Do you think kids and teens should be allowed to vote?

2016-11-08 9:07 pm

回答 (18)

2016-11-08 11:58 pm
Kids? No!

Teens? If they're old enough to drive and work (16...MAYBE even 15), I think they're old enough to vote.

More teens know what's going on in the world today better than most adults. Contrary to popular news reports, there are many, MANY, more teens out there doing good than the ones who are getting into legal troubles.
2016-11-10 4:46 am
Some age has to be chosen and honestly I think 18 is as good as any other. A 16 year old seems more likely to be swayed by their parents or to not take voting seriously and of course many children would probably write in their favourite celebrity. I got interested in politics when I was 11. By my mid-teens I knew more about the issues than a lot of adults and felt that my opinions, although similar to those of my parents, were based on my research, not just blind acceptance of what they told me. But this is far from true for most teens and I have watched multiple people realise that their beliefs do not align with their parents so I would have hated to see them voting according to their parents beliefs when they were too young to know better.
2016-11-09 1:58 am
I could see 16 year olds being old enough to vote, especially if they have a job. If they're paying taxes I think it would be reasonable for them to be allowed to vote on how they're spent.
2016-11-08 9:08 pm
I think anyone Mature should vote. When I was a kid I understood everything and could take it in a serious manner then kost adults. I dont think it should be an age thing. There has to be a better way to seperate the matire and immature.
2016-11-09 3:26 am
Certainly not under the age of 16. Kids would just do what the parents said which would be like giving families an extra votes. Kids also are too young to truly understand the issues. Many adults don't even understand many of the issues. How would anyone expect children to make good choices when many adults can't explain the topics of debate.

Teenagers at the age of 16 and older are old enough to understand the issues if they take the time to pay attention. Some of them would and some of them wouldn't. If teenagers were given the right to vote, then I think high schools should include a class that would cover current issues and current events to help teenagers truly understand the issues. It would have to be taught without bias. Also, the government class that is typically taught to seniors should be taught to sophomores if the voting age is moved to 16. Before voting on a government position, teenagers should have an idea of how the government is structured.

I know. The arguements on this line of thought would be that many adults vote but have no clue about any of those things. But, isn't it time to help educate the next generation and reduce the number of adults that have no clue?
2016-11-15 3:06 pm
NO. I truly believe the voting age should begin at 30. At age 30 - adults have been in the adult and work world long enough to know what's right and what's wrong.
2016-11-13 3:58 pm
I do think that teens should be allowed to vote. As a 16 years old I research and study a lot about politics. I research on the candidates stance on the issues, the way they present themselves and their viewpoints and values they show. I think that I can make a reasonable decision to vote for a candidate. I don't think teenagers are easily swayed by parents or peers on political stance although some do but most don't. In addition, even for adults, some can't make a good decision when it comes to voting, some tend to choose a candidate who has easy answers to their problems, not knowing the possible Long term effect on that candidate's presidency on them and the country. Hence I think the voting age should be lowered to 15, that is when most teens are already forming their opinions and viewpoints about politics and the world
2016-11-12 4:35 pm
Voting age should start at 15
2016-11-12 12:09 am
No, I do not. Aside from their obvious immaturity, kids and teens would be likely to vote for whomever their parents or their peers told them they should vote for.
What has a person under the age of 18 ever done that would give them the right to vote? They are still in school; most of them don't work; they own nothing; they pay no taxes; and their parents are still providing for them. They are not even considered to be a legal adult until they are 18.
2016-11-10 5:54 am
No. I think the voting age should be 21

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