Do you support abortion or no?

2016-10-27 5:29 pm

回答 (745)

2016-10-28 7:57 am
There are many reasons as why abortion is the right thing to do;

An unwanted pregnancy often produces an unwanted child.

A homeless woman with no money in destitution is not in a good position to support a child.

A woman without a supporting male or friend will not be in a good postion to support a child.

A sick woman could produce a sick child.

There are many reasons for when an abortion is necessary or desirable and we mustn't forget there has to be a man involved for a pregnancy to occur which could involve a married man or a man who simply doesn't give a damn about the woman or the child.

I don't believe every woman or man makes a good parent - the evidence is everywhere and with all the millions of babies (chinese and asian girls for instance) and children needing homes it isn't right to produce children willy nilly. At the end of the day it has to be the decision of the woman - how badly does she want the baby and can she provide for it?

In short, yes I do support abortion in certain circumstances.
2016-10-27 10:39 pm
Pro-choice - I do not support abortion but I do support the woman's right to decide what she does with her own body, whether it's some creepy old rich guy grabbing her, or that she accidentally got pregnant by some guy she doesn't want to build a life with.
Abortion shouldn't be used merely as birth control, though.
But it's most certainly not anyone's business other than the people involved, and even then, it's the woman's choice.
The real problem is having sex with someone you wouldn't want to have a baby with - why would you do that?
2016-10-29 5:47 am
I don't have a vagina, so I don't think I'm qualified to even have an opinion.

Personally, if a woman were carrying my baby, and had an abortion, it would really depend on the circumstances; should I ever speak to her again.

Personally, if a woman were carrying my baby, and had an abortion, whether or not I would ever speak to her again would depend on the circumstances surrounding the decision. Now, I identify as a liberal, but I do not buy into the lie that abortions don't just happen. There was a woman that a friend of mine was very close to, and I met her once. This woman would nonchalantly bring up that she was going to be having another abortion. From what I remember, she simply had it to see what an abortion was like. In THAT kind of a circumstance, I would never speak to the woman again. If her health were at risk, that's a different story. I'd still find it impossible to talk or associate with the woman, but I'd eventually come around.

In short: for health reasons, I personally support it. ONLY if the mother's health is at risk or if it's been discovered that the baby will be a still-born. For just because or I don't wanna be a mother: absolutely not. Adopt the child out. You're just murdering someone in that case.
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
I support a woman's right to choose. Would I ever have had an abortion? No.

It should be a personal choice and not the government's.
2016-10-28 5:22 pm
I support the right of a woman to decide how her body should be managed, I neither support or condemn abortion as I am not a woman and I do not know all of the issues in each individual case. I get the feeling that the anti abortion folk think women go into abortion with a light heart, nothing could be further from the truth. The woman must balace the life of her unborn child against whatever criteria forces the possible selection of abortion. I know women who agonise, even many years after over the decision to go forward with an abortion, even if it had ment thatthey were at risk if the pregancy went to term.
2016-10-28 1:07 pm
Abortion is a medical treatment that originally came about to save lives. In some cases it is a medical necessity to save the life of the mother. Since Roe v Wade, it has become NOTHING MORE than ANOTHER form of birth control for couples too lazy to use birth control measures or abstinence which ALWAYS works when it's used. A baby in the uterus is there for approximately nine months. From day one IT IS a HUMAN CHILD and has the right to be protected and to live. Abortion on demand is tantamount to tossing a newborn child in the trash can. If a woman or the father can live with that, then it's on their head. For a nation to support it AND practice it is an abomination.
2016-10-28 7:57 pm
I know I could get a lot of hate for this, but... yeah. However I disagree with the current time limit to get an abortion, it should be done as soon as possible after the pregnancy is discovered. As for why I support abortion, many of the people in this thread seem to think a lot of women looking for abortion are 'irresponsible teens looking for a quick way out of being irresponsible.' Well... your right (not all women, but a lot.) Nonetheless, who will be suffering if the baby is born unwanted. The baby. This is just my opinion, but I believe education is the key here. Teach contraception to teenagers and the problem won't entirely go away, but neither will it if you ban abortion. Some people may just turn to the dark web and buy, for lack of a better word, wacko drugs.
2016-10-28 6:56 pm
There have been way too many illegal abortions which have endangered the health of the Woman. Personally I don't like abortions but if a Woman really wants one then let it be a safe one in a proper clinic and done by a trained Doctor. Making them illegal solves nothing. The choice should be up to the Woman and no one else. This world does not need any more unwanted babies . If the people who are against abortion would take the child and raise it properly then maybe their opinion would hold some weight But if they can't do that then they should mind their own business and keep their opinions to themselves. Donald Trump has said that He is against Women having abortions but I don't see him reaching into his pocket and supporting someone else's child. When he and his followers do I will listen to them but until that happens I'll keep My beliefs and let the Woman decide .
2016-10-27 10:12 pm
Nobody supports abortion. Nobody has sex thinking "Cool, now I just wait a few months and I can have an abortion."
I support the RIGHT to make that personal choice, if and when a choice needs to be made.
2016-10-27 7:17 pm
Abortion has been legal since the 1970s. I support a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices rather than the government.
2016-10-28 5:16 pm
No because the majority are irresponsible pregnant teens looking for an easy way out for being irresponsible. If they got pregnant through rape or incest or the baby is deformed then I don't really care if the person gets an abortion. Although that just makes about 3% of why women are getting abortions. This is why I don't support abortion. I'm not an activist or support pro choice activists who mainly justify abortion by saying it's just a fetus. It isn't just all about a woman's body it's also about a forming baby with their own blood type and I don't support irresponsible people who want everyone supporting them so they don't feel guilty for being irresponsible.
參考: update: teen parents being responsible The babys' first calorie source should always come from healthy available breast milk and no solid food. If you can't produce, look for milk donations from other mothers before using milk powder. pro choice activists
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
I support the use of birth control. Because it is stupid to make a baby if you don't want a baby.
2016-10-28 12:36 pm
Abortion kills a developing human being . A twelve year old is still a developing human being. Words are used to dehumanize to justify killing these innocent unborn babies . I think if most people were deep enough thinkers they would realize that they started their journey of life in the womb and that their lives were sacred and so are other human beings . People are swayed by people who are great speakers who are masters of words but the fact is a dead end for a little human that cant defend himself and could have a future doing all kind of great things to benefit mankind . Evil is real . Do you know what a partial birth is ? It is when an unborn baby is pulled out of the womb except for the top of the head held in the woman. The baby is mostly born , a couple of more inches and wella ,an American citizen with all the rights. But no, the top of the head is held in to make it only a partial birth. The baby is moving and kicking. Scissors are used to puncture a hole in the back of the babies head and a suction catheter is inserted to remove the babies brain. A dead baby is then pulled out . A nervous condition is considered health of the mother. There is really no protection for the unborn anytime. I believe anyone who gives support to those in power to continue this evil practice lose their salvation. Those who believe in death condemn themselves . It is important to value innocent human life .
2016-10-29 12:04 am
If there is a medical reason for the abortion then yes. What I will say is that if abortions were outlawed I bet some women would think twice before having unprotected sex, it should not be used as birth control quite obviously and there is no excuse creating a life for being careless. Don't get pregnant as in safe sex (genuine accidents are rare), don't put yourself in a situation in order to have an abortion, & put something on the end of it. (UK saying- if you've watched Jeremy Kyle) If you don't want a baby. Easier said than done for some people lol. Personally I don't approve in most situations if its carelessness. It's karma for the choice they make, it's on their head buy I don't like a nanny state. Some people make terrible parents and there's living proof out there of some people who shouldn't procreate! And then there's single mothers who set a great example and decided to keep despite facing the odds. So i'm not for or against. I had a ex friend) who had a still born at 14, then a miscarriage, and at 20 had an abortion, kept the foetus until 14 weeks for some reason. All by the same ex boyfriend. She claimed she "pill" used to get wedged in a hole in her throat and that on the 3rd occasion she thought her ex was wearing a condom and he wasn't. To be honest I don't believe what she claims, (a hole in her throat and not knowing if the guy had a condom on) and keep on getting pregnant once is bad if they're simply gonna get rid, you would think a person would learn the first time not have it happen 3 times, then it's carelessness and no accident. If a girl is mentally immature say under age, likely they may not cope or have the mentality to, or they literally were not able to look after a child say mentally incapable (Inexcusable reason would be if their career meant too much), the same as if someone gets raped, I wouldn't judge them on an abortion
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
I support a women's right to choose. It's just that simple.
2016-10-27 5:45 pm
No one thinks abortion is a good thing. All sane, rational people can agree that it is always a sad situation.

But the actual issue is whether or not women should have access to relatively SAFE medical facilities, OR have only CRUDE, extremely risky methods for terminating a pregnancy. That’s it. THAT is the ONLY “CHOICE” involved on a social, political, legal level.

The woman’s personal choice can NOT be regulated.
All other claims are deliberate obfuscations to disguise the true intentions of judgmental, cruel hypocrites.

# Wealthy women will always be able to terminate a pregnancy by going to a civilized state or country. No man, no laws, no one can stop them.

# Only poor women in backward locations, can be denied legal access to professional procedures, and left with cruel, risky options for abortion.

# For many thousands of years, women have known that sharp implements will end a pregnancy and those crude methods persist to this day. However, these are extremely painful and risky and can even cause the woman’s death.

Make no mistake, the so-called “Pro-Life” advocates do not care at all if poor women who dare to remove an unwanted fetus from their own wombs, in their own bodies DIE. They judge them guilty, and condemn them to whatever complications & consequences befall them – even death.

They would also like to imprison women, and have done so in states like Mike Pence’s Indiana.

They claim to care about the “poor little fetus,” but this is a LIE. They want to coerce women into using their own wombs, their own organs, their own bodies, to develop unwanted fetuses.

These women will endure labor – not the protestors. These women could face possible complications that could also end in their death – not the protestors.

AND when that precious little fetus is delivered, it all of a sudden becomes “A WELFARE MOOCHER!” Here the feigned concern of the protestors abruptly ends. No more fetus – no more responsibility. The self-righteous, holier than thou hypocrites pat themselves on the back and turn away.

These “right to life” people do not care if that child is fed or if it starves. They don’t care if this child has clothing, a home, an education, a safe environment, or if the child is abused, neglected, abandoned, or suffering. They vote against public assistance. They vote against children’s programs. There are hundreds of thousands of unwanted children in our system and millions more around the world, yet where are all these “right to life” people?
Why aren’t they adopting all these suffering children? Because they are ONLY concerned about controlling women, that’s ALL.

An additional hypocrisy is that most of these same protestors are against honest, appropriate sex education in our Middle and High Schools, and want to close Planned Parenthood facilities, which provide CONTRACEPTION to many women, as well as other vital health services, like cancer screenings.

They refer to women who seek abortions as “sluts and whores” even though many married women have had abortions due to dire circumstances that occur while pregnant. Some examples are serious health issues, such as heart conditions or cancer; mental health crises such as clinical depression; critical abnormalities discovered in the fetus; and a myriad of others.

The self-righteous protestors sit on their high horses, all “holier than thou,” passing judgment on others, ready to throw stones, when they themselves have NOTHING AT STAKE.

No one thinks “abortions are great – let’s all have one!” Everyone can agree abortions are sad. The only CHOICE is whether or not to give women a relatively safe way to end a pregnancy, for those who do not want to or for some reason are not able to use their body as an incubator for a fetus they do not want to carry, or cannot carry to the point of viability. That’s the ONLY choice on the table.

If the misogynistic hypocrites are truly concerned about all fetuses being allowed to develop, why aren’t they working toward fetal transplants, artificial wombs, and other such techniques? And when we are able to do so someday, who will line up to take care of those born children?

Not the hypocrites who aren’t helping all the BORN suffering children NOW, that’s for sure!

[And if you want to report me or have my answer deleted, go right ahead. The truth always hurts. It won’t change the facts, and it won’t change what you are.
This is not a “rant” and is not a “copy/paste.” It is a carefully constructed response to a complicated issue that I have composed over many years of debating this issue.]
2016-10-28 10:51 pm
I believe that there are too many unwanted children who only live an unhappy life and go on to produce more unhappy unwanted children.
Of course there are exceptions, but you cannot do away with abortions so as to take a chance that maybe one of several million unwanted children will not go through a horrible foster system, maybe become depressed and dysfunctional or maybe end up on the streets or a victim of human trafficking.
Abortion turns out to be practical and humane really. Even if the parent(s) is/are selfish and don't want the inconvenience of a child, it still amounts to the same thing if an abortion is allowed and carried out legally and with as much medical caution as possible, it means that a child that was never planned or wanted will not be born in a world in which the odds are against him or her.
I think that a lot of people who are so strictly against abortion are unrealistic and are trying to kid themselves and everyone else that they are so morally upright and follow the word of the Bible or any anit-abortion religious teachings (and I think there is no traditional religion that supports abortion but in a way, certain people just extract particular words from the Bible or maybe the Koran or whatever and use it as basis for their own "written in stone" ideas) but the Bible actually has a passage saying that it is better that someone be aborted ( or born dead) than deal with things that will come up in life.
And actually you cannot pretend that allowing every conception to come to term will be for the better. The world is overcrowded and there aren't enough resources and furthermore there isn't the right distribution systems within human governments or political set-ups so as every thing can be properly given to those in need. There can only be more discontent and turmoil and wars and disagreements with more people.

It is fanatical to think that abortion is a "crime"of the worst sort because it is "killing an innocent being."
Sometimes it is worse to allow someone to live if there cannot be quality of life.
2016-10-27 11:06 pm
I take a libertarian belief on this. I believe the government has no business in a matter such as this. It's a difficult choice that no woman wants to make. However, a fetus can't exercise First Amendment rights. It is simply impossible for it to own a gun or property (out goes the Second, Third, and Fourth Amendments). The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth don't affect it. It can't possibly be sued or tried, and with nothing to sue or try, a trial can't be held. Ninth and Tenth, it depends on what the right in question is, but it is unlikely, if not, impossible that they can exercise it So that's 80% of the Bill of Rights, that fetuses can't exercise.
2016-10-27 7:12 pm
I certainly support the concept that a woman should have control of her own body. I also know that late term abortions, except for reasons of a mother's health OR the fact the fetus is badly damaged mentally, are Very Very rare.
2016-10-27 5:32 pm
I don't care what people do with their bodies - it always has and always will be, a woman's right to chose, not me.
2016-10-29 10:43 pm
Yes I do. Now I can understand why preventing a fetus from developing any further may be seen as murder, since the fetus was going to grow into a baby human being. But... the baby hasn't been born yet. So, you can't really cause death, if the baby hasn't even had birth yet.

Now if a woman has ended up raped or anything like that which resulted in pregnancy, I'm sure it is okay to have an abortion. But, if the abortion is onky happening because a woman accidentally got pregnant from sex without birth control... then the abortion in this case should be more restricted. A woman should have 3 months to have an abortion, and after that since the fetus will have devolved quite a lot, people are going to call it murder.

Now I can't say anymore because I don't know that much about this, and I don't want to cause some kind of debate.
2016-10-28 12:47 pm
No I don't support abortion. There's many reasons why a woman, teen nor child choice abortion.

1. Got raped
2. Don't want nothing to do with rapist child
3. Too young
4. Not enough money nor supportive parents or friends
So on......

I can go forever with this but decided not to cause it might offended some women's that are lunatics
2016-10-27 5:33 pm
Yes. It's her body, her health, her baby, and therefore her decision.
2016-10-29 6:50 am
Omg heck no and never will.I believe you play you pay and you do not use abortion as a method of birth control that is sick!!!That is a human life and when you do that you just murdered!!!Even if a women is raped ,yes that is horrible but at least have the baby and just give it away that baby didnt do it and it is innocent dont kill it.A Lot of people think that its not alive until its born oh bullshiz.A fetus heart will start beating at 6 weeks pretty much by time you take your pregnancy test it has a heartbeat.I have heard some doctors will abort up to 6 months omg that is horrible a baby can live at 6 months so you tell me how are they kiling it then when its that old?That baby has to have rights its a human and all humans have them so there needs to be laws protecting these innocent lives they surely can not do it so to me if you dont want it well have the baby and just give it away there are millions of women that would love a baby to adopt many can not have them on their own so let these women have them give that human a chance at life dont take that away you are no different than any other murderer out there if you abort your child You are playing God and you are not God by no means.
2016-10-28 3:25 am
When does life begin? The scientific consensus is that life begins at the conception of an embryo. I consider myself pro-life because no one gets to "choose" when a life can be considered worthy based on their own convenience. I don't buy the euphemisms; "Her body, her choice." Sure, but the body inside her body isn't her body. "It's just a bundle of cells in there." You are also a bundle of cells. If we had an honest conversation about what abortion is, that it is literally taking a human life, every moral person would be against it. I'm reasonable though; I do think that abortion is a necessary evil, therefore it should only be done when necessary. The only time I see abortion as a necessity is when a woman's life is at risk, that's it. I don't see anyway that you can believe in abortion on demand for any reason as ethical in any way whatsoever. You can't "choose" what a life is & isn't. To me that's just as immoral as slavery. You don't get to devalue a human life for convenience.
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
History will record that during the 20th century and into the 21st century, there was a liberal segment of American Society which considered it to be beneficial to the Society as a whole to both practice and support the barbaric murder of many of their own offspring.
2016-10-29 10:21 am
No. I read a disturbing letter from a nurse many years ago. She was present at an abortion and the fetus was put in the clinical waste bin. The woman was taken away and everyone left that room for cleaners. The nurse went back into the room to get something and heard crying coming from the bin. When she looked, the baby was crying and moving. She shouted for the doctor but the doctor told her that it was a legal abortion so the baby had to be left where it was. Aiding it would be wrong??? I would have thought it should have been the other way around. That baby was taken to the waste and a fresh bag put in the bin. Reading that put me right off the idea of abortion. It's more like a horror story but it happened
2016-10-27 5:32 pm
I don't support abortion. If you asked me advice on whether to have one I would say you shouldn't.

But I don't want government involved in any way so I'm pro choice.
2016-10-31 3:54 am
I don't have a vagina, so I don't think I'm qualified to even have an opinion.

Personally, if a woman were carrying my baby, and had an abortion, it would really depend on the circumstances; should I ever speak to her again.

Personally, if a woman were carrying my baby, and had an abortion, whether or not I would ever speak to her again would depend on the circumstances surrounding the decision. Now, I identify as a liberal, but I do not buy into the lie that abortions don't just happen. There was a woman that a friend of mine was very close to, and I met her once. This woman would nonchalantly bring up that she was going to be having another abortion. From what I remember, she simply had it to see what an abortion was like. In THAT kind of a circumstance, I would never speak to the woman again. If her health were at risk, that's a different story. I'd still find it impossible to talk or associate with the woman, but I'd eventually come around.

In short: for health reasons, I personally support it. ONLY if the mother's health is at risk or if it's been discovered that the baby will be a still-born. For just because or I don't wanna be a mother: absolutely not. Adopt the child out. You're just murdering someone in that case.

Andyrew · 2 days ago
2016-10-27 5:36 pm
I support abortion only if the woman/girl is raped otherwise no especially if a woman/girl do s.e.x freely with anyone then they shouldn't abort the child. They should take care of their children and take more responsibilities regarding them instead of having temporary pleasure and then kill their own unborn children. Whoever does something by choice have to take responsibilities of the outcome & circumstances, or else don't do it and kill others.
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
No i dont support abortion. Foeticide is murder. Because its the taking of a life. No matter how u dress it up or how painlessly or humanely its done. Its still wrong.
2016-10-28 5:33 pm
It is basically murder in my opinion, the murder of a helpless human being who could have grown up to become someone influential, who could have had a satisfying life, and that hope was crushed.
I understand that the mother may have had many reasons for aborting. I understand that they might even have been "good" reasons, or at least, as good a reason as there can be. But they shouldn't have become pregnant in the first place, if they didn't want a child. They should have thought, "if I do this, I could get pregnant." but they didn't, and now they have a child. And abortion, to them, is the only way out.
I'm not saying that they don't have a good reason, I'm just saying that I do not support it, at all. In my opinion, it is murder. And it just drives me crazy that if someone murdered you in the middle of the night they would get in BIG trouble, but if the mother murders her child, it is totally fine.
2016-10-28 1:11 pm
I do NOT support a woman carelessly having sex, conceiving a child that didn't ask to be conceived and then ending it's life because she doesn't want it.
Nobody asks to be conceived, and to be conceived out of your poor decisions in life, is not the child's fault, but yours.
You don't have the right to end a life when you were careless. Many people cant have children and actually do want kids, so IMO adoption is a much better option.
Doesn't matter at what stage of development the embryo/fetus is in, EVERY living person went through that stage in their life and they weren't aborted, so its not your right to decide the fate of ab unborn human being. If you don't want kids, close your legs or use birth control/condom or get bloody sterilised.
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
No. Abortion needs to banned for good.
2016-10-29 12:16 am
I don't support abortion, like women come up with all these things such as not financially stable or just don't want the pregnancy, then why have relations in the first place if they know what a possible outcome could be ? And on top of that a baby shouldn't be the one responsible for it and get it's life taken away because of some irresponsible mother (doesn't go for rape victims can't really talk on that subject since no one knows, but rape victims know how it feels) that's my point of view.
2016-10-27 5:52 pm
I support that each woman gets to make her own reproductive choices.
2016-10-31 4:17 am
I know it is hard on some people or they aren't in the position to raise the child, but they can put the baby up for adoption or give it to someone responsible. It is better than paying $700+ . It is wrong to take anyone's life that baby is a person. If you were aborted you wouldn't be here doing what you do today. The same goes for babies. But all the aborted babies never got to even see there mom or walk, have fun. They could have been the next president or somebody important. I see all of these answers so far being "I do support abortion" and I guess I see why, but honestly if there were a debate I would feel confident that I would win because there is an option and answer for all of these. Even things like : If the mom is scared or young. That is probably the hardest scenario to fight back on, but that pregnant person can go to a program that will help, or there are other options like a sea section even. Then you can give the baby up, no one from that family ever has to see that baby again. I just think it's wrong and cruel and that there are more options. Help spread the word.
2016-10-27 5:29 pm
No. I feel the same for abortion as I feel for slavery.
2016-10-28 11:38 pm
Yes. Some people just aren't in a position to take care of a child, and that is okay.If the child will not have a life where he/she can be happy or achieve success, then it is not the time for a child to be born and will only hurt people. I AM NOT saying that it is okay to kill babies, because abortion deals with a clump of cells that are only a bit different than the rest of the cells in a woman's body.
Also, why would a woman choose a 750$ abortion when birth control is much cheaper. Abortions are not for irresponsible people. They geunuinly help people on need.
2016-10-29 12:46 am
No, I do not support free abortion on demand. Killing a fetus is murdering it. I especially don't support abortion at tax-payer expense. There are certain times when it might be medically advisable, but that's up to the doctor, and the mother. Abortion as a form of birth control is morally wrong...
2016-10-28 12:10 am
Well, I support the women's choice to choose whether or not she aborts and what she wants to do with her body. I mean, what if she was raped or something, and somehow got pregnant? Or she hates the idea of having kids? Or she's too poor to feed her own kids? You wouldn't want the child to suffer life like this...
2016-10-27 5:55 pm
Why are Liberals so easily offended?
Still a stupid question that is NO ONE'S BUSINESS but a Mother's, that's the problem !
2016-10-27 5:45 pm
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
he government should not have to right to force a women to give birth if she does not want to.
2016-10-27 6:40 pm
When it comes to questions about abortion, I ask these questions:

Is there life in the womb?
If so, under what circumstances is taking a human life moral.

Science clearly teaches us that yes, there is life in the womb from the earliest moments of pregnancy.
So under what circumstances does taking a human life be justified.
I come up with three:
In war time in defense of the country (does not apply to abortion)
In carrying out the sentence of a criminal court (does not apply to abortion)
Self defense or the life of the innocent. This is the one circumstance that seems to me justifiable when it comes to abortion. If the only way to preserve the life of the mother is to abort the child, it is a tragedy, but not immoral.
All other justifications used for abortion go beyond the bounds of justifiable destruction of human life.
2016-10-27 7:00 pm
Absolutely not. It's murder in my opinion. There are so many women who can't have children. Abortion is a selfish act most of the time.
2016-10-28 2:15 am
No, I DON'T SUPPORT ABORTION. I don't know how anyone can just kill their baby. I could never do such a thing or even give it away for adoption. People who are getting abortions are just trying to get out of what they created, you shouldn't get an abortion no matter what.
2016-11-01 12:01 am
No, I do not support abortion, the deliberate and induced emptying of a pregnant uterus. Abortion is an act of high crime in the sight of God. Life is a precious gift from God and is sacred. God’s law to Moses protected the life of an unborn baby against more than criminal abortion, for if in a fight between men a pregnant woman suffered an accident fatal to her or the child, “then you must give soul for soul.” (Exodus 21:22-25) God made man and woman to be husband and wife to procreate and raise children as a family. Properly viewed, the fruitage of the womb is a blessing of Jehovah. (Leviticus 26:9; Psalms 127:3)
Getting pregnant in this day and time is irresponsible. There are many birth control methods to help women not get pregnant. We are not talking about unavoidable abortion or miscarriage that may be caused by an accident, infectious disease, mental or physical stress and strain, or because of a general organic weakness on the part of the mother. We are talking about intentionally aborting a fetus. We are living in satan's world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and breathing his air. (Ephesians 2:2) Satan is the original liar who influences humans to believe that what is wrong to be right. (John 8:44; Revelation 12:9, 12)
2016-10-29 12:47 am
Im 95% non supportive of abortion. I see the only reason to get an abortion is if you were raped or if there's an illness that causes the unborn baby not to make it through the entire pregnancy. Other than that I don't support abortion. If you end up pregnant then you should take care of the baby. If you're not financially stable to take care of the baby then there's adoption, but don't just kill a baby if you end up pregnant.
2016-10-28 1:14 am
I don't think a woman should have to have a child they didn't even want, eg an outcome of rape. Even if she was careless during sex, she shouldn't be forced to carry that child and give birth.
2016-10-27 5:53 pm
No. I support legal access in certain circumstances but who am i to insert myself into a woman's uterus or a man's scrotum or anus. The society needs to support life and good families or else it's not worth saving.
2016-10-30 1:57 am
It depends what the reason behind it is. If a couple don't use protection then want an abortion I think that's wrong, but if a woman is raped for example, of course she should be able to abort. I guess they could give the child up for adoption but as a woman myself I wouldn't want to be carrying my rapists child, I just couldn't. Also, if a woman is told her or her child could die if she continues with the pregnancy, if she is told the baby will be born really sick.So the answer is yes for a good enough reason. Also, I don't believe men should have an opinion on this matter as it's the women who go through the pregnancy, men can get a woman pregnant then decide they are not ready to be a father, but the woman has two choices, keep the child or get rid and be judged by a hell of a lot of people. Don't get me wrong, men should have a say if it's their partner who wants an abortion, but I'm talking about men in general who just want to express their opinion.
2016-10-29 7:10 pm
I support abortion, not as a form of birth control though. If a woman is raped, if the child will have some sort of terminal disease or disorder, or quality of life will be extremely low (as in the case of health/birth defects/etc), then I believe it is only the correct choice to abort. (If you yourself have a genetic disposition for something, then maybe not think about having a child to spare future generations those genetic abnormalities. Also, just because you can procreate does not mean you should, the world population is increasing at such a rate that the Earth's resources will become limited. For all of the comments saying that if you are going to have an abortion you may as well go kill something, you already do kill living beings everyday, inadvertently for food and clothes. If you are going to talk about the value of life, humans aren't the only important beings on this planet.
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
Not as a method of birth control, no. When medically necessary, yes.
2016-10-28 7:04 pm
No woman shoild be forced to have a baby she doesn't want. Advances in medical science mean that the old rules about weeks are outmoded but up to 16 weeks abortion is no worse than a condom.
2016-10-28 3:56 pm
I support it because every women has their right to make their own Future decisions whether in keeping a child or not. Yes it seems wrong to kill a innocent life, but what if the adult has their REASONS for not keeping the child, then what? It all depends on their logical reasons behind the abortion, that's what I think.
2016-10-28 2:54 pm
No. I can agree with abortion in cases of rape or when the mother's life is in danger. However, abortion in other cases I do not agree with. The fact is the fertilized egg is biologically a living human. It has distinct human DNA and is in the process of mitosis. That's a biological fact.
It's a matter of accountability. Sex (except for rape) is consensual. When a couple engage in sex, they take their chances of the female getting pregnant. There are ways to prevent becoming pregnant: birth control, effective condoms, or simply waiting to have sex.
The argument that pro-choice advocates have--that it's the woman's body, so she should have the final say--is weak. That's like saying if I agree to drive a friend on a free-way and he begins to annoy me, I can simply push him out of the moving vehicle simply because it's my car. It's not alright to not be held accountable for one's mistakes.
Sometimes the government has to reduce individual rights when it threatens the lives of others.
參考: ...For example, people allowed to drive their car. However, when a person behaves irresponsibly by becoming intoxicated, the government steps in and prohibits the person from driving because it puts the lives Of others at risk. Likewise, when a couple have consensual sex, it's the government's duty to put the lives of others first and to hold people accountable for their actions.
2016-10-28 1:46 pm
I don't "support" abortions but I DO support a woman's right to choose and decide, to make her (their) own decisions with her (their) body, particularly when we do not know what she has experienced and the circumstances for whatever she decides. I am against abortions PERSONALLY but I do feel it is MY personal right to impose my personal views and beliefs on others. Women who decide on abortions are the ones that must live with that experience, not others trying to judge her/them.

Outlawing safe, sterile and well-equipped facilities prepare for unforeseen emergencies will only open the watergates for an epidemic of aboned babies left out garbage bins, abandoned junkyards, forests/open fields, etc., for unsavory, dangerous, non-sterile and filthy back alley abortion mills endangering the lives of young and poor women. Outlawing abortions will also only facilitate sterile and sanitary and well-equipped medical facilities in foreign countries for well-to-do rich women. I am against this.
2016-10-27 7:33 pm
I am Pro-choice.
2016-10-28 8:08 pm
I'm pro-choice.

The reasoning I generally use in this discussion:

Abortions being illegal (in any sense) will likely not dissuade women from finding a means to get one. A fair number of women who are unable to receive an abortion will likely attempt this on themselves, which is incredibly dangerous, can be permanently scarring, and possibly even life threatening.

Whether you agree with the procedure or not, making it illegal scares off open communication a woman might have concerning what to do, may encourage the aforementioned dangerous process, and removes a woman's legal access to a professional who can handle the procedure in a safe way.
2016-10-28 8:28 am
I'm pro-choice, a woman should have a right to choose what she wants to do with her body, however, I do believe that abortion should only be used in certain situations, but I do not believe abortion should be outlawed.
2016-10-28 12:44 am
NO,because to kill a baby is murder.
2016-10-27 10:47 pm
Pro choice conservative here. Who am I to tell someone what
is best for that situation.
2016-10-27 9:48 pm
I mean you're just killing a human being, so there's nothing wrong (I'm being starcasic) but in all seriousness, abortion is wrong and should be stopped. Unless you are raped, then there can be an exception.
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
I support
2016-10-28 5:35 pm
Yes I support abortion. I am pro choice. I think a woman has the right to do whatever she wants with her body.
2016-10-27 5:31 pm
I have no middle stance whatsoever. That is between her, Her man and her God.
2016-10-27 5:43 pm
No, Abortion should be a last measure way of saving either the child or the mother from death or a painful existence, not as a birth control.
2016-10-29 9:39 pm
Yes. Definitely.

If someone was raped and became pregnant, surely, they wouldn't wanna keep the baby and let the baby know the father was a rapist.
2016-10-29 7:26 pm
Yes in some instances
2016-10-29 6:28 pm
Yes I do but depending on the circumstances. If a woman just decides she can't be bothered with protection then I think she should have to step up to the mark or have the baby taken away by authorities and be adopted by someone who cares. Any rape victim should 100% have the choice to have an abortion.
2016-10-29 11:48 am
I believe that the best scenario is to save and keep as many lives as possible. Therefore, I am for the baby being born, and would thus say that I do not support abortion. The argument that I hate to hear the most is that "the child is not going to live a good life", sometimes due to lack of finances, sometimes due to a lack of parenting experience. Why should this decision be made on behalf of the unborn child who does not have a voice. We should be protecting and defending the innocent, not killing. Having the baby may make the mother sad, and in some cases it could ruin future opportunities for the mother. But nothing is as bad as depriving someone of a life to make yours better. It is beyond selfish. It is cruel. It is not the unborn child's fault that it is 'not the right time' for the mother to have a baby.
2016-10-29 2:51 am
No I don't support it. It's like murdering a baby. Abortion is gay.
2016-10-28 11:53 pm
Yes! Obviously as a good liberal I fully support aborting the useless feeders (low income minorities) out of existence like Hillary's idol Margaret Sanger called for them to be!
2016-10-28 11:03 pm
the only thing I support regarding abortion is if the mothers life or health is in danger to continue the pregnancy.
Other that no I do not support abortion because I believe its murder. Now i'll tell you why. and yes it is this black and white. if you leave that fetus alone at any stage you will eventually give birth to a human being PERIOD...if you do something intentionally to end that life (at every stage) you will not give birth to a anything nothing.
2016-10-28 9:34 pm
Only if the Woman was raped or have a chance to die or be in bad shape because of it.
2016-10-28 5:38 pm
Only in the context of supporting a woman's right to choose to have one or not.
2016-10-28 3:37 pm
Yes . 5% + American kids go to bed hungry . In the world over one million kids starve to death .
I leave it up to the woman in question .
2016-10-28 3:05 pm
No, but I don't believe women should be punished for having an abortion.
2016-10-28 2:34 pm
2016-10-28 5:42 am
I support women should do what is right for them
2016-10-28 12:08 am
2016-10-27 7:44 pm
2016-10-30 4:14 am
Here's the problem with this question. Your opinion on abortion ep ends on your stance on wether or not you agree the fetus is really a life or not. And also the debate is dependent on your moral perspective. I'M a pro lifer because I do see abortion (with the exception of rape,incest, and health issues) as the death of a child and a human being. I think that when you have sex you must recognize he risk regardless of wether it's protected or not and these days where access to contraception is so readily available there's almost no excuse you can make. I also think it's unfair that the fathers feelings are completely ignored in this issue. AND yes if your a man than you can have an opinion on this issue. There no reason why you shouldn't. why do women get so angry when men take a side on he issue. I get that it's not their body argument but it's still their child. I aldo don't think the baby is a part of the womens body. I think the baby is forming inside of her. THAT'S my point of view
2016-10-29 5:12 pm
Absolutely NOT! There are many reasons to indicate that abortion is murder. There are religious, moral, ethical and scientific reasons that show that pre-birth is not pre-life, but a STAGE of LIFE. Were this not so, there would be no such thing as pre-natal surgery.

There are people who would suggest that it's unkind to deny abortion in the event of incest or rape but 1) abortion doesn't undo the incest or rape and 2) these are crimes of violence. Abortion is a violent act. Inflicting a second act of violence compounds the crime and the agony.

As for men not being entitled to an opinion- that is nonsense. It is an excuse to distance men from the process of parenthood but one way or another- a man is involved.

Please don't buy into Margaret Sanger's racist agenda. Consider adoption!
2016-10-29 3:35 am
Hell No. This is cruel. It is Just like drowning an innocent animal. People do this abortion thing for the most ridiculous reasons too. "Oh, my man cheated on me; so I want to abort my baby late term". Abortion is cruel in general, getting an unborn child in the middle of disputes. Piss on Abortion, unless it is rape that caused the pregnancy. This is the entire reason why Trump has my vote.
2016-10-29 12:33 am
See, most people don't directly support abortion, but instead the freedom to choose to abort. I, however, do support abortion. Anything to cut down on our population. Also, preventing people from having unwanted children in the first place is much more 'ethical', as we are preventing the life instead of destroying it.
2016-10-28 9:56 pm
I disagree with abortion. Honestly it is murder to a child in a womb. If not, why is a murder of a pregnant woman considered a double homicide? Honestly if most woman want to demand having a right to choose to give birth or not, why couldn't they make a decision before opening their legs to someone in bed?
2016-10-28 7:27 pm
Yes, I believe having a choice and different options helps the mother make her decision. I think its awful to take that away from someone, everyone's situation is different, don't judge them for the decision they made.
2016-10-28 3:14 pm
Yes, it it the law, so says the Supreme Court.
2016-10-28 3:27 am
no, thats just wrong!
2016-10-28 5:49 pm
No, it is murder, and science proves that the fetus is indeed a human being.
2016-10-28 4:00 am
NOOOOOOO! i do not support murder. But Hillary does- she is EVIL!
2016-10-28 10:43 pm
Yes, if you're not ready to be a mother, I think having an abortion would be a better option for the child, so it wouldn't go to an adoption home or just be looked after wrong, I know after an abortion most people regret it their whole life, but it was only a tiny tiny tiny baby and becoming a mother is sometimes too over whelming for people and I completely understand, especially teens.
2016-10-27 5:33 pm
2016-10-28 4:35 pm
I don't support abortion, no one goes around telling people to have as many abortions as they can! I support the CHOICE of women to do what they want with their bodies.
2016-11-01 12:05 am
No. It shows how disgusting humans can be. The fact that humans are saying "it's not killing a human" is just an excuse to make it seem okay to abort and kill. Disgusting.
2016-10-31 7:08 pm
No. I only support it if someone was legitimately literally in all legit purpose of the word against their will or permission raped by a runaway criminal rapists father and didn't want a rape baby.
2016-10-31 2:05 am
Personally I would not have an abortion, but I would never look down on a woman who decided it was best for her and I understand why some women choose to have abortions
2016-10-31 12:08 am
I think if two people have consensual sex and choose not to use any form of protection then you should definitely keep the baby.
2016-10-30 11:49 pm
Well I don't think that murder or manslaughter is ok so no. There is one exception: if the fertilized egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube. In that case neither will survive and both will have a painful death.
I can't help but be a little bit aggravated by people who act like this infant has no rights. I try not to be ignorant and have thought this through: it's been proven that the child is in fact ALIVE before it is born yet women are given the option to kill it so that they can live as they wish. They're simply ignorant and I don't feel bad for them.
I do understand that some women do have health issues and that this could effect the baby and be dangerous for them. I do understand the difficulties and this is where things get hard. I already stated my one exception though, and that is where I stand. Even though it may be hard, this child was made in the image of God and deserves to live. It may be sick, it may not live long, it could be dangerous for the mother. But killing a child because you have health problems is not acceptable.
What about failed abortions? People talk about 'women's rights to choose' but women (and men) have had to suffer everyday of their life because someone tried to kill them. Where are their rights?
I fight for those who can't fight for themselves and we should all do that. For those of you who still think that what you call a 'fetus' (it's a baby btw, stop trying to de-humanize it) is not alive, abortion stops a beating heart.
2016-10-30 11:08 pm
While I don't support abortion, I recognize there may be certain circumstances where an abortion could be the best course of action. I have my personal beliefs but I'm not arrogant or certain enough of everything in life to be absolute at this time.
2016-10-30 10:27 pm
Yes because I wish my mom aborted my brother and some people shouldn't be allowed to have children. I wish abortions were mandatory for criminals
2016-10-30 9:31 pm
To me it depends. If the child is the product of rape or is a danger to the mother's life, then yes. However if you get an abortion because you don't want the child, then no. There are alternatives like adoption or foster care. I know fister care has a stigma surrounding it but it's better to be raised in that environment than live in a place the child wild be loathed and maybe even abused.
2016-10-30 8:51 pm
No ! To kill adeveloping baby s like murder. - Exodus 21:22,23.
參考: Bible,
2016-10-30 8:37 pm
I support it until the fetus develops consciousness. Only then do I consider it a living, conscious being.

I'll let science determine when that is.

I say this because I recall merging into consciousness. Awakening and sleeping a lot in the womb. And absolutely I think all conscious beings are life.
2016-10-30 7:37 pm
I support abortion if the mother's health is at risk, the baby is unlikely to survive birth, or if the pregnancy was because of rape or incest.
2016-10-30 7:35 pm
2016-10-30 6:48 pm
Yes but under the right circumstances .if the monther of the chills was raped or if she is too young to take care of the child
2016-10-30 5:50 pm
i support only rape case
2016-10-30 4:55 pm
As a Male , I do not have abortions .
2016-10-30 4:10 pm
I don't necessarily support abortion, but I support women making their own choices.
2016-10-30 2:58 pm
For medical reasons - Yes.
Otherwise no.😊
2016-10-30 2:17 pm
I don t support abortion but understand it is sometimes necessary. That is why I support the right for a woman to have a choice.

If people want to decrease abortions we should make birth control easily available to all that want it.
2016-10-30 7:19 am
No... I't MURDER...
2016-10-30 7:09 am
Yes, and if you did not know, I Baby Tiger, I am the Queen here and all my questions, all my accounts are now in section Discover.. lol it is so fun.. Watch and learn suckers..
2016-10-30 2:57 am
no I am against it.
2016-10-30 1:58 am
2016-10-30 1:32 am
In between
2016-10-30 1:04 am
I do and I don't. It mostly depends on the circumstances. If a woman went to get an abortion "just because" then that would be a definite no for me. But if a woman was getting an abortion due to health problems, a stillborn, or rape, then I would stand behind it.
2016-10-30 12:40 am
In certain circumstances.
2016-10-30 12:12 am
Generally, yes
2016-10-29 11:53 pm
2016-10-29 11:43 pm
Yes because if a woman was Raped by someone and becomes pregnant she may not want to keep the baby because of the bad memory. And I know she could give it up for adoption. But if a was a woman in that situation I would NOT want to keep the baby sorry but that's my opinion
2016-10-29 10:19 pm
2016-10-29 8:48 pm
Im a mom so nope. But even before i got pregnant i didnt agree with it. So nope.
2016-10-29 7:31 pm
Yes I support abortion 100 percent!!! There are many women who get pregnant that are simply unfit to raise a child (financially, emotionally, etc..) If they were to have the child, he/she would be raised under terrible conditions of poverty and neglect in many cases, and have a terrible life. It is better to just get the abortion to spare a child having to suffer under unfit parents and bad life conditions. It's not fair to the child!!
2016-10-29 7:28 pm
Yes....if rape
2016-10-29 7:15 pm
I am pro choice not pro abortion
2016-10-29 6:34 pm
In my opinion, yes. While abortion is a touchy subject I believe women should have the choice for it, especially when if they're involved in horrible situation such as rape, especially younger women. Some wouldn't want to carry that child/have that child. But a thing I find funny about the entire topic is how the government is trying to tell women how to use their bodies, what they can and cannot do. Don't get me wrong, I understand there is a few out there who will take advantage of it and it can be risky but I say the choice should be open for their taking.
2016-10-29 6:26 pm
Yeah in extreme circumstances like medical complications for mother's life, rape/unwanted pregnancy ONLY.

Irresponsibility is no excuse.
2016-10-29 5:23 pm
I understand why people do it. Teen Pregnancy, Health Problems, etc. But I also know that there is another life inside of them. That's why I am against it. Even if the baby isnt developed it is still a human life growing. I understand some people cant take care of babies due to many reasons. Some people will die from carrying or giving birth to a child. I also know there are many reasons why. But personally if I was going to die and have a baby or abort and live, I would choose to die. I think abortion is wrong. That's my opinon.
2016-10-29 4:52 pm
No. I don't support abortion.
2016-10-29 2:19 pm
No, I don't. There's a lot of misinformation out there about it being what's best for the mom and even the child in some circumstances. Once you get pregnant, it's not your OWN body any more. You have a life inside you and the courts even recognize this (it's a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman). It is natural for a woman to give birth to a child, but it's not natural to have a fetus removed from your body forcibly. Abortions cause scarring, increased risk of infection, including HPV, and a longer host of problems. There are families out there who can't conceive and who deeply desire to adopt. Why is that not an option?
2016-10-29 10:26 am
in my opinion abortion is wrong in every way you can possibly look at it
2016-10-29 10:09 am
He'll no nobody likes a baby killer.
2016-10-29 10:01 am
I don't support murder
2016-10-29 9:45 am
Abortion is murder and those who support it are murderers
2016-10-29 9:43 am
No- I dont support abortion - its like killing a child
2016-10-29 8:09 am
Pro-life with exceptions

It should be limited strictly for only two circumstances: rape and if the life of the mother is in jeopardy if she continues the pregnancy. Other than in those two circumstances private clinics(emphasis on private) shouldn't allow them. I don't think the government shouldn't be involved in the legality these things, nor should it fund abortions with taxpayer money.
2016-10-29 7:41 am
No. I dont support abortion. Its like killing a human.
2016-10-29 7:00 am
I answered a similar question a few days ago. I'll say the same thing here-it applies in both

cases. The day abortion is O.K. is the day that the preborn says it is.

Ask them if they are "in the mood" to get themselves murdered. In fact, why not

ask an adult the same question?

Finally-genetics, ultrasound, and centuries of experience show that preborns are humans too.

They deserve all the protection that the law was designed to give-except that preborns can't be

criminals. They are innocent citizens. We treat people in jail and animals in zoos better than

we treat some of them.
參考: The Frank Sontag Show Oct. 28, 2016. Starting at 4 p.m. (PST) See that site for the program list. There was an interview on there today that fits this question. I took a look a few mins. ago. The person's name is Dr. William Lile. Also, I checked over on You Tube. There are several videos by him there.
2016-10-29 6:48 am
I do not support abortion, and anybody who does surely hates babies. It's their fault they "did it" with someone they didn't want to have a baby with. Also, when a baby is aborted, they are murdered. Thus, this shows people who are pro-abortion support murder.
2016-10-29 6:41 am
I don't think women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, but I do think there should be a limit. I knew a woman who is was close friends with who had 8 abortions. How do you have 8? It's just irresponsible at that point.
2016-10-29 6:16 am
2016-10-29 6:13 am
Depends but usually no
2016-10-29 6:13 am
2016-10-29 6:13 am
Of course I don't.
2016-10-29 6:13 am
i support no. it is much more useful in many more circumstances than an abortion is. Including the circumstances leading up to the situation in which an abortion is contemplated
2016-10-29 6:05 am
For me it depends on the situation. For example does the female have cancer and treatment will injure or kill the baby? Is the fetus old enough to live out of the womb.
2016-10-29 6:00 am
no its murder NO WAY
2016-10-29 5:58 am
Do I support murder I a human being? No I don't.
2016-10-29 5:52 am
No, abortion s murder.
2016-10-29 5:52 am
2016-10-29 5:46 am
I don't support abortion. It is a sin. If a mother and father don't want the baby or babies, then after giving birth or having a c-section, the parent or parents should have the baby or babies adopted. Abortion is killing the fetus. It is a sin to kill. Every woman has the right to make that choice though.
2016-10-29 5:37 am
I support licenses to have children. Children are way too expensive for society in this time when automation is taking over.
2016-10-29 4:47 am
No, I support the woman's right to decide what to do with her own body.
2016-10-29 4:02 am
No, i do not. As a christian, killing a person, even before life is considered murder, a crime i would never commit.
2016-10-29 12:57 am
abortion is wrong and bad and women are going to hell forever for the crime of abortion.
2016-10-29 12:23 am
Yes. But, people need to be more responsable and take measures to not get pregnant.
2016-10-28 11:47 pm
I wish I was aborted cause life sucks. So yes.
2016-10-28 10:56 pm
Not when parents emotionally force children who get pregnant b4 marriage into it and ruin child's life as a result but if woman wants to do it fine, I think...b4 every abortion woman should take like detector test with questions like "are you being forced by ANYONE and emotionally pressured into this abortion"
2016-10-28 10:44 pm
Yes, because of rape/incest, financial issues, age, etc.

like NO WOMEN WANT TO HAVE AN ABORTION like they dont try to get themselves preggo and wanna get an abortion?!!! abortion is a sad topic that women have to think and debate over a lot. the government isnt gonna push the baby out in the end and provide it everything it needs financially, its the mother so she should make the decision. the governement cannot take away the control women have over their own bodies.
thats not to say abortion is always the best answer, like i am against people getting abortion for the stupidest reason, like wanting a boy instead of a girl?! thats actually dumb.
2016-10-28 10:16 pm
I do not. A life is a life no matter how small. If it's a woman's choice, what are the child's?

Plus, it's not like she HAS to keep the baby, she can put it for adoption.
參考: I'm a human and was once in the womb.
2016-10-28 10:04 pm
I do not, but rather than speak directly to the WHY I believe that way, please allow me to make what might be more logical an argument to most. Look at the statistics for the life time of physical, mental and emotional health issues that women suffer after having an abortion. Yes it is trauma to an unborn baby, but it is also decades(assuming the abortion occurs when the women is younger) of living a life with an anchor around your neck for many, many women who have chosen to abort their babies. The other argument I make is the one that speaks to the original and long standing agenda that abortionists have. Margaret Sanger whom started Planned Parenthood was a Racist on an Extreme level. Her books on eliminating the African American Race from the face of the earth are easy to access for those who want "real" information about the evil intentions of this federally funded group. Statistics support that this same hate agenda is still at work today when you look at the sheer numbers of abortions and how they are disproportionately high among black women. And where are most facilities that perform abortions? In urban area's. Goodness, just yesterday I read an article about hoe the State of Georgia lost a case to instill laws that would effect abortion. The courts formal ruling was on the grounds that the law would cause closure of abortion facilities that would limit access to lower income black women because of the facilities locations inside urban area's. I will close with this thought. How many of life's "mistakes" do we personally get to "correct" thru a process that ends a life? Just One, Abortion. To me the motivation for most who are pro abortion is less about the woman's right to make the choice, and more about the reality that for these same people to be pro-life, translates to the position of individual's(both female and male) holding themselves to a higher standard then to just be overtaken by what amounts to our animal desires. THAT is what is offensive to pro-abortionists.....A well defined, single moral standard. People think they are too smart for that. That they have the intelligence to decide what is right, what is wrong and how much is too much of a good thing. Yet those "smart" people keep finding themselves in the position of being pregnant.
2016-10-28 9:32 pm
Not at all it's murder which is a sin
2016-10-28 9:29 pm
Abortion is legally murder after the fetus has development beyond a certain point but the law still allows it. See how @ssbackwards certain things in the world are? Every unborn baby deserves a chance but sometimes maybe its best that child not be born. So my decision is inconclusive. I say let God do his job because murder is still murder.
2016-10-28 9:29 pm
2016-10-28 9:29 pm
No, I don't support taking away the right to live in the womb of a mother. Abortion is evil and is wrong!
2016-10-28 9:28 pm
no! that child you wanna kill might grow up to be one of the best people in the face of earth,,, why kill own blood??
2016-10-28 9:25 pm
Abortion is an issue which suffers from an overabundance of overthinking!
It is really very, very simple.
No woman should be treated as if her body did not belong to her, especially by a man.
2016-10-28 9:12 pm
Politically I support abortion 100% but I could never get one for myself unless it were necessary.
2016-10-28 9:02 pm
I don't support abortion
2016-10-28 8:53 pm
Heck, no! Abortion is murder!
2016-10-28 8:53 pm
No, adoption exists. At the time a baby can be aborted, it can feel pain. We kill animals and think that its perfectly fine. Now we kill babies. Whats next? Killing children? The purge? Come on humanity.
2016-10-28 8:37 pm
2016-10-28 8:35 pm
2016-10-28 8:31 pm
2016-10-28 8:28 pm
2016-10-28 8:18 pm
2016-10-28 7:54 pm
yes back in the day a woman had to visit a backstreet abortionist or use a coat hanger to give herself one.
As a legal age adult it should be between a woman and her doctor.
2016-10-28 7:48 pm
I do not support anyone telling women or men, what they can or cannot do with their bodies. Whether it be an abortion or getting circumsized.
2016-10-28 7:33 pm
2016-10-28 7:30 pm
No Thou shall not kill
2016-10-28 7:05 pm
its not the baby fault that some other person made a mistake
2016-10-28 7:02 pm
yes, but personally only up to 2 months. After that only if something is wrong with the baby or poses a risk to the mother. I may support a post pregnancy abortion, but only if it's donald trump
2016-10-28 6:33 pm
I support it if a woman was raped and got pregnant. I do not support it for any other reason because if you think you're old enough to have sex then you're old enough to take care of a child. Women and men need to take responsibility and not have to pay for the decisions they make.
2016-10-28 5:06 pm
2016-10-28 4:33 pm
Government shouldn't have a say.
2016-10-28 4:12 pm
If the government bans abortion, it only goes underground, in countries where abortion is illegal, their is a huge underground abortion business, where the risk of the woman's life or risk of infection is exponentially higher.
2016-10-28 4:08 pm
Killing is bad no matter what
2016-10-28 3:29 pm
Not abortion as such, simply that a woman should have equal bodily autonomy as a man, it has to be her choice whether to abort the pregnancy or carry to full term.
2016-10-28 3:08 pm
I am a Real christian and I only support the womans choice she is the Only person on Planet earth to decide

and all real Christians must support her Jesus said we MUST love each other he never mentioned hatred as the way to the father
2016-10-28 3:01 pm
i dont support it
2016-10-28 2:35 pm
Not at all.
2016-10-28 2:27 pm
2016-10-28 10:22 am
Everyone thinks they have the right to tell people what they can and can't do with their body... Well I'm here to tell you that you can't! If someone decides to have an abortion then so what! It's not your body and it's none of your business.
2016-10-28 8:41 am
I don't "support" it, I don't like it, but I feel the pro choice arguments are stronger than the pro life.
2016-10-28 7:17 am
2016-10-28 6:44 am
2016-10-28 5:13 am
It's a matter of personal choice - between a person and their conscience - not for me -or anyone else to decide. It's certainly wrong to put pressure on someone either way.
2016-11-01 3:52 am
2016-10-31 11:51 pm
I DO 'support abortion'!
But, I think that killing a fetus is equivalent to killing a child. I think it's murder.
This is why I believe that "More children have been killed at the hands of their own mothers."

I understand how an unwanted child can be harmful to the wellbeing of a woman (and society).
I don't understand how, with all the birth control options available, any baby conceived is an accident.
I DO oppose abortions being used as an alternate means of birth control to unprotected sex..
2016-10-29 7:22 pm
No. But I think Donald Trump should have been aborted.
I'll bet he still has the coat hangar mark on the top of his
2016-10-29 3:18 pm
No. All lives matter. If a fetus has a heartbeat, it is a life. Abortion should not be used as birth control. The pro-abortion web sites downplay this aspect.
2016-10-29 2:23 pm
i support abortion, because people may sometimes get a little too carried away before marriage. And the next thing you know, you made a baby. So to avoid unwanted babies, you need to do abortion. This is all because of not using protections. Unless it is after marriage, then i would not support abortion, because God said that we need to reproduce so that we have children and grandchildren. So my answer is depending on the situation.
2016-10-29 1:59 pm
Absolutely not. You can say the baby can't feel pain and you can say that the baby doesn't have any feelings yet and you can say the baby isn't a life yet, and you can say the mother gets to decide what happens to that human beings life inside of her... but you'd be wrong.

Statistics show that the vast majority of abortions occur for convenience reasons... not medical. Stats also show that by 20ish weeks a baby can live outside the womb with just a little help and that by this time it has all of the functioning major organs. Stats show that babies even dream and they respond to pain.

And to the one in the back saying a woman's life is more important and she should have the right to decide, I say no she doesn't. Do I get to go murder someone while their asleep? That's what abortion is. And who gives a mother the right to say her life is more important? Who gets that power? Go drive 90 mph naked on the freeway and we'll see what kind of rights you have.
參考: I watched a video that put this to perspective for me and I used some of the same analogies.
2016-10-29 10:44 am
I know I could get a lot of hate for this, but... yeah. However I disagree with the current time limit to get an abortion, it should be done as soon as possible after the pregnancy is discovered. As for why I support abortion, many of the people in this thread seem to think a lot of women looking for abortion are 'irresponsible teens looking for a quick way out of being irresponsible.' Well... your right (not all women, but a lot.) Nonetheless, who will be suffering if the baby is born unwanted. The baby. This is just my opinion, but I believe education is the key here. Teach contraception to teenagers and the problem won't entirely go away, but neither will it if you ban abortion.
2016-10-29 8:49 am
Simply, yes. Or more precisely, I'm pro-choice. Rape and accidents aside, I'm also a supporter of a woman taking responsibility for her body and future should she do something foolish like have sex without protection.

Besides, I doubt the baby would mind not being born. This world is scarier and more painful than we give it credit for, perhaps not having children is actually having mercy on all the poor souls that may come to inhabit this world someday. But I don't wanna get into that top much, cause then we'll have to start asking when exactly does a soul enter a child... immediately after fertilization, or after birth? Or perhaps somewhere in between?
2016-10-29 7:16 am
Definitely. If a person does not want an abortion, then they shouldn't have one. However, it is a person's right to have control over their body, and it should not be dictated over privileged white men. If you don't want an abortion, then okay. Don't have one. But a person shouldn't be forced to endure 9 months of careful diets and actions, then another 18 YEARS of giving up time, a lot of money, and effort just because high-ranked men wanted something. I say, if you don't have a vagina, you shouldn't have a say in what happens to it.

I apologize for anything offensive stated, I am very strongly opinionated on this matter.
2016-10-29 6:49 am
I am a Republican, BUT...I support a woman's right to choose what happens to her own body without government interference. For those who claim life begins AT CONCEPTION, answer this: why do the Federal and all state governments NOT grant an additional tax exemption to pregnant women ? The baby MUST BE LIVE BORN AND DRAW ONE BREATH to qualify for an exemption. This has been in the Tax Code for-ever.
2016-10-29 6:10 am
Yes. Some people just aren't in a position to take care of a child, and that is okay.If the child will not have a life where he/she can be happy or achieve success, then it is not the time for a child to be born and will only hurt people. I AM NOT saying that it is okay to kill babies, because abortion deals with a clump of cells that are only a bit different than the rest of the cells in a woman's body.
2016-10-29 1:47 am
Would I abort my baby? Hello no. I don't want kids. Ever. My wife doesn't either. Buy if she got pregnant we would have the baby.

If another woman wants to have an abortion that is her choice. I don't own her. I can't tell her what to do. It's he body and her life. No one has the right to tell a woman what to do regarding an abortion.
2016-10-29 1:29 am
Abortion is NOT something that is PLEASANT. Nobody should SUPPORT abortion. It should be LEGAL, SAFE and RARE. That being said...THERE ARE A LOT OF STUPID WOMEN OUT THERE...(stupid males too...but that is NOT the point). STUPID WOMEN do NOT get the point quickly and end up getting KNOCKED UP for whatever reason. They do not understand or take birth control seriously.
2016-10-29 12:17 am
Personally, I only support abortions if the woman could face potential death for giving birth. But I don't think that any woman should be able to get an abortion, if you want to have sex, you should very well know the consequences and own up to them if they happen.
2016-10-29 12:07 am
I support a woman's right to make a medical choice regarding her body. While I do think a live birth should be the goal after about 30 weeks, I do not think the government should take any role in saying what a woman should or should not be able to do with her body. In my opinion the issue is that simple.
2016-10-28 10:51 pm
To a certain extent, yes. If a woman was raped and didn't want to live with a physical reminder of that day then I would 100% support her decision to abort the child. However, if a woman was just being irresponsible and having unprotected sex then no. I find that very selfish and stupid.
2016-10-28 10:17 pm
Yes, if you are young and dumb and feel as long you couldn't give 100% devotion to the baby inside you then yes an abortion would be appropriate. If you had already had an abortion and want another then I disagree, you should have used protection, however if you used protection and still got pregnant then I agree but in any case think carefully about it as its a big decision
2016-10-28 9:35 pm
I support abortion upto 3 months after birth
2016-10-28 8:07 pm
i'm for abortion . here's how I view it. (pic)

besides even 'if' I don't think its as bad as one makes it out to be (when they say its murder ya know) & there r multiple other reasons why abortion should be legal. it should be one owns choice not all of the worlds choice for u, that's bull s.
2016-10-28 7:20 pm
I don't support murdering anything, if at all possible.
2016-10-28 7:04 pm
2016-10-28 6:59 pm
No. Abortion kills an innocent baby, and that is never okay.

#unbornlivesmatter #alllivesmatter
2016-10-28 6:48 pm
I think abortion is fine. You should have the right to get rid of the baby inside
2016-10-28 5:50 pm
2016-10-28 4:51 pm
No I do not support abortion.
2016-10-28 4:05 pm
It should be a choice made by her individually.
2016-10-28 3:12 pm
A woman has a personal right to do whatever she needs
2016-10-28 3:00 pm
I don't support the murder of a human being. Human life is especially sacred because the Supreme Lord has given human beings rational intelligence to realize their soul and to realize Him.
2016-10-28 11:41 am
Killing a baby is killing a baby.If you kill a pregnant woman you get charged with DOUBLE HOMICIDE.
2016-10-28 11:19 am
Do I support abortion? No - it would be nice, in a perfect world - that people didn't need them

Do I support a woman's choice to chose especially when "required" (eg medical reasons, rape, incest etc)? Then yes.
2016-10-28 8:22 am
I personally would only ever get an abortion under the most rare or specific circumstances, for example I have been advised by a doctor due to the baby being seriously ill and unable to survive or if myself or my partner were HIV positive but other than that I would not get an abortion as the child could be given up for adoption and go to people who are unable to have children of their own, but I know that sometimes it is the only way for people to deal with an unwanted pregnancy.

I also understand that for medical reasons this could be the best option for example if one of the parents were HIV positive or if they had a genetic disease, I also understand that doctors may sometimes advise people on abortions and I do understand why decisions like this have to be made but if it is just a case of wrong timing, I feel that the baby could be given up for adoption to someone who is unable to bear children of their own.
2016-10-28 7:15 am
Yes, it is a personal decision of the woman concerned,
2016-10-28 5:34 am
2016-10-28 2:34 am
Not at all.Because killed someone and abortion are same .
2016-10-28 12:21 am
I guess it depends on their situation
2016-10-27 6:37 pm
Only in cases of rape and mother's health...contraception is the answer...not killing babies.

2016-10-29 5:31 pm
No. I am 100% pro-life. I believe abortion is a tragic mistake that many women regret. Women deserve better than abortion. Adoption is the answer.

Also, in regards to some answers, abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a mother. Rather, some procedures may unintentionally terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is always the intentional termination of a pregnancy.
2016-10-29 4:32 am
No, because for me abortion means " killing an innocent person" its like murdering a child without him/her vulnerably knowing it. That is why I agreed to contraceptives instead of killing the child why not just prevent it from coming, yes I'm a catholic and I'm fully aware about its teaching on RH Bill coz its a very sensitive issue here in the Philippines yet I think prevention is better than abortion, other than that you may enjoy your sexual lifestyle with contraceptives.
2016-10-28 11:33 pm
I do support it. A woman's body is her Own. It does not belong to anyone else. No one else has the right or privilege to order a woman to give birth. Wider support of abortion would lead to fewer abused kids, fewer parents who have no business raising kids being stuck with kids, less strain on school systems, less strain on foster care systems, and Fewer child murders. Not to mention the monetary savings. Many, many abused children grow up to be criminals and serial killers; it is a known fact.
2016-10-28 7:46 pm
I'm the only person in all of human history who does not support abortion.
2016-10-28 7:19 pm
No. I don't support it at all. No matter what stage you are at. Even a doctor who gave over 1000 abortions changed his mind about it and now refuses to do abortions. He relieved how wrong they are
2016-10-28 12:25 pm
Only in certain circumstances like mother may be developing "chronic" complications, etc. Otherwise no, using abortion as a birth control? No. Undergo abortion because of your financial instability? No.
2016-10-28 6:10 am
No. As any Christian shouldn't as well.
2016-10-28 5:52 am
I dont support it because then i gotta support somebody killing another person
2016-10-28 4:27 am
Absolutely not! It's murder!
2016-10-28 11:45 pm
Do I support abortion personally? No, I do not.
2016-10-28 3:46 pm
No every child has a right to live how it is conceived is not the fault of the child and to those who say that at a certain age it is not a life may one respectfully ask if they know of anything that can move of its own volition that is not a life ? so how dose the Sperm reach the Egg (it swims) so life then starts in a man I think it was David in the Old testament that said The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away As an old man i have learnt that it is best to leave things in His hands
2016-10-28 3:43 pm
I support a woman right to do whatever she wants to her body so yes I support abortion.
2016-10-27 8:16 pm
It is not the right of any one to end someone else s life and not have the right to do so, but never in one condition and if her life was in danger and asked, ........... or otherwise called the killing of an innocent is not right one to do it
2016-10-28 6:10 pm
depends on the circumstance.

Was raped
Too young
Not enough money to support child
Diagnosed with a horrible illness which could result in suffering or infant mortality (better to end suffering before they can feel?)

However, there are many circumstances where abortion should not be done E.G if the child is of a certain gender- this happens too many times in certain places like India and China (SOURCE: IT'S A GIRL).
參考: The "it's a girl" movie is available, for free, on youtube. I strongly recommend it!
2016-10-28 5:56 am
I would have gladly paid for Obama's mother's abortion.
2016-10-28 4:34 am
Yes! Abortion, actually saves someone from having to live in this miserable world. No one should be forced to live. it's cruel.
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
Yes I think it's a great form of birth control and think schools should teach about it more.
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
if ur going to have a baby dont give it away, and if u were raped kill the baby before its born, not that hard to understand
2016-10-28 1:50 pm
Well it is illegal in a lot of states, because the face that you are killing an innocent person. If you don't want a kid, don't go out and ******* **** someone! And don't dress up like some slut, and don't listen to anyone who says you're cute, or that you're pretty, unless you know them, because chances are, they just want some sex. Don't talk to strangers that you don't know, don't get in a car with someone you don't know. Don't do any of that. Then you wouldn't get raped. And no one better tell me that I'm wrong that people get raped all the time, because I already ******* know that! But if you didn't wear the sparkly fancy, sexy clothes, you wouldn't have guys chasing you down. And girls, ease it a little bit with the make up. But no! I don't not support abortion(s) at all! All you have to do, is give it up for adoption. There you go, an easy answer.
2017-03-04 6:28 am
參考: The Infertility Cure
2016-11-16 7:18 pm
I support the right to it. I would never encourage a woman to have one.
2016-11-15 1:19 am
Do you support abortion or no? Roman Catholic sign of the cross is upside down, done with five fingers instead of three, is done from left to right instead of right to left, etc. (basically inviting demons). Antichrist's Third Temple will have 8 chambers: a chamber per main religion; antichrist will be crowned in this temple; during crowning, he won't read the "belief prayer" correctly (rejecting Christ and acknowledging himself); when he will take his gloves off to make sign of the cross incorrectly (just for show), many people will see his big nails and will reject him; Patriarch (who will be crowning him) will say that this is the antichrist; antichrist will kill him. Also, antichrist will kill those priests who disagree with him at the 8th "wolf" Council; others will worship him when a bird dies at his feet. Roman Catholics, Satanists, and Buddhists use the same mudras; if you see these mudras on an icon, then it's not Orthodox icon; Orthodox icon has IC XC symbol (Jesus Christ). Roman Catholics pay drunks and prostitutes to pose for icons; passions of drunks and prostitutes transfer to those who pray to these images. Normal Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Gaad in Ruski = Satan; hence, Americans = blasphemers because they always say: "Oh, my god!". Santa (word for Saint in Satanic languages) = Satan; hence, Spanish + Italian + Portuguese = blasphemers. Anathema to Satanic languages; triple anathema. Learn Church Slavonic; no curses in it; curses = prayer to Satan. All religions except Orthodoxy worship Satan. On bread for communion: IC XC NIKA (Jesus Christ Conquers) plus cross = Orthodox; hexagram plus Dusha Maya = antichrist. Jews and Muslims pray head down (either standing, bowing, or kneeling); this is Satanic prayer. Orthodox look into the eyes of icon; energy goes their way; they get healed; head and shoulders come together to reject Satan slowly and then fast to normal showing allegiance to Christ and not the devil. Hands cannot be on groin or behind back; either put them crossing each other on chest (right over left) or just by your sides. Legs together so that a demon doesn't run underneath your legs. Clergy who will not "put Buddhist icons and serve antichrist's blood" will be killed; only 7 churches will be left as Pelageya of Ryazan predicted. In 2006 and at other meetings, fake patriarchs and bishops signed a bunch of documents betraying Orthodoxy by saying that all religions worship the same Supreme Being; triple anathema; don't let heretics tell you what to do. America will be last country to switch to Euro. Three big earthquakes will shake the three superpowers; 1st big earthquake in Russia; 2nd (bigger one) in China; 3rd (biggest of the three) will be in America. NATO will nuke Ukraine to blame Russia for it; then NATO will nuke Russia from Scandinavia. China will attack Russia; but will not get past Ural Mountains; bio-genetic weapon will be used against Chinese soldiers (they will run back to China and hide in closets in fear) and weather weapon will freeze Siberia to - 200 Celcius; stadium-size chunks of unmeltable ice will fall from the lower sky (because when rockets go into higher sky they bring this ice down to lower sky). Russia will destroy Turkey and America. China will have a hole across the whole country to the abyss (because of another super weapon used to stop Chinese aggression); radiation from this hole will be massive; Chinese will try to keep quiet about it; a lot of people will fall into this hole.
Scientists don't see dinosaurs because of radiation. Only Eurasia and Alaska (both without coasts) will remain after demons blow up Antarctica (which surrounds the flat earth) and Greenland melts. Move to Ural Mountains or inland Alaska. Sionists wanted war between Russia and Germany from June 11th to October 11th on their holidays because (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) = 2016 (in their twisted logic).
Tube people = demons. Clones = demons. Human costumes that demons wear = demons. Dinosaurs and 666ed people have triple stranded DNA; normal person can't swallow 666ed food (designed for 666ed people). Demons live inside clones. Bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered Bubonic plague) is depicted on the Shroud of Turin. There is another shroud (Shroud of Milan) on which blasphemer Yosef (who was crucified on a pole in 1066 AD) is depicted. Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Lenin (el=deity in Hebrew, nine = no in German; so, when chanted repeatedly is blasphemy against the Creator), and Yosef were possessed by Azazel; now, Rico Cortes is possessed by Azazel.
WW3 happens; 7% of people will be left; after people are tired of war, they will elect the antichrist as one world leader; don't vote. ISIS stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service. Next false flag: Statue of Liberty in order to attack Iran; one big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse. Move away from coasts as nukes will go off in the ocean (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high).
Wear natural clothing so that if a bomb goes off it won't stick to the body as fast as synthetic clothes. All metal will be burned for fuel; so, save knives, crowbars, shovels, wood-burning stoves, etc. Also, save cloth/fabric/textile to cover the wounds and diseases.
Eat natural food because nanochips, cells of aborted fetuses, bug DNA, and other poisons are in food that is commonly sold; reject vaccines, medical care, medicine, etc. because nanochips are administered thru IVs, implants, fillings, etc. If 1000-1500 nanochips are in your right hand, then you can't make proper Orthodox sign of the cross with the right hand; last mercy for you then will be to cut the hand off.
Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be resurrected after WW3 for a short time; Seraphim of Sarov will show the new Ruski Tsar who will fight the antichrist for about 2 years and 8 months. Those who go see Seraphim of Sarov will be healed of their infirmities/illnesses/sicknesses/ diseases; if you want to see him then, hurry because he won't stay longer than a few weeks.
Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep.
Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Ruski Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist.
Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia.
Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)Moon 2)Inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)In lake Baikal in Russia 4)In Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets.
Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies very fast; deceived people will say that "Christ is here; Christ is there". Sometimes, he wears blue robe over left shoulder while red robe is underneath. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light. Antichrist will trick people to believe that he can do mountain moving and resurrection (using holograms); fire from the sky is easy (considering the gases from pollution in the atmosphere).
Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on the highways. Microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take grey plastic card; but when they do, 666 is given. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell.
If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall
2016-11-05 10:03 pm
yeah... some people just aren't in a position to take care of a child, and that is okay...if the child shall not have a life where he/she can be happy or achieve success, then it is not the time for a child to be born and shall only hurt people... i am not saying that it is okay to kill babies, 'cause abortion deals with a clump of cells that are only a bit different than the rest of the cells in a woman's body...
also, why would a woman choose a 750$ abortion when birth control is much cheaper... abortions are not for irresponsible people... they geunuinly help people on need...
2016-11-05 9:20 am
I do support it, I don't see them as babies when they are aborted when they are a few weeks old
2016-11-05 3:15 am
YES. Mike
參考: Logical
2016-11-04 6:38 am
No. Abortion is human sacrifice to the god Plutus (god of wealth) and the goddess Hedone (goddess of pleasure).

Immigrants from Mexico to the U.S.A. have large families. Their children who grow up in the U.S.A. will likely have smaller families despite the fact that they will have more money. Americans have plenty of money, but they would rather go into debt to have more than they need and then kill their children so they can spend their money on things they do not need, things which ultimately do not satisfy the human heart. Baseless, fleeting physical passions are more to be enjoyed by these people than the greater passions of familial love and community.

95% or so of abortions are carried out only because the mother doesn't want the financial burden of raising a child. Millions of children are being murdered so that men and women can have irresponsible, loveless sex without the consequences of their actions being borne.
2016-11-04 5:45 am
It depends. As a philosopher, I want to know the basic reason for going for this abortion method. Is it necessary. If it is avoidable, we should avoid abortion.

In India there are cases where they go for abortion if the child is likely to be a female. It is a wrong notion. In such cases abortion should not be supported.
參考: own
2016-11-04 1:51 am
reason finally kicks in.
now, i can end an unwanted abortion at home with a few simple pills, no crazies at my door, no churches burning crosses in my yard, no expulsion from work, no political or religious harassment.
i can just take a pill or two in the complete privacy of my own home.
the world moves forward.
2016-11-04 12:18 am
Yes I do, it's your body and your choice NO ONE elses.
2016-11-03 2:55 pm
no i dnt agree..
2016-11-03 6:56 am
The Hussein Obama Nazi Regime supports it anywhere and everywhere.
2016-11-03 1:10 am
For some countries, I am pro-choice, while others, I am actually pro-abortion (purely speaking of places with overpopulation issues).
參考: Am an edgy teen, thus I have no valid points along with no life.
2016-11-02 10:33 pm
2016-11-02 9:32 pm
No. Science has proven that life begins at conception and that a person is a conventional human being as early as two months after conception. They should have human rights, especially when they are defenseless at that stage of life.

The feminist/pro-choice movements have the most hypocritical viewpoints I have ever seen. Yes, I believe in equal rights for women. But murder has never been and never should be a right. An individual's right to live, logically, would override someone's right to "control" their own body, especially when the former is only in that body for a temporary period of time, ESPECIALLY when the baby is only in there because of that woman's decision to have sex. That woman CHOSE to have that person inside of her, now she wants to decide whether or not to kill it? I don't think so. Rapes only represent a minority of abortion cases.


I would reply,
參考: "Yes, but I have a life. So do you. So you shouldn't be deciding who gets to live and who doesn't." I would also raise the fact that even though the baby is in her body, it is not only her baby to decide on, but also the male's. It is both their child. The woman just happens to be the one carrying the basket. So no, abortion should be illegal. With regards to rape or threatening the life of the mother, I remain neutral on that issue and am undecided. However all other cases should be bluntly illegal. It is pathetic to think that a person does not live and should not have rights simply because they are not yet physically outside of the mother's body.
2016-11-02 6:09 pm
2016-11-02 3:01 am
2016-11-01 9:53 pm
2016-11-01 5:46 pm
Pressed for either yes or no answer, I clearly gravitate towards NO.

However, I opt to let the woman least give her the FAIR OPPORTUNITY to really be honest with herself, in finding out the TRUE answer to one simple question:

" Can I live without GUILT having an abortion? "

For the ones who CHOOSE ABORTION, and can never shake off the GUILT of having one, well then....I think that suffices enough as hellish punishment.
2016-11-01 5:38 pm
2016-11-01 5:22 pm
If abortion is outlawed, women will still have abortions but their will be more deaths. I have paid for two people to have several abortions because they did not believe in almost any type of birth control because birth control is not natural. I personally believe that abortion is not natural. My step daughter had three abortions because having a child would have killed her
2016-11-01 5:12 pm
2016-11-01 12:44 pm
Nope. It resembles sacrifices to Moloch way too much, and minus a few extreme situations where it might be justified (rape, incest, kid is totally ****** up, mother is in danger) a vast majority of it is for rediculous reasons.
But let's get religion out of it. Why would I be against it if I was an atheist? Well besides from knowing how wicked women can be, and knowing that part of the reason why some sick people stand for abortion is to feel like they have power over the life of a man by killing him in the womb, is the fact in other countries, both religious and communist, abortion has been used to oppress women and the masses. Abortion was introduced by racists through cultural marxists to keep minorities and "undesirables" down.
A lot of former abortionists left their job when their conscience bothered them. Ultra sounds show that the fetus winces and screams when it gets torn apart, and there's evidence to believe the fetus feels horrific pain when being aborted (see, this is more so science than faith). And the thing is, the videos showing aborted baby parts being sold on the black market and the people casually treating it like a business showed planned parenthood's true nature.
2016-11-01 10:49 am
2016-11-01 8:46 am
2016-11-01 8:44 am
NO. It's their fault for having sex. Not anyone else's. And most definitely not the child's fault.
I hate children with a passion. But i'd never ever ever have an abortion.
2016-11-01 8:22 am
I say women's choice. They are the ones who have to carry, birth, and usually nurture the baby. When a guy has to give birth, then he can make the choice.
2016-11-01 8:16 am
i do not becuz it is pretty much murder. if you can't do it to your baby in real life why would u do inside of u
2016-11-01 6:43 am
Abortion when the mother's life is in danger? Yes.

Abortion of convenience...simply because you don't want the responsibility after hopping into the sack for a quickie without taking any protection? No.

You played. Now pay.
2016-11-01 3:15 am
Depends on the situation
2016-11-01 2:40 am
2016-11-01 2:22 am
I support a woman's right to decide what's best for her body, not the government.
2016-11-01 1:58 am
2016-10-31 11:50 pm
Personally? No. But I refuse to impose myself on other people. I'm in the safe, legal, and rare camp.

Being an adult, I am able to hold different viewpoints that don't directly affect my life. If that makes me pro-choice, then I'm pro-choice.
2016-10-31 11:34 pm
No, it's murder. You see, liberals get you to believe that when the woman is carrying the baby, the baby is not a real person until born. Any scientist will tell you that is false. The liberal media is just getting rich off these stupid things they come up with. They should freeze every one of their assets.
2016-10-31 10:41 pm
Pro-choice but I don't support late abortions or people getting pregnant for the sake of being pregnant and not having a plan for an actual baby to raise. People with health complications have ever right to decide.
2016-10-31 10:27 pm
No. you are killing a human in development.
2016-10-31 9:55 pm
No. I don't know if you support it or not but this is really interesting... if it's "your body" then when a pregnant woman is murdered why is it a double homicide? Abortion is murder and it needs to stop. Idiots are getting pregnant and it's their fault! If they wouldn't get pregnant then we wouldn't have abortion. We need to stop giving idiots the option to have an abortion. It's understandable if you were raped or something but just getting pregnant unintentionally is not okay.
2016-10-31 9:49 pm
I think it should be the women's choice it's their body. And no one should have to get to make that choice for them
2016-10-31 9:33 pm
2016-10-31 8:51 pm
No i don't !!!
2016-10-31 8:50 pm
Yes I do
2016-10-31 8:49 pm
All life matters! Abirtion is Murder
2016-10-31 8:02 pm
Yes I support it
2016-10-31 7:56 pm
I support the woman's decision about aborting her fetus(s).
2016-10-31 7:45 pm
no, just no
2016-10-31 7:26 pm
no I don't support
2016-10-31 6:52 pm
While I personally would never get an abortion (I would rather give my child a chance at life and have the baby to term and then adopt it) I believe that it is the women's choice. After all they are the ones who have another person's life in their hands. Whos to say that it isn't the best option given the situation?
2016-10-31 6:51 pm
Since I do not have the ability to create a child, I cannot give an answer
2016-10-31 5:34 pm
2016-10-31 4:21 pm
Not at all
2016-10-31 4:19 pm
Just think how much better off the country and the world would be if OBAMA"S MAMMY had gotten an abortion!!!!!
2016-10-31 4:08 pm
personally yes under extreme circumstances, i.e a rape victim should be allowed if they want. also if it's made illegal people will do it anyway and probably injure themselves. however i don't think they should be completely available to absolutely anyone
2016-10-31 4:05 pm
It's not really that clear-cut.

Do I think that abortion is a handy way of birth control, so that you don't have to bother buying pills or condoms or anything like that, and just book yourself in for a quick hoover job every 3 months or so? No, I most certainly do not.

However, do I think that a 12 year old girl should be forced to go through a pregnancy because she was raped by her father, stepfather, uncle, brother or any other man? Absolutely not. To me, this would be a situation for which termination of the pregnancy should be considered. And the victim needn't be 12 either.

Should a student at university, who falls pregnant due to a burst condom, be forced to continue with her pregnancy, even though the male student who gets her pregnant is no longer interested in pursuing a relationship with her after he scores, should she be forced to go through the pregnancy? Of course not.

Should a couple who want to have a child, but discover that despite their best efforts, if the woman brings the pregnancy to full term, that the child is unlikely to survive past the first few days of life, be permitted the option to terminate that pregnancy and thus not have to go through another year of heartbreak? Of course they should be permitted to terminate.

Should a woman who is single for whatever reason, who does have sexual encounters and used contraception as instructed, but discovers that the contraception failed her and falls pregnant, should she be entitled to choose to terminate her pregnancy? Of course she should.

Should a woman, single, married, widowed, divorced, whatever, in her late forties and pregnant, and who learns that the baby she is carrying will be Down Syndrome, should she be permitted to terminate? I think yes. She might not be in a position to take on such a responsibility, and would not wish for any handicapped person to be at the mercy of the welfare system if anything happens to her the mother.

Should a woman whose pregnancy is endangering her life be given the option to terminate? Of course she should. Especially if she already has children.

Many, many late and slightly heavier periods are early miscarriages, which is nature's way of ensuring that only the strongest survive.

And there needs to be better education regarding sex and the consequences of sex - which aren't limited to unplanned pregnancy - in almost every country in the world. I find it incredible that there are teenagers who think that you can't get pregnant if you have sex standing up, or that the withdrawal method is 'safe'. It's not safe. If you want to have sex, and feel you're mature enough for it, then you're sure as hell mature enough to have SAFE sex, and use birth control.
2016-10-31 3:45 pm
2016-10-31 3:09 pm
I don't like the killing babies part but if you can't do it you can't it's nice to have the option you know so your not teen pregnant or you can't afford a baby
2016-10-31 2:46 pm
Every abortion is a nail in the coffin of Social Security. No child to grow up - no taxpayer - Social Security fails.
So far over 50 million abortions. If half were taxpayers Social Security would not be in trouble.
How are abortions safe? Every abortion ends in death. There are three living lives involved, the father, the mother - with both supplying genes and the new life, which is neither the father or the mother. Abortion iis wrong. .
2016-10-31 2:23 pm
Beyond the point at which the fetus is completely formed as a HUMAN, no - and this is ALWAYS true by the end of the 4th month (actually, if you peruse a text on embryology, you'll find it is true by the end of the 3rd month)..
2016-10-31 1:21 pm
2016-10-31 12:32 pm
Yes. Its a personal choice.
2016-10-31 12:16 pm
2016-10-31 12:00 pm
No! i'm not. This is the kill!
2016-10-31 11:54 am
2016-10-31 11:53 am
no i dont..
2016-10-31 11:48 am
2016-10-31 11:26 am
2016-10-31 11:08 am
2016-10-31 9:07 am
Yes, I support!
2016-10-31 8:30 am
參考: What about eating eggs? The people against abortion should consider this
2016-10-31 7:49 am
Certainly yes.
2016-10-31 7:47 am
2016-10-31 7:32 am
2016-10-31 7:28 am
I support abortion in one instance only. If the life of the child is so severely compromised that there is no viability after birth. I knew a wonderful lady who had a therapeutic abortion because her child was in such pain already (5 months gestation so don't let the abortionists tell you they feel nothing), that he was already crippled. His death had dignity and compassion shown. So I see no need to rip and tear and burn and poison and mutilate and I especially see no reason to do this to a healthy person.
2016-10-31 7:02 am
I'm not sure where I stand, but if I were pregnant, I would probably only have an abortion if I were going to die from the pregnancy or if my baby had a fatal condition anyways and was probably in pain.
2016-10-31 5:47 am
Yes I do.
2016-10-31 5:11 am
No and Never.
2016-10-31 4:30 am
2016-10-31 4:15 am
2016-10-31 3:40 am
First, let me explain what the following term, "choice abortion" means: Choice abortion is when you are capable of giving a healthy birth and will be able to raise the child, but choose to abort anyway. I think that choice abortion is acceptable within the first three months of pregnancy, as the mother is only carrying an embryo that lacks a capacity for suffering. After those three months, when the embryo has become a fetus that can feel pain and move on its own accord, I consider choice abortion to be murder.
2016-10-31 3:34 am
I'm with Marie Stopes and say for coloreds, crackheads, and miscegenizers it should be mandatory
2016-10-31 3:16 am
2016-10-31 2:52 am
If everyone who supports abortion had been aborted no one would support abortion.
2016-10-31 2:37 am
2016-10-31 2:26 am
Hell no, **** that crap, it's cruel!
2016-10-31 2:26 am
If the woman has health issues, then yes.
2016-10-31 2:16 am
no. my birth mother aborted my thirteen other siblings before they were even born. She aborted my twin brother also, and barely spared me.
guys its a terrible thing
2016-10-31 2:08 am
I don't support it as in "Everyone get abortions!" but rather as in it should be an option (up to a certain age). I believe that from conception to about 6 months, abortions should be an option. Past that, it shouldn't be.
2016-10-31 1:57 am

That is a life which has a purpse
2016-10-31 1:31 am
I personally support the ending of a life if its neccesary and necessity is relative to whom you ask. I'm not a woman so my opinion doesn't weigh very much in comparison to a woman's, but I'd have to say that it is each individuals choice if they want to end a life. I have no problem with ending a life, but that doesn't mean others feel the same. If we want to live in a society with personal freedoms, then we must accept that not everyone thinks alike and that we can't control others.
2016-10-31 1:23 am
2016-10-31 1:21 am
No. It is murder. You are taking a life away from a child who hadn t even been born yet. You shouldn t have the right to take a life away from anything, especially something that can t even speak up for itself. People who get abortions have absolutely no heart, no compassion.
2016-10-31 1:18 am
2016-10-31 1:12 am
Such a touchy subject for so many people, but with the right reasons yes
2016-10-31 1:12 am
I want to, but then I don't. I think it should be the woman's choice though
2016-10-31 1:01 am
Yea but depending on how long the baby has been in her stomach
2016-10-31 12:56 am
The death of a child is not in our hands. The death a child belongs only to God...
2016-10-31 12:27 am
2016-10-31 12:24 am
It's killing babies. Heck no.
2016-10-30 11:50 pm
no except in serious medical reasons
2016-10-30 11:43 pm
2016-10-30 11:35 pm
Do you support abortion for native indian babies?
2016-10-30 11:24 pm
2016-10-30 9:56 pm
2016-10-30 9:28 pm
Yes/no depend on the case
2016-10-30 9:24 pm
2016-10-30 9:17 pm
I do NOT support abortion! Abortion is MURDER! Have you ever noticed that if someone kills a pregnant woman they are charged with a double murder; murder of the woman and murder of her unborn CHILD. It seems to me that it is a CHILD when it is wanted and NOT a child when someone does not want it. You can NOT have your cake and eat it too!
2016-10-30 9:17 pm
No. And I don't see how anyone could say that killing an innocent child who has no say in what is going on is ok.
2016-10-30 9:00 pm
It's your body and you can freely choose what to do with it.
2016-10-30 7:51 pm
2016-10-30 7:24 pm
Yep, because what God-given right do I have to tell other people what to do?
2016-10-30 7:00 pm
My mum forced my older sister to abort her pregnancy out of her belief that unmarried girl put family to shame by having a baby. I was just 10 and did not know at the time. Later mum told me as a "should-should not" prep. I could never stop thinking what my sister had to go through and how traumatic that could be. She had a daughter later, but never married the man she was for 20 years till he died when she was just 45 and she never was with a man again.

That is just a wrongly worded question. The question should be - do you support woman right to make choices when to be a mother and use her own moral guide on what to do with unwanted pregnancy. There has to be all kind of support for these women in any decision they made. It is hard enough to be pregnant in a wrong time. Why we here fight what type of preasure to apply to women? Both types of preasure have to be simply banned.
2016-10-30 6:43 pm
Not saying I do, but you can't force someone to have a baby...
2016-10-30 6:40 pm
Not unless it's a health risk to the mother
2016-10-30 6:15 pm
Not really.
2016-10-30 5:58 pm
Yes, I do support abortion I feel that is is the mothers right to decided what is going on with her body and if she feels she isn't ready for a baby in that time of her life she should be able to abort it.
2016-10-30 5:52 pm
honestly if you dont have enough money dont have the kid abortion makes sense its bad but sometimes it has to be done
2016-10-30 5:38 pm
2016-10-30 5:36 pm
2016-10-30 5:30 pm
Yes I totally support abortion. Many negative consequences would follow if abortion was banned/illegal. The world population would be significantly higher in which case many pregnancies are unintended. The world already has way too many people. Also, too many people on the planet plays a role in global warming.
2016-10-30 4:35 pm
Of course no, because it raises death rate of mother as well as child. Though it can control population rate, under the act of humanity it is prohibited. Also it is prohibited by the law of different religions. That is why I don't support abortion.
2016-10-30 3:41 pm
I do
2016-10-30 3:32 pm
yes.... I think that it is a WOMAN'S choice
2016-10-30 2:56 pm
It's the women's choice not anyone else's
2016-10-30 2:50 pm
never bcz abortion kill a new life.
2016-10-30 2:48 pm
No, but not against it
2016-10-30 1:57 pm
absolutely not
2016-10-30 1:33 pm
i dont support abortion, but woman has a choice
2016-10-30 1:20 pm
Yes and no. In some cases, I vote yes, like there was a young girl in Yemen who got pregnant at the age of 9. That should've been aborted. I also vote yes, if it's incestuous because the risk of having a retarded child is high. No, if both of the participants are of age and they both knew the risk of having unprotected sex but still continued. People should learn how to take responsibility for their actions.
2016-10-30 1:03 pm
It has to depend on the circumstances, but the potential mother has the final decision.
2016-10-30 11:47 am
2016-10-30 11:46 am
Both Yes & No is a answer. Yes to abortion is only if you can't afford to raise the child or if the child has illness that can't be cured.

Personally, for me, I would definitely go for No to abortion. Afterall, it's a life. Basically, going for a abortion is almost the same as taking away one's life. The baby don't even have the chance to see the world or even know how his/her parents look like and the baby needs to be gone. What's worse? The baby is being killed for the parent mistakes. Which is totally unfair to the child as the child did not do anything wrong. To me, abortion is the same as murder. I would definitely disagree for people to abort. However, if the reason you are going for a abortion is due to an illness that can't be cure, then it is okay. Otherwise, please don't abort.
2016-10-30 11:12 am
Well....technically it's the mother's choice....I mean she's the one undergoing the immense pain and all so....that's my for the baby....people die everyday.... death matters if it affects people we care about...if Anyone thinks otherwise well that's their opinion
2016-10-30 9:56 am
2016-10-30 9:09 am
Yes I do
2016-10-30 9:03 am
Yes!!! First of all (like someone said above), if it's not your body you don't get to have an opinion! You don't know what the situation is of the female with the baby. Many people are afraid that they will not be able to provide for the child or else they JUST DON'T WANT ONE. How would it feel if your mother didn't wAant youuuuuu? I am just so tired of all of these ******* 40 year old men that are giving their dumb *** vaginaless thoughts. If you are not a woman, it's not your business.
2016-10-30 8:49 am
No it's murder
2016-10-30 8:46 am
Yes, it's her choice and hers alone. Others have no business making these ridiculous restrictions.
2016-10-30 8:26 am
No. Because abortion is murder. I am not a woman, but I am still against abortion.

For the record: I am straight.
2016-10-30 7:30 am
2016-10-30 6:34 am
Your MOM.
2016-10-30 5:29 am
That all depends on the circumstances.
If it was a choice to be in the situation to create a baby. then keep the baby, unless you have some medical reason not to have a child.
Also I belive rape is unfair, and you shouldn't be forced to keep a child if you don't want it. But then again there is adoption, but no one should have to go through that pain because they were raped.

If I had a child in my stomach It depends on how big my heart would be at the time, and the situation I was in at the time that it was conceived to deicide on whether or not I would have an abortion. So me personally in that situation I'm not sure.
2016-10-30 5:16 am
I don't support abortions
2016-10-30 5:01 am
2016-10-30 4:57 am
參考: Abortion is not okay. If you think it is, see a psychiatrist. It's murder!!! Adoption exists for a reason! I was adopted, and I grew up with the most amazing family! That child deserves the same chance you got! What if your parents didn't want you so they just killed you like a dog in a full animal shelter?!!!!
2016-10-30 4:50 am
2016-10-30 4:46 am
not really
2016-10-30 4:43 am
2016-10-30 4:42 am
2016-10-30 4:27 am
2016-10-30 3:51 am
Sure. It's not "murder" to kill a fetus.
2016-10-30 3:34 am
I support women to make their own choices with regards to their own bodies. Screw what religious fanatics say.
2016-10-30 3:11 am
Only for instances of rape and incest, or a life threatening situation.
2016-10-30 2:57 am
Yes, I do support abortion. That is because I simply believe that it's the woman's body, and it's her choice. It shouldn't be illegal for many reasons. The woman might've been raped, she isn't finacially stable, she isn't ready, she isn't emotionally stable,medical reasons.

I've read something written by an orphan, that said his mother didn't want him. He supports abortion because these children usually end up in orphanages. They have hard childhoods, and usually don't have a loving family to be with, because lets admit it... not every single child can get adopted. Do we really want to bring a child into a world where the mother was forced to have him/her and the child grows up knowing the truth. That they weren't wanted and have to struggle living in an orphanage? It's cruel on the child.
2016-10-30 2:55 am
2016-10-30 2:53 am
No. no, i don't support killing babies.
2016-10-30 2:52 am
Only if there is a medical reason to abort or if the fetus is a product of rape..But by no way should abortion be used as birth control.
2016-10-30 2:46 am
2016-10-30 2:44 am
Only for rape, incest, or harm to the mother.
2016-10-30 2:42 am
Yes because the baby is not even fully developed and born yet it's still part of the mothers body so I think it should be her decision what to do with her body
2016-10-30 2:33 am
Yes. I do not support having children raised by unwilling parents who won't love them.

I do not support having children being raised in poverty by children who can't afford them.

I do not support having children raised without a father because they were concieved in a one night stand.

I do not support having too many children crowded into a small house, when the parents wanted to stop after two children.

I do not support forcing teenaged girls to become mothers when they are not yet ready.
2016-10-30 1:51 am
yes abortion is OK
especially for women who have mental illness. when they are manic and deluded in a psychosis sexual desire can be intense and uncontrollable.
2016-10-30 12:53 am
I only agree with abortion if the baby is extremely ill and disabled such as kids with the zika virus. They should've been aborted
2016-10-29 10:15 pm
Well I grew up catholic so I believe that every persons life begins at conception
2016-10-29 9:50 pm
i ******* hate abortion
murder of the unborn
pro life all the way
2016-10-29 9:28 pm
2016-10-29 9:24 pm
I'm going to keep my answer simple.

Yes i support the right to choice, if you want an abortion then do it. Your choice is your own. The minute we start FORCING someone to carry a baby is the minute we lose our rights.
2016-10-29 9:21 pm
I support abortion
2016-10-29 9:10 pm
No, but I believe a woman, as the lifeline of any born child, must be the decision-maker and there's no other fair option.
2016-10-29 9:05 pm
2016-10-29 8:54 pm
100% YES.
2016-10-29 8:29 pm
I support women's right and choice of abortion.
2016-10-29 8:25 pm
abortion is disgusting
2016-10-29 8:03 pm
Nope. Abortion is basically murder because your killing a baby. There are other things that would be way better than abortion. Like adoption for example. Just please don't do an abortion anyone. Don't take away an innocent life.
2016-10-29 7:48 pm
2016-10-29 7:40 pm
2016-10-29 7:40 pm
2016-10-29 7:32 pm
2016-10-29 7:26 pm
To put it simply this is a distraction from what is rel and what isn't real.. in the moral sense Yes of course it matter.
But in reality there is little to no effect here. It's like bits of code ready to be executed but never gets its chance dew to this action. So it will only find another body. So in that sense no it doesn't matter and why I say this is a distraction.. look and you will see that it is already born and in their pod.. sucking the life from it's body.

This is the .. there is no spoon the baby you are caring about doesn't even exists in this plain it is a residual imagine of the mind. you are in fact caring for the moral aspect of weather .. or not heh life should and or should not continue and or exists. So yes you fighting for this shows them.. that you do wish in fact to stay asleep.

Wake up we all care .. we would not be human if we did ot care .. think this over and over now./. look at those who say nah.. and you will see who and what controls them.. wake them up.. wake them up.
2016-10-29 7:20 pm
nigel chen palo alto california chris kuszmaul is dumb.
2016-10-29 7:19 pm
You never know in what situation will life put you.Someone might be pro but when she gets a life inside her,that felling could make her change her mind and if someone is against abortion,the circumstances may obligate her to do an abortion(economic state or in case of a rape etc)
2016-10-29 7:15 pm
No, I cannot say that I do.
2016-10-29 6:59 pm
NO. Abortion is murder.
2016-10-29 6:58 pm
I do. No one law should force a baby on a woman if the woman doesn't want it herself.
2016-10-29 6:56 pm
I support aborting both white trailer trash and ghetto Ebonics blacks.
2016-10-29 6:55 pm
No I don't, if the women giving birth doesn't want her kid she can just simply give it up for adoption. At least it'll have a chance to live a life rather than being killed without being given one.
2016-10-29 6:48 pm
**** no
2016-10-29 6:31 pm
No I think it is wrong
2016-10-29 6:31 pm
2016-10-29 6:22 pm
I support abortion. It's a woman's right to choose. If it's a rape, most definitely, a woman/child should not be made to bring a child into this horrible world when they are not ready for that responsibility. I also believe that a woman should take some form of birth control and not just have unprotective sex.
2016-10-29 6:02 pm
I don't like it I see it as a little bit drastic but I support it because I support women rights about what they should do with their body
2016-10-29 6:01 pm
No I don't support it. Everyone should be alert during sex. This is not only your pleaser, its a matter of a human life.nobody have right to play any game with a human life.
2016-10-29 6:00 pm
No, it's murder. Not an opinion.
2016-10-29 5:55 pm
I support contraception.
Late term abortions are called inductions, not abortions. Induce labor or do a cesarean section, the baby lives, if it reached 24 weeks.
2016-10-29 5:53 pm
Of course I do
2016-10-29 5:45 pm
2016-10-29 5:40 pm
I am Pro-Choice and then depending on the circumstances.
Hilary wants to pass a law stating a female can abort at 8-months. Is she serious? An 8-month old is 95% ready to be a human! WAKE UP AMERICA! Abort Hillary!
2016-10-29 5:36 pm
2016-10-29 5:33 pm
I'm all for abortion based solely on how convenient it is.
2016-10-29 5:32 pm
2016-10-29 5:29 pm
2016-10-29 5:28 pm
2016-10-29 5:24 pm
2016-10-29 5:24 pm
2016-10-29 5:16 pm
I support it, and I don't support it. If someone gets raped and under no circumstance take care of the baby, I think it'd be best to put the baby down. If you are capable of taking care of the baby, even if it's hard to. You should not put the baby down.
2016-10-29 5:12 pm
If you created it, then you can do whatever you want with it. Seriously though, you can do anything with it. The only thing that'd be stopping you is your emotions. I'm not saying it's right to eat your baby, but there isn't much stopping you from doing it. Sure you'll probably be arrested, but that'd only be after the crime was done. Unless you told someone. =P

Please don't eat your babies.... XD
2016-10-29 5:04 pm
if you plan to have kids in the future then an abortion in the present is relevant especially if the father is working class or not someone you want around in the long run
2016-10-29 5:01 pm
Exodus 20:13 you must not murder. That applies to unborn and born babies. Life begins at conception.
2016-10-29 5:01 pm
It depends for me. It doesn't matter to me, if you're going to get an abortion than get one, it's not my decision to make for people. But I would only get one if carrying full term would hurt me. I'm a mom already, I have a family to live for so if it would cost me MY life than hell yeah I'm getting an abortion.
2016-10-29 4:50 pm
in cases...
2016-10-29 4:49 pm
of course not, it is murder
2016-10-29 4:47 pm
no because it is a living breathing child that you are paying hundreds of dollars to get chopped up and killed. and for all you know that child you just killed could've been president or the person who discovers cures for many diseases even cancer and you lost that opportunity to save thousands by killing a baby. If your pregnant and don't want the baby there are other options that are better like adoption,foster,or just giving the baby to a family member and have them raise it. I understand though that some women might have no choice but to abort due to medical problems but other wise abortion is murder and it should not be taken lightly and as a quick fix.
2016-10-29 4:46 pm
2016-10-29 4:40 pm
2016-10-29 4:40 pm
I am against abortion! Killing babies is cruel!
2016-10-29 4:40 pm
I wouldn't personally get one
2016-10-29 4:39 pm
2016-10-29 4:38 pm
I do not agree with abortion because it is a kind of murder
2016-10-29 4:31 pm
Only within limited circumstances. I personally wouldn't have one.
2016-10-29 4:30 pm
I support it only if it was rape.
2016-10-29 4:29 pm
Never in this life, i love live in every of its manifestations, I would never cause any kind of harm to a defenseless fellow as a voter, as a relative or as a physician and I don't pretend to offend God with a crime and sin of that nature which is a deadly sin. God is watching and i know someday i will have to respond before Him and i don't want to have murder written in my final sentence.
2016-10-29 4:17 pm
As a mom, I can say it depends on the situation. In 90% of cases, I don't believe in it. Rape or incest or horrible disabilities I understand even if I wouldn't go down the same road.
2016-10-29 4:05 pm
I support a woman's freedom of choice.
2016-10-29 4:03 pm
Whoever has a vagina has a ******* right to choose what to do with her body
2016-10-29 3:55 pm
I do not support abortion except in instances where bringing the fetus to term would cause health risks to the mother or the baby or if the pregnancy is a product of rape.
2016-10-29 3:42 pm
2016-10-29 3:32 pm
If you can't support a child, abortion isn't always the answer. If you aren't in good health that's a different story. But putting the child up for adoption is a great alternative choice to abortion. Many people seem to not care that they are killing a child just because it's easier for them. Rape is also a different story when it come to this topic. If you are raped and it's an early enough stage, I'd support it. But if you simply made the mistake of not being careful with unprotected sex, I can't say I'd support it. A baby shouldn't have to die because you made a poor choice. In the end, it's the woman's decision and not mine.
2016-10-29 3:22 pm
In certain circumstances
2016-10-29 3:20 pm
It depends on when life begins. But it doesn't make sense to say something isn't alive when it's been growing for the past 3 weeks.
2016-10-29 3:14 pm
Yes. If that's what they think is the right thing to do then they should be able to do it. No one will ever be in their situation and if that's the best option they have at the time they should have the ability to do it safely.
2016-10-29 3:05 pm
It is good but as well as bad.
It's a conflicting topic to talk on.
2016-10-29 3:04 pm
yes BUT there should always be counseling done first before the procedure by a trained & compassionate professional--i had an abortion years ago & the counselor at the clinic i went to happened to be off work that day; it would have helped me immensely to have sat down & spoken with someone who could clearly outline my choices for me & help me clarify my thinking, as i was an emotional mess then, & for years afterward. I still haven't completley gotten over it & want to warn other women/girls that it will devastate you, no matter the circumstances, no matter your reasons. It is only natural to be protective of our children, after all, & nothing can hurt more than deciding to end your own child's life. Actually i think there should be several sessions of counseling required, both before & after the procedure.
2016-10-29 2:56 pm
To an extent
2016-10-29 2:54 pm
No, unless rape and abuse or mother's life in danger. I support ending reproduction between people unable to provide an above poverty lifestyle for their children.
2016-10-29 2:48 pm
I think it depends on the scenario. If it's a woman who wants an abortion just because she "hates" children then it shouldn't be allowed but if it's a teenager or disabled teen/woman who was raped or didn't plan having a child then it should be allowed.
2016-10-29 2:35 pm
No I do not support abortion as I feel that from the moment of conception you are carrying and creating a human life, therefore by having an abortion you are killing potential human life. YOU ARE KILLING A CHILD.
2016-10-29 2:32 pm
2016-10-29 2:26 pm

Abortion is a murder of the as yet unborn - a Holocaust.

Puritan Christian
London UK

Let the People decide.
2016-10-29 2:01 pm
Seems all those "FOR" abortions have already been born!
2016-10-29 1:58 pm
I don't support it when women use it as a form of contraception because they were irresponsible.
I do support it in circumstances where the woman/girl is raped or the baby will be born with deformities.
2016-10-29 1:33 pm
Well there you go. Support for womans choice is overwhelming.

No need to post anonymously though.
2016-10-29 1:21 pm
No a conceived unwanted can always be put up for adoption for those that can't have their own. If a woman doesn't WANT CHILDREN then they need to keep their legs closed or opt for sterilization. God doesn't make junk to be thrown away with the trash!!!
2016-10-29 1:18 pm
Yes , why struggle to take care of a kid when it was an accident?
2016-10-29 12:55 pm
I'm a libertarian Its none of my business what a woman chooses but the government should not fund it all the rich liberal celebrities can donate to planned parenthood
2016-10-29 12:48 pm
2016-10-29 12:47 pm
How would u feel if you relized u mom supports obortion while u were inside of her
2016-10-29 12:46 pm
of course no! because you committed sins against god! but I'm a pro death penalty for murders and drug trafficking!
2016-10-29 12:30 pm
No, don't have sex if you can't take the risk of having a child.
2016-10-29 12:30 pm
yes it's the woman's choice
2016-10-29 11:57 am
2016-10-29 11:33 am
Like my hero The Donald, I think women should be jailed.
2016-10-29 11:21 am
2016-10-29 11:05 am
2016-10-29 11:03 am
Yes, i aint keeping no rape baby
2016-10-29 10:59 am
2016-10-29 10:08 am
Only if you abort a child under 4 weeks gestational age!
Rape victims I can understand but is cruel I've seen cases where the child is literally a small baby breathing and they abort the child! Sickening!!! Should be ashamed!
2016-10-29 9:07 am
The only time I support abortion is if the baby is still the egg shape. If it's formed into a human, then no, don't ******'g kill it.
If you don't want a kid, USE PROTECTION, or keep your legs closed.
2016-10-29 8:56 am
I'm against abortion. I believe life begins at conception. I believe and am convinced that every human life is made in the image of God, and it is not up to the mother or father of that child to choose to take that child's life. That is a choice solely in the hands of God. When a man and woman come together to help in the creation process, it is then their responsibility to care for that child until it is old enough to live on his or her own.
2016-10-29 8:55 am
no. ever since roe vs wade, this country has bee at war with itself. abortion is murder and murder is forbidden in the bible. we will all have to give an accounting for our actions.
2016-10-29 8:46 am
2016-10-29 8:41 am
2016-10-29 8:36 am
I can not support or not support intent in any way shape or form. Intent is independent of me. I believe the tools should be available because we could have prevented george w bush from existing. I also do not believe in killing people who would be good people from being born. So once day when we can account for controlling intent, then the issue can be logically discussed.
2016-10-29 8:35 am
2016-10-29 8:30 am
2016-10-29 8:16 am
NO **** NO
2016-10-29 8:08 am
No I do not and married a woman who felt the same. What others do is none of my business. Just find a person who agrees with you and be with them. Do not find a person who disagrees and then wonder why they get upset. If you can open your legs to another person surely you can talk to them first to see if you have anything in common before you dance between the sheets.
2016-10-29 7:56 am
I do, and i will ever dobecause is my life and its mydesition.
2016-10-29 7:56 am
It depends on the circumstances
2016-10-29 7:42 am
Personally, I don't think abortion is right, but I don't think that we should make it illegal. We should leave it up to the person getting one to decide.
2016-10-29 7:34 am
I am niether for or against it.

I think it's a terribly hard thing to have to deal with and should be left to the person and their immediately family to talk about and decide the best outcome for them.
2016-10-29 7:33 am
IT Is MURDER!!! Watch one, I dare you to call it ok in any way
2016-10-29 7:32 am
I think abortion should be banned. I think that racist abortion industry should be shut down.
2016-10-29 7:21 am
No unless rape
2016-10-29 7:13 am
2016-10-29 7:13 am
It really depends. It could depend on UR situation. For example, if there is nothing wrong with it but u really don't want to have a baby, it's UR own choice. No one can judge u by UR opinion.
2016-10-29 6:56 am
2016-10-29 6:56 am
It's your choice I have no say in it
2016-10-29 6:52 am
I support short term abortion or if it is a mistake, but if it is long term and you changed your mind then no it shouldn't be allowed sorry.
2016-10-29 6:47 am
2016-10-29 6:44 am
No unless this is for protecting expectant mother's life.
2016-10-29 6:34 am
2016-10-29 6:31 am
Yes, women should have the right to keep it or remove it.
2016-10-29 6:30 am
2016-10-29 6:29 am
Absolutely not
2016-10-29 6:28 am
No, but women need to be careful about their sexual partners. It is ironic that the same people who support abortion will also spare the life of an adult on death row. In a perfect world, all unwanted babies would be place in loving homes. One counter argument is that a women should not have to live with a mistake for the rest of their live. Imagine having to deal with some loser because you became pregnant by him. A scary thought.
2016-10-29 6:26 am
Only until the cognitive (as opposed to animal) part of the brain is fully developed in the fetus. After that it becomes murder.
2016-10-29 6:26 am
I actually do because theres too many unwanted children in the world. By giving away a child your liable for that. And to think that's the right thing? Honestly. It's always easier said then done but I think if you don't know what your doing don't do it. There's too many stupid people the worlds full. But nature isn't controlled so I guess it's just an opinion
2016-10-29 6:23 am
I support it if you don't want a kid then you don't have to one. And if it's a mistake get rid of that thing no one will miss it
2016-10-29 6:09 am
Free will, but I suggest no. Life starts when the parents "do it," but rape might be an exception. Can't explain it.
2016-10-29 5:47 am
No. I hate abortion. Its effect on the mom, and even the dad, can be devastating.
2016-10-29 5:44 am
2016-10-29 5:44 am
Do you support heart surgery? If there's a good reason to do it. Gee that's almost like....
2016-10-29 5:40 am
Only for democrats.
2016-10-29 5:34 am
I do not support abortion THEY SHOULD NOT HAD SEX IF THEY DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE A BABY so thats there fault if there killed if its rape well then its there fault they got raped or the police
2016-10-29 5:32 am
2016-10-29 5:31 am
No I don't
2016-10-29 5:31 am
2016-10-29 5:28 am
yes of course, if a woman is raped she should not have to bare the child of a rapist and have to look her rapist child face for the rest of her life!
2016-10-29 5:18 am
Yes. I help women procure them in places where it is difficult.
2016-10-29 5:16 am
2016-10-29 5:15 am
I could never choose an abortion myself.
But I will defend to the end, the right of OTHERS to decide what THEY need to do.
I am pro-choice.
SUPPOSEDLY we live in a democracy, and that is one of the costs of living in a democracy .. NOT imposing YOUR values on everyone else.
2016-10-29 5:13 am
No. But it is a persons choice .-. A reallyreallyreallyreallyreally sad one
2016-10-29 5:12 am
Involuntarily. My taxes help fund that barbarity.
2016-10-29 5:01 am
It depends on the event
2016-10-29 4:59 am
Depends who the girl got pregnant from
2016-10-29 4:52 am
Yes definitely
2016-10-29 4:49 am
2016-10-29 4:48 am
I think it should be legal in all cases. Personally it would not be something I would choose to do, but if another person can live with that decision, it should be their choice and not the government's. I know a lot of religious people speak out against it in the name of God and conservative politicians speak out against it and want the government to outlaw it, but I think that those ways of thinking about it are flawed. I am a Christian, but I don't think Godly principles should be enforced by law. As long as people aren't committing crimes, I believe that moral decisions and he decision to obey or not to obey God should be up to the individual. Even though God would rather everybody to do the right thing, he does give us free will and I don't see why the government shouldn't do the same. As for conservatives who want the government to outlaw abortion, I personally find it quite ironic how when the government wants to instate something for the good of the people like common core (although the development and application was/is very flawed), conservatives start yelling about "big brother taking over", but once one of their special interests come up, they yell for the government to back them up. What do you want? Do you want the government to stick their nose into people's everyday lives all the time or do you want the government to let people decide what what they do in their own lives as long as they're not criminals? Make a choice and stick with it!!! I think that if abortion gets outlawed, people will try to do back alley abortions and put countless women who feel they need the procedure for whatever reason at risk for serious injury, disease (possibly sexually transmitted ones), or even death. Many teenagers go for abortions because they know they'll be homeless with a baby if they don't get one or they'll suffer other abuses at home for it. A girl like this may choose to have an abortion, and if she feels it is absolutely necessary for her to have one, I would rather see her be able to go to a professional place where the people running it are safe and everything is sterile and done correctly. I think taking the option of abortion away poses a serious health and safety risk for society in general, specifically women. I think that in cases of rape, all women should be allowed to choose whether they keep the baby or not. I've heard that many women who have been raped choose to have the baby and either raise it or give it up for adoption, but if a woman feels she cannot carry the baby due to mental and emotional issues caused by the rape, I think she should be able to choose whether or not she carries it. In a case of people using abortions as regular birth control, I think it is sad and wrong and if they do not understand the gravity of what exactly they are doing, they should be promptly educated. I definitely agree with abortion clinics educating women on what they are doing and what happens during the procedure and to the baby before the abortion is performed so that the woman can make a better decision about whether or not she really wishes to go through with the procedure. I think there's a huge difference between women who go for abortions because of a crisis situation and those who go just to go because they don't want to bother with birth control. Instead of trying to defund planned parenthood or make abortion illegal, I think more education about and promotion of crisis pregnancy centers would help reduce the number of women who choose to have abortions because these centers offer hope and a better option than either have an abortion or be homeless or abused. And guess what? Crisis pregnancy centers don't come along with any negative side affects or health risks!
2016-10-29 4:35 am
2016-10-29 4:33 am
2016-10-29 4:30 am
I belive if the baby is damaged then abort.its like finding cobras in australian society as there non Asian and asian
2016-10-29 4:22 am
2016-10-29 4:21 am
No -I do not support abortion.
2016-10-29 4:13 am
I actually do not concern myself with other people's personal choices where abortion is concerned.

I will not get pregnant, so I never have to make a choice to abort or not.
2016-10-29 4:06 am
Absolutely NOT...........why would I want to kill an innocent child........on conception a soul is there.....
There are too many ways to prevent babies...........many young couples can't have babies......adopt out.
When making this decision in life we tend to think we can go beyond GOD'S WILL. not me.
2016-10-29 4:04 am
2016-10-29 4:03 am
2016-10-29 3:59 am
No. it's very bad.
2016-10-29 3:58 am
I'm pro life but it depends on the girl
2016-10-29 3:48 am

If the life of the mother is in danger, then yes.
2016-10-29 3:45 am
2016-10-29 3:42 am
Absolutely not.
2016-10-29 3:33 am
2016-10-29 3:27 am
No, I don't. After taking several human anatomy classes, pregnancy is very complex from the beginning. Before a woman even knows she's pregnant there's already a heartbeat. In my opinion, it's murder.
2016-10-29 3:17 am
2016-10-29 3:11 am
Yes, I do.

As a woman, I will always support any woman's right to self-direction and exercising choice when it comes to what happens to her body. Do women make horribly irresponsible choices and then choose to use abortion as a "whoopsie!" corrector? Yes, they do, and I find them irresponsible and distasteful, but I will continue to support their right to exercise that choice.

I believe that we face consequences for our actions. I don't profess to know if it's exercised by a god or gods, or if it's just the universe's way of balancing the books to keep everything on an fairly even keel. What I do know is that women who choose to use abortion repeatedly as retroactive birth control instead of using something at the front end of the process will, eventually, have to answer for their choices. I've already seen it happen too many times to dismiss it as mere accident.

When I was 20, my boyfriend's brother got involved with a girl who was 19 and had already had five abortions. I was truly stunned by her admission, despite being firmly pro-choice. She was very candid--she'd tried birth control pills, and didn't care for the weight gain--all hormonal birth control did the same thing to her, so she wouldn't use it. Condoms were, in her eyes, messy and gross once used, so she refused to use them. Spermicides "give me the creeps--who wants to stick chemicals up there?" she said to me once. Ditto for a vaginal sponge. She didn't want an IUD (they caused a lot of problems back then--it was the late 1980s) because the cost was something she'd have to pay herself, and she preferred to spend her money on something else--at least with the abortions, she'd convinced the men to pay the full cost. Even something as unreliable as coitus interruptus (too messy) or the rhythm method (too much paying attention to dates and her cycle) were not to her tastes. I finally shook my head as I was out of ideas, and she just didn't seem to care.

Time moved on. I broke up with the boy, and stopped seeing anyone even related to his family or social circle. In my late 30s, I was discussing methods of birth control with a bunch of other women, and one brought the same girl up--she had a very unusual name, one I've never forgotten, and it turned out she was a first cousin to the woman I was talking with. I mentioned I had known her years before. The woman asked me if I knew about her irresponsible attitude toward everything, including her sexual health, and I remarked that I knew she had had a funny attitude about birth control, and that I was sort of shocked by the number of abortions she'd had by the time she was 19. The woman said, "She married at 23, by which time she'd had two more, for a total of seven in the six years she'd been sexually active. She's been married a total of three times, and has been pregnant a total of seven times during those marriages. She has no children because she cannot carry a pregnancy to full term, and her doctors have told her it's because of residual damage to her body from the abortions, most of which were surgical instead of medical because she never tracked her periods and so they were done later rather than earlier. She really, really wanted to have five or six kids, but instead she miscarries very late in the pregnancies." It made me very sad to hear that. The woman continued, "Those late-term miscarriages are very hard on a marriage, so hard they've contributed to her divorces to greater or lesser degrees." Sometimes, when I consider all of that, I cannot help but think how differently things might have turned out for her if she'd just chosen to use some form of birth control instead of having to have repeated surgical procedures.
2016-10-29 3:04 am
No but I support you killing yourself
2016-10-29 3:02 am
2016-10-29 2:59 am
No way, even though it is the women's choice, a fetus, in my opinion, has rights to stay alive aswell
2016-10-29 2:56 am
Abortion all day team we gotta prevent over population, unwanted lives and lowered economy.
參考: The Hunger Games
2016-10-29 2:54 am
Wow. Can't believe so many people support something so disgusting.
2016-10-29 2:53 am
Yes so that we can reduce the human population
2016-10-29 2:32 am
No if theres nothing wrong with the fetus it should have a say in the matter and a right to life, and they shouldn't have to suffer because people we're too lazy to wear protection. I do support it if the fetus will inherit a genetic disease or disability, as I wouldn't want it to suffer in the long run and have to struggle later on in life.
2016-10-29 2:26 am
It makes no difference to me miscarriage and abortion
2016-10-29 2:23 am
No I think its cruel. A woman should think twice before having sex and not using protection I don't feel sorry for people it's their own fault
2016-10-29 2:20 am
Abortion should be illegal after 3 months. If you can't decide if you want to keep your child within 3 months then you probably shouldn't be a parent to begin with. If a woman was sexually assaulted then she should have the right to abort whenever she wants.
2016-10-29 2:15 am
Not necessarily... though it still needs to be left up to the mother not the government to decide
2016-10-29 2:11 am
2016-10-29 2:09 am
I believe abortion is acceptable when you have been raped and for serious medical issues, other than that no as you are killing something that is alive (a human) that hasn't fully grown.
2016-10-29 2:00 am
Not really
2016-10-29 1:49 am
I wouldn't do it myself but I think other people should have the choice to if they thinks it's the best option.
2016-10-29 1:40 am
I'm on the fence with it.....depending on the circumstances really
2016-10-29 1:38 am
human life is overrated, the only reason we hold it in such a high place is because of our biology, our instincts lead us to reproduce as much as we can and to stay alive for as long as we can. in reality, the universe is not going to change its course or be dramatically altered if a human dies. if a woman decides to not be a mother after she gets pregnant, what we are going to lose is one possibility between billions for humanity to change its course, there are so many variables in a lifetime that would be a very tiny chance that that human would make something significant to society, if the baby dies in the womb, in 20 years from that time, society is not going to miss it.
the mother should have the decision to let it be born, just like it had the decision to get impregnated. once is born, it becomes an independent person, and its not tied to the decision of life and death by the mother.
2016-10-29 1:35 am
yes, if someone doesn't believe they can raise a child, they shouldn't we have enough unfit parents in this world as is, not to mention overpopulation
2016-10-29 1:21 am
2016-10-29 1:20 am
2016-10-29 1:16 am
In my opinion, it's not right for a man to decide what to do with a woman's body, and it's not anyone else's place to make that sort of decision. So yes, I support it.
2016-10-29 1:12 am
Only at Hillary Clintons birth!
2016-10-29 1:11 am
YES I Had to have two of them
2016-10-29 1:09 am
Why, yes I do! If you're a realist, than you'd know that the world can be cruel and harsh. If you don't have the means to take care of a child properly, than it'd be selfish to allow the child into this world.
2016-10-29 1:05 am
Not at all. It's literally killing a baby.
2016-10-29 12:57 am
Yes in the sense that I feel people should be free to use abortion if they want to and if the context warrants it.

PS. I don't like abortion. It's not nice but I think the option should be there for people in extreme cases where there is no alternative and after alot of careful thought and deliberation. An example of an extreme case would be where the woman was raped.
2016-10-29 12:56 am
2016-10-29 12:47 am
I don't support abortion, but I won't deny one to someone else. It sure as heck isn't about me. not my decision to make.
2016-10-29 12:42 am
It's depends, but No
2016-10-29 12:39 am
NO! Everyone has the right to live his/her life!
2016-10-29 12:37 am
2016-10-29 12:28 am
IM pro death
2016-10-29 12:26 am
2016-10-29 12:24 am
2016-10-29 12:23 am
2016-10-29 12:22 am
If she was raped, than yes. If is it bcuz she opened her legs and got prego. Than no.
2016-10-29 12:19 am
I think people use abortion to hide there shame. So no I am Not a supporter of murder.
2016-10-29 12:18 am
As a Christian my morals hold me from supporting it, but as a Humanist I do also think that from a legal perspective a woman should have control over her own body. Since we live in a secular society this is not a moral issue. It is a legal issue and only a legal issue in my opinion
2016-10-29 12:18 am
I do not support abortion.It's my personal opinion.
2016-10-29 12:18 am
Only by circumstances. Rape, young person being pregnant(really young), std, disease, or life threatening.
2016-10-29 12:16 am
I don't personally, but I also don't think I have the right to tell others what to do with their life. Just my thoughts
2016-10-29 12:13 am
2016-10-29 12:02 am
People have their own free will to do whatever they want, but personally I don't support the killing of a child, just like I don't support the death penalty.
2016-10-28 11:59 pm
Murder from "before" the Cradle to the Grave is Abominable period, save for life saving reasons.
2016-10-28 11:57 pm
of course. no big deal
2016-10-28 11:56 pm
2016-10-28 11:53 pm
its a form of violance towards a fetus buddhist but is it illegal in america no.
2016-10-28 11:52 pm
2016-10-28 11:41 pm
No I only support it if the women got rape or force to get pregnant.
2016-10-28 11:18 pm
No. I personally believe that a fetus is a human.
2016-10-28 11:14 pm
2016-10-28 11:11 pm
No. Life begins at conception.
2016-10-28 11:08 pm
2016-10-28 11:07 pm
It honestly depends on the situation. Unless the mother was in a horrible situation such as rape or her life was on the line if she chose to continue the pregnancy, I would say that they should have the right to choose whether or not they want to abort. Otherwise, hell no.
2016-10-28 11:03 pm
Do you support cold blooded first degree premeditated murder? How about retroactive abortion?
2016-10-28 11:03 pm
I believe that in cases of rape, serious potential harm to the mother (or child) if the pregnancy is carried through, or severe risk of disease that would lead to infant mortality are all viable causes for abortion. All this only applies to the absolute beginning of the pregnancy and becomes void if too much time passes.
I personally wouldn't abort if I was raped, but it is so unfair if this was not an option, especially to young girls or the mentally disabled. Even if they choose to adopt out the child, their lives, sometimes much needed jobs, would still be impacted negatively in many aspects.
Potential death of the mother, or child, would often lead to either a more emotionally traumatic end to the pregnancy, or with a worse one.
Severe chance of disease that would lead to infant mortality would lead to a much worse fate for the child. Nearly fully developed, they would feel the pain and have emotion along with it. Although alive for longer, it would be more miserable.
2016-10-28 10:56 pm
2016-10-28 10:53 pm
Yes, abortion empowers womyn.
2016-10-28 10:52 pm
No I support pro choice
2016-10-28 10:47 pm
No! I do not support the butchering of pre-berth babies, because, logically speaking, these babies have to be alive, If they were not alive there would have to a existing non-alive human being waiting to become alive and this is logically impossible.
2016-10-28 10:47 pm
No it is murder.
2016-10-28 10:45 pm
2016-10-28 10:40 pm
2016-10-28 10:36 pm
I only support if it is because of a pregnancy caused by rape
2016-10-28 10:35 pm
This could be a long answer, so.... in just one word: Yes
2016-10-28 10:11 pm
All life is precious.
2016-10-28 10:09 pm
Yes. This is a fake issue to distract us with pictures of mangled baby parts and Jesus. No politician gives two shyts if a poor girl in bumblefuck Alabama has another baby by her toothless crackheaded uncle. They get us all crazy about this crap and sell our DNA and debt to the highest bidder.
2016-10-28 9:59 pm
kill that *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-28 9:27 pm
2016-10-28 9:26 pm
2016-10-28 9:26 pm
pro choice
2016-10-28 9:18 pm
2016-10-28 9:18 pm
Pro choice yes . . .
2016-10-28 9:17 pm
No. It's not a social issue, it's a murder issue.
2016-10-28 9:05 pm
There are very very rare instances where an abortion for the life of the mother is perhaps necessary but abortion is used today by lazy, irresponsible women who care not for others... butchering their own...
2016-10-28 9:02 pm
Abortion helps keep the crime rate low. The same people who use abortion as their primary means of birth control are the same demographic from which a disproportionate number of our criminals come.
2016-10-28 9:02 pm
2016-10-28 9:00 pm
No I don't support it! It's murder. If you didn't want a kid you shouldn't have been having sex period. At least have it and give it up for adoption don't kill it
2016-10-28 8:38 pm
I'm a big believer in the freedom of choice. I believe you should be allowed to make your own decisions as long as they don't hurt anyone else. I believe the only one who should be allowed to make the decision whether to get an abortion or not should be the pregnant woman herself.
2016-10-28 8:37 pm
I do not support abortion in general, but under certain circumstances like incest, rape or the mothers health it can be allowed.
2016-10-28 8:33 pm
No, but the option should be there when absolutely necessary. And if you make it illegal, it just opens doors to home abortions which are extremely dangerous.
2016-10-28 8:16 pm
Only in certain cases. For example rape, poverty and knowing you don't want / won't care enough for the child.
2016-10-28 8:13 pm
Yes I do. Those on welfare stays pregnant to get the WORKING TAX PAYERS MONEY. We are at work, they are back at their house, making more for US to pay for. MAKE the sperm donor work the fields, force them to pay for what they made. Put these mommies in a huge apartment complex, 1 mother can watch 3 kids as once, mommy can go to work. We tax payers pays for this and we pay for school taxes, I do not have kids, make parents pay higher taxes for their OWN KIDS. Welfare women claim it was an accident I got pregnant, they get free brith control pills, guess the box doesn't tell them they need to take on a day. The kinds to most of these types ends up suffering, being it was an accident....they get abused...not enough jobs, their parents had them for "FREE MONEY"
2016-10-28 8:09 pm
2016-10-28 8:08 pm
Yes. Just think how much better the world would be if Donald Trump's mother had had one.
2016-10-28 7:57 pm
2016-10-28 7:50 pm
Yes and no depends on the situation
2016-10-28 7:43 pm
As with most things in life it depends on the situation.
2016-10-28 7:36 pm
2016-10-28 7:36 pm
NO! **** the libtards!
2016-10-28 7:33 pm
No for sure
but i support it in one case only which is giving birth and pregnancy with this baby would harm the mother
2016-10-28 7:17 pm
Sure. It really is none of my business. I support the right for those who are having and would have to raise the child to choose whether or not they will follow through with it, knowing that forcing someone to keep a child that they cannot or will not raise causes more problems than it would solve.

The only caveat I have is after the 22-week mark, because at that point, the zygote will have a developed nervous system and the ability to feel pain. At that point, unless the mother cannot safely bear the child, I would suggest going through the birthing process and putting the child up for adoption.
2016-10-28 7:12 pm
I have no idea. babies should have right but don't want to force the women. I think this is something only for women
2016-10-28 6:59 pm
2016-10-28 6:49 pm
Yup. Under 4 months the thing in the womb is not yet human. Above 4 months it is murder
2016-10-28 6:38 pm
I'm not pro-abortion. I'm pro-condom.
2016-10-28 5:48 pm
Pro-life. I concede the need for methods of abortion in extreme circumstances. (Example: A woman who has a blood clot in her brain and it is likely to kill her if she continues with the pregnancy)
2016-10-28 5:00 pm
It's a woman's body so therefore it is her choice but ban after the first trimester unless the mother's or child's life is at risk.
2016-10-28 4:53 pm
2016-10-28 4:48 pm
under the right circumstances, yes.
2016-10-28 3:41 pm
2016-10-28 2:19 pm
Yes, it should be encouraged for low income family's and for women with low IQ.

參考: My opinion.
2016-10-28 11:41 am
Yes, but with reason. Instead of explaining my opinion in full, I'll just say that three months is more than enough time to make a decision. Plus that is when the fetus takes on a more human appearance. And that since that child contains the father's DNA as well, he has a saying in the decision as well.
2016-10-28 11:03 am
I srsly don't know
2016-10-28 10:59 am
No, in most cases. The only time I think an abortion should be performed is if it threatens the life of the mother, or the baby is found to have severe birth defects or abnormalities that would hinder its quality of life.
2016-10-28 7:54 am
No... I Really hate the ladies who think about this in legal activity..
2016-10-28 6:57 am
Yes but it depends on how far the pregnancy is
2016-10-28 4:32 am
Just one
2016-10-28 4:10 am
we should enlarge our impoverished population, and make the wealthy wealthier :D
2016-10-31 3:56 pm
yes, and I'm an advocate for post-birth abortions up to 2 years after the fetus becomes a "human". My reason is very simple. More black babies are aborted per month than the entire amount of blacks who were lynched between 1860 and 1960. These are hypersexual beasts who would push the population of earth past its ability to sustain human life if not for abortion, sterilizations (forced and voluntary), disease, war, and starvation. If we could reduce the black population of earth by 1 billion there would still be too many of them. If they keep reproducing at the same rate as from 1950 to 1990 there will be 87 billion black by 2250. That's about 80 billion more people than there are alive today. Earth can barely support the 7 billion we have today. These blacks have no sense of future time and no control over their urge to have sex with anyone and everyone either willingly or by rape. Yes, let's push for 99.9% abortion rate for blacks.
2016-10-31 3:34 am
I support abortions I actually had one myself. I was 7 weeks pregnant and 2 days along and I got raped and sexually asaulted I couldn't handle the fact. Somethink was inside me which was forced and not made with love i happily had the abortion with no guilt and felt a big relief after wards I couldn't of kept the baby as I would of been a bad mother to it because I wouldn't of loved it at tall and I hated the 3 weeks I knew I was pregnant with it worstest 3 weeks of my life the boy that raped me is getting sent to court soon which he should it was his misstake and not mine how could I bring a baby into the world when it would not be loved cared for and it growing up knowing it's father raped me to get me pregnant
2016-10-31 1:38 am
Absolutely there is nothing wrong with it what so ever. Not even a doubt in my mind that its wrong.
2016-10-30 6:47 am
If its an unwanted pregnancy then abortion is ok
2016-10-30 1:38 am
2016-10-30 1:37 am
I believe in freedom of choice
2016-10-30 1:35 am
It depends. I believe that it is the woman decision, it is her body and she has the right to do whatever she wants with it.
2016-10-30 12:23 am
Pro Choice
2016-10-29 11:29 pm
No its ****** up and wrong its my opinion
2016-10-29 10:15 pm
No. I am a Christian.
參考: Christian.
2016-10-29 6:04 pm


2016-10-29 3:35 pm
Before I say one way or the other I have to say the problems in abortion are much more complicated then adressed. First the problem goes way back to the root. The root of the problem is war between men. When men war they create all sorts of divition that often leave a woman alone with no wisdom or knowledge of what to do. Men fight for the right to have sex with a woman in what ever way they can. Some men join a huge organization that maticulusly structure they movements, to weed out all men who are not in their order to not breed. They create structures like the family to control and regulate their ability to influence the future and make it go according to the way they diside. Then there are the men who have no one to depend on who are often rogues and less able to support the woman in child raising. DOesn't make them bad or bad to get it just makes it harder for them to be dads. I said all that cause thats a short ramafication to what causes the pregnance to begin with. If the woman was rapped; and I that would include being druged men. Then I think she deserves a equilizer, I mean if you think about it she was nothing to the man except a tool or a f$$$ buddy so their was no love in the making of this would be child to begin with. the would be child has no thought or emotion that would greave it if it's killed before it's a mature baby in the woman. I mean how is it that you can kill old people and all the way down to teenagers and make light of it but you can ***** royally about killing something that can't think or feel. with that said I don't think killing a developed baby is right. If a woman waits till the baby developed she had waited to long, and probably would get far more out of having the child at that point, because when a baby is deveopled it can feel and it's horrific if you have a heart to see that baby have it's brain sucked out . It really feels it's self being murdered. and yes it's murder at that point. As far as child after it is born I believe children belong to the land they are born in. After all it is the community or organization ever what ever size that helps raise that baby eveything from medical care to pay check to baby supplys. So who ever thinks it's all up to the parents remember the ones having the baby are all most always ill prepared and basicly babys themselves.
2016-10-29 12:56 pm
up to the lady
2016-10-29 10:07 am
2016-10-29 10:07 am
2016-10-29 7:42 am
Yes, I support it. inviting another human being to this world is the most important responsibility and if somebody got pragnant, while not ready for this responsibility, pragnancy should be ended up. For anybody who doesn't feel ready for the responsibility, I believe abortion should be available, safe and free of charge.
If some people are worry about its sin, I believe it would be a bigger sin to bring a baby to life without sufficient support and plan for her/his future.
2016-10-29 7:28 am
No I don't I don't get how killing a child would be right if the person didn't want to have it maybe they shouldn't of opened their legs I get that some women want to get an abortion because they were raped or something but either way i say let the child grow up but not take it's life
2016-10-29 7:01 am
I believe the ultimate decision should be made by the woman with the support of her chosen doctor. I do think abortions should be carried out in the first few weeks and never in the final trimesters unless the mothers health is at risk.
2016-10-29 6:49 am
I do support abortion. A Woman should have the right to what she wants to do with her baby.
2016-10-29 6:33 am
Yes I do support it! I believe the person in the situation should be able to make a choice on if they want one or not. If someone doesn't want one then fine they shouldn't get one but they shouldn't try and make decisions for other people and they should stay out of it and mind their own business.
2016-10-29 6:12 am
sadly, yes. i didn't until i learn how court system doesn't care about people. this woman didnt believe it and delt with her pregnancy struggle alone just to to have the child taken away. after all that she was blamed. so i do think there should be an option now
2016-10-29 6:06 am
Yes i do
2016-10-29 5:53 am
2016-10-29 1:59 am
2016-10-29 1:23 am
Yes, especially amongst white southern trailer trash that support Trump.
2016-10-29 1:21 am
No and yes kind of If the female is an adult and already has enough problems In her life such as not having a good job which means not getting paid well or didn't graduate or go to college then she would be able to afford or take care of a baby so that would be a valid reason to consider an abortion. But on the other hand if the female is a teen then she should deal with it she decided to open her legs and knew the consequences...if she's so ready to be grown and have sex and be careless about it then she should be ready to raise a child.
2016-10-29 12:53 am
No, You should think twice before spreading your damn legs in the 1st place. There are already way too many children that are living unhappy lives Don't want kids ? Don't spread your legs period that simple I see a lot of women on yahoo answers bitching about their pregnancies. Rape isn't a justifications either because it wasn't the child's fault. In the end thosee women are the ones that are going to suffer
2016-10-28 11:31 pm
I support a woman having the right to chose to have an abortion. What I support is CHOICE. Forcing a woman to remain pregnant when she does not wish to be so is a horrid violation, as is forcing a woman to terminate a pregnancy against her will. It is nobody's choice but the woman, and the reasons she has for doing what she does should not matter one bit.
2016-10-28 10:57 pm
As a young lady, no i am defnitley against abortion.
2016-10-28 8:39 pm
I don't agree with it but i do believe a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her body
2016-10-28 8:09 pm
yes i do
2016-10-28 8:06 pm
2016-10-28 7:31 pm
for non-black women raped by black men yes.
2016-10-28 7:15 pm
Hell no. the governments responsibility is to protect everyone rights, including right to live
2016-10-28 7:14 pm
Only if the women was raped or if she has an illness which could harm her or cause serious birth defects to the baby.
2016-10-28 5:32 pm
2016-10-28 5:26 pm
2016-10-28 4:15 pm
Mandatory abortion for any household or need less than $25,000 per year
2016-10-28 4:04 pm
in some cases yes.
for example
condom ripped and no money for a kid
if you're told giving birth will kill you
other parent not interested
2016-10-28 3:11 pm
2016-10-28 8:13 am
Personally i dont care about abortion or taking it that option away from other women.
The baby is not inside my body or in my uterus.
2016-10-28 8:09 am
Yes,yes,yes,yes & yes
2016-10-28 6:33 am
Only if the pregnancy was forced on the woman through rape or if there is some threat to her or the baby's health.
2016-10-30 1:44 am
No, it is punishable by God.
2016-10-30 1:19 am
No, it is murder and science have proven that. To see that check out the website
2016-10-29 7:22 pm
black and mexican abortion, yes
2016-10-29 4:52 pm
Heck no, abortion is killing a baby in the womb. If you did the things to get pregnant, than you should have the baby. And if you were to say got raped, you could take a day after pill which does something before the baby could be produced. It fixes it before the woman's body is even ready. ABORTION IS FRIKING MURDER.
2016-10-29 6:25 am
I don't support abortion, but sometimes people get abortions because of health issues, like the baby doesn't come out right and can also kill the mother.
2016-10-28 9:36 pm
I'm a conservative who thinks the government should not tell a women what to do. I think there should term limit on when it could be done. I'm not sure about paying for it either. If you consider it a mistake shouldn't you pay for it.But then again we will all pay in the long run in entitlements.But can we go back to backroom abortions. This issue is complicated.
2016-10-28 6:08 pm
Abort that bastard seed!
2016-10-28 2:38 pm
I support abortion as a means of population control and fiscal conservatism.
2016-10-28 1:00 pm
Women who get abortion should get the death penalty
2016-10-28 9:44 am
Rape, yes. Anything else is the selfish decision of the mother to sacrifice her child's life so she can live with a little less hardship and shame.
2016-10-29 6:41 am
I support 8-9 year post birth abortions of Trump supporters
2016-10-29 5:03 am
I do support abortion. I support it because of all the kids needing adopted already. All the kids in foster care. All the older kids in foster care that will never find a family because everybody wants babies and there is always a supply of babies. I support it because I am a foster child and I have been through crap. And I wouldn't wish the life of not having a family and not being wanted because you aren't in diapers on anyone. There are children all over already on this earth slipping through the cracks because they have no home or anyone to support them. They have no family. Nothing. Cut back on the supply on babies and demand for children will still be the same so it will help older kids with no home get a family. That's how you help shape America don't let anyone fall through the cracks.
2016-10-27 5:30 pm
Yes. At 9 months, I want that doctor to Rip It Out..
2016-10-27 5:35 pm

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