the past. The food did not necessarily seem greasy, it just didn't seem good enough to stand out among the competition. I will say that Olive Garden's bread sticks and bottomless salad are nice. I wonder if they are still on the menu.
2016-08-14 8:52 pm
Restaurant food is NOT full of toxins! Why would they sell bad food like that? They'd go out of business.
All those places have salads and seafood. They all have lighter menus for people who don't want to feel full or are counting calories. Saturated fats are not bad for you in moderation, and how you can claim that their food is sugary when those places have steaks, ribs, shrimp, etc, is beyond me.

Of you order a meaty meal with a heavy potato or pasta, yes, you're going to be full but don't claim that those restaurants are bad or evil or poisoning you when you're ultimately responsible for your choices.
2016-08-16 2:46 am
I havet had issues with outback, i dont eat at chilis often, and i swear olive garden puts our meals in the microwave
2016-08-15 9:39 pm
Outback used to be great now might as well call it "Outhouse". The food is terrible. I have no idea why they are still in business. Most bland steaks ever.
Olive Garden is good but haven't been in a very long time so dunno. Chili's became bland to me but last time I went was decent. I think with them depends on which one you go. Biggest gripe is there is TOO many of them.
2016-08-15 8:25 pm
these restaurants are good...I would not say greasy, however, if u want to eat greasy food, go eat in kentucky fried chicken
2016-08-15 3:52 pm
Outback is disappointing. Its low quality but high priced meat. Chilis is all salt and high calories. You might as well save money and go to McDonalds.
2016-08-15 9:50 am
Most restaurants that serves grilled or fried food are heavy and greasy
2016-08-15 8:31 am
I do
2016-08-14 9:40 pm
Love heavy greasy food but no, I don't find it so.
2016-08-14 8:29 pm
I can't say as I have ever eaten at Outback, the other's I have, and had no problem with the food.
2016-08-14 8:27 pm
It's been several years since I've been to any of those places. I think the last place I went to was Outback Steakhouse about 3 years ago. Steaks are supposed to have fat on them, though. You're definitely at the wrong place if you go to Outback expecting a light meal.
2016-08-16 2:09 am
that place made me vegetarian 2 yrs ago :'(
2016-08-14 8:29 pm
OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. their food of all types is very heavy. its not a light meal. ITS SALTY, GREASY, FATTY, and tons of calories. It good food to me. But very heavy. you will indeed be filled up. Its affordable and not too pricey. It does have good protein though. once a week I go. Its not for those not very hungry
2016-09-05 6:36 am
2016-08-22 7:11 am
Yes. But I believe the meals are premade
2016-08-22 3:26 am
2016-08-22 2:57 am
They are chain restaurants and most chains are gross. Stick to local restaurants. They are usually much better in quality. .
2016-08-22 1:19 am
They have salad and ask for vinegarette on side. Or chicken sandwich without mayonaise and no cheese.
2016-08-21 11:37 am
not at olive garden or outbacks. never ate at the other one
2016-08-20 9:04 pm
The Outback......too much seasoning. Chili's....we don't have one near us. Olive Garden - LOVE their food.
2016-08-19 8:15 pm
They are good
2016-08-19 1:12 pm
2016-08-19 12:13 am
No but it all tastes chemically processed
2016-08-18 2:34 pm
The last time i went tou Outback, EVERYTHING we ordered was doused in salt . I have not returned since the last time in the fall
2016-08-18 1:41 pm
You must be stupid Chili's doesn't have greasy food maybe they give a big portion complain complain
2016-08-18 7:42 am
I only like Outback. And some of the food is unhealthy I guess. But usually when people go out to eat (at least for me), it's a treat. It's okay to eat unhealthy once in a while
2016-08-17 10:50 pm
I have eaten at all 3, but not for a while, I don't recall the food being heavy and greasy, maybe it's you or maybe you.
2016-08-17 7:49 pm
I ate at all 3 places know and then in the past i no longer do the food changed and it made me sick at 2 places got food poisoning at olive garden and outback my steak was dry and very 4 0z and i order a 8 oz and thier bloom onion was oiled all over the plate and dinning area chillis not work the money any more
2016-08-17 5:36 pm
2016-08-17 4:35 pm
None of these restaurants are actually "fast food" and of the three you mention I have eaten at Outback but not recently. When I did I found the food tasty and not particularly greasy considering you are ordering steak or similar foods. As for the comment about toxins they contain no more than many vegetables do. I seem to have heard this before (several years ago) and although debunked it still seems to be floating around with much of the mis-information you can find on the web. I have also eaten at Olive Garden and I also enjoyed my meal there. I did not find it particularly greasy or fatty and as for heart health, it all depends on what you order. Again the comment about toxins is misleading since it is merely the opinion of many of the writers who prepare these so called exposes on restaurant foods who, in most cases, are writing to convince you not to eat there as opposed to offering real information. I have never eaten at Chilli's so cannot comment on their food.
2016-08-17 2:06 pm
The answer to your first question is NO. I do not eat at those places. The answer to your second question is N/A, I do not eat at those places.
2016-08-17 8:33 am
The food is boiled in plastic pouches and is third rate. Now much in most Restaurants comes from Sysco or US Foodservice and is uniform and filled with fillers and preservatives.
2016-08-16 10:47 pm
No it's amazing.
2016-08-16 10:10 pm
I eat at chillis and olive garden. so? It's good IDC what u say
2016-08-16 10:03 pm
No I do not like to go to chain restaurants.
2016-08-16 6:50 pm
Yolanda, you ask good questions. These restaurants provide what the public wants, which keeps them in business, and what the majority of the public wants is something that tastes good for a reasonable price. I avoid Chilli's; I have never found one with good service or anything on the menu I wanted. In my area of the country, the Outbacks are closing down. I like Olive Garden, but only once in awhile, and in moderation. Cheddar's has a plate of four sides, and you can get all vegetables. I cannot totally control the sodium, but I can eliminate grease, and I find this meal economical and enjoyable.
2016-08-16 5:21 pm
2016-08-16 1:47 pm
2016-08-16 12:58 pm
None of the 3 restaurants you mentioned are good. I found their food all greasy.
2016-08-15 7:27 pm
NO, for that reason.
2016-08-15 4:19 pm
I eat ar Olive Garden. The food seems right
2016-08-15 3:43 pm
The purpose of going to a restaurant is to eat food that is very tasty. Fat and sugar makes food tastes good. However, most restaurants today also have salad entrees for people who want very healthy food. Not everyone is interested in eating healthy foods at all times.
2016-08-15 10:48 am
Chilli's food is EXTREMELY salty and spicy. If you care about your salt intake, stay away. Olive Garden my wife and I both got food poisoning the last time we ate there. The also offered us a free sample of their wine and then a whole bottle appeared on our ticket at checkout. But I caught it at the self check out and there was an option to remove items from the ticket. I thought this odd unless they intentionally overcharge but give you the option of correcting the overcharge. This makes me wonder how many patrons just pay without checking for errors first? Outback? never ate there.
2016-08-15 8:04 am
Olive Garden, and yes, the food is greasy and not very good.
2016-08-15 5:16 am
I have eaten at all three at some time in the past. The food did not necessarily seem greasy, it just didn't seem good enough to stand out among the competition. ==
2016-08-15 4:30 am
I only eat at olive garden from those restaurants you listed and rarely. The food is heavy if you eat the whole entree with breadsticks and salad.
2016-08-15 3:42 am
We went to Outback a couple years ago. Never went back because we couldn't believe how small the portions were. We like Olive Gardens Soup and Salad. No grease at all.
2016-08-15 3:28 am
2016-08-15 3:28 am
I prefer Olive Garden. am satisfied with their foods.
2016-08-15 3:12 am
2016-08-15 2:12 am
2016-08-15 12:36 am
2016-08-14 11:51 pm
I haven't in a while.....the food looks delicious
2016-08-14 11:40 pm
None of the three you mentioned are among my favorite places to eat, although I have eaten at all three at some time in the past. The food did not necessarily seem greasy, it just didn't seem good enough to stand out among the competition. I will say that Olive Garden's bread sticks and bottomless salad are nice. I wonder if they are still on the menu.
2016-08-14 11:29 pm
Nope. I mean maybe a little bit for Olive Garden but it's Italian so what can you expect
2016-08-14 11:26 pm
Stop with the food being toxic thing. you don't know what that word means. Stop using it. All food has chemicals. Food itself wouldn't exist without chemicals. YOU would not exist without chemicals! Yes the food is high calorie (depending on what you get) but that's why most people don't eat out everyday.
2016-08-14 10:17 pm
It seems very pre frozen and microwaved
2016-08-14 9:27 pm
I've never eaten at any of those places.
2016-08-14 8:32 pm
No...we don't have these restaurants here.
2016-08-14 8:28 pm
I eat at chilis at best I always get there hot wings and maybe pasta and I used to eat at olive garden I would say chilis is a joke i don't know what to say about them i know red lobster is greasy wooow
2016-08-15 6:26 pm
burp no
2016-08-15 12:21 am
2016-08-14 8:29 pm
I have never been to any of those places, and have probably avoided them because I know the food there is in fact heavy and greasy, unless I order a salad every time.
2016-08-15 11:48 pm
Never heard of it, it can't be important enough.
參考: Give me my two points!
2016-08-14 8:31 pm
Yes indeed. OLIVE GARDEN is probably the worst of them. its no joke. But when I go, nobody at olive garden seem overweight. The people actually dress nice and look sexy. their food is heavy and greasy. but its not packed with overweight and obese people
2016-08-14 8:27 pm
yes, very greasy, fatty, and high calorie. the food is not healthy. I eat at least one of them once a week. very heavy and tons of calories

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