Do you believe Obama will suspend the election and declare martial law?

2016-09-16 8:35 am
I'm hearing a lot of this. Should we be worried? Some are saying that Hillary becoming "ill" was all staged and she may drop out of the race. Obama will then suspend the election. See, I don't see how martial law will logistically be successful in America. I don't think Americans will tolerate that (those on the far left might). Also, everyone in the military will have to obey Obama's orders and I don't they will.

回答 (36)

2016-09-16 8:52 am
The loony right wing have been making this sort of claim ever since President Obama was elected, death camps, martial law and all the rest of their rubbish.

In November a new president will be elected and in January President Obama will hand over power to the elected leader.
2016-09-16 5:00 pm
They should start the whole election process again from the beginning. Perhaps if they get people to audition on America's Got Talent, they could find better candidates.
2016-09-16 8:48 am
Obama can't do that, unless the Millitary decides it's needed.

The odd part is that many Obama haters are pretending he's Dr. Evil, in his lair, just making every decision possible, no real office(political, business, or otherwise) works like that, it's not possible with protocols, and rules.

It's funny how you blame the far-left for if that happens, since they're actually the only ones not telling Americans what to do, or think.

It does tell you how Martial law would work though, they'd run adds for days, identify an enemy that needs the Millitary to take over major cities, and people will drink the Kool-Aid, you blindly believed a stereotype, it's a 'programmed' trait for Americans(literally, the Mad Men from the 50s/60s developed this technique for the Government, it's how Nixon developed the God, Guns, and Grits program for his election).
2016-09-16 8:41 am
Honestly, I don't really want Hill or Donny to be president. Maybe another few years of Obama won't hurt. But I doubt Obama wants to stay even one more year as president. He has gotten so much disrespect, he probably hates it by now.
2016-09-16 11:55 am
That's a preposterous idea. The loonies of the right wing do talk a lot of rot.
2016-09-16 8:43 am
retards keep coming up with newer dumber things to say about Obama. they really are stupid basket cases
2016-09-16 8:38 am
I hope not. I wish I could be laughing at this question of yours but the truth is I'm not, and I'm not because I've been watching the news.

Obama, regardless of what anyone says, has been established as a liar.

That worries me and then he tries to secretly send 400 million to iran?

What the mother fcking hells is going on?????

It frightens me because what if this is the end of the US? and us?

ANYONE who actually believes hillary is an honest person is by far the stupidest mother fcker on earth.

She is calling evidence racist......that's how fcking pathetic she is.
2016-09-16 11:28 am
Curious how the inbred Deliverance banjo playing, goofy-loon hillbillies and Rednecks love to spread ridiculous conspiracy theories... must be the latrine fumes.
2016-09-16 10:14 am
Damn Yank elections!
That's all we hear about here. Why don't they just get it over with instead of dragging it out? We had. new Prime Minister within weeks in Britain.
If Obama declares Marshall law that's your own fault for electing a hybid President.
2016-09-16 7:26 pm
This will happen just as soon as all the black helicopters are fueled up and certified. Right now a massive crew of Chinese communists are putting the finishing touches on the FEMA camps and restocking the body bag shelves. 'Government' medical facilities manned by gay doctors are already geared up to implant 350 million 'security' implants into every American's butt. Yes it's true. I heard it on 'Weasel News' and from the right wing radio dummies. Believe it!
2016-09-16 1:57 pm
No, because the Constitution won't allow it.
2017-01-23 5:03 am
參考: Hair Loss Relief
2016-11-04 9:18 am
if that's his plan, he'd better get it underway... it's september already and the election is only a couple months away !
2016-09-20 1:34 am
Alex Jones ...infowars can answer that. Go on his site
2016-09-19 10:27 pm
He can't. Especially if there's two people running for election.
2016-09-19 2:06 am
Sounds like more lies being spread by Trump supporters to spread fear.
2016-09-18 7:11 pm
Conspiracy hoaxers have been scamming stuttering dummies with that US martial law bullsh*t for decades.
But don't take my word for it. Education is the only cure for Ignorance:

Reagan Administration:

'REX 84: FEMA Camps and the Threat of Martial Law Didn’t Start With Obama'
'REX 84: Ronald Reagan's Plan To Declare Martial Law And Imprison Americans'


Bill Clinton Presidency:

'Martial law to keep Clinton in office?'
'Impeachment Spins Tangled Web Of Conspiracy Theories'
'US Has been preparing to turn America into a military dictatorship'


Bush Sr. Administration (seriously crazy bullsh*t right there)

'Now the Government Can Legally Kill Christians'


Bush Jr. Presidency:

'Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?'
'Bush Could Seize Absolute Control Of US Government'
'Evidence That Bush Will Cancel Elections & Declare Martial Law'
'Bush's Martial Law Plan Is So Shocking, Even Congress Can't See it'

Plus all the latest drooling retard nonsense that wild-eyed idiots are now claiming about Obama.

Add it all up and it's one big reeking heap of conspiracy hoax manure that gets recycled with every election.
And there's just no excuse for any of it. Bullsh*t belongs in barnyards, not between people's ears.
It's like the dumb sh*ts who stupidly fall for that conspiracy crap are literally too stupid or crazy to fact-check.
Because they fall for it every election cycle, like lemmings.
2016-09-18 4:51 am
2016-09-17 9:50 pm
Do you know how the USA works? Thought not.
2016-09-17 6:45 pm
Typical rightie paranoid nonsense.
2016-09-17 5:05 pm
I am quite certain that if he thought for even one second he could get away with it, he would.
2016-09-17 4:08 pm
It will take a act of congress to declare martial law on the USA
2016-09-17 12:34 pm
...and just who would he think would obey this rubbish from his corrupt pen?
2016-09-17 11:19 am
No one in the United States; not Obama, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, has the authority to suspend the election. Not even during the Civil War was the presidential election suspended. Rudy Giuliani tried during the September 11 terrorist attack to suspend an election in New York City. He didn't get away with it. There are laws,rules,procedures in place to cover any eventuality during an election so there is no real need to suspend it. Mr. Obama and the oligarchy had better not even try it. They might find themselves in very uncomfortable situations if they do.
2016-09-16 11:29 pm
No, don't be so naive and gullible to ignorant conservative news .

I heard aliens stole half of Donald Trumps brain, well that is what I it must be true, right.
2016-09-16 11:05 pm
Of course that isn't going to happen.
2016-09-16 10:38 pm
Sounds more like a Trump move to me.
It's really funny (funny-weird, not ha-ha) that all the stuff that the conspiracy alarmists folks accuse Obama of, we really would have to worry about if Trump ever got into office.
2016-09-16 9:50 pm
The POTUS can not do that unilaterally . Congress would have his hide for even thinking such a thought.
2016-09-16 9:42 pm
No. There are to many safeguards against such a move.
2016-09-16 8:28 pm
If that's his plan, he'd better get it underway. It's September already and the election is only a couple months away !
2016-09-16 8:06 pm
2016-09-16 7:59 pm
2016-09-16 7:04 pm
is USA banana republic ? or tin pot democracy
2016-09-16 5:59 pm
why should he do that? and besides he dosent have the power to do so.
2016-09-16 4:51 pm
Hi No why should her it's no different this time to last time.
all a lot of HYPE.
2016-09-16 3:10 pm
No. That's just silly.
2016-09-16 2:37 pm
No I dont think that he can or that he will.
2016-09-16 1:34 pm
Because he is black
2016-09-16 9:16 am
Yes. Then he will abolish the 2nd amendment.

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