Is their any laws on pepper spray and taser ?

2016-08-10 3:25 pm
My mom recently bought me both cause I started a new job and also started college. I just wanted to know if you decided to use it would you go to jail?

回答 (11)

2016-08-11 8:56 pm
As long as you use them for protection, or self defense, you do NOT break any law.
2016-08-10 7:05 pm
OF COURSE in some jurisdictions they are treated like firearms in others there is little regulation beyond improper use but since you didn't say your EXACT jurisdiction WHO KNOWS what your exact laws are? Both of those systems have their disadvantages sprays are at the mercy of the wind and rain and indiscriminate in closed quarters, stun guns that require close quarters contact require seconds of contact to work on most people and can be taken, Tasers are a one shot weapon that can be blocked by heavy clothing or other obstructions.

Generally if you are allowed to carry either you can still be jailed for their improper use. You can't use them unless you are in genuine fear for your immediate safety (remember a jury may have to believe you). In addition you can be sued by any innocent people caught in your over spray. I live near Washington DC and a few years back a lady discharged her pepper spray on a city bus to deter an "attack". It turned out the attack was a verbal argument, she was charged with 6 counts of assault for injuring other riders with her over spray in addition to assault on her "attacker".

Your best bet is to leave things like that as a last resort the best defense is not to get into a situation where you need to defend yourself. Avoid traveling alone, let trusted friends know your plans, remember your cell phone can record movies and stream them to the cloud with the proper app. That last thing can stop most unwanted attention most people don't like their crimes being recorded and if they go to the cloud smashing your phone won't erase them.
2016-08-10 3:34 pm
There are laws but they are state and local so without knowing where you are it is impossible to help much.

It is certainly illegal to use them if not being attacked
2016-08-10 3:30 pm
If someone is threatening you an you use in self defense then no. Id hit them with the pepper spray first. Odds are that will be all you need to do.

Geussing your female you should look into a self defense course. They can teach you how to protect yourself an will probably also teach you about using spray
2016-08-15 2:15 pm
Yes. If I had a taser I would taze everyone and that's why I don't have a taser.
2016-08-12 3:12 am
2016-08-10 5:17 pm
As long as you're over 18, which im assuming you are, there shouldnt be an issue if you had no choice but to use them in self defense. If you used them for fun, you'd very likely get in trouble.
2016-08-10 4:54 pm
Self defense is the only time you can use anything aganti another. Once the aggression has stopped, you have to stop
A real Taser? or a stun gun. Stun guns are useless for self defense, Have to let the bad guy get ro close and unlike in the movies they do not knock anyone out, just get them madder.
If used correctly, not prayed in the face like on TV shows but at the chin or better yet the chest, pepper spray works to give you enough time to run away. Preferably into the street where you can be seen while screaming for help.

In my state stun guns can be sold but are illegal. Real tasers need the carrier to have a concealed carry license, same as for a gun.
The concealed carry test, and of course the classes, teach what is an is not self defense.
2016-08-10 3:38 pm
no jail bc you took the item from your attacker; maybe they dropped it;

you did pay cash for em, right?
2016-08-10 3:32 pm
If you use it for self defense it is ok. But if you use it with no reason then it is against the law.

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