If you were to die what would your last words be?

2016-10-04 2:50 pm

回答 (724)

2016-10-05 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
2016-10-05 10:14 am
La Ilaha IllAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah ????????????????
2016-10-05 9:52 pm
Trump did 9/11
2016-10-05 7:46 pm
I have come close to thinking I was going to die in a freak accident, twice. My last words, both times, was "Holy Sh!t" So I'm pretty sure those will be it when I finally kick it.
2016-10-05 9:09 pm
The Lord's Prayer, just to make extra super sure that I am 100% saved, no matter how many times I've said it and how big of a Christian I am.

Afterwards, my last final words would be me saying I love you to my wife (If she's still alive) and to my kids, and tell them we'll meet again one day in Heaven.
2016-10-05 9:58 pm
The krabby patty secret formula is
2016-10-04 11:07 pm
I left a million dollars under the... *die*
2016-10-04 3:00 pm
Peace out
2016-10-05 7:17 pm
2016-10-05 8:42 pm
I've lived a long life. Ive loved and ive lossed. Been through foster care and foster homes, and seriously pursued my dreams as an artist without giving up. Think it's time for me to finally get some rest.
2016-10-05 3:02 am
Wake me up at 5
2016-10-05 2:23 pm
Laila ilala Muhammadu Rasululah SAW
2016-10-05 2:27 am
I have had a life! As a world class bum. I only 1 regret. I seen all 50 States, every province of Canada, every border town in Mexico & most to the south. I traveled S. America, Africa & Europe. I seen most of Asia in my wandering of the earth. I retired to the spice islands for my last days. Were life is simple & happy as can be. I have been on land above 13,000 feet & seen the deep of the sea. But never have I set a toe in that land called Russia.
2016-10-04 7:36 pm
Asta la vista baby
2016-10-05 10:36 pm
***** out for Harambe
2016-10-05 9:49 pm
If I were to die,my last words would be: "53 good ones and 5 not so good. I'll take them." I was a college professor of education.
2016-10-05 6:16 pm
When I was in a sober mood I'd worry, work and think, when I was in a drunken mood I'd gamble, screw and drink.
Now my life is over and time has come to pass, I hope they bury me upside down, so the world can kiss ***.
2016-10-05 1:07 am
2016-10-05 4:51 pm
If I were to die? I'm going to die, one way or the other. Having said that, I expect my last words will be "My life was a failure, and I'm glad it's over".
2016-10-05 6:04 pm
La Ilah Ila Allah, Muhammed Rasuluahallah.
2016-10-05 12:49 pm
With my luck I would get hit by a bus so it wouldnt be planned. Therefore making my last words be: "I need to start working out"
2016-10-05 2:46 am
2016-10-04 3:02 pm
Don't worry it is only my body that dies, I will enter eternity.
2016-10-05 7:09 pm
About time
2016-10-05 10:52 pm
Make America Great Again
2016-10-05 10:50 pm
"The safety-box's location is................"
2016-10-04 2:57 pm
At least McDonalds didn't kill me ....
2016-10-06 4:51 am
Who cares? If I haven't said anything relevant in my life so far, I'm not going to say anything relevant before I die.
2016-10-05 10:27 pm
Free at last
2016-10-05 7:29 am
I did my best up until my last breath.
2016-10-04 3:01 pm
I just knew that Doctor got it wrong,lol,
2016-10-04 9:37 pm
I Love you and I'll see you in Heaven
2016-10-05 3:35 pm
Matthew 6:10

Let your Kingdom+ come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.
參考: JW ORG
2016-10-04 9:17 pm
I've been waiting to die for so long!!
參考: Thumbed myself down just cause I felt like it.
2016-10-05 7:45 am
I'd like my last words to be used for sharing the Gospel and glorifying God.
2016-10-06 5:56 am
2016-10-06 4:24 am
2016-10-05 6:37 pm
"Guys! I just found out that..." That'd leave everyone wondering what I wanted to say lol
2016-10-05 7:08 am
Don't check my internet history
2016-10-05 6:19 am
"Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby" lol

Depends on the situation,
Murdered: You little *****!
Accidental: Unbelievable.
Suicide: **** this I'm out.
Natural: If only I had a little more time... I could tell you about your destiny...
2016-10-05 1:23 am
I've had a good run
2016-10-04 9:55 pm
Um... ****IF**** you were to die?
OK regaining all seriousness, "Clear my Google search history"
2016-10-05 12:05 am
"I ain't gonna die yet!!"- Those would be my last words. Then my enegy would retaliate and something earthshaking would happen psychically and metaphorically speaking at the same time.
2016-10-06 10:11 am
InsyAllah..If i were die, i hope i can say..

La ilaha illallah, Muhammadurasulullah

لآ اِلَهَ اِلّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُوُل اللّهِ

(Translation: There is absolutely no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and Mohamed (saws) is the Messenger of Allah.)
2016-10-04 11:13 pm
2016-10-06 12:52 am
Thank you. I can t wait to see you all in heaven someday. Remember that even if I m gone, when you go through something here, I will be there with you. For the better or the worse, you ve all changed my life, and I wouldn t take back one moment from us.
2016-10-05 11:00 pm
Preserve my brain like they did walt disney
2016-10-05 10:53 pm
Shouldn't of got the iPhone 7
2016-10-05 10:41 pm
I love you Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins
2016-10-05 9:47 pm
My grandfather left me $5 million dollars in a vault, and I signed you as the beneficiary....contact them at 1-888-5....
2016-10-05 8:03 pm
Make sure that generations upon generations speak of my name.
2016-10-05 5:27 pm
Thank you lord for this life see you in a min and then tell my kids i love them
2016-10-05 12:25 pm
Into your hands my spirit Lord. This will happen to everyone.
2016-10-05 7:33 am
I love you family, Niall, Shawn, Maddy, Alex.
2016-10-05 1:57 am
i'm not afraid- ya'll shouldn't be either to meet your maker
2016-10-04 11:26 pm
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus ! Holy Mary mother og God pray for us sinnersnow and at the hour of death. Amen
2016-10-04 11:07 pm
I told you I was sick .
2016-10-04 7:54 pm
I love you, will see you on the other side....
2016-10-04 4:22 pm
2016-10-05 7:39 pm
Yahoo Answers sucks!!
2016-10-05 3:29 am
God dam you Rex Presson of Marion, Illinois for raping me!
2016-10-05 1:42 am
I never got pussy.
2016-10-04 6:01 pm
hit me baby one more time.
2016-10-05 11:11 pm
Eloi Eloi Lema Sebachtani
2016-10-05 6:44 pm
I AM going to die one day, as will EVERYONE. And, there is no way to know what our last words will be.
2016-10-04 2:53 pm
Don't blame me, I voted for Bush in 92

It was all downhill because he lost in 92
2016-10-05 11:45 am
G's Ups & Ho's Down Word!
2016-10-08 5:49 pm
2016-10-06 2:53 pm
What's this with the "IF?" If you were to die...? Like there's a choice?
To me the best word thing to ever say is always "Thanks!" whether we're directing the comment to God or to another being, even a human being.
Attitude of gratitude.
Thank you for the question!
2016-10-06 5:37 am
"All stories come to an end, but I guess mine wasn't the happiest ending..But hey, not all stories have a happy ending, endings are just the saddest part, but hey, you gave me a happy middle and a very happy end. But don't cry, I know Ending are hard, but then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?"
2016-10-06 2:42 am
Mama, I don't wanna die. I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all..
2016-10-06 12:44 am
Either "We'll carry on" or "God forgive me"

Whatever one I'd say, I'll be satisfied
2016-10-06 12:37 am
Just bury me face down...
2016-10-06 12:06 am
See ya'll in heaven.
2016-10-05 11:43 pm
I hope no one looks through my history or text messages
2016-10-05 11:31 pm
Before I go, I must tell you all where my fortune is buried. It's
2016-10-05 10:11 pm
**** it
2016-10-05 8:37 pm
I knew I should have stayed home today.
Either that, or
Please let this be a normal field trip to the afterlife.
Anyone get the reference?
2016-10-05 3:09 pm
I am ready Lord
2016-10-05 7:56 am
Depends on the circumstances...
"Hey what was that for I was only sniffing her ..." (complete the sentence)
"Ohhh that man with a gun"
"But she said she was single"
"Guess those really expensive immortality pills were a con after all"
"Sh*t smoking really is bad for you"
"What did they say about mixing painkillers I can never remember"
"See I told you I could get my head up there" (muffled)
"So I have to be of the same religion to marry her then?"
"Which of these chemicals that I mixed did I get wrong teacher?"
"Who'd have believed chess could be so dangerous?"
"Sheesh you're a sore loser"
"That'll teach 'em - hey guys it's safe now"
"Look do you want to know where I buried the bodies or not?"
"Ok I'll tell you everything about the secret op"
"So if I live I'm a witch and if I drown I'm innocent? Couldn't we just have a trial with a jury?"
"Damn those dogs I hate being a postman"
"I guess seventeen whiskeys and piloting a plane aren't such a good mix"
"A final word to all of my lovely passengers, THE B*TCH LEFT ME FOR MY BROTHER"
"You have to cut the tree where?"
"So you've only been a surgeon for how long?"
"Officer I'm not as think as you drunk I am. Put what gun away?"
"Darn that was the best sex I've ever had - was that the front door?"
"I think I've caught a whopper"
"I told you I hate scary movies"
"Hey it's really stormy out there go get the kite"
"Well I guess a hidden camera on the nudist beach wasn't such a good idea"
"The red wire, you're sure, definitely the red wire"
"Some people just don't understand us trannies"
"Mmmm those red and white mushrooms were delicious"
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die".
"I hate rollercoasters"
"Is that a leak Captain"
"Every night in my dreams, I see you, I hear you"
"I thought you'd unloaded it"
"I knew aliens really existed!"
"Oh it's THAT time of the month - why didn't you say"
"Ok so you don't like me doing it while you're asleep"
"Don't you just hate it when your superpowers run out"
"I was miles away from the nuclear testing zone" says both heads.
"I was just holding the door for you how was I supposed to know you're a feminist?"
"5p for a plastic bag, it's extortionate that's what it is. Now everybody dies".
"I really wish I'd learned to run in a zig-zag better"
"The blue wire, you're sure, definitely the blue wire"
"It was touch and go I was sure I could make the red light"
"Do you ever stop complaining - just push harder woman"
"Sheesh you're cr*p in bed"
"My ex could do it much better"
"Hahahaha that IS when it's grown"
"Simon, that was the most amazing stunt I've ever seen on Britains Got Talent - whooooaaaa watch ouuuutttt"
"I'm sorry I didn't text you back" (to stalker)
"Yeah don't worry I know exactly what I'm doing..."
2016-10-05 7:10 am
Forgive me for everything
2016-10-05 4:35 am
Ayyy lmao
2016-10-05 3:16 am
I love you
2016-10-05 3:04 am
I'm santa
2016-10-05 1:44 am
There's a million dollars in the...
2016-10-04 10:35 pm
Im comin elizabeth lol
2016-10-04 8:48 pm
Until we meet again!
2016-10-04 3:41 pm
"goodby, world"
2016-10-04 3:07 pm
Till we meet again!
2016-10-04 2:57 pm
holy sh^t what a s^^t life it's been
2016-10-06 4:26 am
Allaahhhuuu akbarrrrr
2016-10-05 11:22 pm
Now I can finally be with Harambe
2016-10-05 6:04 am
"F*cking great."

I'm young and I've achieved nothing. I wouldn't even have the courtesy to leave on a happy note.
2016-10-05 4:23 am
Forgive me Lord of all my sins.. Take me to peace for eternity in Heaven
2016-10-05 2:42 am
..... God please forgive my sins I accept you as my savior ...... I love you mom and aunti Ashley ....don't worry We'll see each other gain up there in heaven .....
2016-10-04 10:40 pm
The hidden money of $19million is in the... *dies*
2016-10-06 4:40 am
My last words as to my earth life would be AFTER I have died. I would ask my Important Question: "I do NOT want my memory of earth life wiped in any way whatsoever, so where should I go NEXT that is best for a person like myself and is a place for which I am qualified?" I would add that "I do not want my earth memories wiped when I begin in my next sphere, nor for the duration of my stay there."
2016-10-04 5:15 pm
I love you Lexie
2016-10-05 11:27 pm
Ashadu anlaa illaha ilAllah wahdahu anlaa sharikalah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah :)
2016-10-06 2:56 am
Lord have Mercy Upon Us or Live Fast Die Young :333
2016-10-10 8:03 am
Damn, already?! But I still need to go to a Supernatural convention and get Winchester autographs!
2016-10-09 12:19 am
well for me it would be quoting Ozzy, my mama passed away back in 2010 and I know she is in Heaven where I am heading so I would like my last words to be MAMA I'M COMING HOME
2016-10-08 11:39 pm
I jack off to turtle acrobatics
2016-10-08 5:34 pm
Here for today, gone for eternity.
2016-10-08 2:31 pm
I would tell any body around me :" Live well and enjoy your life".
2016-10-08 9:37 am
2016-10-08 6:35 am
I'd be in too scared most likely and wouldn't be able to form a coherent sentence
2016-10-08 2:16 am
I love Harry styles
2016-10-07 11:14 pm
Hillary for prison.
2016-10-07 8:51 pm
2016-10-07 5:04 pm
At last!!
2016-10-07 12:14 pm
2016-10-07 8:00 am
id be like on the 7th u think I'm dead but I'm really alive
2016-10-07 4:29 am
How did I die before Betty White and Stan Lee?
2016-10-07 3:19 am
"My numbers finally been called huh. Well, alright then"
2016-10-07 2:18 am
Stop the hate were all human here's
2016-10-07 1:07 am
I'd go on a rant on how I wanted to die instead of how I actually died.
2016-10-06 6:53 pm
2016-10-06 6:48 pm
Listen....... I buried a million dollars under..........................
2016-10-06 4:45 pm
That That That That That That's All Folks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-06 3:44 pm
Alllllllllllllll beeeeeeeeeeee baaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!!!
2016-10-06 3:15 pm
Jess Rosa I Love You!
2016-10-06 9:46 am
Something like 'aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh".
2016-10-06 8:42 am
Ha Ha tax man come collect now
2016-10-06 6:49 am
2016-10-06 5:14 am
Praise God I'm going home!
2016-10-06 4:51 am
"Don't feel bad for me, ever. I did everything I could. That's all we can do in this life."
2016-10-06 4:39 am
2016-10-06 4:38 am
Wipe my phone of data
2016-10-06 3:48 am
2016-10-06 3:16 am
I finally got what I've been wishing for all these years.
2016-10-06 3:08 am
Long live people
2016-10-06 2:14 am
In the words of charlie Brown
Good grief
2016-10-06 2:01 am
how much $buck$ did tiger woods pay for all that vaggie pie?
2016-10-06 12:35 am
I don't want to die please God forgive me I know that I am just your child and I won't amount but I want to be just like you please God have pity on m soul death isn't for me I need you...
2016-10-06 12:26 am
be seeing you
2016-10-06 12:03 am
F*ck you Aaron I'm going to haunt you
2016-10-05 11:57 pm
I have a million dallars hidden in... (then i die)
2016-10-05 10:52 pm
I'd tell my husband that I love him and that he should never forget me!
2016-10-05 10:49 pm
I hid my fortune in the ____________. Oops, I died, and didn't tell anybody where my vast treasure was hidden. Mwahaha! I will leave it to pirates to uncover the coded maps to find my precious fortune.
2016-10-05 10:37 pm
"Perhaps now, I finally can wake up..."
2016-10-05 9:47 pm
Goodnight family and friends, see you in the morning
2016-10-05 9:11 pm
Wonder whats after this life.
2016-10-05 8:57 pm
Bout time
2016-10-05 8:56 pm
It's now or never
2016-10-05 8:56 pm
I'm in love with
2016-10-05 8:46 pm
Should've done this sooner
2016-10-05 8:38 pm
Where's that ***** of an ex-wife? I'm taking her with me!!
2016-10-05 7:21 pm
"I still don't believe in god."
2016-10-05 7:17 pm
Hey, want to see a dead body?
2016-10-05 6:26 pm
Now My god's door has opened for me thank you so much god.
2016-10-05 6:12 pm
You can't fire me. I quit!
2016-10-05 5:54 pm
**** you mom and dad!
2016-10-05 5:15 pm
I'm okay with this
2016-10-05 5:09 pm
Assuming I had the opportunity to know I was dying, it would be "Forgive Jesus and take me home."
2016-10-05 3:45 pm
I hope I don't have to wait long for every crooked politician to join me in Hell. I just hope there's room for all those crooked bastards.
2016-10-05 3:31 pm
Jam a dry splintered buttplug up hillary's ***!
2016-10-05 2:41 pm
I probably wouldn't have anything to say anymore
2016-10-05 1:03 pm
2016-10-05 12:01 pm
Anon's a fag and I ****** your mother.
-Donald J Trump
參考: goatse.cx
2016-10-05 11:42 am
you should say: fcking you, Yahoo Answer.
2016-10-05 10:59 am
Your Mom
2016-10-05 10:04 am
Hey! Ram!
參考: own
2016-10-05 8:53 am
Good bye
2016-10-05 8:23 am
I would say: I left a million dollars under the...
2016-10-05 8:15 am
I am finally happy
2016-10-05 6:41 am
I Love you
2016-10-05 5:27 am
"Stayin Alive"
2016-10-05 5:05 am
Harambe was just a gorilla!!!!
2016-10-05 3:51 am
Hopefully something inspiring to someone if they're next to me.

Otherwise I'd love my last words to be "**** YEAH."
2016-10-05 3:49 am
Go Big Red
2016-10-05 3:40 am
God damnit.
2016-10-05 3:07 am
at least it was before Hillary was elected
2016-10-05 3:04 am
I love you. Remember me.
2016-10-05 2:30 am
I love you Mum.
2016-10-05 1:13 am
"Remember all the lessons I've taught you."
2016-10-04 11:35 pm
why is this under the newborn & baby category?
2016-10-04 10:17 pm
deez nuts...goteeem...dead
2016-10-04 9:41 pm
I'm sorry and I love u
2016-10-04 8:04 pm
Good bye.
2016-10-04 6:09 pm
I have hidden a million pounds in the...
2016-10-04 5:52 pm
May we meet again
2016-10-04 5:41 pm
2016-10-04 3:07 pm
I'll be baaack.
2016-10-04 3:04 pm
Don't open the chest in the attic!!!
2016-10-04 2:56 pm
Hey Ram !!
2016-10-04 2:55 pm
I hid the treasure in the......
2016-10-07 9:42 pm
Trump did Harambe.
2016-10-07 8:51 pm
Dam I never got to make love to rachel ray
2016-10-07 8:22 am
Bye Felicia
2016-10-06 9:11 pm
La ilaha illul la mohammader rasoolool laaah
2016-10-06 7:42 pm
**** all n i g g e r s
2016-10-05 11:37 pm
Hail Hydra.
2016-10-05 7:06 pm
My last words would be: "Im only dying because the gays exist."
2016-10-05 11:02 am
i would say

"I left a million dollars in the ........." (try to talk but cant)
then die.

參考: teenage post
2016-10-04 9:04 pm
Thank you Jesus!
2016-10-04 2:54 pm
I told you I was sick!
2016-10-07 5:09 pm
Vote for Hillary
2016-10-06 9:15 am
La illah ha ill Allah, muhammad dur rasool ullah.
Ashadu wallAllah hi illah ha illaha,wada hu la shareek ala,wa ashaduna muhammad den abedu hu wa rasool lo.
2016-10-05 6:11 am
''I'm going to pass judgment day''Is what I would say. Then I would sing
''In Christ alone'' or I would sing ''Let the peace of God reign'' one of those two songs or I would just resight bible verses.
參考: Myself
2016-10-05 11:00 am
2016-10-05 5:49 pm
Limp Bizkit sucks azz
2016-10-05 10:00 pm
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
2017-01-08 10:29 pm
i hate my mother.
2016-11-08 7:15 am
my last words as to my earth life would be after i have died... i would ask my important question: "i do not want my memory of earth life wiped in any way whatsoever, so where should i go next that is proper for a person like myself and is a place for which i am qualified?" i would add that "i do not want my earth memories wiped when i begin in my next sphere, nor for the duration of my stay there..."
2016-10-12 3:46 pm
Father I commend my soul to you.
2016-10-12 3:08 pm
Just making sure I have left everything out in the open hiding nothing
2016-10-12 4:21 am
...of course I know what I'm doing.
2016-10-12 1:22 am
Hail Mary tupac song
And **** the police
2016-10-11 6:52 am
Honestly, no one can answer this. It depends on how you die, how quickly it happens and who's around. .blah blah.
2016-10-11 4:21 am
**** Trump and wake me up when I'm in heaven
2016-10-11 4:13 am
Tell *insert crushes name here* I love her
2016-10-10 4:30 am
I am your father!
2016-10-09 5:27 pm
I wouldn't know until I'm about to die and have breath for my last words
2016-10-09 3:12 pm
2016-10-09 2:03 pm
Tell my husband that I love him and everything will be ok
2016-10-09 11:35 am
"I wish I was a father :("
2016-10-09 9:01 am
I would be dead if I was to die.
This question makes my brain hurt.
My last words would be " Doesn't anyone here have a better plan?"
2016-10-09 8:20 am
my life has been bs
2016-10-09 7:05 am
Man... I wish I could think of something memorable to say right about now...
2016-10-09 7:02 am
My last wish is i don't want to die. ..It is my last wish so it should be fulfilled.
2016-10-09 4:22 am
i almost did, by accident. i had a horrible tooth problem, finally found a dentist. but he pulled the wrong teeth, then gave me oxicodine. i came home in such pain. i did not realize i was taking pills for the pain. plus my other pilld had just come..90 in each bottle. i was totally out of it, had no clue. but if you asked me. there are no words, you are out for the count. it is just like going to sleep. and you ever wake up.
2016-10-09 3:37 am
"there's 2.4 million million hidden at.." *DEAD*
2016-10-09 3:19 am
Just let me do a little more coke.
2016-10-09 1:32 am
Remember me and love instead of hate
2016-10-09 12:53 am
Thanks and so long. I tried to love you (referring to myself) and I tried to love life but no thanks to the people that hurt me, BUT I do thank you for the chance that I was given (here) but see ya...
2016-10-08 11:14 pm
Ecce homo!
2016-10-08 9:07 pm
I would say " I know why the chicken crossed the road" and then just as you're about to tell everyone you die, and they're forever trying to figure out what legends you knew of
2016-10-08 8:46 pm
Be strong while I'm gone
2016-10-08 8:44 pm
Born to lose, live to win
2016-10-08 8:15 pm
I left 1 million dollars under the...
2016-10-08 8:03 pm
I left the box of nothing in the _________
2016-10-08 7:43 pm
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna
2016-10-08 7:39 pm
Jesus is the center of my ...
2016-10-08 7:02 pm
Lord take me with you and forgive my mistakes
2016-10-08 7:02 pm
F*ck, again?
2016-10-08 6:09 pm
You'll all be haunted
2016-10-08 4:53 pm
I've lived a great life aren't I?
2016-10-08 4:33 pm
Thanks Obama!
2016-10-08 3:39 pm
I don't want to go
2016-10-08 2:24 pm
oh hell
2016-10-08 2:15 pm
I'm rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop
2016-10-08 2:02 pm
finally. release
2016-10-08 1:35 pm
My names Jeff.
2016-10-08 1:33 pm
The most famous last words that have been said thousands of times. "WATCH THIS" .
2016-10-08 11:52 am
2016-10-08 11:47 am
Its about damn time.
2016-10-08 11:45 am
It's a beautiful world
2016-10-08 11:36 am
Finally end of life...
2016-10-08 11:29 am
"Had a feeling it would end this way" or "Well ****, knew this was a bad idea."
2016-10-08 9:00 am
i regret not knowing the ending of all the anime ang that i haven't still watch and read.
2016-10-08 9:00 am
"I'm coming home, Edward."
2016-10-08 8:44 am
See all of you bastards in hell
2016-10-08 8:34 am
God I love you
2016-10-08 7:58 am
2016-10-08 7:31 am
Order be a number 1.
2016-10-08 5:59 am
Peace beyotch (the beyotch I'm referring to is the world btw, the world that is full of crook, disease, war, you name it)
2016-10-08 5:57 am
Im sorry
2016-10-08 5:46 am
"Jenny did it"
參考: never trusted that hoe
2016-10-08 5:34 am
lata losers
2016-10-08 5:20 am
Heavenly Father, forgive me for my sins, thoughts, words or actions and accept me into heaven. Bless my family and friends that I am leaving behind. Amen
2016-10-08 4:23 am
pass the ranch
2016-10-08 4:21 am
Jesus Christ is Lord.
2016-10-08 4:13 am
"I don't know what's worse, the fact that I'm dying, or that you're here to annoy me one last time."
2016-10-08 4:08 am
i don'tknow....
2016-10-08 3:45 am
"Well, you know what they say...."
2016-10-08 3:43 am
Damn it's small
2016-10-08 3:32 am
I hide 2 million dollars at...............*dies*
2016-10-08 3:26 am
Take me to Burger Express.
2016-10-08 3:18 am
Every scum bag I worked for go fu ck yourself!
2016-10-08 3:11 am
I hate you all your ignorance is very noticeable and gods not real

Possible scenario:god is real
Goes to hell well I was wrong that was and unfortunate decision

As you see I really don't care
2016-10-08 2:51 am
2016-10-08 2:48 am
Love you Brian
2016-10-08 2:34 am
At least I won't see the world end
2016-10-08 2:32 am
I hope the devil likes anal????????????????????????
2016-10-08 2:31 am
Took the cigarettes long enough
2016-10-08 2:10 am
Hello whats up
2016-10-08 2:10 am
Let's begin another journey
2016-10-08 2:06 am
I like meatloaf
2016-10-08 2:04 am
finally im going to a better place
2016-10-08 1:57 am
Here. Hold my beer.
2016-10-08 1:55 am
tell my son I love him
2016-10-08 1:28 am
What would be my last words? Hmm

Be happy
2016-10-08 1:28 am
Jesus forgive me.
2016-10-08 1:06 am
I hope the next me would do better than me :)
2016-10-08 1:05 am
"No Noo NOOOO" - Michael Scott
2016-10-08 12:57 am
I'm ready to see Jesus.
2016-10-08 12:51 am
I sure do hope God has a sense of humor.
2016-10-08 12:36 am
Allah Ackbar
2016-10-08 12:30 am
Please forgive me for my sins
2016-10-08 12:24 am
God reigns forever!
2016-10-08 12:16 am
**** the world
2016-10-07 11:51 pm
Ha didn't db
2016-10-07 11:44 pm
I love my Mom
2016-10-07 11:37 pm
الحمد لله
2016-10-07 10:44 pm
99% of these ***** boys don't ***** me
2016-10-07 10:25 pm
Praise Jehovah! ....please remember me in the resurrection (Rev. 21:3-4).
2016-10-07 10:09 pm
I probably deserved that. If I was shot.
2016-10-07 9:33 pm
happiness and paradise
2016-10-07 8:52 pm
good game
2016-10-07 8:42 pm
At least trump won't be in the after life
2016-10-07 8:27 pm
2016-10-07 8:27 pm
i suppose i live more.
2016-10-07 8:02 pm
My last words would be, "Mmm whatcha say."
2016-10-07 7:55 pm
Hold my beer and watch this.
2016-10-07 7:34 pm
Whatever Hell I'll go to it's better than here.
2016-10-07 7:19 pm
I bear witness that there is no god to be worshiped but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
2016-10-07 7:12 pm
I love you to my kids and wife
2016-10-07 7:06 pm
Get Money **** Bitches
2016-10-07 6:54 pm
This ugly wallpaper is gonna be the dead of me
2016-10-07 6:42 pm
2016-10-07 6:38 pm
Blaze, Mommy is home!!
2016-10-07 6:00 pm
please god forgive me for my foolishness
2016-10-07 5:49 pm
oh long johnson
2016-10-07 5:26 pm
Kuso! Koko made ka ?!
2016-10-07 5:12 pm
Screw it, YOLO!!!
2016-10-07 5:01 pm
Be rite there Mom
2016-10-07 4:57 pm
Take me home, Jesus
2016-10-07 4:44 pm
I love my teddy bear
2016-10-07 4:39 pm
.... as Pernnial Wisdom says ; Rest In Peace really implies that :
........." Rest comes NOT from sleeping ,but from Waking UP "

Sooo for This soul " MY "..last words would be; " God is. and No thing else is. "....ha !

[ to be inscribed on "MY " tomb stone.] ..Eternal Blessings to ALL .....................
............................as we , ALL ..go....."OM" ..... together.......ha !
...................................................go "OM" together ha !....
2016-10-07 4:26 pm
if you have fulfilled all your responsibilities when you reached that point and have no unfulfilled wishes you say i am happy to embrace death, if you are dying of sickness may be you say death is a relief im glad im dyeing. if you are going to get murdered you say spare me or kill me depending upon context . if you are a depressed person will certainly say finally
2016-10-07 4:07 pm
2016-10-07 4:02 pm
2016-10-07 3:44 pm
Life is a dream...
2016-10-07 3:25 pm
Hell here I come.
2016-10-07 3:11 pm
At this point
2016-10-07 2:54 pm
I havent lived yet
2016-10-07 2:51 pm
May be,I quit!!
2016-10-07 2:24 pm
To my son: do a line of coke of my coffin
2016-10-07 2:19 pm
I love you all, and I did my best.
2016-10-07 2:08 pm
2016-10-07 1:48 pm
Well damn..
2016-10-07 1:47 pm
"I did it all for the noookie." ---in a brittish accent.
2016-10-07 1:35 pm
2016-10-07 1:31 pm
Father forgive them and have mercy on my soul.
2016-10-07 1:30 pm
Say a prayer and ask for forgiveness and to be given peace in afterlife if there is one
2016-10-07 12:44 pm
it would be "i love my self and me kids!"
2016-10-07 12:36 pm
shema yisroel
2016-10-07 11:48 am
2016-10-07 11:27 am
2016-10-07 11:19 am
Make love not death
2016-10-07 11:15 am
Bye hoes
2016-10-07 10:58 am
Better Days Are Coming.
2016-10-07 10:36 am
Tell her that i loved her...
2016-10-07 10:13 am
Yes mine too would be finally why the hell did you take so long
2016-10-07 9:57 am
God, forgive me, if you love me accept my soul to be with you for eternity.
2016-10-07 9:49 am
Blues, Bourbon, BBQ and Bi*ches: Bucket list made.
2016-10-07 9:35 am
i would say goodbye
2016-10-07 8:57 am
Why IS marijuana not legal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-10-07 8:51 am
I tried
2016-10-07 7:43 am
I left a million dollers under the...
2016-10-07 7:07 am
2016-10-07 6:56 am
No regrets
2016-10-07 6:30 am
What the booty cheeks *****!
2016-10-07 6:26 am
I knew it!
2016-10-07 5:48 am
Probably "whoops"
2016-10-07 5:39 am
I love you so much! Will you forgive me?
2016-10-07 5:03 am
see you on another life mother.
2016-10-07 4:49 am
Can I have that last slice of pizza
2016-10-07 3:32 am
Well that was pointless
2016-10-07 3:10 am
Tell my betta I love him
2016-10-07 3:09 am
"Im sorry"

Because it would probably be from suicide
2016-10-07 2:22 am
"What was the song name again? Oh, Darude - Sandstorm"
2016-10-07 2:16 am
"Wow, it really does feel just like drowning... Huh."
2016-10-07 2:12 am
2016-10-07 2:07 am
2016-10-07 1:48 am
Shut up
2016-10-07 1:41 am
I would call any random person near me and say "Wait!.. You have to know before I go .. *cough* you have to.."
2016-10-07 1:40 am
I saw something that said this would be my last words: "I see a light..... Oh sh*t no that's hell fire!"
2016-10-07 1:10 am
2016-10-07 1:09 am
May the father of understanding Guide us
2016-10-07 12:35 am
i love stefan salvatore
2016-10-07 12:16 am
I would pray for God
2016-10-07 12:07 am
Live long and prosper.
2016-10-07 12:03 am
''*** ''
2016-10-06 11:57 pm
Goodbye cruel world I won't miss you
2016-10-06 11:51 pm
Remember me
2016-10-06 11:33 pm
solo quiero decir q sie,pre te amr
2016-10-06 11:31 pm
“Abandon naive realism; Surrender thought in cold precision.”
2016-10-06 11:28 pm
Where's the beef?
2016-10-06 11:21 pm
I hid the gold in the ....
2016-10-06 11:20 pm
2016-10-06 11:05 pm
i asked every one who is around me to forgive me!
2016-10-06 10:57 pm
i would say nuthin cuz i dont wanna die
2016-10-06 10:50 pm
This is it.....So glad I got the hell out of working at schools and focused on writing which I wanted to do all my life and finally got the discipline.
I hope there's either NOTHING or something really good on the other side, or that I come back as a beautiful millionaire haha.
And, I love you, to those I love.
2016-10-06 10:25 pm
Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well
2016-10-06 10:04 pm
The Lord's Prayer
2016-10-06 9:54 pm
Hopefully I end up in an anime.
2016-10-06 9:17 pm
never forget me
2016-10-06 8:57 pm
I left the key of infinite riches in... in...
2016-10-06 8:47 pm
So THERE's that last marble I've lost!
2016-10-06 8:41 pm
Shh!, I'm trying to sleep now..
2016-10-06 8:38 pm
"Someone clear my search history."
參考: A life full of regrets
2016-10-06 8:36 pm
I've saved up $1,000,000 dollars and it's locked in my vault. The place I've hidden the code is...
2016-10-06 8:31 pm
What took it so long??
2016-10-06 8:16 pm
I bet I could do that, here hold my beer
2016-10-06 8:04 pm
Take me away!
2016-10-06 7:55 pm
"the thousand dollars is in the!" *dies right before she can say where it is*
2016-10-06 7:39 pm
I cheated on you with your friend Ba.....
2016-10-06 7:26 pm
Punch it Chewie!
2016-10-06 6:48 pm
It's about time
2016-10-06 6:25 pm
Why is it dark here?
2016-10-06 6:20 pm
la illaha illal llah
2016-10-06 6:03 pm
2016-10-06 5:48 pm
Well, ****.
2016-10-06 5:46 pm
learn about the leathael injection asshole nonone wants to disapear
2016-10-06 5:41 pm
Loved finally
2016-10-06 5:26 pm
'Is this thing switched on.....?'.
2016-10-06 5:18 pm
Goodbye My Friends
2016-10-06 5:09 pm
Tissue box. If I said this people be looking for treasure. Your question is buzzing among people.fun
2016-10-06 5:04 pm
I think I forgot to turn off the stove
2016-10-06 4:47 pm
Killer clowns got me
2016-10-06 4:42 pm
2016-10-06 4:40 pm
trump will be us president
2016-10-06 4:20 pm
"I'm on my way
Just set me free
2016-10-06 4:04 pm
"I am about to leave this world. I will soon leave this world. Either expression is correct."
2016-10-06 3:59 pm
Love you dad
2016-10-06 3:53 pm
wonder if there's a afterlife
2016-10-06 3:32 pm
nothing, I'd fart
2016-10-06 3:18 pm
I m not much for talkin , so I ll probably say nothing unless someone from my family is present, then I ll say "Sorry for everything...".
2016-10-06 2:56 pm
It was a good run...
2016-10-06 2:45 pm
I hid all of the money in...
2016-10-06 2:17 pm
2016-10-06 2:03 pm
2016-10-06 1:54 pm
See ya later.
2016-10-06 1:45 pm
I can finally relax.
2016-10-06 1:38 pm
And then there is the old redneck joke of his last words.....'I got this. Here, hold my beer.'
2016-10-06 1:37 pm
"It hidden in the.." Then I would die, so who ever was next to me would go on a false bread crumb trail.
2016-10-06 1:34 pm
I hid my savings in the.....
2016-10-06 12:57 pm
I left the gold under the......
2016-10-06 12:35 pm
Forgive me, Lord, and I am so sorry for all I've done.
2016-10-06 12:24 pm
Delete my browser history.
2016-10-06 12:09 pm
I will do it tomorrow
procrastination forever!
2016-10-06 12:05 pm
Look after my animals or I will haunt you.
2016-10-06 11:43 am
Father, It's been done....
2016-10-06 10:41 am
Hmmmmm by accident or? Well if I die, I will die & say that I was:

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2016-10-06 10:00 am
Death is only the beginning.
2016-10-06 8:59 am
ugh. (that was my last breath)
2016-10-06 8:55 am
2016-10-06 8:33 am
Don't mourn my death for I am living.
2016-10-06 8:31 am
Makarov... Knows...... Yuri....
2016-10-06 8:20 am
I'm still blessed
2016-10-06 8:02 am
2016-10-06 8:01 am
Are you from Mexico? Then yes you can call yourself a "Mexican."

If not, then don't lie to people about it.
2016-10-06 7:57 am
I love you all (to family)
2016-10-06 7:55 am
when I got shot in face said aw.. F,, word ... then told my mom and ex I loved them
2016-10-06 7:54 am
Don't drink my damn beer when I'm gone
2016-10-06 7:53 am
Kiss my *** world.
2016-10-06 7:43 am
haha maa i love you
2016-10-06 7:40 am
2016-10-06 7:39 am
"You better get this on video"
2016-10-06 7:25 am
I would ask god to take me to heaven
2016-10-06 6:52 am
I can't really beat finally...
2016-10-06 6:51 am
thank you Lord for this experience
2016-10-06 6:42 am
Come at me *****!
2016-10-06 6:42 am
Nothing. Last words are for fools who haven't said enough.
2016-10-06 6:41 am
2016-10-06 6:12 am
..This isn't even in the right place, but if I died, my last words would probably end up telling my then spouse to make sure they give my jewellery, or any other valuables, to my children.
2016-10-06 6:08 am
The money's in the...
2016-10-06 6:02 am
god bless all.
2016-10-06 5:56 am
I would tell my dad and brother how much I love them
2016-10-06 5:54 am
2016-10-06 5:50 am
Alkarim is a pig
2016-10-06 5:27 am
God Save me..
2016-10-06 5:18 am
Can I kiss your feet mistress
2016-10-06 5:16 am
2016-10-06 5:14 am
god take me now
2016-10-06 4:56 am
I hid my secret stash of jewels and gold in... Then die
2016-10-06 4:55 am
Eat my ****
2016-10-06 4:52 am
Now that I am dead no one will ever have to worry about me ever again"
2016-10-06 4:45 am
I would say "I would rather die a painful death, then be easily killed by a coward like yourself"
2016-10-06 4:38 am
shrek is love shrek is life
2016-10-06 4:28 am
2016-10-06 4:11 am
The Lords Prayer, and to tell my family I love them.
2016-10-06 4:05 am
2016-10-06 3:57 am
I left all my hidden money in the.......
2016-10-06 3:56 am
i don't know.Only the moment come, we know
2016-10-06 3:46 am
Id love some p**** before I go . ahhh
2016-10-06 3:43 am
im goin home!
2016-10-06 3:34 am
Shut it down, the Goyim knows!
2016-10-06 3:30 am
I'm glad I got to live
2016-10-06 3:28 am
2016-10-06 3:26 am
what the **** he was lit
2016-10-06 3:25 am
The code to the safe in the kitchen with my $9000 is...
2016-10-06 3:25 am
no words just (...) words are cheap and there is too many
2016-10-06 3:22 am
2016-10-06 3:22 am
"**** you"
2016-10-06 3:18 am
I won t be into work tomorrow
2016-10-06 3:18 am
Would tell my decease husband to come and get me I can't harley wait to see you.
2016-10-06 3:06 am
allahu ackbar
2016-10-06 3:02 am
I will always love you
2016-10-06 2:59 am
eat my pants :)
2016-10-06 2:53 am
See u later, go screw yourselves?!
2016-10-06 2:46 am
long lived.Dont give me life as human again.
2016-10-06 2:32 am
Now who's the world gonna revolve around?
2016-10-06 2:29 am
"Bury me with a bag of chick-fil-a and a bottle of Hennessy"
can someone answer my question? id really appreciate it. i need advice b4 tomorrow.
2016-10-06 2:12 am
"I'll ses you in hell."
2016-10-06 2:09 am
well this sucks
2016-10-06 2:01 am
Bing long ching ching whing
2016-10-06 1:59 am
Id speak in my mind and say right god this is the moment all my life has built up to and im absolutly shitting myself whether your real or not iv been banking on it and iv made a half hearted attempt to gain your mercy and i dnt deserve it eitha way
2016-10-06 1:44 am
Be excellent to each other.
2016-10-06 1:41 am
May the heavens take me!
2016-10-06 1:38 am
Took long enough
2016-10-06 1:37 am
**** politics and all governments!
2016-10-06 1:37 am
My time has come.
2016-10-06 1:33 am
Well, I've been immortal so far.
2016-10-06 1:33 am
What are you gonna do, stab me?
2016-10-06 1:33 am
Life is honestly hard ....
2016-10-06 1:21 am
I guess I got clean away with it
2016-10-06 1:21 am
It was the bleach :,)
2016-10-06 1:19 am
you and I we were born to die
2016-10-06 1:14 am
"I put a million dollars in the...."
2016-10-06 1:14 am
2016-10-06 12:58 am
What a Lovely day! hahaha!
2016-10-06 12:56 am
My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
2016-10-06 12:53 am
Sorry, God.
2016-10-06 12:52 am
I can almost see the light... Aw, goddammit. Gerald, your fat *** is blocking the light. Please move away.
2016-10-06 12:49 am
"I wish I knew what love felt like" );
2016-10-06 12:49 am
2016-10-06 12:47 am
Did I leave the stove on?
2016-10-06 12:40 am
Thanks a lot for keeping me here it really sucked ( :
2016-10-06 12:38 am
Peace out Bitches!!!
2016-10-06 12:34 am
I wanted that last cupcake you sob
2016-10-06 12:34 am
My only fear if death is coming back
2016-10-06 12:30 am
2016-10-06 12:25 am
kill ****** fergusons
2016-10-06 12:13 am
"Omg hi Lucifer"
2016-10-06 12:01 am
I witness that there is no god but Allah and that Mohamed is his prophet
2016-10-05 11:36 pm
"Hey grandkids, want to see a cool trick?"
2016-10-05 11:31 pm
Oh well
2016-10-05 11:30 pm
2016-10-05 11:29 pm
Forgive me
2016-10-05 11:27 pm
I killed Mufasa
2016-10-05 11:24 pm
Indoor know when the time comes
2016-10-05 11:16 pm
2016-10-05 11:13 pm
2016-10-05 11:07 pm
I hid the million dollars in ....
2016-10-05 10:59 pm
Well f*ck
2016-10-05 10:45 pm
Clear my browser history....
2016-10-05 10:43 pm
It's don't cry for me.
2016-10-05 10:40 pm
"I hid a million dollars under the" *Dies*
2016-10-05 10:38 pm
Save me jesus
2016-10-05 10:34 pm
sorry mom
2016-10-05 10:32 pm
did i live my life
2016-10-05 10:29 pm
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????☔????????????????????????????????????????????????????☔????????????☔????????☔????????☔????????????????☔????☔???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Literally
2016-10-05 10:15 pm
Big Penises
2016-10-05 10:10 pm
2016-10-05 10:09 pm
I was blessed.
2016-10-05 10:03 pm
I fear oblivion
2016-10-05 9:55 pm
2016-10-05 9:47 pm
2016-10-05 9:42 pm
Take care of Violyn.
2016-10-05 9:40 pm
2016-10-05 9:36 pm
make sure nobody steals my memes
2016-10-05 9:29 pm
I loved you, goodbye.
2016-10-05 9:19 pm
2016-10-05 8:51 pm
see you in paradise :-)
2016-10-05 8:49 pm
Legalize it
2016-10-05 8:46 pm
2016-10-05 8:44 pm
until next time
2016-10-05 8:43 pm
Pikachu i choose you
2016-10-05 8:41 pm
Oh ****
2016-10-05 8:37 pm
2016-10-05 8:34 pm
Suck my d!ck.
2016-10-05 8:30 pm
Take out the trash
2016-10-05 8:12 pm
"Later bitches, You all made life hell for me so **** you all!"
2016-10-05 8:11 pm
I tried to leave the campsite cleaner than I found it.
2016-10-05 8:02 pm
my lat words " i left a bomb somewhere in the house, it will go off at a random date"
2016-10-05 7:57 pm
'I'll never tell you where the gold is buried'
2016-10-05 7:53 pm
Dry Martini, Straight Up, with Olives, please.
2016-10-05 7:44 pm
at least i assassinated trump
2016-10-05 7:32 pm
Help me
2016-10-05 7:31 pm
"i hid the money in-"
2016-10-05 7:29 pm
I have NO clue. I guess I won't know this until the time comes.
2016-10-05 7:18 pm
shouldbe done
2016-10-05 7:15 pm
i am so in love with you baby.
2016-10-05 7:15 pm
**** y now
2016-10-05 7:11 pm
2016-10-05 7:09 pm
It will be f***.
2016-10-05 7:08 pm
Who farted?
2016-10-05 7:07 pm
Bite me
2016-10-05 7:06 pm
I do not and will not accept the nomination of my party.
2016-10-05 6:58 pm
I'm sorry.
2016-10-05 6:50 pm
2016-10-05 6:45 pm
in the name of Jesus Christ I leave my soul.
2016-10-05 6:41 pm

2016-10-05 6:39 pm
"Time to see if you're truly real, God."
2016-10-05 6:30 pm
Oh fu*k a bus
2016-10-05 6:26 pm
Oopsie poopsie!
2016-10-05 6:25 pm
The legend is leaving earth.
2016-10-05 6:22 pm
It would be
Expelliarmus lol

So I can disarm someone's life away lol
2016-10-05 6:21 pm
******* finally
2016-10-05 6:16 pm
I buried the money under the....
2016-10-05 6:14 pm
Who knows
2016-10-05 6:10 pm
The End.
2016-10-05 6:08 pm
RAvioli ravioli give me the formuoli
2016-10-05 5:56 pm
It is done.
2016-10-05 5:40 pm
Life is a *****
2016-10-05 5:38 pm
"I love you"
2016-10-05 5:33 pm
2016-10-05 5:32 pm
hmm my how time flies my last reunion wit marie mai see ya in heaven
2016-10-05 5:27 pm
I love you! What is your name?
2016-10-05 5:16 pm
Why me.
2016-10-05 5:09 pm
Sigh I am not dead yet?
2016-10-05 4:49 pm
Hold wherever hurts most and say jesus christ
2016-10-05 4:45 pm
2016-10-05 4:29 pm
F%%% you brittany you whore
2016-10-05 4:14 pm
Hope it's gonna be warm
2016-10-05 4:07 pm
2016-10-05 3:52 pm
aay, thats pretty good
2016-10-05 3:48 pm
I'd cry
2016-10-05 3:41 pm
Good riddance bitches.
2016-10-05 3:09 pm
Fooking hell
2016-10-05 2:44 pm
Noah, OUT!
2016-10-05 1:46 pm
I dont know
2016-10-05 1:22 pm
Mine would be, "into your hands I commit my spirit"
2016-10-05 1:18 pm
2016-10-05 1:03 pm
I am sry for everything i did wrong
2016-10-05 1:01 pm
God forgive me for all my sins.
2016-10-05 1:01 pm
turn me over so the whole world can kiss my **** lol
2016-10-05 12:49 pm
Sorry ..
2016-10-05 12:36 pm
bye bye
2016-10-05 12:30 pm
someone come to my funeral as death
2016-10-05 12:20 pm
Lets go in hell!!!
2016-10-05 12:00 pm
2016-10-05 11:50 am
2016-10-05 11:48 am
No words
2016-10-05 11:43 am
Will "ANYONE" care?
2016-10-05 11:42 am
To my wife, 'I love you so much.'
2016-10-05 11:18 am
Thank you GOD
2016-10-05 11:16 am
Why wasn't Koshiro from Koi Kaze my big brother! ????????????
2016-10-05 11:10 am
Goodbye the world
2016-10-05 10:59 am
am I alive? odd? Lord?

if you bring me death, let it be.
if you bring me life, let it be. so far you've brought me odd.
2016-10-05 10:54 am
"am I dead?"
then died
2016-10-05 10:38 am
Ooh death cheeky
2016-10-05 10:37 am
2016-10-05 10:33 am
2016-10-05 10:33 am
I told you I was poorly.
2016-10-05 10:26 am
I'll be back!
2016-10-05 10:12 am
na give me five
2016-10-05 10:06 am
Who ******* farted
2016-10-05 9:55 am
God damn it.
2016-10-05 9:49 am
2016-10-05 9:31 am
I hid $1000000 under the....
2016-10-05 9:21 am
i have been trumped
2016-10-05 8:55 am
Hey ya'll...watch this!!!
2016-10-05 8:22 am
Forgive me God
2016-10-05 8:07 am
saying sorry to the person ive hurt, and saying " i love you "
2016-10-05 7:48 am
Format the hard disk
2016-10-05 7:15 am
Hey you know what these generations people suck! Humanity has no hope! All gonna die.
2016-10-05 7:14 am
Are you like for real?
2016-10-05 7:00 am
You got no jams
2016-10-05 7:00 am
"goodbye john"

XD JK i just caused harm to a fandom


my last words would be:



*then id kick a conviently placed can*

aye i kicked the can


then someone will go "U ARE DED"
2016-10-05 6:59 am
"F*ck Trump!"
2016-10-05 6:56 am
I left all the money in the.................
2016-10-05 6:13 am
The gold is buried where south meets 3
2016-10-05 6:06 am
It's about god-damn time! So, long, bitches, I guess I'll see you all in hell!
2016-10-05 6:01 am
I decided this so very many years ago now and my answer is still the same believe it or not; which is, - "The Book of Mormon Is True."
2016-10-05 5:58 am
I would say this. " Curious and curiouser" to symbolize the rabbit hole of a trip life is
2016-10-05 5:37 am
"I killed mufasa"

but in all seriousness, probably just "love you. see you on the other side."
2016-10-05 5:31 am
2016-10-05 5:28 am
2016-10-05 5:21 am
goodby my love
2016-10-05 5:20 am
heres to thinking life and death means something... cheers people.
2016-10-05 5:04 am
"Free at last. . . . ."
2016-10-05 5:00 am
Bury me by J-Lo.
2016-10-05 4:50 am
"Here I go!"
2016-10-05 4:43 am
I want ****
2016-10-05 4:34 am
"This is not the end."
2016-10-05 4:32 am
I hid a million dollars under the..... *dies*
2016-10-05 3:55 am
2016-10-05 3:33 am
2016-10-05 3:19 am
2016-10-05 3:01 am
I would say to whoever or whatever killed me, "Thanks for ending my suffering."
2016-10-05 2:50 am
Another one
2016-10-05 2:48 am
2016-10-05 1:41 am
Tis Tis
2016-10-05 1:23 am
Well, it looks like this is it....
2016-10-05 1:22 am
I love you bye!
2016-10-05 12:59 am
I'll get back to you when it happens.
2016-10-05 12:22 am
feed me
2016-10-05 12:13 am
Its been real, its been fun, but it has not been real fun.
2016-10-05 12:09 am
Bye... :(
2016-10-05 12:09 am
The treasure is,(short pause) buried next to,(gulps)next to the(flatlines)(dead)
2016-10-05 12:02 am
Damnit, I didn't see that truck coming
2016-10-04 11:59 pm
I told you I was ill!
2016-10-04 11:57 pm
My last words would be silence.
2016-10-04 11:39 pm
I'm actually the doctor and I'm gonna regenerate as the ..*dies*
2016-10-04 11:10 pm
Well sh!t...
2016-10-04 10:59 pm
i hate you all everyone is a f*ckin loser
2016-10-04 10:38 pm
*cough* Don't touch my laptop... *cough*
2016-10-04 10:21 pm
"It's..." (Monty Python)
2016-10-04 10:04 pm
God is great ( also known in arabic as allah akbar )
2016-10-04 9:46 pm
I left a million dollars in the........

2016-10-04 8:53 pm
***** shut yo ************* mouth
參考: We've located the missing piece.
2016-10-04 8:31 pm
Scew you all! and All hail the FSM! Ramen!
2016-10-04 8:14 pm
I love you all, please accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior
2016-10-04 7:47 pm
**** you death !
2016-10-04 5:48 pm
life's a trap. go back while while you still can.
2016-10-04 4:44 pm
oh shi#
2016-10-04 4:36 pm
Forget me not
2016-10-04 4:04 pm
"No! Not into the pit, it BURRNNNSSS!"
2016-10-04 3:04 pm
i wish i was never born
2016-10-04 2:53 pm
i will tell my family how much i love them
2016-10-07 4:30 am
I would probably administer a curse on humanity even though things already don't go well for us.

People gotta be nicer to me.
2016-10-07 3:31 am
Point at a random family member in the room and say, "You... Did this... To... Me...". Then just fade off into the sunset knowing I'd pulled off my last and greatest practical joke and leaving everybody within earshot in an insane state of confusion.
2016-10-06 9:40 pm
Harambe, Finally we meet again!
2016-10-06 8:49 pm
La ilaha illa Allah Rasoul allah
2016-10-06 1:46 pm
I will said "La ilaha illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah" There is no God except Allah. Muhammadur Rasulullah is his Prophet.
2016-10-06 12:50 pm
2016-10-06 11:19 am
la ilaha Ilalalah muhamadorasulallah
2016-10-05 11:41 pm
Wipe my harddrive( unless you like pictures of naked 12-14 year old girls)????
2016-10-05 11:04 pm
It isn't if you were to die, it's when you die
2016-10-05 9:34 pm
Allah Akbar
2016-10-05 9:06 pm
I have been waiting for this for a long time. Hopefully, I go to Jannah/Heaven and finally be in peace.
2016-10-05 8:13 pm
God here I come
2016-10-05 5:49 pm
Hala madrid
2016-10-05 5:37 pm
God bless everyone.
2016-10-05 3:23 am
allahu akbar
2016-10-05 1:32 am
Thanks be to God that Trump was president when I died!
2016-10-05 12:36 am
they.....are.....watching...run....before they get you too...
2016-10-05 12:10 am
I...always hated you.
2016-10-04 11:11 pm
2016-10-04 10:25 pm
probably something like 'oh sh8t'
2016-10-04 4:19 pm
was that it!?
2016-10-05 8:33 pm
2016-10-05 8:13 pm
2016-10-05 5:49 pm
Ashd an la elah ela allah
2016-10-05 5:09 am
shma ysrael adonai eloheinu adonai echad
2016-10-05 12:30 am
Allahu akbar!!!
2016-10-04 10:43 pm
i left the million dollars in the...
2016-10-04 2:52 pm
2016-10-06 8:13 am
Asalam Mulakam
2016-10-06 2:46 am
La ilaha iallah
2016-10-05 4:55 pm
as a muslim 'la-e-laha illallahu Muhammadur rasullah.
2016-10-07 2:52 am
I was going to die in a freak accident, twice. My last words, both times, was "Holy Sh!t" So I'm pretty sure those will
2016-10-04 2:56 pm
I would say "I f $cked your mom"
2016-10-05 10:46 pm
spell icup... n*****
2016-10-05 7:11 am
That's ages off I m only 17 but I ve never thought of this. But it depends on what your talking about at the time. But I would just say finally.

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