IS THE GOD OF ISLAM the same AS THE CHRISTIAN GOD. or very different?

2017-03-01 4:51 am

回答 (140)

2017-03-01 4:53 am
The same. The three Abrahamic faiths (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) all worship the same God.
2017-03-01 6:30 am
Very Different, in the EXTREME. Allah is not Jehovah. Never was; never will be. Jehovah of the Bible has one begotten Son, Jesus. The Qur'an says that Allah has no son, but he does have three daughters. There is little in doctrine that the two religions share.
2017-03-01 7:13 am
EVERY religion has their own 'God'. It's just you can't get this through to a terrorist Muslim.
2017-03-02 8:31 am
The descriptions are different in the main manuscripts of the two faiths, so they cannot be worshiping the same God.
The God of Jesus Christ, for example, is his Father.
2017-03-02 1:02 am
The gods of the three major Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, share a common ancestor. This is because Abraham had two sons, Ismael by Agar and Isaac by Sarah. According to the Torah, Ismael is not the son promised by God and he will become the ancestor of the Muslims. On the other hand, Isaac is the son promised by God to Abraham and he will become the ancestor of the Jews, the chosen people. 1500 years after Isaac, Jesus of Nazareth will be born from the Jews, and he will establish a new religion, with a new covenant, introducing a God of love.
Yes they are basically the same God, but with different interpretations of their sacred texts, the Jews following the Torah, the Christians with the Bible and the Muslims have the Quran.
2017-03-01 4:12 pm
They are both different people.
2017-03-03 5:19 pm
People preach different gods but actually their God is ONE.

Now there is one thing. People love the Prophet sent to them.

Like Judists love Moses
Christians love Messiah
Muslims love Muhammad
(May peace be upon them all)

These three religions root back from Abraham (P. B. U. H).

It means the God present in the scriptures of these religions is the same as of Abraham (P. B. U. H).

Now where the problem lies. Here it is.

You might have seen people using Microsoft Office version 2003 and they are skillful in it.

Some people who started using MS Office later in 2007 they become skillful in MS Office 2007.

But the people using 2003 preferred to stick to 2003 version as of their own choice.

The purpose of software is same. Some features are different.

God sent different prophets to the different nations

But if you see All prophets came with the same message i.e.

God is ONE, Worship only HIM.
2017-03-03 1:38 am
Historically yes, as they all trace their origins to the religion of Abraham. In practice, well, not so much.
2017-03-02 1:58 pm
According to Islam/Quran the definition of God is as below:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, (1) Allah, the Eternal Refuge. (2) He neither begets nor is born, (3) Nor is there to Him any equivalent." (4)
The main difference between Christianity and Islam is Muslims believe that Jesus(PBUH) was messenger (Prophet) of ALLAH but Christianity believe that Jesus(PBUH) as son of God. As per Quran Bible (Torah) is book of God but it was amended by human for their own benefits. Quran is the last book of God so ALLAH himself took responsibility to protect it till the end of world.
A Muslim can not be Muslim without believing and loving in Jesus (PBUH)
2017-03-02 3:57 pm
the same yolanda/jennifer

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