how to get your parents to let you wear makeup?

2017-03-03 6:13 am
so my mom's not really into makeup so she never introduced me to it and I'm going to be 16 in a few months. I kinda want to start wearing basic makeup, but I don't really want to straight out ask her because it would probably be awkward. Is there anyway to get them to bring it up instead of me?

回答 (11)

2017-03-03 2:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I was in the same position as you when I was a little younger than you! My mom had a little bit of makeup, but she was never really into it and didn't really understand the hype. I don't think there's a way to get her to bring it up, but you could definitely start small. If you're out with her somewhere, ask if you could grab some concealer or mascara. Some makeup companies also do "intro to makeup" sessions for groups (I know BareMinerals does), so that could be a good, casual way for both of you to try out some makeup together. When I started out, my mom would let me get concealer, and brown eyeliner or mascara (not as harsh as black). She wasn't a fan of the caked-face makeup look, and she wasn't sure what to expect from me. Learn how to apply what you can tastefully, and your mom will probably be fine with you expanding your makeup collection. My mom wasn't a fan of the more extreme makeup looks, so she was a little hesitant to see me wearing bright lipsticks or darker eyeshadows, but eventually she grew to like it. It's really just unfamiliar territory for moms who don't wear makeup, so you have to introduce it to them as much as you're introducing it to yourself. Just know that I was once in your shoes, and eventually my mom started buying me makeup products she thought I'd like! It's possible! It may be a little awkward to bring it up, but so are bringing up a lot of things when you're a teenager. Learning how to communicate and be honest with your mom is a life skill, so just look at this as an opportunity to do that!
2017-03-04 9:51 pm
maybe tell her, that her lipstick is pretty or tell your mom about how much you like the lipstick a celebrity is wearing when it shows on TV to get your mom to bring it up? or maybe you could tell your mum about how much you like a stranger's lipstick shades or eyebrow shape when you're out with your mom.
2017-03-04 4:50 pm
Aniffing poo
2017-03-03 6:15 am
There's no where to bring it up if your mom doesn't wear make up. Try by showing pictures of teenage girls wearing basic make up, not full cake face. Also, just tell your mom what type of make up. Hope I made sense.
2017-03-05 12:06 am
Just don't wear any You've made it to 16 without it that's soooo great keep going
2017-03-03 7:39 am
why, are you ugly ?
only 2 reasons to wear makeup
1- hiding the ugly
2- to get guys to want you more than other girls
2017-03-08 4:03 am
Choose a “right time” to talk matters over with your parents. Calmly explain your feelings in this regard. Explain why this is important to you, and outline exactly what you have in mind. Assure them that you do not want to look faddish or far-out in your appearance and that you value their opinions and judgment. Perhaps they will change their minds or at least meet you halfway.
On the other hand, they may rightly conclude that you are simply not ready for makeup. But this is not the end of the world. Do what you can to make the most of your looks under the circumstances. For example, proper skin care can minimize complexion problems. “If your skin is broken out,” advises a beauty consultant “draw attention away from it by . . . dressing in something that makes you look terrific—anything to bring attention away from the negative.” Good posture, well-manicured nails, clean, shiny hair—all these things can help you look your best with or without makeup!
2017-03-07 11:20 am
Start small
2017-03-07 7:15 am
I started out small like lipgloss and mascara. But when I was only doing natural colors, I asked my mom one day to do my makeup with more of the bolder stuff. When she was done I looked like a clown, but I went out with it, and the next time I asked my mom if I could just do it myself, I did the same thing but just on a toned down scale and my mom then trusted me with it, cause she knew I wouldn't go wacko.
2017-03-06 10:54 am
Turn 18.

Then, they won't have any choice but to let you wear it. They will never again have any say at that point.
2017-03-05 4:51 am
2017-03-08 4:39 am
Lol this makes me laugh. When I was only 11 years old, I use to babysit and made my own money so I would just buy my own make up. I didn't have to ask. It's not like it's a big deal. But everyone is different. But seriously, your 16, how can you be afraid to ask to buy makeup. It's makeup, not a drug or alcohol. It's not that scary. Now asking your mom to buy you a thong, now that's scary lmao.
2017-03-03 6:23 am
start small with some mascara, then lip gloss. etc
2017-03-06 3:22 am
If you're NOT, in your senior year of high school, do NOT even ask.

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