A couple (who I used to think were Christians) is putting up Halloween decorations at their house. What would you do in my situation?

2016-10-11 8:53 pm
Their trailer is next to mine so I was asking them about it and they said it wasn't a big deal. I wonder if they think it's not a big deal when gays are getting married, or when Hitler killed the Jews and Christians?

回答 (204)

2016-10-12 3:59 am
"A couple (who I used to think were Christians) is putting up Halloween decorations at their house. What would you do in my situation?"

If I were in your situation I would mind my own business.
2016-10-11 9:00 pm
Make sure your life is 100% perfect, 100% of the time, before you criticize, judge, or condemn someone else.

Ultimately, it's really none of your business what anyone else does during a holiday. (Do you also condemn them for celebrating Easter and Christmas?)

The point is, celebrating a holiday is NOT the same thing as living a sinful lifestyle (Somehow, you have connected Hitler and gays together under one roof.)

Just remember, if YOU do as others suggested (such as dressing up like the devil), then while you judge them, you condemn yourself for the hypocrisy of having a double-standard, in which you do the very thing you criticize in others.

Personally, as a Christian, I don't approve dressing up for Halloween, but I still give out candy to any children who come to the door. The kids are innocent. Why aren't YOU?
2016-10-12 1:50 am
I mean i can see you're bringing this up because of the paganism in Halloween. But if you do say something then you should also make sure you don't celebrate Christmas Halloween, Sunday service, keep a cross, Easter, Valentine's Day, st Patrick's day since they aren't found to be used in the Bible but if you look in history every single one of the above mentioned things has a pagan origin just like Halloween and has been introduced into the churches by Catholics. Just saying, churches keep paganism everywhere.
2016-10-11 8:58 pm
They have every right to do whatever they choose, Christians or not.
Halloween is just for fun - for kids.
It really is no big deal. It doesn't mean that they worship the devil or any such nonsense.

Gay people marrying is fine with most people nowadays - if two people love each other, most intelligent people think it's lovely.

And no-one, gay, straight, Christian or atheist, thinks it was 'no big deal' when Hitler murdered all those people.

To compare Halloween decorations, gay marriage and Hitler is, frankly, insane.

What do you? Nothing, of course. Do you want to look totally stupid and very weird?
2016-10-11 9:43 pm
You're a complete idiot!! First off you don't know jack about Halloween! You should really look into its history before opening you're mouth. Second, I know churches that put up Halloween decorations. Also if you're Catholic, or Christian. You're religion is made up of over 20 different religion's. So my point being. Shut up and stop being a mindless freak!
2016-10-12 7:53 am
Halloween has become very much a secular holiday. For kids, it's costumes and candy. For adults, it's costumes and booze (BTW, I don't agree with the heavy drinking & driving part). Christians have varying opinions on Halloween. You are free to have your opinion but that couple does have the right to put decorations on their home. If you are a Christian, continue to read your Bible and to attend church. Maybe you can invite the couple to your church/Bible study. The apostle Paul told us to not let differences in doctrine divide us Christians. At that time, the controversy was whether or not a Christian should buy discounted cooked meats that were burnt offers to idols. Some Christians bought the meat bc it was cheaper and someone would buy it anyway. Other Christians refused to buy the meat. I hope that you will be able to get along with your neighbors regardless of decorations.
2016-10-11 10:45 pm
Oh, get off it! Halloween these days is nothing more than a secular holiday that's an excuse to dress up and have a little fun! Do you even know the TRUE origins of Halloween? Probably not and you probably wouldn't care, you poor, pathetic person.
2016-10-13 9:01 am
What is wrong with Halloween decorations? If you don't believe you should not do it than that is a sin for you but you have no Christian right to stop another from doing it. As a Christian we can only show others the way to Jesus Christ and in the end there is only one person you can get into Heaven, yourself.
2016-10-12 9:28 pm
Oooh , come on. Its just a holiday, a silly one I agree, which seems to be supported more by USA then anyone else. Certainly at one time it may have had some foreign religious association, but like lots of ancient foreign traditions , its a long time ago.
As has been pointed out by others, lots of holiday traditions were originally based on religious or pagan festivals. Even Xmas was originally to celebrate the return of the Sun to Northern climes, so I would suggest that your very careful as to the actual truths regarding the origins of Christian traditions and holidays. You will find that most of the pagan holidays (originally holy-day) were based on pagan beliefs long before Christianly was even thought of.
When christianity came along, the ancient beliefs had such a strong hold of traditions, that the Cristian dates for festivals were superimposed on the pagan dates. It would otherwise never have got off the ground, and in many cases, could be some of the reasons that in some cases, it never did.
Respectfully suggest that when considering modern traditions, their history and their accuracy, you try to look just a little further than what someone else would have you believe, and try to formulate why they would attempt to teach you such rubbish, instead of helping you to see and appreciate the truth ?
The only reason for folk to elaborate the truth with lies, is if they personally seek to find a personal advantage.
2016-10-11 9:40 pm
What would I do if I were you? I would mind my own business. I'm Christian and I have fall/halloween decorations all over my house. They look very cool.
2016-10-11 9:04 pm
I might simply suggest that you 'tend to your own knitting' as Granny used to say.
2016-10-12 2:30 am
You DO realize that Halloween is the day before All Saint's Day, don't you?
Look into your Church history and you will find that the "ghosts" that wander around on Halloween are the spirits of those who died during the previous year who were not prayed for in the Liturgy following their death.

That is why All Saints Day (preceded by All Hallows Eve) was initiated!
To remember everybody who had died during the previous year just in case somebody's name got accidentally left out or someone had no relatives to assure that their name got on the prayer list; the all inclusive prayers were to make sure that EVERYBODY could R.I.P.

I would keep my mouth shut and remember the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican.

One of the quickest ways to destroy a friendly relationship with a neighbor is to proselytize.
2016-10-11 9:48 pm
Oh the horrors! People having fun!
I'd call in the A10's and take them out.
Maybe a second strike with tactical nuclear weapons, just to make sure none of that potential levity, or happiness remains.

Mind your own business.
2016-10-11 8:54 pm
So intolerance is alive and well in your trailer park.
Isn't bigotry grand...
2016-10-11 8:57 pm
Halloween is a cultural tradition. Not a devil-worshipping orgy.

Relax. Your neighbors are going to be fine. As are you.
2016-10-11 9:59 pm
It's a fall festival. Don't get all in a twist about it. Christians celebrate secular holidays like Halloween, the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day,whatever.
It is none of your business what your neighbors do. If you were a Christian yourself, you would know better than to judge others.
2016-10-12 12:11 am
It's not a big deal !! Spiders and skeletons are just fun decorations weather you're a Christian or not. Going door after door for candy with a silly costume is alright. Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you can't have fun.
2016-10-11 9:07 pm
What you should do is mind your own business. Halloween is harmless fun, gays getting marries is nothing to do with you, and Hitler was a Christian so don't go there.
2016-10-11 8:56 pm
Darn tootin, lets have us a gosh durned witchin.
2016-10-12 3:38 am
What is the problem?

"Hallow" is Old English for "Holy" as in "hallowed be Thy name." Halloween is actually like Christmas Eve. The night before a Christian holy day. It is the "Eve of All Saint's Day" or "All Hallows Eve" or "Halloween."

But just like Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday), Halloween has taken on a life of its own.

Christians including Catholics do not fear death, evil, or Satan. In Christ, we can laugh in the face of death.

From an email I received: Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside, and scoops out all the yucky stuff--including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see.


Just because a Christian Holy Day lands on the same day of the year as a Pagan holiday does not mean that that Christian Holy Day is "based on Paganism" or is "worshiping Satan."

With the thousands of Pagan religions all over the world which have been practiced for thousands of years, there is probably at least one (if not more than one) Pagan holiday for everyday of the year.

Using that logic:
+ Christians could never celebrate anything on any day of the year.
+ Anyone celebrating a loved one's birthday on April 20 is celebrating Hitler's birthday because coincidentally, Hitler was born on the same day.

With love in Christ.
2016-10-12 7:18 pm
What's the big deal? So, they like to put up Halloween decorations? It's a more secular holiday - especially on the 31st when the kids go Trick-or-Treating. I'm Catholic and I put up pumpkins in my yard and we give out bags and bags of candy. It's fun. Don't be a killjoy. Mind your own business!
2016-10-12 2:47 pm
A couple ( who "I" used to think ( defined as ) Christians ) is putting up Halloween decorations at "THEIR" house . What would you do in my situation ?

so one woke up today to Face a REALITY that a Group of people got Equal LEGAL Rights to marry , and another Reality that Hitler targeted certain people to Kill for his own Agenda and convinced people to set aside human empathy and go along with it , and that has relevance to Halloween decorations ?

sounds like fragmented thoughts and bazaar associations

So what Exactly is YOUR SITUATION ?

so for clarification SITUATION is defined as all of the FACTS conditions and events that EFFECT someone or something at a particular time and in a particular place and is seen or viewed as important or a sudden PROBLEM

. EFFECT a CHANGE which takes place as a result or a consequence of an action .

PROBLEM a perceived gap between the existing state and a DESIRED state or a deviation of the NORM STANDARD or status quo or
what prevents YOU from reaching YOUR GOAL

one has several options one might want to evaluate ones definition of what one asserts is a Christian , but that is highly SUBJECTIVE

Next stop viewing it as YOUR PROBLEM as in the definition that which stops you from reaching your GOAL ,

so is your Goal possibly to tell your neighbors in your Opinion it is not acceptable to put up Halloween decorations on THEIR own PROPERTY , and you see yourself in that authority position BECAUSE ? it stops you from achieving your Goal to Impose your definition of christian on others or to control and regulate their actions or behaviors ......

....just adding a little psychology humor

How many narcissist does it take to change a light bulb ?

Just ONE to hold it STILL while the rest of the world revolves around it ..

... When they finally find the center of the universe

a lot of people will be disappointed to find out it wasn't them ,

One has my Empathy that one has expresses their state of nature and nurture ...

. maybe one might wish to switch web sites to FACEBOOK

where one can post everything all about themselves final answer what would "I" do I always decorate for Halloween and have a party so i would invite them to my house ,

you might try that , you might enjoy it , its great you don't have to IMAGINE things you actually dress up to represent characters and actually things that exist ..

i heard Trump costumes and clowns are big this year

... maybe you could dress up as the INVISIBLE MAN in this case a invisible PIG
2016-10-12 10:54 am
Piggy....that's you again, isn't it.....trying to spoil kids' fun....is there anything that is actually allowed in your view of life?

Just leave them alone....they are right, like Christmas, it has been secularized. As an atheist, my family celebrate Christmas...but not in a theists' way....it replaced a Winter Festival...it was arranged for a time when the harvest was in and the weather bad....to cheer everyone up.

I personally don't like Halloween....in UK it was very rarely celebrated but now we have groups of people...not sure they are kids.... demanding money not sweets and egging our windows if we don't give them any.

Just try to mind your own business.....You can live your life as you wish.....but you don't have the right to tell others how to live theirs....try being a REAL Christian.....understanding and loving....not hateful and judgemental.
2016-10-12 3:18 am
You live in a trailer? Yep.... that sounds about right.
2016-10-12 2:15 am
I would mind my own business
2016-10-11 9:29 pm
Since they said it is no big deal I would take them at their word. The reverse is also true, such as people putting up Christmas decorations who do not believe in Christmas or Christ. Do you question everyone who puts up Christmas decorations as to the degree of their beliefs? If so you may be surprised at who does and does not believe certain ideas. Some people just like to decorate it be as simple as that. Go in peace
2016-10-11 9:04 pm
Good weather to sit outside and smoke cigars, eh.
2016-10-12 12:06 am
Mind your own business. I know that is unusual for a Christian, but try.
2016-10-13 4:13 pm
This is a Troll question, isn't it? Posted by someone who mocks conservative Christians? To answer your question, though, if I were in your situation, I'd put up Halloween decorations, also. But I think if I were a conservative Christian who recognized -- correctly -- that Halloween is actually based on the pagan Druid holiday of Samain, I might hand out little pamphlets to that effect to the trick or treaters. To avoid alienating my neighbors, though, I'd be sure to hand out candy with the pamphlets.

And if I were in your situation and were a conservative Christian shocked by the pagan roots of Halloween, I might decorate my front porch with Christmas decorations -- a creche with Joseph & Mary & baby Jesus and the animals, or maybe an angel or two. It might make an amusing contrast & complement to the witches & skulls etc. decorating the houses & lawns of my neighbors.

-- answer by a sometime attender at Quaker meeting. Quakers are supposed to keep their ears & hearts open to "that of God in everyone," both Christian & otherwise.
2016-10-11 8:55 pm
2016-10-12 2:59 am
Party. Say you are getting ready for all souls day. What you do is your own business. Maybe some people do worship satan at Halloween, doesn't mean you have to. Origen said that Christmas was celebrated on a pagan date so the pagans wouldn't disturb the Christians. Let them do your thing and you do yours.

As for gay marriage, just go with what Jesus said on the subject. Nothing.

Early Christians seem to have shifted the blame for the crucifixion from the Romans to the Jews, as a political move to make peace with Rome, and the holocaust had precedents in many Christian pogrums against Jews, the Spanish Inquisition etc. The Gospels portray Pilate in a very sympathetic light, but even the Roman writers such as Philo describe him as having: "vindictiveness and furious temper", and say he was "naturally inflexible, a blend of self-will and relentlessness". Referring to Pilate's governance, Philo further describes "his corruption, and his acts of insolence, and his rapine, and his habit of insulting people, and his cruelty, and his continual murders of people untried and uncondemned, and his never ending, and gratuitous, and most grievous inhumanity" Pilate was eventually recalled to Rome for his excessive brutality to the Judean peoples. It's pretty weird that Judas (a name meaning simply "the Jew") is made the villain of the story. Anti-Semitism is written into Christianity
2016-10-13 3:37 pm
Halloween is not anti-Christian. It's a secular holiday now, even if it holds meaning for Pagans. It's like Christmas and Easter. They're celebrated in secular ways despite the meanings they hold for Christians. Halloween decorations are not religious, just like decorations depicting Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are not religious. Even if they are Pagans, it's none of your business. Worry about yourself because you sound quite delusional.
2016-10-12 4:32 am
I'm pretty strict in this regard, but I don't have a problem with giving out Halloween candy.
2016-10-12 4:25 am
Just wait 'till you see what they put up for Christmas.
2016-10-12 1:13 am
If you are a Christian, I would direct you to Colossians 2:16-17. "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ". You can be Christian and celebrate Halloween and should not judge or be judged by your decision.
2016-10-12 1:03 am
Thank them for being so kind and tell them their trailer radiates peace and love and tell them how much it makes the little kids eyes sparkle. Make a donation by joining in the fun.
Your stock will go up on the trailer site as well as in the eyes of the lord
2016-10-11 9:50 pm
If don't know what your situation is my love but if I were you, I would mind my own business.
2016-10-12 5:06 am
What's wrong with a christian celebrating Halloween or supporting gay rights. It seems like they're much better Christians than you are. Unlike you they don't think it's still the middle ages.
2016-10-12 2:14 am
This is a free country -- as long as they are not bothering your property -- and you have freedom to Not put up decorations -- what does it matter. Putting up Halloween decorations does Not make or break being a Christian.
2016-10-12 12:47 am
Nothing. Are you one of the 99.999% of atheists with no life?
2016-10-12 11:20 pm
Maybe they haven't gone to the Encyclopedia or researched the background of Halloween? Maybe they don't realize they are celebrating the activities of satan and his demons? Celebrations like Halloween are in conflict with Bible teachings. The Bible warns: “There must never be anyone among you who . . . practices divination, who is soothsayer, augur or sorcerer, who uses charms, consults ghosts or spirits, or calls up the dead.”—Deuteronomy 18:10, 11, The Jerusalem Bible; see also Leviticus 19:31; Galatians 5:19-21.

If you don't have Halloween decorations up they may ask you why not and you will have the chance to explain what you learned and ask them why they have them.

2016-10-11 8:54 pm
2016-10-11 8:58 pm
People have been deceived about the origin of holleween, Christmas and thanksgiving. All these holidays are linked with pagan false worship or liked with a demonic influence. If people did their own homework they would not be deceived.
2016-10-14 5:48 am
I'd ask for some candy.
2016-10-14 3:48 am
In the old days, in some countries, you could have reported them to the inquisition. Now, there is nothing you can do.
2016-10-13 9:03 pm
2016-10-13 8:23 pm
A few decorations for Halloween is just a bit of harmless fun.

It's not my cup of tea, but if my neighbours were to do it, I wouldn't care less!
2016-10-13 6:40 pm
All Hallows Eve....was celebrated by Christians....nutcase....look it up.
2016-10-13 6:18 pm
Ask them politely if they need any help with the decorations.
2016-10-13 4:40 pm
Go and kill yourself, AR$E, wankerz !!!
2016-10-13 4:24 pm
I'd put up better ones.......and show them who's boss .
2016-10-13 3:18 pm
2016-10-13 3:17 pm
Would I do in your situation? Go read a Bible to refresh your memory on a few key points.

Like the parts about how it's none of your damn business to judge others, lest you end up judged too.
Or the part how it's not your business to judge those outside your congregation. (Those outside God will judge.)
Better read the bit about the sheep and the goats, too. Before you start eating tin cans or whatever.

Then smarten up and run along instead of being just another phony Christian hypocrite like the majority are.
2016-10-13 2:59 pm
As long as they are not hanging a neighbor. I don't see what the problem is.
2016-10-13 2:23 pm
A couple (who I used to think were Christians) is putting up Halloween decorations at their house. What would you do in my situation?
Sadly TY, you're why uncaring, lying ... stupid humans should be punished by pain, prison... even death at times !
2016-10-13 10:45 am
I like this troll affiliating genocide with same-gender relationships.
Too funny!
2016-10-13 5:22 am
Mind your business and refrain from judging !
2016-10-13 3:23 am
if i were you i'd lynch myself
2016-10-13 2:17 am
Don't worry about it. You should go ahead and buy some candy for the kids. You'll have a great time and get to meet many of your neighbors and make new friends. And then you go to hell.
2016-10-12 8:32 pm
If you really wanted to do so you could ask them if they don't feel that their actions seem contradictory to their faith but be sure first that they ARE Christians and are not just people who attend a church. The two are very different.
2016-10-12 5:52 pm
Anyone can claim to be Christian.........
Ultimately, they have to decide..............
Gently share with them why you don't celebrate Halloween.......and then leave it go.
2016-10-12 1:54 pm
I do not put Halloween decorations . I don't celebrate Halloween either
2016-10-12 1:09 pm
I would trash the fuking pAlace.
2016-10-12 6:41 am
put a cross
on the traier
that is between
your place
and their place
or put a cross
on your wall with
Jesus upon it maybe
2016-10-12 5:33 am
If your trailer still have the wheels on it , just move it a few slots over, problem solved.
2016-10-12 5:03 am
I don't like that holiday...it's honestly not good for Christians spiritually, in all seriousness.
2016-10-12 3:52 am
I suppose you will get pissed at God, for dressing as the Devil and going to trick or treat with my kids.
2016-10-12 3:18 am
We are not to judge others.
2016-10-12 2:43 am
Nothing. It's none of your business what they do as long as they're not offending anyone. And if you're offended, get a life.
2016-10-12 2:10 am
what ever happened to love thy neighbor?
2016-10-12 1:50 am
What would I do if I were you?
I would troll R&S.
2016-10-11 11:48 pm
Get a cross, white loin cloth, crown of thorns, lots of catsup, makeup kit, dress up like Jesus covered with catsup walk around hugging people saying "This bloods for you" hug them get the Ketchup everywhere. (re apply frequently) Make sure the nail scars and the gaping hole in your side is obvious. Maybe bring some gospel tracks to pass out with some candy.
2016-10-11 10:09 pm
If they have kids or if they're young, they're probably just doing it for fun. There is no wrong in that, but you shouldn't dress up as a devil or a demon and put a sign up saying demons rock.... Or something very satanic.

I'm Christian, I love dressing up as friendly or entertaining things. I don't like scary. Really, I consider it more Harvest Day.
2016-10-11 9:36 pm
You are right not to participate.
But do not judge others.
Only throw the first stone when..............
2016-10-12 4:15 pm
Most people do not think of Hallowe'en as having anything to do with religious beliefs. To most of us it is simply something to do for entertainment, dressing up and eating candy. To break the monotony of school starting back up probably. Our local Baptist church actually has a Hallowe'en party so the kids can get candy safely instead of risking getting something contaminated by going door to door. Maybe you are being too strict. It would matter if it meant anything religious to them but it probably does not.
2016-10-12 12:42 am
Pig you're a pathetic loser!
2016-10-11 10:06 pm
Leave them be, but they are certainly not Christians.
參考: Common sense.
2016-10-13 4:38 pm
You could look inside yourself to see that Christian or not they are humans and no different from you. You're argument is a completely unfair reactionary position that puts them against their own. Gays getting married and the treatment of the Jews in WWII is not in any way in the same league as Halloween decorations. It's a cultural holiday, and we in this country the United States celebrate differences. If that is not the true letter of the year then I don't know what is.
2016-12-07 2:20 am
a couple (who i used to think were christians) is putting up halloween decorations at their house... what would you do in my situation?
sadly ty, you're why uncaring, lying ......... stupid humans should be punished by pain, prison......... even death at times !
2016-11-20 4:17 am
it's halloween... decorations have nothing to do with religion... it is the actual twenty-four hour period that is religious, a day of specialty... for some, it is nothing more than a holiday... since when do pumpkins, ghosts, and other halloween decorations belong to religion?
2016-10-18 4:12 pm
You can never fail when you ask the Holy Spirit- the Spirit of Truth; our Guide and teacher to show men what makes the heart of Jesus glad or grieved. Pray always that we will all understand the totality of what Christ means when He asked us to die to self, sin and the world system. We understand the heart of Christ when our true desire is to bring God pleasure. I’m confident God is committed to helping us do just that. The most efficient way is when the Holy Spirit convicts the heart anything less will be a physical exercise.The enemy of our soul the devil will attack anyone determined to be emptied of self, sin, sinful habits and is determined to be dead to the world system. This is the very reason Jesus came to die on Calvary. If we are not walking in the fullness of this total delieverance it is only because the enemy is at work to veil our hearts to seeing the full work of Calvary or we fail to latch onto the finished work of the Cross and the Scriptures.
2 Corinthians 4:2-4
But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. 3 But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
2016-10-15 6:28 pm
The best thing to do in this situation, is to mind your business
As long as it's not infringing on your property, don't let it get the best of you.....judging them is God's call, not yours, He reads the heart, not us.
2016-10-15 4:27 pm
what would i do in your situation,i would leave them alone and thats what you need to do.they can put up halloween decs if they want
2016-10-15 3:54 pm
The fact that you live in a trailer speaks volumes.
Samhain / Halloween is a harvest festival, originally.

Harvest. As in food. Not evil.

It's also very close to the Spanish 'dia de Los muertos' or day of the dead, where they honour those who have passed with feasting, celebration and candies.

Honouring your ancestors. Not evil.

I would honestly suggest you pick up a history book instead of your bible, and stop being so unchristian towards your neighbours.

WWJD? Probably not ***** about the holidays his neighbours celebrate.
參考: I'M A WITCH AND I READ BOOKS. I was also raised in a Protestant home. Fat lot of good that did, eh?
2016-10-15 1:41 pm
Move to another trailer park.
2016-10-15 9:36 am
For of all, Jews during WWII were evil. Hitler was the good guy.
2016-10-15 6:31 am
Grow up and stop being so self-righteous. So you deem them not Christian because of this? It is to the Lord they answer, not you. How arrogant is your little comment "who I used to think were Christians"
2016-10-15 5:13 am
It's Halloween. Decorations have nothing to do with religion. It is the actual twenty-four hour period that is religious, a day of specialty. For some, it is nothing more than a holiday. Since when do pumpkins, ghosts, and other Halloween decorations belong to religion?
2016-10-15 12:09 am
Please just leave them alone...
2016-10-14 11:16 pm
They are having a little fun, not doing pagan rites. Leave them alone and let them have their fun. Halloween is for kids...not pagans.
2016-10-14 8:47 pm
Enjoy the holiday with them ..
2016-10-14 7:51 pm
Just ignore them.
2016-10-14 7:29 pm
2016-10-14 6:24 pm
Many people, even Christians celebrate Halloween without knowing its origin. Most people view Halloween as a way to have fun. Since Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more countries are adopting it. However, celebrations like Halloween do conflict with bible teachings (Deuteronomy 18:10,11) If you have a good established relationship with your neighbor, you could discreetly tell them what the bible says. Another option is to mind your own business. In the end people will do what they feel is best for them and their lifestyle.
2016-10-14 3:56 pm
As a Christian, I'd mind my own business. You should too.
2016-10-14 2:33 pm
Absolutely nothing.
2016-10-14 12:25 pm
Clearly you need to sell your house and get away from such disgusting pagans!
2016-10-14 9:47 am
I would go there with a pumpkin bucket and ask : Trick or treat?
2016-10-14 8:25 am
Nothing, it is their choice to put them up
2016-10-14 6:51 am
i think you should look into my good friend, Tomi Lahren....she has some very interesting points that i think you would enjoy....
peace and blessings. god is the savior of all. I'm not gay
2016-10-14 5:58 am
You should probably mind your own business and keep that god garbage bottled up inside.
2016-10-14 5:26 am
you are a troll
2016-10-14 3:12 am
Ssk them for the candy.
2016-10-14 2:12 am
Not all Christians follow the same rules or whatever. You should do nothing why be concerned about what they do? It's not you and you don't have to agree with what other people do to be their friends they're not hurting anyone so why care? MYOB
2016-10-14 2:01 am
I'd suck it up and stop being a coward. Pumpkins! How spooky. I feel bad for any children you may have in your future, not allowed to be kids and go trick or treating because you have superstitions. Grow up...
2016-10-14 1:51 am
I'd judge them based on their level of horror. If I find the end result to be of satisfactory scare factor, I would immediately congratulate them for such a unique creation of terror.
2016-10-14 12:52 am
I would mind my own business.
2016-10-14 12:52 am
I'd mind my own business.
2016-10-14 12:14 am
Halloween is not a sacred party,but if they do this,are Their chooses
2016-10-13 10:59 pm
I would mind my own business.
2016-10-13 10:43 pm
long before there was Chistianity there were Pagen's that celebrated Halloween, or Halomas, it was a celebration of the harvest season and bringing in of the crops that season so that people could eat over winter. If you were to study world religions, you would find that there are NOT that much difference in each one, they all lead to One God, and submit to that God, comparative religion is pointing to the sameness, not differenc
2016-10-13 10:23 pm
Bring them a spider web to add to their collection.
2016-10-13 10:00 pm
Dude, scale your response. It's not a flucking holocaust, its zombies.
2016-10-13 9:46 pm
Mind my own business?
2016-10-13 7:36 pm
Pray for them, the Holy Spirit will convict them about it.
2016-10-13 7:32 pm
Your bible will give you proper instructions.
參考: It demands that you stone them (of course, to death).
2016-10-13 6:57 pm
You need to take a deep breath and stop acting lie a frigging idiot. Halloween is a fun fest for a bizillion people young and old. You don't like it, hide in your closet for a bit.
2016-10-13 6:53 pm
I have no idea what you're talking about. What "situation"???
2016-10-13 6:49 pm
Put on Jesus' disciples costumes and go out and minister to the questions you are asked about Jesus Christ!
2016-10-13 6:01 pm
You aren't the brightest person, are you?
2016-10-13 6:00 pm
It is not your situation. It is their right to do so. Millions of people do Halloween and they don't need to ask their
neighbor if they can put up decorations. If so they may come to you and say, we do not want you putting up
Christmas decorations.
2016-10-13 5:36 pm
Yeah i have had to blow off hypocrites, you just have to stop thinking for them. Let them be morons or educate them on what you know and what they are doing.
2016-10-13 5:22 pm
Start reading educational material.
2016-10-13 5:15 pm
Get a grip, and remember, freedom of expression...somehow I don't think Halloween is leading to a holocaust. The religious meaning of the event was lost years ago. You have the right not to participate.
2016-10-13 5:06 pm
2016-10-13 4:51 pm
that's none of my business and neither is it yours
2016-10-13 4:39 pm
What is the problem......Halloween is for kids.....for fun. stop bringing religion into it!
2016-10-13 4:37 pm
I would ask if they need help
2016-10-13 4:33 pm
sad trolling effort. Try harder next time.
2016-10-13 4:31 pm
Some don't know better.
2016-10-13 4:30 pm
Really? Halloween is being compared to Hitler by xians? WoW!?! Do they talk about that in your church? That's just silly dude. If they get tired of the crap from you bible thumpers They can always come be Atheist we don't have such ideals and nonsense.
2016-10-13 4:21 pm
Why can't Christians like you lighten up? they aren't worshiping voo-doo or lucifer. Christians like you are the reason why people don't attend churches because you people think that everyone should live EXACTLY like you or else they're bad people.
2016-10-13 4:16 pm
Their trailer is next to yours? Really? This Q is so fake.
2016-10-13 3:59 pm
In your situation , take a class in creative writing.
2016-10-13 3:59 pm
Who cares, not every christian is very Conservative.
2016-10-13 3:58 pm
For those of us who believe that God is OMNIPOTENT and is in all things, including Halloween decorations, your rant is rather ridiculous. For those of us who believe in the freedoms built into our U.S. Constitution, such as the fact that the United States is not now nor has it ever been a "Christian" nation, but is instead a glorious MELTING POT where ALL faith choices are welcome and are to be given equal treatment under the law, we recognize the right of Americans to put up Halloween decorations or to choose not to---whatever fits their faith choice and their desire to share a fun and friendly tradition for our kids.

I would suggest you take a giant CHILL PILL, read the U.S. Constitution from cover to cover, and send your neighbors a friendly "howdy." Then, on the American holiday of Halloween, turn off your porch light so that no kids in cute costumes come to your house to say, "Trick or treat."
2016-10-13 3:54 pm
2016-10-13 3:51 pm
It doesn't really matter if they're Christians or not. Its a holiday so anybody can put up decorations. That doesn't make them bad people.
2016-10-13 3:42 pm
We don't celebrate Halloween either, at least not conventionally. When we talk to other people about it, even celebrating neighbors and friends, we simply state our reasons, and then let it be. It isn't our job to judge, only God can do that.
2016-10-13 3:37 pm
2016-10-13 2:56 pm
Mind my own business.
2016-10-13 2:49 pm
Have you considered stoning them?
2016-10-13 2:40 pm
You should Allah akbar them or crusade them. Whatever fits your superstition
2016-10-13 2:05 pm
I'm a Pastor - leave them alone. Be concerned about your house. Seriously, you've even spoken to them and you want to keep this going. Judge not. Be an example, not a Pharisee.
2016-10-13 2:02 pm
What is wrong for what they had done? Just leave them alone.
2016-10-13 11:35 am
2016-10-13 11:29 am
If I was i your situation, I'd get a life.
2016-10-13 9:43 am
Only God knows if observing some pagan holiday in ignorance merits punishment. As an individual it would be best not to question their Christianity over it but by all means educate yourself on the holiday and bring it up to them. Christianity is a religion of wisdom and virtue and no Christian should feel offended by another Christian, or someone from another religion, or an atheist questioning their actions or beliefs. For a Christian to be afraid to bring someone out of there ignorance or to be brought out of their ignorance, should not be something we overanalyze. This world could use a little more friendly discourse.
2016-10-13 9:28 am
I would let them live their life and I would live mine.
2016-10-13 7:35 am
The Early Christians changed the Pagan Festival which we call Halloween into a Christian Fest called "All Saints" (All Hallows Een) meaning 'All Saints Day'.

I think it's a mistake for Christians to indulge in decorating their homes and even themselves in what has now become some kind of evil Devil worship fest.

All Saint's Day 1st November 2015 - Saint Paul's Cathedral London

Listen to the wonderful sound of the Medieval Bells of an English Church as they ring out half muffled for the Fallen - soon to be remembered here in UK a Christian country.

Celebrate All Saints Day with us on 1st November 2016

I found this, hope if brings you great comfort in these difficult times - a description of Jesus by Pontius Pilate who was a Saint to our Early Christians.

Jesus with you always.
2016-10-13 7:21 am
You must be very stupid.
2016-10-13 6:19 am
You can't go into life with this they shouldn't do this, and shouldn't do that. You pray, you set your example, God's big, God can handle everything, the doctrine would be called God's sovereignty.
2016-10-13 6:14 am
Tell them they're going to HELL
2016-10-13 4:22 am
Maybe mind your own business
2016-10-13 4:02 am
The Jack o lantern was originally a gourd, and it was based of an old irish legend about a man who tricked the devil and kept his soul. (trick or treat) . The jack o lantern and the costumes was used to ward off evil spirits. October 31, 683 the kaaba in Mecca saudi arabia was burned to the ground. The Kaaba was put there after islam was created by muhammad. Prior to islam his family worshipped many gods and even demons. His best friend who was his father in law was the first caliphate leader of the rashidun caliphate. ISIS now claims to run the caliphate. Their first leader was the emir of AlQaeda in Iraq and eventually led by saudi arabia osama bin laden.
2016-10-13 4:00 am
neither of you likely know the origins of halloween, do you?
2016-10-13 3:27 am
Take your holier than thou personality and shove it, let people do what they want, and quit acting like everything is demonic
2016-10-13 3:25 am
Maybe kindly talk to them about it. Since they seemed to be Christians maybe they can understand. Show them the background of it. I will say that it has become secularized so maybe they are in the ok, but if it causes someone to stumble it might be better to stop. However you can't force them to do it.
Oh and don't go assuming such things. It may be hard not to but it's better that way.
2016-10-13 3:17 am
The hell? Since when can a Christian not celebrate Halloween? I'm a Christian,and I love Halloween..Knock it off and mind your own business.
2016-10-13 2:21 am
Many good Christians celebrate Halloween for cultural reasons. I don't do it but be careful about judging. They may be wrong in doing so but it does not disqualify them as Christians.
2016-10-13 2:10 am
2016-10-13 1:52 am
Halloween is NOT a Satanic Holliday!
2016-10-13 12:56 am
I'm Christian and I don't decorate with anything scary, just your usual Fall decor. Halloween in my neighborhood has always been "candy night" for the kids. That's all.
2016-10-13 12:11 am
" Their trailer is next to mine "

Ends it for me, right there.
2016-10-12 11:40 pm
Good grief. If one looks for the Devil everywhere you'll end up finding him and it won't be nice. Holloween is
a simple and insignificante time for children to enjoy themselves. Nothing more. When you were a child did
you parents keep you locked up at home during halloween, during christmas, during thanksgiving or did you
have the pleasure of saying "tricks or treat, " merry Christmas," "God bless our Nation".
2016-10-12 11:07 pm
You do nothing other than mind your own business.
2016-10-12 10:17 pm
At this point you already conforted them about the trailer so the next step is just to leave them alone... and just continue to be the light. Matthew 5:16KJV Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
2016-10-12 8:49 pm
know for sure one place to visit for trick or treat.
2016-10-12 7:14 pm
Satan is the god of this world under license from Almighty God, for the simple reason that all of the systems of this world serve Satan's purpose, and were implemented by mankind to usurp Gods Laws and Gods systems, it is total confusion today that is counted as main stream Christianity, don't be alarmed so much as aware that we are in the end times where all wickedness is going to be made an end of as in the days of Noah.
2016-10-12 6:52 pm
Get free candy on Oct 31
2016-10-12 6:40 pm
That is true for Christians to celebrate Halloween, is a big deal. True Christians would not celebrate a day that honors demons. The Bible tells us that true Christians are easy to identify. Malachi 3:18 And you will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him.”
2016-10-12 6:35 pm
mind you own f//king business
2016-10-12 5:36 pm
Oh My GOD it is the end of the EARTH ... The time has come RUN away as fast as you can now... Go into hiding until after All Hollows Eve is over...
2016-10-12 5:08 pm
They have the right to be wrong. You can not do a thing about it. Many of my family know that Dec 25th is not Christ's birthday but partake in it. I don't say a thing cause they already know it. It's each person's choice. If they listen, tell them to read the Scriptures about it. jw.org
2016-10-12 4:50 pm
I'd mind my own business.
2016-10-12 4:37 pm
Mind your own business
2016-10-12 3:38 pm
If I was you I would MIND MY OWN ******* BUISNESS
2016-10-12 3:29 pm
Share the videos below with them -

1st Thessalonians 5:22
2016-10-12 2:55 pm
Just mind your own business!
I am a Christian and celebrate it and Carnival and birthdays etc etc
2016-10-12 2:40 pm
Put on a mask and go get some free goodies from your neighbors...
2016-10-12 2:32 pm
You are correct that if someone is a Christian, they would not celebrate Halloween or any of the holidays for that matter. What should you do about it, you ask? You can talk to them about it, but otherwise mind your own business. You can't change people. They want their holidays. Fun surpasses pursuit of truth.
2016-10-12 2:21 pm
Look for the true christians that don't celebrate Halloween.
2016-10-12 2:07 pm
Nothing, it is nothing to do with me.
2016-10-12 10:42 am
Just don't celebrate.
2016-10-12 10:33 am
house ≠ trailer

What this such?
2016-10-12 10:21 am
Go out and buy some myself. There is nothing unchristian about hwlloween. Now if they were getting ready for Samhain or All Hallow's Eve I would worry.
2016-10-12 10:19 am
Join in the fun! You might consider the fact that Jesus is the only being in the Christian world who doesn't get a present on his 'supposed' birthday.
2016-10-12 6:21 am
You live in a trailer park. Hopefully you can get over your petty religious hangups, get a good job and find a
better place to live.
2016-10-12 6:17 am
keep your christian nose out of it nothing to do with you
well you remember all the questions about atheists celebrating xmas and your celebrating a pagan ritual
2016-10-12 6:00 am
Nice troll
2016-10-12 5:43 am
well being gay is a chocie anyways it is wierd but ya idk y any1 wouldwant 2 be gay in the first place but i dont know
2016-10-12 5:17 am
Leave them alone.
參考: You live in a civilized society, so you have no right to harass others.
2016-10-12 2:30 am
I will observe and appreciate their real work.
參考: compiled.
2016-10-13 5:16 pm
unless it is against the rules where you live, ie. a home owner's association, there is nothing you should do
whatever your thoughts are regarding their religion, or lack of it should have no bearing on what they display as decorations for the celebration of the day
since this has become such a commercial day, few people even think of it related to religion
All Saints Day is Halloween when people ages ago would use the day to remember all their loved ones who has passed away(more or less like our Memorial day)
2016-10-13 3:22 pm
Take a crap on there front porch an then knock on the door so when they step outside they step right in it!
2016-10-13 1:12 am
Halloween decorations are not harmful as far as I can see. Certainly not in the same league as the Holocaust.
I would find common ground with them. We don't have to agree on everything.
2016-10-12 8:42 pm
Lots of Christian's/religious people celebrate Halloween. Stop judging and mind your own busness.
2016-10-12 8:04 pm
Halloween is a Christian holiday. The day Jesus was murdered the graves opened up and out came the dead saints of old, who were then seen walking the streets of Jerusalem for many days. Sounds like Halloween to me.
2016-10-12 7:55 pm
Their trailer decoration is none of your business.
Halloween was originally a Christian festival of All Saints.
It has been distorted by fans of occultism.
2016-10-12 4:33 pm
When I see Halloween decorations, I enjoy them.
I would not bother them unless the lights or noise is keeping me awake.

But, then again, I m a Satan loving atheist.
Not, a hateful Christian.
參考: Now, provide a deity. Send it over to my place for dinner so it can prove itself to me. Free Thinkers are here to answer your religious questions with intelligence, wit, and sarcasm to steer you on the path paved with logic and reason
2016-10-12 1:20 pm
Hitler was a Halloween decoration so you're being hypocritial and photosynthetical. Get a hold of yourself
2016-10-12 3:21 am
Kill them
2016-10-11 11:36 pm
參考: moroccomaptours.com
2016-10-12 5:32 pm
Are you impacted by them having the decorations personally? Of course its going to be a pain on that night, when kids go trick & treating and because of them you may get visitors. If you dont celebrate it yourself.
There are a lot of celebrations Christians celebrate and they dont care where they got started.
Christmas, Easter, Halloween etc.
Put it down to people just dont care one way or another. Its a fact of life just pull your blinds across and dont worry about it.
Find a YouTube clip Drew Careys speech at the White House. He had me in fits when he pointed out about Halloween - time to party with Satan the bad one the evil one. Yet all the time we grow up we re warned against him. Halloween is the night kids become Satans minions dressed up in costumes witches, devils, ghosts even!!
Where are their parents heads at?

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