why are there so many college graduates unemployed or doing minimum wage jobs?

2016-10-18 5:40 pm

回答 (40)

2016-10-18 8:32 pm
1)Because only a few degree options directly correlate to a job. Ie. if you study teaching or nursing, you will become a teacher or a nurse; if you study english literature, you might apply for writing jobs, but you have journalism, communication and creative industries majors to contend with.

2)If you don't already have experience in the field you're trying to get into, you're at a big disadvantage, because 'most' people are college educated nowadays and as they say 'a degree is only valuable to the point no one else has it'. There needs to be a shift towards more practical/hands on approaches to college courses.
2016-10-18 11:58 pm
5 months out, working at a grocery store. I live in CT, a bad state for jobs. I hope to save up money and move.
2016-10-18 5:42 pm
That's completely false. There is a 2.5% unemployement rate among people with a bachelor's degree or higher.

That's very low.

You're repeating a lie that people like to tell in order to make themselves feel better about their own unemployment and unwillingness to complete a college degree.
2016-10-20 11:35 pm
It could be for a variety of reasons so you would have to go at a case by case basis. Some people may have majored in something that doesn't have much job prospects or doesn't provide them with marketable skills. Some people may have majored in something that has good job prospects, but the area they live in doesn't have as many positions available as the number of people applying. Some may lack experience if they didn't do internships when they were still in college and graduate having a hard time getting a foot through the door with employers now requiring 2-3 years of experience for entry level jobs. Some may have majored in something useful, but they live in large cities where the particular field is very saturated and competitive that they can't match with the other candidates who are also fighting for the position. These are all possible scenarios.
2016-10-21 1:25 am
alot of college students don't do the research about their degree before hand. they don't look into what kind of jobs they can get or where they can intern, they just assume once they get a degree they can get a job as soon as they graduate.
2016-10-20 9:30 pm
You have some very good answers here, and some that are suspect. First, do what a very good friend is doing with her daughter. Decide what your interest are. Visit the colleges/ Universities that offer those subjects. Mom and dad are paying, so, keep that in mind. Teacher to student ratio. Were you interested in that field as a junior or senior in High School. Visit with students in your interests. Many students do not even try just the things I have mentioned. From your freshman year, until you graduate, talk with the companies, etc. and see if they would entertain interns. If students would do just the simple and obvious things, they would have a much better chance at getting the job they aspire to. Getting your sheepskin doesn't mean dip. You have to work for it, long before you graduate.
2016-10-20 6:59 pm
Going o college doesn t mean you are well qualified to do any specific job, in many instances. Nursing, accounting, and specific degrees can mean a good job upon graduation. Women s Studies, Fine Arts, stuff like that, less so.
2016-10-18 5:47 pm
Because they got useless degrees.
2016-10-18 9:11 pm
look at it from this prospective, the statistics have said there are 11 million unemployed people and about 11 million illegal aliens, does that tell you anything
your college degree may not be in a subject there is much demand for, and the job market it primarily for people in the up and coming industries, which you may or may not be trained to perform
maybe you chose a dead subject, and getting a college degree in no way assures you of a good paying job
2016-10-18 5:42 pm
Because they graduate with a degree in "business" which translates to "I was indecisive in deciding my career path so I just did what all the lazy hippies are doing"
2016-10-18 5:49 pm
Generally, it's because they took the "easy" way through college, getting a degree in Marketing, Finance, History, or some other practically worthless degree. When they get out, they find that hundreds of thousands of other graduates also took the "easy" way and they are all now competing with each other for the relatively few jobs that are available. Even when they get jobs, it's likely to a low-paying dead-end job such as a bank teller.

Graduates who were willing to work hard in school and get a degree in Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine, or Computer Science have no problems getting good jobs.
2016-10-22 4:44 pm
I think about this a lot. I know a girl who got accepted to the best university in my state. She graduated and did her internship. She's been working at a jewelry store for 4 years now. Hasn't been able to find a job with her degree. She has a great personality too. It's scary out there.
2016-10-22 6:15 am
I think it's a few factors. Jobs want us to have so many years of experience in addition to a degree, which isn't always possible. Plus, a good rule of thumb is always to apply for jobs where you have 60-100% of the requirements, but even doing that, they're going to go with someone that has above and beyond what's required so they don't spend as much time and money on training. The economy is doing a lot better, but it still isn't at its best, so I think jobs will still hold out for the right applicant. I also think networking and knowing where to look plays a big part. When you apply to random jobs in your field that everyone knows about, you might not get any replies because of there's so many for them to go through. Plus, some jobs will call you in for interviews because the company requires them to interview so many people, when they already know they're hiring someone in house. It's a waste of your time and theirs.

Also, a catch 22. Jobs want you to have experience and a degree, but won't let you get your foot in the door. And some of us have Bachelors and want to get a Masters, but we need a job that pays enough to help with tuition because loans and grants only cover so much. But with no job to help us with money or experience, which is required, we're stuck.
2016-10-21 10:25 am
Because nowadays most people go to college. It isn't something special that qualifies you for a job anymore. The problem is, employers are looking for people with experience, but to get experience you need a job. If you were an employer, who would you rather choose- someone with 10 years experience or someone with a degree. Also the world is a lot more populated than in previous times and there are less jobs.
2016-10-21 2:23 am
Not enough jobs
2016-10-20 7:02 pm
Not enough jobs!
2016-10-19 4:25 pm
In addition to the points already noted, here's a good resource page for underemployment - http://bit.ly/2eir0sH .
2016-10-21 7:05 pm
Once upon a time, until about the mid-1970s, a college degree was something Very special to have. Only those who were very smart or well off could afford to get one. Then, came all the grants and loans, and now anyone and their Grammy can get a degree. There is really nothing special about it. Today, it is the equivalent of what a high school diploma was in the '40s or '50s. Also, too many degrees are granted for majors that literally have no future to them. For example, many liberal arts degrees.
2016-10-20 4:31 pm
basically we as a society have degraded the quality of a college degree to the point where it is near meaningless. Grade inflation hurts a lot. the weird majors added in the aftermath of the 60s was and is silly. Underwater basket weaving, femin-ist studies, rac-ist studies and all the other -ist studies added to poetry, history and philosophy make it worse.
2016-10-19 10:04 pm
Because they may have a degree but NOT experience.
2016-10-19 9:30 pm
Cause they are lazy unmotivated slobs that want the world handed to them on a platter .
2016-10-19 4:29 pm
The first job after college matters and some don't instantly look for work in the field they want to be in. They should attempt to work in their field before graduation so they bring education and experience. First job is the most important if you take a job that isn't in your field or take a trip for a few months you come back looking less interesting than a new grad and new are coming along all the time. Also colleges don't weed out people who will never land a job in a professional field because of personality or something. I knew a receptionist who got a degree in accounting from an online school. She didn't get along with anyone and was a miserable person. I did accounting at work but instead of being nice to me so I would teach her and give her experience she stole a plant from my office. She was over 50 and could barely hold the job she had and finally had a mental breakdown and retired at 60 never using her degree one minute. The school shouldn't have sold her a degree when she couldn't deal with people.
2016-10-18 7:32 pm
because the OBAMA fiscal and work rule policies have wrecked the work environment. They have turned it into a part time service oriented world
2016-10-18 5:50 pm
2016-10-24 2:50 am
Because the economy
Is ****
2016-10-23 11:12 pm
Sean seems to have the best answer here. A college degree also doesn't instantly grant people riches. People also need make a tremendous effort to work hard, and excel, and hone their skills in the field they are in. Simply applying for it and getting it doesn't always work.
2016-10-22 12:40 pm
Many while educated. Have no idea how to work or use a education. While some uneducated have a skill & know how to work. They do better. What can you say 4 years of college & need start at the bottom learning to work in fast food.
2016-10-22 10:19 am
Some may lack experience if they didn't do internships when they were still in college and graduate having a hard time getting a foot through the door with employers now requiring 2-3 years of experience for entry level jobs. Some may have majored in something useful, but they live in large cities where the particular field is very saturated and competitive that they can't match with the other candidates who are also fighting for the position. These are all possible scenarios.
2016-10-21 6:34 pm
That is simply because they had offered a degree for the sake of obtaining a degree, rather you could have gone behind your passion instead of wasting time on a degree.

We are not taught by our schools how to choose our passion or something called opportunity cost to choose in between. Mate! it is not too late. Start something your own from zero.
2016-10-21 2:27 pm
Too many of them persued useless careers with the title "designer".

Only a sucker falls for that scam, and the schools make a fortune.

Show me a person who calls himself "designer", and I will show you, one of two things:
1. Someone unemployed.
2. Someone who has a degree in business, is a CEO, and never actually designs anything.

If the person posted stupid stuff on facebook, or other places. it will show up in a background check. It makes no difference if he or she used a nickname. So many young people have posted crap about smoking pot, buying fake ID, Buying fake designer clothing, and other crimes. They have shot themselves in the foot. Even if they delete it tomorrow, do not think that it is not already known to Lexus Nexus. It may take years for that stuff to go away. Everything posted on the internet may come back to haunt you!
2016-10-21 1:12 pm
2016-10-21 8:02 am
2016-10-21 3:45 am
Merely copying Barack's lead in doing community organizing getting ready for the next stage of economic overthrow. .
2016-10-21 2:38 am
This is an easy answer by asking yourself a simple question . Can you name one person you personally know who was unable to graduate College ? The best schools take your $ 25000 to $ 200,000 and everyone passes. All you need to do is show up . If they failed you , they would take on a reputation that no money making college wants . The Business world knows this and during the initial job interview they discover exactly how smart or dumb you actually are .
參考: common sense
2016-10-21 1:12 am
2016-10-20 2:17 pm
Main is if they have chosen a field which is forced by their parents and they were not intrested at all.
2. Most imp it depends on Country Population. If population is more than there is always a problem.
3.less seriousness in college time.
4. only theortical knowledge no practical knowledge
2016-10-19 11:51 pm
cos many graduates take useless courses
2016-10-19 8:26 am
They can not sell themselves right
2016-10-19 6:08 am
Because there are a limited jobs.
2016-10-18 5:50 pm
because the rich have all the money and China have all your jobs it has been that way for 30 years and you have enough bwankers
2016-10-20 3:55 am
Because their degrees are worthless. There's good paying jobs out there. But youth these days are majoring in history, and what not. Coming out of universities with tons of debt. I have absolutely no pity for them, just a bunch of morons. They deserve the minimum wage jobs.
參考: Better put some history in my burger, you nitwits.
2016-10-19 7:47 pm
2016-10-19 6:54 pm
Because being a college graduate doesn't mean nearly as much as it used to.
2016-10-19 3:35 am
Because employers refuse to hire the unemployed ones, and employers only pay minimum wage for ALL job in existence.
2016-10-18 5:41 pm
because they're in debt and they weren't smart about spending their money on college.
2016-10-18 5:41 pm
They don't want to work hard.
2016-10-18 6:37 pm
Too many people became college educated who shouldn't have ever gone to college.

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