Why can't humans cultures and countries get on together?

2016-10-19 8:56 pm

回答 (25)

2016-10-19 9:04 pm
They can. It's the governments that ruin everything.
2016-10-19 9:01 pm
it all starts at home... if families can't get on together then how can cultures and countries get on
sort of the same as the think global act local
if does not take long seeing the constant stream of questions on YA in regards to family problems and relationship problems and marriage problems
if individual humans could learn to live in peace and harmony then cultures and countries could too
2016-10-21 6:09 am
Follow Nathan Nathanzak Ninefingers Anna Celia H and all their sock Puppets and that will explain why we cannot love together

If Nathan Lived next door to me i would be in Prison for Murder
2016-10-20 7:17 pm
A good question, but in the case of the Nordic countries, it seems that theír economically situation is very good and they get along well with each other in the Nordic Council. It seems that the Finns and the Swedes are particularly affectionate and nice towards each other, but both languages are spoken in both countries, in addition to three or four Sami language.
2016-10-20 11:37 am
Ego, Power, Money, Religious belief, political ideology, un-balanced distribution of wealth, ,poverty, starvation, thirst, etc etc.
A wasp will die when it stings, it stings because it's a wasp, and it's what Wasps do.
2016-10-20 1:28 am
They can, if Governments stop pitting people against each other.
2016-10-19 10:15 pm
what Diane said is true and correct.
2016-10-19 9:31 pm
Right wingers.
2016-10-19 9:35 pm
Because we are not all equal.
2016-10-21 3:29 pm
Because my God is better than your god.
2016-10-20 2:24 pm
Human nature.
2016-10-20 2:58 am
What do you mean by the question? Depending on how the question is read (with various punctuation), it can be read differently and therefore requiring different answers.
參考: A former TV news cameraman and journalist with over 30 years in the industry in Australia and Southeast Asia. Currently a retired SE Asian historian.
2016-10-20 12:33 am
Not enough pot for everyone.
2017-03-20 7:56 pm
2017-03-20 7:03 pm
what diane said is true and correct.........
2016-10-20 8:12 pm
They're selfish. They don't play well with other children. They don't know how to share.
2016-10-20 4:55 pm
Because there will always be a 'nut job' ruining everything.
2016-10-20 11:38 am
Power and corruption
2016-10-20 8:59 am
Greed, crime, desire.
2016-10-20 7:38 am
I wish I knew the answer. The whole world would be better.
2016-10-20 3:28 am
We can if we try. but it's easier for conflict.
2016-10-21 6:07 pm
Most people do get along
2016-10-20 12:18 pm
just because of different religion
2016-10-20 12:47 am
2016-10-19 8:59 pm
Human beings are free thinking individuals and it is human nature to want to conquer, protect, fight and learn. It is never enough for us to just be and exist. We want more.

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