I can't live in my parents house anymore!! I am 19 and I don't have any money but I need to get out! Help me out please? What should I do?

2016-12-13 7:14 am

回答 (14)

2016-12-13 7:15 am
Visit your local armed forces recruiting office.
2016-12-13 7:17 am
Do you have a job? What kind of 19 year old doesn't have any money?
2016-12-14 9:39 am
Way back in 1958 I had the same problem. I was 18 and aged out of foster care. I joined the US Navy and never regretted a minute of it. Check it out. Go Navy!
2016-12-14 5:06 am
Get a job and save some money. You can't live on your own without money.
2016-12-13 10:11 am
Get a job
2016-12-13 8:54 am
have you been to college? If you have, then get a job and move. If you havent, i am sure your parents would be fine with going to a college.
2016-12-13 8:30 am
Find a job
2017-01-08 5:52 pm
find some rich cougar who is shalling to support her new boy toy.........
2016-12-17 5:52 pm
find some rich cougar who is shalling to support her new boy toy...
2016-12-17 5:08 pm
get a job
2016-12-17 1:12 am
if you don't get out and get a job you better change your attitude about your parents unless they are booting you out
and unless you can con someone into paying your way you are stuck
2016-12-16 4:41 pm
get a job
2016-12-16 2:03 am
GET A JOB, save your money and then move out on your own.
2016-12-15 2:55 pm
find a job
2016-12-13 12:02 pm
Contact local homeless shelter for actual info on how to get a bed

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