Now that I'm the Boss at Work, will it be more effective managership if I'm Not Nice to my subordinates?

2016-07-18 3:08 pm
I can't decide if I want to be Nice or Tough.

回答 (75)

2016-07-18 3:53 pm
You have to be more Boss like. If you are too friendly, they won't respect your new position and authority.

The trick is...........not to become the boss *YOU* hated.

Firm.....but fair. Expect results.......and demand answers when people fail you........but reward those working hard. Not the ones pretending to work hard.

and fire anyone level 6 or above..---------because that means they are spending all day on Yahoo answers.
參考: The New & Improved UN-Suspended Weasel McWeasel ! Same great style and wit---now with 20% more Snarkiness!
2016-07-18 8:14 pm
I've been a manager for 30 years. I do not find it difficult to be effective and be decent. My rules are that I want to be firm but fair. And I never raise my voice, nor have I ever needed to remind anyone that I can end his or her job. Another rule: Never friend any work colleagues on FaceBook.
2016-07-18 3:11 pm
A good boss repects his people and treats them well. You don't overlook issues or let people get away with not doing what you need, etc, but you can be very nice and still be dominant in your new position. If you get mean and nasty your people won't produce as well or respect you. Be strong and in command mixed with respect for your people.
2016-07-18 3:10 pm
Try fair. Or ask your boss' opinion.
參考: You're demonstrating the, "Peter Principle."
2016-07-18 3:21 pm
No it won't work to be tough. You'll get more respect from your staff if you treat them as you prefer to be treated. However in order to be a manager you have to be clear about your expectations. Manage don't control. Delegate with a smile and a please and thank you. Never socilaze with your staff outside of much as you'd perhaps like to sometimes. Being a stinker will only work against you. You'll come to be dreaded and resented. Eventually this will have a negative effect as your staff will sometimes go behind your back and sabotage your authority because you have gained a reputation of being a stinker. Remember the old adage.....You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar. Good Luck!
參考: 25 years as a supervisor
2016-07-18 3:14 pm
If your employees dislike you, they will do as little as possible, and you'll have to crack the whip constantly. If they feel like you support them and you're all part of the same team, they'll be far more likely to go the extra mile and they might even cover your tail if you get into a jam. Employees who feel supported by their boss work harder than ones who feel harassed or bullied by their boss. That doesn't mean you should put up with unacceptable behavior, of course. If you ever find any unacceptable behavior, immediately take the employee aside, explain clearly what the unacceptable behavior was, why it was unacceptable and let them know that you expect them not to do it again.

Use as little disciplinary measures as possible and when necessary, express sorrow that you have to take disciplinary action but explain why it's necessary.
2016-07-19 1:05 am
Be their friend and their leader at the same time , Be a leader not a boss, A leader leads their employee to the right path.. and the boss commands and that's all they know. Remember that before you get into where you are, you started just like them , so i think be nice and be you :)
2016-07-18 3:19 pm
A good boss is courteous AND tough. I don't know why you think the two are mutually exclusive.

You need management training and in a hurry!
2016-07-19 8:34 am
leader ship requires knowing the other folks job better than they do,
via minimum body language moderate in words & tone, a bit of non malicious humor,firm as titanium on the companies central mission,make damn sure they all understand it. you can be all of thee a nice guy,a discipliner when called for,polite close cooperation relationships ought to be effective and set the tone throughout the company.
praise them in jobs well done,if correction is required,temper it with some nice remarks about this or that
2016-07-18 6:16 pm
Read "How to win friends and influence people"! Honestly it's the best thing to do if you're the boss
2016-07-18 3:33 pm
The nicer I am to my employees the worse they behave. It makes them think they can get away with more.

So now I'm neutral, give praise when someone goes above and beyond and correction when they mess up.

I agree, you really need management training.
2016-07-18 3:10 pm
Be firm, fair and reward excellence.
2016-07-20 6:39 pm
It's ok to be tough, but you better be a good leader. Or you will fail, and your employees will minimize effort.

Learn to lead before trying to be "tough"
2016-07-20 3:57 am
I knew a boss who was a TOTAL prick to his people. Someone loosened the lug nuts on his car.

All of them.
2016-07-20 2:27 am
Being antagonistic will only promote disunity and reduce productivity. The last thing you want is a bunch of unmotivated and resentful workers. If you really want to go somewhere as a manager, you should do as much as you can to adopt a flatter management style and focus on creating a work environment that's comfortable enough for workers to function at their very best. If you take some cues from the Scandinavians, you'll do great.
2016-07-19 5:01 pm
You can be a boss or a leader. Bosses are mean leaders get things done. A majority of people who change jobs do so because of their managers not the jobs.
2016-07-19 12:44 pm
It's nice to be important...but it's important to be Nice
2016-07-19 8:26 am
Be the boss and nice to everyone but not chummy with any of them. Don't regularly eat lunch with them they need that time to vent about you. don't avoid them but just think of them as your team and you as a coach or leader. Say please and thank you when giving task but they need to know your wish is there command and don't allow them to argue you out of it at least not often.
Don't pick favorites or dump all the work on the one you like least and you don't need to explain your decisions but if it is easy to explain consider it. So if you say I want Taylor to be in charge while I am away and everyone asks why Taylor, you might say because Taylor knows what I want done while I am gone or Taylor is training to be a assistant manager or just because I want it.
2016-07-19 8:14 am
You have to be nice-tough or you'll get no where
2016-07-19 5:52 am
Treat your staff how you want to be treated when you were a subordinate. Before you do something, put yourself into the shoe of subordinates and assess whether you would like it from your manager, then you will know whether it's the right thing to do as manager. This is my guiding principle.
2016-07-19 5:38 am
A mix of both. I use a three strikes and you're out system. I give people three chances to do a task, if they do not perform it adequately after being given three chances, then I will have to take a stern approach with them. Works every time, for the past decade.
2016-07-18 8:38 pm
You get more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.
2016-07-18 8:09 pm
The trademark of a successful boss is to motivate the people to want to do the work you want them to do in such a way that it pleases you.
be fair, but be firm, and an occasional ""great job!" goes a long way.
2016-07-18 7:05 pm
Neither is mutually exclusive. You can be "nice" but you MUST be tough when necessary.
2016-07-18 6:51 pm
kind of a hard choice, but more respect will be earned with nicety than cruelty
2016-07-18 5:55 pm
Effective bosses............communicate, treat employees fairly and the work load you will receive will be what you want. There is a certain amount of respect you should prefer.......but being hateful and all is not good.
Good luck........organization, training properly....and making friends out way.........bad decisions.
2016-07-18 3:29 pm
Nice but firm. Make sure you followthrough on items and followup on things you assign to make sure they are getting done.
Make sure you allow people t do their job without micro-managing. Assign and then let them kdo their job.
2016-07-19 4:56 pm
You are obviously not fitted to be in a position of authority if you ask so dim a question.
2016-07-18 8:27 pm
If you think that your choices are to be "nice" or "tough", then you aren't ready for management at all.
2016-07-18 7:08 pm
Fear is the only thing that serfs are capable of understanding. Rule with am iron fist; mercy is for the weak!!
2016-07-18 3:11 pm
you should be a nice person but keep a distance between you and colleagues. You should not be a tough always but never compromise on your work and rules.
2017-03-28 5:15 am
i'm in charge of 5 people at work... you for the life of me cannot let people walk all over you-- you have to make sure work is getting done and people are held accountable... that being said, people shall work harder for you if they respect you... treat them with respect... don't ask them to do anything you wouldn't do... listen to feedback on how you can help them to be more successful-- and do it...
2017-02-27 12:19 pm
work is for working and not socializing or making friends

work is serious 'cause it requires respect for other people's lives and money so it is required to do what is in the proper interest of the company to promote growth and profit while maintaining a safe working environment
2016-09-09 6:47 am
treat your staff how you want to be treated when you were a subordinate... before you do something, put yourself into the shoe of subordinates and assess whether you would like it from your manager, then you shall know whether it's the right thing to do as manager... this is my guiding principle...
2016-07-24 1:49 pm
only be mean if you have to, other wise rewards are appropriate at some times
2016-07-23 2:14 pm
Managership is not about being nice or not, at least when you have a goal

To accomplish the goal or whatever objective you want to reach, you need to work as a team. The hard part of managing is how to make the team give 100% and not just waist time

The key of being a good manager is setting ethics.

Ethics has risen to the top of the business agenda because the risks associated with inapporpiate behavior has increased.

If you want more info check out my FB page

2016-07-23 12:33 am
2016-07-22 10:27 pm
Pretty much what these people said. If you treat your employees like ****, expect **** productivity levels in return.
2016-07-22 2:42 pm
If possible do a DiSC assessment profile workshop as a team (in my experience the company will pay for any associated expenses). It not only profiles each individual on the team (including yourself as the manager) in terms of their baseline personality, but what motivates each person, what makes them feel disrespected, etc. It also goes into more details of how to deal with people of other personalities that do not mesh well with each other. In my experience, it allows the manager to manage every person in a way that gets the most work out of them while helping them enjoy their job (i.e. keeping them instead of losing them to a competitor, but not needing to be "buddy-buddy" or super nice). It also allows the team to learn how to better work together. And in my experience a unified team with mutual respect is a better working, more successful team.
2016-07-22 6:51 am
No be yourself. And be nice. It motivates people more than a hardass.
2016-07-22 5:37 am
It appears like you have a basic issue of understanding that management is getting things done through subordinates and in many circumstances, it's not clear who is really the 'boss' ! How would you define 'nice' ? If being nice means going beyond the norms of what's acceptable in a workplace, it's a no go. Maybe an appropriate method would be to be firm but fair. Another factor to note is that respect needs to be earned. Last but not least, it's never easy managing people.
2016-07-21 6:27 pm
Be both. It's called being "stern."

You wouldn't want your boss to be mean to you. So, don't be mean to your employees. Being mean will make everyone quit their job, and the few who stay will refuse to do the work if you are mean.

But, you have to be stern. Stern is tough. You are the boss, so it's your job to make sure that everyone else is doing their job, so be stern.
2016-07-21 5:34 pm
2016-07-21 5:06 pm
You can be tough and have standards yet still not be a jerk. That doesn't help. If you micromanage your subordinates that certainly won't help.
2016-07-21 2:15 pm
Work is for working and not socializing or making friends

Work is serious because it requires respect for other people's lives and money so it is required to do what is in the best interest of the company to promote growth and profit while maintaining a safe working environment
2016-07-21 12:32 pm
Well I appreciate your concern that your are looking for a better change.
Being a employee we have very different vision for our work & company but when we got raised to a higher level we see totally a different picture. We starts realizing soon that your juniors ( who were our coworkers just a while ago and working very hard that time) are not giving their 100% and we try to push them immediately as a BOSS and that's where the problem begins because they see a change in our behavior very soon and its not good So its better to keep calm for a while and let the things go easily and just analyze & observe. With the time we come to know how we have to get Maximum from each employee because people have different behavior and you cant tackle everyone with one single formula.
As a Boss we also have to understand the Professional as well personal life of our employees to support them mentally which is a very special Bond that always works.
2016-07-20 11:38 pm
As a manager you must be nice AND tough. If you are too nice to them they will not take your serious, however, if you are too tough they will resent you. You must find a happy medium between the two. You can not treat them completely as equals because they need to know who the boss is, but you can not makenthem feel as if you are to tough to approach.
2016-07-20 10:17 pm
Invite questions about the job to so you she is interested in her work. No one want to come into work where they dread coming though the front door. You make your own choice; but, I can only say that I managed an office for 10 years and out produced each of the two other offices by 3 to 1. The main office stopped sending production to our office 2-3 years. Difference: we all had respect for each other and the managed did any job that another worker did. People like to be respected. Hiring right is a key element.
2016-07-20 7:58 pm
Just tell them to get get the work done. You don't need to be their friends.
2016-07-20 7:57 pm
The 'best' bosses....are the ones who treat their subordinates like human beings, encourage them to do better but do NOT be their friend at work or after work.
2016-07-20 6:26 pm
2016-07-20 6:09 pm
You have to be friendly.
2016-07-20 4:14 pm
Firm.....but fair. Expect results.......and demand answers when people fail you........but reward those working hard. Not the ones pretending to work hard.
Can you show me the meaning
2016-07-20 3:34 pm
2016-07-20 2:12 pm
2016-07-20 8:43 am
Be nasty. That way no one will respect you. I'm speaking from experience.
2016-07-20 8:03 am
Please read the book "Lead, Follow or Get out of the way". You will lean how to become an effective leader.
2016-07-20 7:47 am
you must be good with them if you really want some people work for you from deep of heart with comfortableness, it is better for you to make a good relationship with them like your customer, if you want better customer feedback you have to do this because your customer is in their hands, not yours.
2016-07-20 4:13 am
I'm in charge of 5 people at work. You can't let people walk all over you-- you have to make sure work is getting done and people are held accountable. That being said, people will work harder for you if they respect you. Treat them with respect. Don't ask them to do anything you wouldn't do. Listen to feedback on how you can help them to be more successful-- and do it.
2016-07-20 4:01 am
2016-07-20 1:53 am
Reading your question, it appears like you have a basic issue of understanding that management is getting things done through subordinates and in many circumstances, it's not clear who is really the 'boss' ! How would you define 'nice' ? If being nice means going beyond the norms of what's acceptable in a workplace, it's a no go. Maybe an appropriate method would be to be firm but fair. Another factor to note is that respect needs to be earned. Last but not least, it's never easy managing people.
2016-07-20 1:00 am
Why don't you just try FAIR and effective. Effectiveness is more important than anything. If you are not nice, it will come back to bite you.
2016-07-20 12:23 am
2016-07-19 9:53 pm
2016-07-19 9:46 pm
Be nice to them(means respect them and their rights) but also be strict.
2016-07-19 9:42 pm
i remember
2016-07-19 8:17 pm
i agree with texperson
2016-07-19 7:08 pm
be nice and respectful. trust me, i find myself working better in an environment where i have nice people. it is more constructive and positive
2016-07-19 4:09 pm
what have you been up to now, apparently your conduct has led management to put you in a more supervisory position on your current merits, don't change just because you got a better job but fairness is extremely important
2016-07-19 12:57 pm
Congratulations for being the boss;

Treat people according to their sincerity;
2016-07-19 12:53 pm
Only if you want to lose their respect and get nowhere as a manager.
2016-07-19 4:54 am
2016-07-19 1:15 am
2016-07-18 8:12 pm
Talk less, smile more, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer
2016-07-18 6:35 pm
2016-07-18 4:19 pm
Always just be your self Princess,And thins will be just fine.
2016-07-19 7:13 pm
No then they won't like you
2016-07-19 1:06 am

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