
Lv 7
回覆: 5
2021-04-11 11:26 pm
Why don't republicans take back the government by taking one of democrat politicians hostage?
回覆: 6
2021-04-11 11:20 pm
If we take the guns away from legal gun owners and then defund the police, what could possibly go wrong?
回覆: 78
2021-04-11 1:16 am
Why are race relations so bad in America nowadays ?
Kicking and Screaming
回覆: 22
2021-04-11 1:19 am
Does cancel-culture America really believe they can shape the country in their image using passive/aggressive force? Then what happens?
回覆: 76
2021-04-09 5:00 pm
Has anybody learned anything from Religion & Spirituality during the last 14+ years?
回覆: 7
2021-04-04 10:10 pm
Rate from 1-10 how hard do you think it is to understand the New Testament and explain why you think it is easy medium or hard to understand?
回覆: 8
2021-03-10 12:46 am
Why are conservatives so easily offended?
回覆: 13
2021-03-09 1:34 am
How do you decide which parts of the Bible God is serious about?
回覆: 13
2021-02-26 11:01 pm
Is Joe Biden a Better president Than Trump?
回覆: 125
2021-01-30 7:27 am
If a city defunds police, how will law and order be maintained ?
回覆: 162
2021-02-01 7:20 am
Who runs the United States of America?
回覆: 10
2021-01-10 10:40 pm
Should Trump be charged with treason?
回覆: 5
2021-01-07 11:26 pm
Should Congress invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump before he does more harm to our Democracy ?
回覆: 3
2020-11-15 10:55 am
Should we trust any organization to create a vote counting machine if they aren't US military?
回覆: 61
2020-10-29 10:49 pm
Is the Bible still relevant today?
回覆: 56
2020-09-26 11:12 pm
Is the Theory of Evolution a beautiful story?
回覆: 35
2020-09-14 10:52 pm
What did Jesus mean when he said "let the dead bury the dead?"?
回覆: 9
2020-08-03 5:01 am
Was Abraham a real person?
回覆: 471
2020-07-23 5:55 am
Why did Yahoo News suspends comments?
回覆: 15
2020-06-23 12:45 am
What does the bible say about braids? Is it a sin for men to have long hair?
回覆: 72
2020-06-20 4:33 am
Do you believe revenge belongs to God?
回覆: 110
2020-06-03 2:45 am
Why does the us have such high racial tensions?
回覆: 5
2020-06-04 10:28 pm
If I never feel the Holy Spirit’s conviction, could it be because I’ve committed the unforgivable sin?
回覆: 11
2020-06-03 2:38 am
Is trump for real (again)?
回覆: 92
2020-05-28 12:29 am
Will the Coronavirus be a lot less severe by July and August?
回覆: 21
2020-05-07 1:53 am
Do you think Global Warming is hoax?
回覆: 153
2020-05-03 10:28 pm
Why does the entire world lock down because of Coronavirus but Sweden stays open and they are fine?
回覆: 71
2020-04-14 12:11 am
Trump supporters do you ever regret voting for Trump?
回覆: 41
2020-04-12 6:38 pm
Republicans, now that the Trump economy has collapsed, what do you think he has achieved during his time in office?
回覆: 49
2020-04-08 5:45 am
Okay, Christians. Who's responsible for coronavirus?
回覆: 63
2020-04-06 10:54 pm
What is it like to read the bible?
回覆: 99
2020-03-14 6:56 pm
We're all going to die, aren't we?
回覆: 12
2020-02-20 12:36 am
Is the Earth still flat according to Christianity?
回覆: 80
2020-02-20 12:40 am
Do most christians deny Evolution?
回覆: 49
2019-12-30 11:46 am
Is It Fair that Actresses Get Paid SOO Much?
回覆: 28
2019-09-18 1:20 pm
If UFO sightings are common, why haven't they been detected by outer-space cameras and satellites rotating the earth?
回覆: 33
2019-09-19 8:17 am
how will our lives on earth change once we make first contact with space aliens?
回覆: 102
2018-08-02 2:10 am
Is Trump or is George W. Bush the dumbest president to ever live?
回覆: 248
2018-05-18 5:59 pm
Does racism still exist in USA?
回覆: 78
2018-04-08 1:38 am
Why don't people support Trump making a wall to keep the illegals out?
回覆: 47
2018-03-08 7:58 am
回覆: 154
2017-04-23 9:52 pm
why God never answers my prayers ????????
回覆: 664
2016-11-22 6:15 pm
TRUE OR FALSE- Donald TRUMP has no racism against anybody?
回覆: 2
2016-11-19 9:40 am
If life is a Dream, Than what kind of world it will be?
回覆: 168
2016-09-30 9:29 pm
At atheist collages, if your evolution teacher asks where the universe came from and you say "God", you get an F. Isn't this discrimination?
回覆: 27
2016-05-16 7:32 pm
How does intuition relate to "truth?"?
回覆: 3
2014-06-27 10:03 pm
HELP!! Why do I feel the old me is a better person, a better human-being?
回覆: 4
2013-10-15 2:28 pm
Does globalisation promote democracy?
回覆: 9
2013-05-03 6:22 pm
Ultimate proof of God... I think I've found it!?
回覆: 21
2009-10-15 5:46 pm
What are different types of evolution? Real (micro) and Imaginary (macro)?
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