Do you believe in love at first sight?

2016-10-22 8:25 pm

回答 (193)

2016-10-24 7:58 am
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I believe in lust at first sight. Like the counter question. Can you hate at first sight? I think both are very intense emotions and to feel them, you have to actually have spoken to the person and know them. At a first sight, you only know what they look like, and that doesn't tell you who they are. Could be abusive or sexual deviants for all you know.

As another answer said, would you feel love at first sight if you saw a woman who looked like this?
Or a man who looked like Quasimodo?

We see a person and there's instant physical attraction. And sometimes lust can play with our heads where we think we love someone because of how they look, and / or make our bodies feel. Lust and Sex can be #1 reasons for the rose-glasses and blind eyes people will turn. When someone is very good-looking or sexy, we wanna believe everything about them is perfect so we get get with them.
2016-10-24 1:44 am
Yes I believe in love at first sight.
2016-10-23 6:00 pm
I do. I believe in love at first sight.
If you feel a connection, and it's not attraction and/or a mere infatuation, because if it is you will know it's not that important, it's love.
You can see it sometimes, in someone, that she or he is perfect for you, it's like a sixth sense.
But that's just my opinion.
2016-10-22 8:40 pm
No.. I believe in attraction at first sight. U dont know that person yet to risk ur everything for them
2016-10-24 6:18 am
No i don't believe in love at first sight.
2016-10-23 10:46 pm
No I dont believe in love at first sight
2016-10-24 1:07 am
Yes, I do. Love is a magical feeling, if you don't love someone at first sight, you will never love her. It won't be love, it may be different thing that you want her for..
2016-10-25 5:34 pm
There's a difference between love and lust. Most confuse the two.

At first sight you can lust after a persons looks


You can feel some kind of connection with the person.

Do I believe in love at first sight? Yes. I believe that only 10% of people experience it though. The rest are just lust.
2016-10-22 9:25 pm
I don't have to believe in it i know it happens it's not lust or infatuation and it's not based on looks
2016-10-22 9:09 pm
Love at first sight, No. Infatuation, Yes. True love is therefore not hurt by time. Indeed, often the best way to test out your feelings for someone is to let some time pass. Infatuation is counterfeit love. It is unrealistic and self-centered.
2016-10-23 8:57 pm
No I don't believe in love at first sight. I do believe in infatuation or love at first sight. Its completely normal to fall for someone's looks immediately but I think LOVE? Like really love, it takes time
2016-10-22 8:26 pm
I fall in love with literally every girl I make eye contact with... I'm just not so sure that they fall in love with me.
2016-10-24 12:45 am
No. Just attraction. But maybe after that first sight, you think, I'm gonna fu*cking love you lol
2016-10-24 12:49 pm
yes i do believe in love at first sight
2016-10-26 3:42 am
Yes, indeed. I experienced love at first sight. It's been 2 months since I first saw her face and her pretty eyes, and i'm still crushing on her... I've been trying to talk to Emma more and more. And then I thought that nobody is more important than her. And no this is not "lust" I don't want to **** her. Not yet ;)
2016-10-26 2:05 am
Yes. When I was young, (and you may not believe me), but there was this one boy in the 6th grade when I was in the 5th grade. It was his first day at our school and I saw him playing soccer in the field. As soon as I looked at him I got this tingling feeling and my heart was beating. He never actually liked me to this day (from what I know). But I still know him as I am in High School now. I love him so much. He has NO idea. But ever since that first day of April 28 2013, I have been in love. I can't explain it. It just... happened. It was magical and I will never forget the feeling. As I still experience it everytime I look at him. He was and is, my love at first sight.
2016-10-24 10:32 pm
I believe in "lust" at 1st sight? It should be avoided at all costs.
2016-10-24 8:32 am
No, I believe in attraction at first sight. Love is expressed through commitment and habitual care of varying degrees. Don't get it twisted, or you will be in a world of pain if things go wrong.
2016-10-24 3:49 am
2016-10-23 2:05 am
No I don't people aren't what they seem.
2016-10-22 10:44 pm
2016-10-23 10:41 pm
Nope, this "love" is most likely lust... which is completely normal for everyone. We can't help but fall for at first, but eventually, we learn about the person's personality, their attitude, their heart and that's really what love is.
2016-10-23 12:26 pm
I believe in lust at first sight otherwise known as sexual attraction. I doubt many people have experienced love at first sight with someone who is phenomenally ugly
2016-10-24 6:41 pm
No. At first sight you might "fall in love" with someone's looks. But that is not true love, that is more like lust. once you really get to know them, you will fall in love with something deeper, something real, their personality.
Looks don't matter if they are a bad person. It takes a while for real love to form.
But, yes, I do believe in lust at first sight, as in, thinking that someone is attractive at first sight. Just don't mistake this for love, because it isn't.
2016-10-22 8:58 pm
Not true love - but on a rare occasion a person could get the feeling of being "in love" at first sight.

Here's some information about love from the books True Love Lasts, Straight Talk About Teen Dating, and Straight Talk About Dating:

“Unfortunately, lots of people don’t know what true love is and that’s a big reason why a large number of marriage relationships are unhappy. Many people think that true love is just a feeling. You know, the wonderful head spinning feeling of being “in love.”

If true love is just a feeling, feelings come and go. But true love doesn't come and go. True love is patient and kind. It isn’t jealous, rude, selfish, controlling, or easily angered. It forgives. It’s supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Unlike the feeling of being “in love” which is relatively easy to get especially during dating, true love usually develops slowly over a significant period of time (often years). True love is so much more than just the feeling of being “in love” - it’s supposed to be a mutual lifelong commitment. When you say that you love your significant other, you’re saying that you’re committed to loving them for the rest of your life - for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, from this day forward, until death do you part. True love lasts - it almost never fails.

Think of it this way, if a person has true love for another person, it’s like the sun - it’s always there no matter what (remember that even at night, the sun is still there, it’s just shining on the other side of the earth - and when it’s cloudy outside the sun is also still there, it’s just behind the clouds).

On the other hand, the feeling of being “in love” is like sunshine - even though we’d like it to be sunny every day, the truth is that the amount of sunshine changes regularly. Some days it’s nice and sunny and the feeling of being “in love” is strong, on others it’s partly cloudy and the feeling of being “in love” is there but it’s not very strong, and on other days it’s cloudy and the feeling of being “in love” is barely there at all. I’m hoping that this explanation is helping you to see that it’s possible for a person to have true love for another person and not have a strong intense feeling of being “in love” with that person at a particular moment. (If you talk with married couples, I think they’ll tell you that the strength of their feelings of being “in love” changes regularly.)

So when you hear someone say, “I don't love him or her anymore” - take it for what it usually is. It’s usually someone saying that they’ve lost the feeling of being “in love”, that they don’t know how or they’re not willing to make the effort required to get the feeling back, and that they probably never had true love for their significant other to begin with because true love almost never fails.

Many times I’ve heard young women say, “my boyfriend loves me.” Unfortunately, most of these women have been fooled. How could their boyfriend possibly have true love for them if their boyfriend doesn’t even know what true love is? Sadly many people marry when one or both people don't have true love for the other - and the result is usually divorce because it's hard to keep a marriage together when it's based only on the feeling of being "in love."

My first suggestion is that you put in the effort necessary to become a strong person (if you’re not already). A strong person has good character (honesty, integrity, trustworthiness), a positive attitude (cheerful, caring, friendly, forgiving, helpful, and respectful), fulfills their responsibilities (for handling pains in a positive way, for always trying to make a good choice, for taking care of themselves, for serving others), puts forth their best effort, and displays self-control (of their body, anger, tongue and money).

My second suggestion is that you eventually look for this type of person (otherwise you are setting yourself up for a broken heart). Unfortunately this type of person is difficult to find – but save yourself the heartache and don’t settle for less.

(Please remember that you eventually want a 50 or 60 year marriage - not a 5 or 10 year marriage.)

Hope this helps!
參考: True Love Lasts - written with a character emphasis for teens through young adults, Straight Talk About Teen Dating - written with a Christian emphasis for ages 13-19, Straight Talk About Dating - written with a Christian emphasis for ages 20 and up
2016-10-24 12:08 am
I would normally say no, but for me it was love at first sight so i'm really not sure.
2016-10-26 4:57 pm
Yes I do. I met my husband at 14, got engaged at 16, then got married to him at 17. Now, I am 39 and still married to him. So, yes it was love at first sight.
2016-10-24 9:09 pm
lust at first sight
2016-10-24 8:18 pm
A good fairy tale.
2016-10-24 5:31 pm
Yes but actually its only an infatuation...what we call love at first site
basically ,in long run that infatuation becomes true love as in most cases
2016-10-24 5:12 pm
No. It should take time to understand each others. If you fall in love at first sigh. Then after few days your love may be gone out. So take your time and realize. The person is your fit or not.
2016-10-24 3:19 pm
attraction at first sight....I had a lot of fun with one years ago but I was not ready to be responsible....then she went into the airforce and poof it was gone, just like that. it was brief, and torrid, but we were both happy and tired at the end of the evening.
2016-10-24 3:15 pm
Absolutely not.

Lust at first sight, however, is a whole other thing.
2016-10-24 2:46 pm
Not true
2016-10-24 2:15 pm
No but I believe in lust at first sight.
2016-10-24 1:30 pm
Sure, for shallow plastic people with no depth.
2016-10-24 1:18 pm
No not at all I think it's immature I'm not 13 year's old.
2016-10-24 10:35 am
Yes I believe it's very possible.
2016-10-24 7:50 am
I wouldn't rule it out... although with many it's not love!
2016-10-24 6:39 am
2016-10-23 9:25 pm
Yes. But it isn't always love. It is many a time just lust or infatuation.
2016-10-23 6:18 pm
Yes yes yes
2016-10-23 6:21 am
no, but i believe in lust at first sight
2016-10-25 11:50 pm
Yes, Of course! It's honestly more of LUST however, than love. To truly love somebody with all of your heart, You'd take the time and effort of getting too know this person whenever you had the chance. But, If you ever meet someone and your heart just begins to pound and you feel that you have a connection and eventually become very good friends, Than it most likely is something CLOSE too love at first sight (:
2016-10-24 1:01 am
It's a bs lie. It only happens in the movies. But, if you think that cute guy in your English literature 101 class can be your future soulmate, then go for it. 😀
2016-10-24 12:42 am
I truly believe that there is some sort of chemical reaction between two people whose chromosomal make up fits perfectly together thus causing love at first sight. It is as if our pheromones are perfect blends and he and she are a perfect suited match!
2016-10-23 10:56 pm
No, not love. It's an attraction or chemistry or instant connection. Which in time may develop into love. Love takes time.
2016-10-22 11:50 pm
2016-10-24 8:44 am
I believe in lust at first sight. My ex I thought I fell in love with her at first sight. When I met her I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She was perfect. Turned out to be a backstabbing, cheating hoe. Then I met my wife. I was more cautious with her. Didn't allow myself to fall for her the moment we met . After I got to know her, then I knew she was the one.
2016-10-24 3:05 am
Infatuation at first sight
Yeah I like that better
2016-10-23 4:33 pm
2016-10-23 1:46 pm
2016-10-22 8:59 pm
Of course not. It's just lust. Looks bring you together, personalities cement. love comes after knowing the person for a long time.
2016-10-24 2:28 am
I believe in lust at first sight. Love means taking time to know the person. What comes in a nice package does not always turn out to contain what you truly want in a person.
2016-10-24 2:01 am
No l don't believe you can find love at first sight because it's not about looks it's about the personality but yes we find people attractive but you have to view them as if you didn't know what they looked like
2016-11-03 6:02 pm
i believe in lust at first sight... love means taking time to know the person... what comes in a nice package does not always turn out to contain what you truly want in a person...
2016-10-29 7:30 am
No but I believe in Lust at first sight
2016-10-28 7:28 am
yes i do
2016-10-27 8:30 pm
2016-10-27 7:05 pm
Yes, and I have fallen head over heels a few times.
2016-10-27 6:40 am
Yes. I fell in love with a guy the first time I saw him and I still love him but idk how he feels about me?
2016-10-27 3:28 am
I don't believe in love at first sight. Because the person you depict to be. Is someone who may not resemble the person you believe to be true.
2016-10-26 10:53 pm
I absolutely do
2016-10-26 5:02 pm
No. Lust comes at first sight. Love comes from developing a good, close, loving relationship.
2016-10-26 3:05 pm
Love at first sight is just infatuation. That person could be a total asshole or, abusive or controlling. Love would end up blind if its was lead be first sight. Just like Ghandi says. If someone makes your heart flutter, hands clamy, and anxious then they are not the one.
2016-10-26 2:37 pm
no - but certainly lust at first sight
2016-10-26 2:33 pm
i used to when i was younger but now not so much only if u have more options i. ur life and like urself
2016-10-26 12:19 pm
Yes I do belive in love at first sight
2016-10-26 12:13 pm
Yes, i believe in love @ first sight.
But Loves takes time n second, third n fourth sight will be better.
2016-10-26 11:49 am
2016-10-26 11:13 am
Love at first sight for any genders happens only starting with their mothers.
No one can replace that. That's pure LOVE.
Rest i feel it's Lust at first sight.
2016-10-26 9:00 am
I wouldn't say love but I definitely do think most people can feel a connection at first sight. When I was 16 there was this boy at my school who I knew of but never payed attention to and then one day during the first week of school I saw him and for some reason something clicked instantly, I thought he was very cute but I also felt like there was something there, he was kind of shy and sweet but had a lot of friends and I just felt like I knew him almost. I eventually got one of my friends who knew him to talk to him and he said he right away felt something too. He was always very nervous around girls and never even kissed a girl or spoke to one in a flirty way but he decided to get the courage and talk to me. We were so awkward for the first few months, we'd hang out but barely talk just kinda give each other awkward smile glances and make out a bit but we never thought "this relationship isn't going anywhere" we were so happy even if we were awkward, we always wanted to be together
2016-10-26 8:12 am
2016-10-26 7:29 am
no but i'm only 18
2016-10-26 7:20 am
2016-10-26 6:30 am
yea I believe in love at first sight, because it's a natural things in human mind that he/she fall in love with someone without telling him/her.
2016-10-26 5:13 am
No ni99a
2016-10-26 2:19 am
Yes i do. I met my boyfriend and before i even spoke to him i just saw how he was acting which was very self confident and humorous and i knew automatically i wanted to be with him. Idk if it was love but the attraction was definitely there.
2016-10-26 1:59 am
2016-10-26 1:26 am
Yes. I've met someone before and it was like I knew this person all my life.
2016-10-26 12:09 am
Yes i believe in love at first sight because this is happened with me sometime you see people and you fall in love with him/her its nature
2016-10-25 10:33 pm
Kind of
2016-10-25 10:31 pm
Im not sure. I met someone who I always have thought was love at 1st sight. We were together for 4yrs, and was overwhelmed with feelings. Im ashamed of the relationship now, but remember how I felt when he walked up to me to say hello.
2016-10-25 10:13 pm
I don't believe in love at first sight. I think you can be sexually attracted to them, but you need to know the person for a while before you know that you truly love them.
2016-10-25 10:11 pm
I use to think that feeling you get when you like someone went away with age. However, I'm 26 and I just meet this girl I work with and at first sight I knew I wanted her. And now I get that butterfly feeling again.
2016-10-25 9:56 pm
Nah. You can look at a girl and be like damn shes hot but you cant call that love because you do not know that person.
2016-10-25 9:16 pm
2016-10-25 8:10 pm
No because love is beyond looks.
2016-10-25 6:52 pm
No, I believe in intense connections/ being instantly drawn to someone! Then its your choice and the other persons choice to see where it goes and to let it grow
2016-10-25 5:14 pm
2016-10-25 4:23 pm
Love is a choice so yes. But if u choose to love someone at first sight be prepared to loathe them after 1 year (or after getting to know them better).
2016-10-25 3:52 pm
No, not really.
2016-10-25 3:21 pm
Although not always, first impressions are very important. The rest can be built up or mended further but most of the time, the first impression, or even the first few ones capture your attention... Idk, thats just what I think...
2016-10-25 3:03 pm
I believe in LUST at first sight . That can turn into love in time because it's a great start! :)
2016-10-25 2:46 pm
That's not true love just infatuation
2016-10-25 12:53 pm
Yes i do, happens to me all the time
2016-10-25 12:33 pm
Yes, it happened to me
2016-10-25 12:28 pm
Not LOVE but LUST yes. I think that gets mistaken for love.
2016-10-25 12:19 pm
A Simple Answer from my side. NO. :)
2016-10-25 12:01 pm
2016-10-25 11:49 am
No, such thing. I once upon a time ago thought I did, then I grew up. It's Lust. It's lust, it's lust...

Your best mate is your best friend. You will know. You just do.
2016-10-25 11:15 am
2016-10-25 10:31 am
2016-10-25 8:52 am
2016-10-25 7:50 am
2016-10-25 6:47 am
2016-10-25 6:26 am
I believe anything is possible. <3 :)
2016-10-25 4:08 am
All I have to say about that is no...
Do you want no the short way, or the long way ?
2016-10-25 3:07 am
no way jose
2016-10-25 2:23 am
It's always lust at first sight......typical for those who are Borderline Personality, Narcissist, and other misc messed up ppl....
2016-10-25 2:11 am
love at first sight = rape
2016-10-25 1:22 am
2016-10-25 12:40 am
Do you believe in santa claus
2016-10-24 11:53 pm
yes but I think oppersites attract too
2016-10-24 11:22 pm
Yeah i do!
2016-10-24 8:49 pm
I did when i was a teenager, but it has steered me wrong. I fell in love with a natural blond beautiful girl with blue eyes, wears cool water perfume, is a pisces, and had the best personality and attitude i could ever desire in a life partner. Long story short, i lived in a neighborhood full of druggies that if i brought her home to meet my family, my scum bag nieghbors would try to f*uck her and all my friends whome i thought were my friends sabotaged the potential relationship we could of had. One other kid with the exact same first name and last same letter of his last name sounding almost like my last name dry humped her at the beach and i got angry and stopped him, they told her it was me, and she believed them and she later tried to hurt me over this. After i woke up out of dismissing everything she had done to hurt me, i came to realization that love at first sight is an illusion of a cruel thing the heart and mind does to you. I later figured out she was having sex with other
參考: guys for drugs.
2016-10-24 8:32 pm
I do
2016-10-24 6:25 pm
Could be possible. You'll never know until you actually experience it
2016-10-24 6:22 pm
No I don't think in love to start with sight. I do trust infatuation or love to start with sight. Its completely standard to fall pertaining to someone's looks immediately but I do think LOVE? Like like, it takes occasion.
2016-10-24 5:52 pm
2016-10-24 5:23 pm
2016-10-24 4:08 pm
No way.
2016-10-24 3:44 pm
No such thing, only lust at first sight.
2016-10-24 2:53 pm
2016-10-24 2:43 pm
I do. But, I never think love at first sight will ever work out. Sure, you like that blond chick in the corner over there, or the lubed-up ab dude about to go surfin 'cuz o' his or her appearance that ya saw dem at first sight with... but what if ten of yo dude friends or chick friends had to die, cuz your serial killer bf/gf had to get jealous. Will he/she still be hot?
參考: Just think about it.
2016-10-24 12:16 pm
"Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time"
-Ringo Starr

Personally? Yeah, butit's nothing special.
2016-10-24 12:16 pm
Yes. I've experienced something so very close to it, that I have to believe in it.
2016-10-24 11:17 am
Yes I do. Because the very first day I saw my crush we both made eye contact and now he likes me since that day so yeah I believe in it. (Most of the time)
2016-10-24 10:27 am
I believe attraction at first sight. To fall in love, it takes time, moments.. And personality is the most important, and you can't judge someone by their looks. Anyway to me, first attraction then with time, moments.. love.
2016-10-24 10:23 am
2016-10-24 9:37 am
2016-10-24 8:21 am
More like lust. Now that's real
2016-10-24 7:53 am
Oh God, yes.
2016-10-24 7:37 am
2016-10-24 7:11 am
2016-10-24 4:05 am
no tf
i believe in lust at first sight
2016-10-24 3:48 am
Lust, yes. Love, no.
2016-10-24 3:44 am
2016-10-24 1:53 am
Actually I don't believe it.
2016-10-24 1:08 am
No you can develop a crush if you think it's love then it is love.
2016-10-24 12:58 am
I guess, only if the love is returned back. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometime the woman doesn't even respond to me...dont know why. wasn't always like this
2016-10-24 12:48 am
fairy tales and unicorns as well
2016-10-23 11:56 pm
no but my penis does
2016-10-23 11:21 pm
I dunno really i kinda want to but i think you have to get to know the person for there to be love and that takes time
2016-10-23 10:07 pm
yes I LOVE U
2016-10-23 9:55 pm
i wish i did but the reality is much different
2016-10-23 9:05 pm
No I don't.
2016-10-23 8:39 pm
lust at first site not love
2016-10-23 7:20 pm
Only if that person is the right colour, not racially inferior.
2016-10-23 7:14 pm
2016-10-23 7:12 pm
no...i think at first youre only attracted to them appearance-wise
2016-10-23 7:11 pm
2016-10-23 7:07 pm
2016-10-23 7:03 pm
No I believe in having the instint they're the one.
2016-10-23 6:23 pm
2016-10-23 5:55 pm has happened to me. I just felt something I never felt before when I saw my man. Never felt this with anyone else I've dated.
2016-10-23 5:38 pm
2016-10-23 5:28 pm
Now at days love is like porn, women are in it for the money, and they are mist are bis who fake
2016-10-23 4:24 pm
2016-10-23 1:48 pm
No. But my wife thought I was different when we first met.
2016-10-23 1:19 pm
yeah I do, it happened to me about two years ago and up to this day i'm still in love with this person even though I refuse to admit it.
參考: I thought I was dreaming when it happened and I still feel the same butterflies
2016-10-23 12:56 pm
2016-10-23 10:16 am
So blind people never feel love? I know they don't see it, but really you gotta pick on blind people?
2016-10-23 7:37 am
2016-10-23 7:19 am
yeah I do.
2016-10-23 5:46 am
No it's not's lust.
2016-10-23 5:29 am
I believe in attraction, hormones move the brain and then the heart. Lol but it is possible.
2016-10-23 4:37 am
2016-10-23 4:14 am
2016-10-23 2:38 am
yea i guess it be tru becuz my momma say she feeled dat way wit my dads, but he dun left us so she dont feel it no more. i think dat why i often do things i should not do wit alotta guys... i dont mind hooking up ya kno but i dont thinks that i love em even tho they say "luv u boo" to me... i wanna have love at first sigt but idk...
2016-10-23 12:20 am
2016-10-22 8:35 pm
Happened just once but yes
2016-10-27 2:11 am
I believe In love at first sight, because the relationship I'm in was my love at first sight. He had a girlfriend at the time, (that sounds bad) but I think it gave us a better opportunity to get to know eachother, we went from strangers to lovers, although I feel like we should've been friends before anything else. Now we're happy and having a baby together.
2016-10-26 8:28 am
Nope. True love happens over time - not instant. "Love at first sight" is usually lust at first sight. However, I do believe in a such thing as connection at first meeting or first sight. I believe that if you wait long enough, you'll find the person you feel connected to upon first meeting. I really do believe that and that's got nothing to do with fairytale or romance stories.
2016-10-26 7:03 am
I personally as a realist don't believe in love at first sight.
2016-10-24 9:06 pm
2016-10-24 7:25 pm
2016-10-24 6:54 pm
No. I believe people can meet and be attracted to each other instantly. When by chance that attraction grows into 'real' love, they will claim it was 'love at first sight', but it was really just chance / luck that they also turned out to be the 'right' person.
2016-10-24 5:51 pm
No, being in love with the idea of being in love, yes. Attraction and/or lust at first sight, yes, but not love.
2016-10-24 1:04 pm
2016-10-24 8:16 am
2016-10-24 6:39 am
2016-10-24 1:54 am
oh yes
2016-10-24 1:06 am
Yes and noooooo
2016-10-23 10:34 pm
No, not really. 'Love' at first sight, is just physical attraction or a crush
2016-10-23 8:29 pm
With my penis out.
2016-10-23 6:56 pm
2016-10-23 6:38 pm
No. You love an illusion, something you created, an idea and not the actual person. That's my opinion.
2016-10-23 6:09 pm
No, but there is lust at first sight, however you begin to fall in love when you get to know each other.
2016-10-23 5:49 pm
I guess it depends how attractive the person is otherwise no
2016-10-23 6:15 am
yES And No
2016-10-22 11:53 pm
2016-10-22 8:34 pm
No, I don't. But I use it :)
2016-10-23 9:16 pm
I think love at first sight is pure physical attraction.
2016-10-23 12:54 pm
Yes, I had felt always when i see a beautiful women. I dont know why its happening like that. Are u also feeling same way
2016-10-24 9:25 am
i met my fiancé fell in love instantly and started to date a week later we are now engaged (obviously)

honestly it depends on peoples beliefes like a person who doesnt trust is less likely to fall at first sight (i believe) but a very social may have a easier time doing that?
2016-10-23 12:44 am
I fall in love with **** and asses at first sight not sure about the person though

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