why God never answers my prayers ????????

2017-04-23 9:52 pm
been praying for 3 years for something I'm dying to have but he never answers me no matter how prayer i pray or how close I'm to him he always answer me with opposite !!
for example : i asked him to get acceptance in specific college , the next day i receive email says I'm rejected !!!
why he treat me like this !!!!!!!!!
i said ok thats totally fine my Lord but please.. /
i asked him to get acceptance in any university in the world !! still didnt get acceptance in any university !!! why !!!!!!

回答 (154)

2017-04-25 12:19 pm
he did answer it, he said no
2017-04-23 10:14 pm
God is not a genie. He is under no obligation to answer any prayer that He does not want to. You see, God gives us what we need & not what we want. God knows what is best for us as God's ways are higher then our ways and God's thoughts are higher then our thoughts.

Unlike us, God is omniscient, God knows what the future holds whereas we do not. So what we may want in the now, may not be what is truly best for us, or what we genuinely need in the future. It doesn't mean that He doesn't exist, or that He is ignoring you. Believe me, God hears you, He is omnipresent. But just remember, God's ways are higher then our ways and God's thoughts are higher then our thoughts, and God always knows best as he can do do no wrong as He is just.
參考: I'm a proud and devout Christian
2017-04-24 1:32 am
If you'd have studied well at school you would have been accepted.....your fault.......not your god's.
2017-04-24 2:35 am
You may be only praying to him when you want something. But prayer can also be thanks for what you have already, or it can be supplication, that is expressing emotions and feelings, and it can also be praise to God for being who he is, our Creator.

Prayer is not a phenomenon. God isn't either. God could choose not to respond to us if we are trying to put him under a microscope, trying to see if he exists, with the idea of rejecting him if he doesn't do what we ask. That is what he meant when he said I am the potter, you are the clay. He is the one who looks into your heart, and determines what kind of person you are,and he will react accordingly.

Prayer is respectful communication with God. It is also an interaction. It is not just a request or a petition, because if you love your parent, you will not only talk to him or her when you want something. If you have a friend, your communication with them can be sharing an experience together, or each talking about what the other is thinking or feeling. One can do all of these things with God who you love and whose love you trust. Christians will pray to God through Jesus Christ - no one comes to the Father except through him John 14:6

Here is how to pray and be heard by God:
2017-04-24 6:43 am
The beautiful verse of the holy Quran, Chapter 53 Surah Najm verse 39: ” Laisa lil insana illa ma sa’a” There is nothing for man except what he strives for.

May be you ain't striving upto desired or adequate extent.
2017-04-23 9:55 pm
God has never helped me.
2017-04-25 11:28 am
Your grades? Try a community college than switch
2017-04-23 11:13 pm
Your God is not Santa Claus, silly child. From my research he is supposed to provide love and safety...not diamond rings or your favourite crush.

If it's a university place you want....easy...work hard at school. Time to grow up and take responsibility for yourself.

2017-04-24 12:57 am
I'm sorry about that. I know the rejection hurts from colleges and it hurts when we feel like a God has turned His back on us. I've been there, and after several confrontations where I tell Him that I feel like He's not there or that I'm questioning His loyalty, He's helped me understand something: He is interested in the best outcome for you. He's not going to settle for okay things when there are chances for you to experience incredible things. He is your Father, with the ability to see into the past and the future simultaneously. It's super uncomfortable to trust His judgment in these situations, I know. But, I do believe He is guiding you to a better way, just as He guides me with the rejections I get. I have found that trusting His decisions(when I do trust them, because I don't always) gives me fulfillment, anchoring to my soul, and gives me peace that I can't fake. Ain't no shame in telling God that you are frustrated with Him. And after the anger has subsided, you can hear Him.
2017-04-23 11:06 pm
Try praying to restore amputated limbs and get back to me.
2017-04-24 8:20 am
God used to answer my prayers not anymore, I know what you mean, :'(.
2017-04-24 1:04 pm
I'm not religious but praying to God and telling God what you wish are different. You're mixing those two up. You are supposed to pray for somebody else too, you're not supposed to ask God to do your things.
2017-04-24 12:25 am
Prayer is part of our worship. We should pray only to God Jehovah. To what god do you pray ?
Jehovah listens only to the prayers of righteous people. (Proverbs 15:29; 28:9)
參考: Bible
2017-04-23 10:14 pm
That's easy to explain: god doesn't exist. You might as well pray to a rock. You clearly need that college education.
2017-04-24 1:57 am
He does but it's a sensory thing because god is within you and around you and in everything. He tells you through love which can be found inside of your heart. You can understand through signs of three or more. Gut instincts is his energy giving you an impression. Get out into Mother Nature she too can fine tune you to hear heavens answers. It's like the parable of the flood. A man sat at the top of a roof with a high tide. He prayed to be brought to safety. After a boat and a helicopter coming to rescue him. At death he asked why did you not answer my prayer for help. He was told he never accepted the help which was sent to him. Feel with your heart and ignore your naysaying mind.
2017-04-23 10:01 pm
There are children in Africa starving and praying to god for a little food.

There are prisoners being regularly tortured and they pray for freedom.

God totally ignores their prayers, why should he answer yours?

I suggest that you get a better god.
2017-04-23 9:59 pm
Salam, sure I'll help ya. I am Muslim and will give you 5 of many reasons to believe in Allah (swt) and the message within the Noble Quran.

1. You will not burn in hell for eternity and will be saved, all your past sins will be forgiven and all your good deeds remain, so essentially you would be a better Muslim than me and would be able to go high in heaven as we believe there are 7 heavens in Islam one on top of another and the highest one (jannah firdaus) is the best one and everyone gets what they earn. You will get whatever you desire in heaven and whatever you wish.

2. Those who follow Islam 100% never fall into depression (google it), that is because they believe in the hereafter and understand that Allah (swt) is the one who provides them with hardship to test them and that they will achieve a higher heaven if they pass the test (meaning the faith is never broken and they are patient) they repent for sins and give thanks for what they have. It is said (in scripture) that when a father lost his son, an angel reported it to God (swt), and God (swt) asked: "what did he say?" The angel replied: "To Allah (swt) we belong and to him we shall return." God said: "Build him a house (in heaven)." So you see such people feel Allah's (swt) love in hardship and tough times that they do not feel depressed at all.

3. You will be welcomed by your brothers and sisters with open arms at a mosque or anywhere, you will be treated as one of their own family, they will invite you for meals and help you in your affairs, you will feel at peace in Islam. Many people who felt empty and suicidal stated when they converted that they felt so much happier and not sad anymore and they have us to rely on who will help them.
4. Islam will protect you from living a sinful life and from the bad things of this life such as drugs and fornication and ill-talk. It will make you a better person and it will protect you from bad people and sinful things.

5. Allah (swt) will turn to you in mercy and increase your wealth and prosperity if you ask of him after prayers, if you walk to Allah (swt) he will run to you, if you reach your arm towards him, he will reach his arm twice as long towards you, and he will reward you for your patience and suffering (if you are suffering) and he will make life easier for you and guide you on a straight path to heaven.

If you're interested, feel free to email me from my profile or post in the Ramadan section of yahoo answers: society and culture > holidays > Ramadan.

I hope you convert to the only religion God (swt) will ever accept, if not, then my job was only to recite to you the message. Hope I helped. :)

Let me point out some flaws for you in Christianity.

1. How can a trinity exist? WHY does an all knowing and all power God need to split himself up into 3 anyway to accomplish anything? Consider this; a business breaks up into three business and splits assets because one business run by 3 owners runs more slowly compared to one owner (Allah swt). Do you still consider these 3 businesses as one business? Consider this, what if Jesus (pbuh) had a son? Would there be four Gods in the universe? What if the Gods Christians worshiped kept having sons until there was an entire species of Gods, would Christians worship 1000s of Gods as one God? Jesus (pbuh) was a man and you can understand his story in the Noble Quran and hadith, he did not die, GOD can't DIE. No one died for your sins, everyone is responsible for their own sins, that includes the sin of prophet Adam (pbuh), we did not inherit his sin, he was only allowed into heaven by Allah (swt) to learn a lesson, he was predestined for Earth 40 years before his creation. So when Satan duped them as God (Swt) willed, he kicked them out of heaven but not as punishment, he forgave them (as stated in the bible as well) so how can he punish them and forgive them? (bible contradiction), nay, he was predestined for Earth to learn humility, determination, gratefulness, and to repent for sins and (for us as humanity) prove to ourselves we are worthy of being in heaven or hell.

2. Why do Catholics need a priest and to "confess sins" to this priest? Confessing sins is actually a sin, and an all hearing and all know God can perfectly hear your repentance at your own home by yourself without a medium. Also consider these corruptions in the bible, the prophet Lot (pbuh) in the bible is described as a man who got drunk and had premarital s3x with his two daughters and impregnated them, this is who Christians idolize! this is not the real prophet Lot (pbuh), the real Lot (pbuh) was a righteous messenger of God (swt) and did not drink and have premarital s3x. Other prophets (pbuh) in the bible are described like this because Satan corrupted the bible and the Torah and the psalms which were previous revelations from God. He wants people to think "well since the prophet did it so can I." so he successfully dupes them into sinning.

3. Also Jesus (pbuh) never even claimed to be God directly in the bible at all, the Christians attribute humane things to God (swt) such as having a son or a wife. He is above such things. Also Satan does not Rule Earth as is stated in the Bible, this is a joke, Satan is only an instigator and a trial sent by God (swt) to us so that we seek refuge in God and protection from Satan. Allah (swt) is the ruler of the heavens and the Earth and all in between.

So read the Noble Quran and post here in the Ramadan section so we can help you be guided dear sister/brother.
2017-04-25 10:29 am
Probably because he doesn't like selfish assholes. Stop praying for free gifts for yourself.
2017-04-24 6:54 pm
God answers all prayers...............the answer is sometimes NO.

Mommy, can I play in the traffic? No.

Daddy, can I smoke your pipe? No-.

Grandpa.....can I play with your loaded war antiques??? NO.-

Loving parents often tell their children NO. It doesn't mean they don't love them........

it means they DO love them,.......and want no harm to come to them.

God says NO, for the exact same reasons.
2017-04-24 4:06 am
I'm so sorry that you are experiencing frustration as you wait for your prayers to be answered. Even if your prayers seem to go unanswered, this does not mean that God did not hear them. God examines the thoughts and feelings behind each prayer, which even the one praying may neither fully understand nor be aware of. (Romans 8:26, 27) Personal effort on your part is required. Be persistent in prayer and continue to ask God for guidance in choosing the right college. Remember God's timetable in answering prayers is totally different from ours. Never, ever feel that your needs or cares are too small or trivial to pray about.
2017-04-25 6:29 am
God DOES anser your prayers. He's not obliged to SERVE you for your needs though. He's not your slave. He's the CREATOR
2017-04-24 7:20 pm
2017-04-24 4:43 pm
Why you no listen....
2017-04-23 10:01 pm
An invisible god who doesn't do anything is exactly the same as nothing.
2017-04-23 11:32 pm
It is simple. God does not exist.
2017-04-23 11:11 pm
God answers all prayers. In your case the answer was no. Why do you not accept his answer?

How greedy and self-centered of you to pray for something for yourself.

You confuse prayers with wishes. You need a genie.
2017-04-28 8:36 am
God answers all prayers, it's not always yes.
2017-04-27 2:05 am
Answering isn't the same as giving. Your prayers were answered. You got too greedy so instead of acceptance (to college) he answered you with rejecting (from a college). This is YOUR relationship with God. What do YOU think He's trying to tell you?
2017-04-27 1:44 am
Is this prayer for God's glory or yours? Your will or His?
2017-04-26 7:31 pm
Yes, he will. Both the Bible and real-life experience show that God answers prayers. The Bible says: “The desire of those fearing [God] he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them.” (Psalm 145:19) But whether God will answer you when you pray is largely up to you.

Praying to God, not to Jesus, Mary, saints, angels, or images. Only Jehovah God is the “Hearer of prayer.”—Psalm 65:2.
Praying in harmony with God’s will, or requirements, which are found in the Bible.—1 John 5:14.
Praying in Jesus’ name, recognizing his authority. “No one comes to the Father except through me,” said Jesus.—John 14:6.
Praying in faith, asking for more faith if needed.—Matthew 21:22; Luke 17:5.
Being humble and sincere. The Bible says: “Jehovah is high, and yet the humble one he sees.”—Psalm 138:6.
Being persistent. Jesus said: “Keep on asking, and it will be given you.”—Luke 11:9.
What doesn’t matter to God

Your race or nationality. “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”—Acts 10:34, 35.
Your bodily position or posture. You can pray to God while sitting, bowing, kneeling, or standing.—1 Chronicles 17:16; Nehemiah 8:6; Daniel 6:10; Mark 11:25.
Whether you pray aloud or silently. God answers even silent prayers that others aren’t aware of.—Nehemiah 2:1-6.
Whether your concerns are weighty or trivial. God encourages you to “throw all your anxiety upon him, because he cares for you.”—1 Peter 5:7.
2017-04-26 1:57 pm
Well do u want God to answer your prayers? Or do u want God to just give u whatever it is that you want? Because he's not a wish machine, HE IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. Not your person pet bunny, who grants wishes and washes away hurt feelings...

Should I dare to approach this being with a request im very specific in what I say. If I'm worried about my future I ask him to guide my path wether that be by being accepted into a university or being rejected. I know that God knows better, he knows what will happen and why.

There's a song "When I'm standing in the mystery, to you my future is a memory." Which I believe to be true. Gods path is the very best for my life and I'd rather go his way.
2017-04-25 6:12 pm
You have no idea what God is about .. He's not your personal genie.

All the things you "pray" for ( covet, more like it) are focused on YOU. <---

God is dealing with important matters of redeeming people from sin.
( You are not the center of the universe )
2017-04-25 2:25 pm
If you persevere with God and wait on his will, you will have something way much better than what you have ever imagined, seen or heard in your life. Just let allow all your plans to go into God's hands, let him take over your life. That will be better, peaceful, secure and fruitful. You will never regret, but ever be thankful. Start thanking and praising God now itself in anticipation of this miracle in your life.
2017-04-25 8:38 am
Because there is no god! Truth be told!!! Prayers are just wishful thinking and you talking to yourself. All these fairy god lover nutcases say this nonexistent god answered their prayers, brag brag brag then they are on here making excuses for their worthless pos imaginary god... and how he doesn't intervene, he is not your slave or genie, talk about pathetic...crazy liars, so pathetic and an absolute joke!!!!! Why does this god never ever end world hunger??? Children die of starvation by the hundrend thousands ever year and this bragged about all loving god has you to excuse his nonexistent as.s for never feeding them or at least make it possible to change their circumstances....NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU ARE OK WITH THAT.???? THAT IS NOT A LOVING GOD!!!!! THAT IS A NONEXISTENT GOD!!!!!! You prove to everyone &even to your stupud a.s.s that this god nonexistent but choose to ignore that because you think everyone is going to hate your lonely stupid a.s.s.
2017-04-25 8:08 am
Well, kiddo, the first thing you're going to have to understand is that sometimes the answer is "no", because He has something else in mind for you. Besides, is it really God's fault you didn't get into the college you wanted? Your grades had nothing to do with it? Sorry, but you don't sound all that close to God if you're angrily asking why God doesn't give you what you want just because you prayed about it--all those question marks indicates angry frustration. God doesn't owe you anything just because you think you put in enough prayer time. Try to be a bit more grateful and try for a little personal responsibility--maybe then you'll see the results you desire.
2017-04-25 7:02 am
I know how you feel. My dad says he shows you favor, but hes not magic.. I personally think that it's a game where if you really want something & ask for it you either never get it or its the opposite. I'm might gonna get heat for this answer, but oh well, it's how I feel.
2017-04-25 6:43 am
Because he's to busy drinking beer and shooting billiards with his boy satan.
2017-04-25 6:09 am
I have a solid answer for you but please read whole statement:

The only prayer that God guarantees to answer are the ones that have a profound affect on your spiritual life. Candice said it correctly that "God is not a genie." Nothing in this fleshly life, that doesn't pertain to Godliness, Holiness, or Righteousness, is a priority to God. This is scriptural in concept. He said man does not live by bread (earthly anything) but by every word that precedes from the mouth of God. 2 Peter 1:3-4 says,

"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

Your prayers are to build yourself up in faith and trust, bring healing and health to others, to extend grace to ALL that do not have a working relationship with the Father until the eyes of their understanding are open, to bring wisdom to you and to protect yourself from being self deceived, and to teach you PATIENCE in the the face of trials and tests.

All the other things may or may not come to you. The point is that God wants what is best for you. He does have a plan for you but it may not be what you want. God is not going to bend to your plans, He is going to make sure you come up to His. Jesus taught us to pray, "...not MY will but yours be done on earth as it is done in Heaven." The caveat that we have to remember -anyone who calls themselves followers of Christ, is that God purchased us with a price...a great price. We no belong to ourselves, we belong to God. You have no more rights...zero! But the trade off is by learning His plan, walking in obedience, and persevering unto victory through faith, that: 1) We will rule and reign over ALL His creation(s) past, present and future, AND we will finally realize His promise of: "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. 1 Cor 2:9 .

Aside from to obvious issues regarding our lives God is not apt to hear our prayers if there is unchecked sin involved. This is scriptural. Also scriptural, is what James chapter one alludes to: "If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives liberally to all WITHOUT finding fault. BUT, if you doubt, you should not expect to receive ANYTHING from God because you are a double minded man UNSTABLE in ALL your ways."

The issue here is disbelief and doubt. If you have any of these working in your prayers then you won't have answers to them. The remedy? Mark 9:24 or around there, tells us, in short, to confess your doubts and disbeliefs to God, and ask Him to help you into believing. God will ALWAYS answer this kind of prayer of confession.

I understand you want success in your life but remember God wants you to be successful spiritually. Then by being spiritually successful you can ask for anything and God will grant your request providing you don't ask amiss. Meaning, don't pray for a hot sports car or a million dollars, etc. Let me give you a homework assignment, I dare you to pray for patience. I mean it. While most adults will ALWAYS tell you not to pray for patience, the fear of God answering this prayer is rightly realized. This is a guarantee prayer He will absolutely answer. James chapter 1 again tells us that God so believes in the value of patience that it is the number 1 attribute that He wants elevated in your life. The biggest clue is the words "...work out the perfection of patience...". Did you catch that? He wants to perfect patience within us.

But don't worry. I want to give you a powerful tool to complete your homework assignment. While you are asking God to answer your prayer of patience to be manifested in your life please ask God to provide you with Holy Spirit eyesight for all the tests and trials that will come your way, whether you ask for them or not. I personally ask for them so my joy will be complete. Sounds maddening to most but it shows God you are truly wanting to press into your growth towards Him. If you have this mindset you will never have to worry about that scary scripture directed to all believers which is found in Rev 3:16 which says, "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Now I don't know where you are at mature-wise in the Lord but if you follow these things I layed out for you then you will be very pleasing to the Lord, scripturally.

Lastly, regarding a scriptural reference to finding success is found in Joshua 1:8, "Keep this Book of the Law (God's word) always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and then ALL these things will be added unto you." I hope this helped.
2017-04-25 4:07 am
God is not a great genii in the sky. Sometimes His answers are, No. Sometimes, it's, Later/Wait for it. Sometimes, it's, I have something better in mind. If your faith is dictated by what you can get from Him, then it isn't really faith. It's opportunistic. One of the main reasons for prayer, is not to get things from Him, but to bring us closer to Him, and to be changed into His likeness by being in His presence. Another impediment to prayer is not keeping His 10 Commandment laws (Zechariah 7:12, 13; Mark 4:21-25; Proverbs 28:9). This is why Jesus tells the multitude of 5,000 that he fed with 5 loaves and two fishes, "Ye seek Me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat that perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for Him hath God the Father sealed." (John 6:26, 27) --- in other words, seek for the spiritual blessings, not the material ones. If you do this, the material blessings will come, but it will not be according to your will, but God's. And if you become truly spiritual, you will be o.k. with this.
2017-04-25 2:39 am
Because you did not apply to every university. I can help you to get into some university if you completed your high school. But don't be too picky. There are no bad universities, there are bad students. Some universities are not advertised, so you even don't know that they exist.
2017-04-24 9:00 pm
You know what whenever we pray we always want the answer to be yes. Sometimes you have to accept that sometimes the answer is no. Maybe those are not the ones for you. Also God doesn't answer every single prayer. He always answers prayers according to His will and are you acting in harmony with your prayers? I don't understand if someone is doing whatever is they want to do then want to pray to God how does that look?
2017-04-24 5:00 pm
Why God never answers MY PRAYERS ? There are Several possibilities ? yet some will respond there is only one possibility . one person responded One must do "GOD'S " WILL not YOUR WILL ... so ....then Prayer is useless actually NONSENSICAL

.. I think the Glue is in that PRAYER THY WILL BE DONE on Earth as it is in heaven ,,,,your only supposed to pray for what the god wants ,,,, and what god wants is in that magic book

Stone your disobedient children
do not wear clothing of blended fabrics
, no shrimp or pork ,
no meat with milk
one shall not suffer a WITCH to live
Keep cananite SLAVES forever

there are 613 god wishes or WILLS in all Moses had direct communication when he got the message to BEHEADED and slaughtered 3000 Hebrews with that golden calf incident and to INVADE other people keep the 42,000 Virgins after all the other people were slaughtered GODS WILL MOSES said so

but not to worry the next part of the prayer the god does his part Give us this day our DAILY BREAD ....doesn't seem to work for people when they are starving ..

..Now we can demonstrate that two hands WORKING GET MORE DONE than two hands praying .

...Now Trump doing away with MEALS on WHEELS ,, perhaps he got a message from the GOD to tell Humans to stop passing out FOOD to the Hungry , ,, and shut down those Soup Kitchens ... mere HUMAN ACTIONS ..

..only GODS are supposed to GIVE you daily bread. if it WILLS you food it appears magically
2017-04-24 2:19 pm
hes dead. i killed him
2017-04-24 1:26 pm
Trust Him; he always does. In prayer we are to emulate Jesus. Remember He says in John 14:6, "No one comes to the Father except through me".
2017-04-24 8:54 am
God never gets directly involved. Things happen, but it's down to you to decide if they happened because of God, or if they happened because they'd have happened anyway. So if your prayers are never answered then it's because you're asking for things that need an actively involved God. But God isn't like that. You have to pray for things that have at least a 50% chance of happening anyway. Then if you're a believer you can say God made them happen. But if they only have a 1% chance of happening you're going to be very disappointed. Start lowering your expectations a bit. Pray that you wake up tomorrow morning & you can say he answered that one. Pray that you have enough to eat tomorrow & he'll answer that one. Then you can get more adventurous. Pray that he helps you to be nicer to people at work or school (which ever you go to). Pray that he helps you to help those who can't help themselves. Then you start to learn how God works. God is the projection of your realistic hopes into your immediate, then maybe into your wider society. But don't pray to win the lottery, or that your dads cancer is completely cured, or that the NHS funding crisis is solved, or that the young can afford to get on the housing ladder because, sorry, God doesn't work like that.
2017-04-24 7:43 am
prayers will be granted that are part of His plan for you......if not then not.
2017-04-24 3:37 am
The Lord will only listen to spiritual prayers, the latter would include:

1. Prayers for others.
2. Wisdom
3. Guidance.
4. Protection.
5. Understanding.
6. Health issues.

The concept of prayer is directly related to a spiritual sense of desire, when we ask for material items of the world the Lord will turn a deaf ear.
Remember, helping others that relate to merit are also a very big act of mercy.

2017-04-24 12:45 am
God knows the end before the beginning. He knows what is good for you and what is not. The bible says 'you do not have because you pray amiss'.

If all that your prayers consist of are requests for things for yourself and never praising Him for all He does for you, never thanking Him for the life you have etc. then you will miss out on His blessings.

Honour God and He will honour you but, not necessarily, in the way you WANT. God gives us what He knows we need rather than what we want.

Ask God to guide you towards what will be good for your future. He might not be guiding you towards college or university but might have something far more wonderful for you. He'll show you what that is when you start treating Him as God and not as Santa Clause.
2017-04-25 9:13 am
Your problem is your praying to a single god, try praying to Thoth, you might actually get a response 👍
2017-04-25 3:38 am
Were you requesting admittance into a college of university that teaches God's word, the Holy Bible, along with the academic curriculum? Or were you asking for favor into a secular college or university where the professors speak out against the God of the Holy Bible?

God works everything together for your good. Much knowledge can be a tasking thing for the mind and not all knowledge is good for you. The knowledge of pornography is certainly not good for anyone. God gets involved in things that you are doing to pleasure Him. God's plan for you and your plan for you are not always the same. God doesn't care for evolution because it speaks against Him. So why would he want you in college furthering your education about something that is false? God has been pushed out of many schools and colleges so He is not going to favor you with your requests.

Just because the world thinks college is best for you, doesn't mean God does. Students attending college today are suffering greatly from anxiety and depression due to stress and fear in not measuring up to what is required of them. When you go into all the world and preach the gospel then you can believe and know that God will be answering your prayers, because you will be doing His will.
2017-04-24 3:39 pm
You have to do God's will not your will. God put you in a trial and dont answers your prayers because what you asking is asked in wrong way. And because if you live a life distant from what really God wants for your salvation, He cant done for you what you ask because you have not done what He asked you first. Most of us have not the sense of sin anymore. How long you didnt have a general confession Well done? How long you didnt go to Church every Sunday at least?Did you search God only when you need? Have you put God at first place before everyONE and everything? Have you defended His truth? Have you respected always your parents and superiors? Have you ever killed (even with bad words or critique or speaking of others without mercy? to 'do not kill' , as Jesus teach in the Gospel, isnt Only to kill with a weapon. But the words kills our next brother without mercy everyday.Have you ever says a lie? (even little?) Is a sin already.what about the impure acts?Jealousy?Rage?Think about it
2017-04-24 8:28 am
God answers prayers according to His will.
"Ye ask, and y receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume
it upon your lusts." James 4:3

God will withhold no good thing from those that are his, but he does it
in his own time, not ours. In the OT, Hannah, prayed for years for a son, before God gave her Samuel. The same with the Shunammite woman.

Hang in there and keep the faith. Believe it, and receive it.
2017-04-24 3:18 am
email god

text god

google god

god on facebook /twitter /facebook.

god has gone hi-tech on the web now.
2017-04-23 10:00 pm
I pray and accept his will
2017-04-23 9:58 pm
God helps thows who help themselves. Therefore, if you want to get into college, you have to get in by yourself, then God will answer your prayers by letting you get into that college.
2017-04-24 3:15 am
2017-04-23 10:54 pm
Ask yourself these questions? Are you a True Christian, Is there any UN- confessed Sin in your Life? Do you Pray, knowing that your Prayer will Be answered? Do this sincerely? And you will see improvement in your Prayer answers !!
2017-04-23 10:28 pm
Try the true God then.
2017-04-23 10:18 pm
If God seems to delay in answering our prayers, this is never because he is not able to answer them. Rather we must remember that Jehovah God answers prayers according to his will and in his due time. Luke 11 5-10. Therefore we should be persistent in our prayers and thankful that God does hear our prayers (Psalms 65:2)
2017-04-23 9:54 pm
Lol you actually think God is a magician that'll help your lazy *** get into a college that you obviously didn't have the grades for to begin with?

**** outta here

Next time you go to a restaurant you might as well have GOD take care of the bill...Since you have such a HUGE misconception of what God is and does
2017-04-28 12:28 pm
God does answer prayer but not all the time.
2017-04-27 10:41 pm
Stop praying outside of yourself and go within yourself....that's where the kingdom of heaven is.
2017-04-27 8:40 pm
no god , no answers.
2017-04-27 3:21 pm
Ask him.
2017-04-27 7:01 am
Because he does not exist. Stop wasting your time
2017-04-27 5:14 am
Sometimes his answer is no. And sometimes we do not do what is necessary on our part, in obedience, to allow God to work in our lives.

Examples? You pray for God to heal you from cancer but continue to smoke cigarettes

You pray for God to heal your liver and continue to drink alcohol
2017-04-27 12:11 am
2017-04-26 10:23 pm
Read the book of Job.
2017-04-26 10:05 pm
First off I'm truely sorry you didn't get into the collage of your choice. DON'T give up though. Many people here have said this but maybe you still don't understand. God does answer us. Alot of times it's not what we want to hear. It sucks I know. Faith in God is also faith in the fact that he knows whats best for us.
Try this, pray for some kind of guidance in choosing a collage. Or maybe it's the journey it self that God wants you to take. In either case the important thing to do is NOT GIVE UP. Hope this helps. Good luck.
2017-04-26 7:22 pm
Because God knows it always what is good for us in totality and we don't always know it . . . Just make the efforts, don't decide about the result . . . But you will eventually see your efforts will not go waste once you be thankful and don't complain.
May He guides you to the best ! Amen
2017-04-26 5:15 pm
Check you internet connection!
2017-04-26 4:40 pm
Most colleges are run by atheists. You want a college education so after you graduate you can make big bucks, right? "It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle." God answers every prayer he hears. He only hears prayers that line up with his Word and his plan for your life. Stop praying selfish prayers that will only drive you further from God. Try asking him what HE wants for your life. "If my Word abides in you, and you abide in me, ask what you will and it shall be done." Gods blessings frequently have conditions attached. READ your contract (the Bible).
2017-04-26 8:58 am
2017-04-26 8:13 am
Because he doesn't exist
2017-04-26 6:44 am
Prayer is mostly to help you work on agreeing with God than it is to get God to do what you want. After all, we are His servants, not the other way around.

You know that part of your post where you were disappointed but you still said, ""Okay fine God whatever." That shows your prayers accomplished what they were supposed to in you. You accepted for God's will do be done.
2017-04-26 6:33 am
To be heard, we must pray only to the God of the Bible, Jehovah( Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible)not to any other god or to ancestors. God also requires that we “ask according to his will”—for things he approves of. God assures us that if we pray in this way, “he hears us.” (1 John 5:14) So, for our prayers to be heard, we need to get to know the God of the Bible and learn what his will is.
2017-04-26 5:58 am
When giving to a person, meeting their perceived or immediate need, does them harm instead of good- then the loving thing to do is to not give them what they ask for, but to give them what they really need instead.
2017-04-26 4:33 am
You must work hard at first and then pray to god that all goes well
if ur prayer is still not answered maybe it because that decision for u is wrong as god know what is in ur destiny:D
參考: From a fellow Muslim
2017-04-26 3:58 am
peace upon you.
my answer is related to your long well being & understanding. feel free to contact me for that. as for now, there are simple reply: have strong faith in the Creator and, obey Him.
2017-04-26 3:52 am
Probably because he may not exist. here's an idea, why don't you do physical efforts to get what you want and not ask some invisible magical sky daddy :)
2017-04-26 2:05 am
because God is at a stand still.
2017-04-26 2:02 am
Because he might not be real. In this world we have to do things ourselves.
2017-04-26 1:47 am
your praying for the wrong things
2017-04-26 12:21 am
Which God that be.
2017-04-25 11:27 pm
Matthew 6:32, 33 For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.
33 “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you.

Matthew 5:3 “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need, since the Kingdom of the heavens belongs to them.

John 17:3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you,* the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

Regularly praying to Jehovah helps us to draw closer to him.—James 4:8.
For our prayers to be heard by God, we must pray in faith and with humility and sincerity.—Mark 11:24.
We must pray only to Jehovah through his Son.—Matthew 6:9; John 14:6.
Jehovah, the “Hearer of prayer,” uses his angels, his earthly servants, his holy spirit, and his Word to answer prayers.—Psalm 65:2.
2017-04-25 9:33 pm
nobody couldnt answer you.
2017-04-25 9:26 pm
2017-04-25 9:08 pm
He never answers mine either, but then again I am never disappointed as I realised long ago that it is all a con and a control trick.
2017-04-25 6:57 pm
Maybe he wants you to trust Him in spite of not receiving the answer you want.
or maybe there is an unrepentant sin that is standing in the way of your relationship with Him.
He'd rather have you love, trust, and move toward Him then to give you whatever you want.
The question is...if the answer is no, or it appears you aren't getting an answer, will you love and follow Him with all your heart anyway? If not, something isn't right with your relationship with Him and you need to adjust.
If the answer is yes, remember He is good and has a plan for you that you may know nothing about.
2017-04-25 6:54 pm
Why God never answers my prayers ????????...Simple...just because you are not focus straight to God... and your mind is on the other side of the world.
2017-04-25 6:07 pm
God's involvement in human affairs is very rare. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same moment. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.

If you are just and good there will be always some good way. Tranquility, happiness and prosperity are important in life. If they had determined that you can get these things only in a different route (not bad route) and not in the route you have chosen then all of your attempts will end in vain. Therefore don't waste your time. They will create the opportunities. You must recognize them and pick up immediately.
2017-04-25 4:23 pm
It's your lack of verbs in sentences ...he doesn't understand you. 'Why DOES God......' Hope this helps.
2017-04-25 3:51 pm
God answers prayers although it may not be what you want or need at the time. Be patient. because you have no idea of what God has in store for your life. Robin Roberts who is tv news person said that God answers prayer in 3 ways: 1, no, you deserve better 2. No, not yet. 3. Yes. Only God knows what is best for us and you have to be viligiant of how He is guiding you. God bless you.
2017-04-25 3:09 pm
2017-04-25 2:23 pm
He'll get round to it eventually. He is a really busy guy.
2017-04-25 2:20 pm
say 10 hell maryies.
pray for guidence,
seek the truth.
speak to the Lord.
seek the lords face.
try fasting for one meal.
just drinmk some water. for one meal.
and pray while you fast and drink water.
God bless you
in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you Jesus.
2017-04-25 12:29 pm
Maybe you didn't get accepted to the university due to bad grammar. Honestly, God grants all prayers. Maybe his answer was keep trying.
2017-04-25 11:14 am
When I was growing up I was told that GOD has 3 answers to our prayers.
Sometimes it is "not now, wait a little while and you will get something even better"
2017-04-25 11:13 am
He probably doesn't exist. Fictional characters don't answer you.
2017-04-25 10:33 am
He DOES answer ALL your prayers, however, his answer has just been the one you do NOT want to hear "NO"!!!
2017-04-25 10:08 am
"Even if our prayers seem to go unanswered, this does not mean that God did not hear them. The Bible assures us: “The eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication.” (1 Peter 3:12) So Jehovah God hears the prayers of righteous ones, whether they are spoken audibly or uttered in the heart. (Jeremiah 17:10) Jehovah also examines the thoughts and feelings behind each prayer, which even the one praying may neither fully understand nor be aware of.—Romans 8:26, 27."
However, prayers must meet certain requirements if they are to be acceptable to God. First, they must be directed exclusively to God—not to Jesus, to a “saint,” or to an idol. (Exodus 20:4, 5) Prayers must also be offered in the name of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. (John 14:6) Does this mean that our prayers are heard by Jesus first and that he relays the message to God? No. Rather, by praying to Jehovah in the name of Jesus, we identify ourselves as Christ’s disciples and we acknowledge that it is only because of his ransom that we are able to approach God.—Hebrews 4:14-16."
2017-04-25 9:11 am
Have you ever thought.... he doesn't exist? If god cared why would he let people commit the most heinous crimes? I pray all the time but its never answered. If I want it bad enough you have to put the work and effort into it. When I die I would happily like to meet him if he is there.
2017-04-25 8:48 am
Jeremiah 29:11-13(KJV) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Keep praying to God with a sincere, faithful, repented and trusting heart. Trust what God says and accept it. God wants to do what is best for you. I understand you want to go to a university and you have been rejected several times but really LISTEN to what God is saying. God has plans for your life.It may not be right now a door is open for you to attend a university , it may be later in life you attend a University. It may be even never be a door open for you to attend a university but LISTEN to what God is telling he knows what is best for you. God is our Creator. God loves you and wants the best for you.
2017-04-25 7:32 am
The Bible indicates that our prayers must be in harmony with God's will and that sometimes the answer is NO. Just like a parent doesn't always give in to what their children asks them because they realize it may not be in the child's best interest, likewise we may not be aware of issues and problems that may arise if we found ourselves in a certain situation. Also, we must have explicit faith in God's ability to answer our prayers and to really know that he is there. Jesus gave the "model" prayer that is recorded at Matthew 6....it puts God's sovereignty and will above everything else and then the material needs in a secondary position.
2017-04-25 6:24 am
Obviously, you don't know how to pray properly.
GOD always answers prayer, sometimes it's "no".
The proper way is to ask GOD for what is best for you.
Prayer is not about ordering the stuff that you want.
2017-04-25 6:04 am
God is faithful, and he will hear the prayer of man, but whether the prayer of man is rational.
2017-04-25 3:47 am
Either he doesn't care or doesn't exist.
2017-04-25 2:31 am
God works in mysterious ways... it seems as though he is doing bad by you, but it will all be clear soon. Patients and you will see
2017-04-25 12:07 am
1. there is no God. 2. you didn't get accepted because your grades were too low, ditto SATs. time for the world of burger flipping. pray that you don't get fired or a grease burn.
2017-04-24 10:55 pm
Prayers for ourselves are seldom never answered.

Thus when we pray for the benefit of others especially when done together as a congregation, this often works.
2017-04-24 10:32 pm
Try being a little less selfish...How about praying for your fellow brothr or sister.
2017-04-24 10:28 pm
1) God does not exist 2) Maybe your grades were just not good enough to get you in.
2017-04-24 9:58 pm
I know this may be difficult to comprehend. But it's possible that it's because there might not be a God.
2017-04-24 9:29 pm
I am think you did not get into a college or university for a number of reasons. Perhaps your application was poorly put together. Perhaps you were interviewed and did not interview well. Perhaps you do not show the necessary ability. Whatever the reason you can only hold yourself accountable. There are no gods so your prayers will never be answered. If you wish to achieve anything then you must set out to do it. No one, especially something that is non-existent, will not achieve it for you.
2017-04-24 9:15 pm
Because God is there in outer space and there is vacuum(very low pressure of matter - no Air) and your sound does not travel in space. So He can't first listen to your prayers. Thus he is not answering them.

Its possible that he may be answering but because sound does not travel in space (between Earth and Heaven) you are not able to listen to what he says.
2017-04-24 9:12 pm
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob always answers prayers my friend, for those who genuinely believe in Him, with a yes, no or wait.
2017-04-24 9:09 pm
There are pell grants for those who want to go to college but please be serious about an education and you can make your life better if you are really motivated but praying for a little red wagon is kind of selfish or a bike when you know your parents can't afford it. Pell Grants are there for the poor and those who are rich should have to pay for their own education.
2017-04-24 9:02 pm
First, you need to know God in a personal relationship...otherwise the only
prayer He hears is to find His Son (read John 3:16). When you know His
Son Jesus is in your life, then He says to "pray without ceasing"...that is
all through the day about everything! Perhaps He has answered and said "no"...He answers three ways...yes...no...and wait....and will provide for your good. When you are His child, He is your heavenly father....and will provide what He knows will work for your good.
2017-04-24 7:50 pm
Remember just like any child a father may say no to a child's request. Likewise just because we don't get the answer we want doesn't mean our prayer wasn't answered by our heavenly father.
Pr 15:8The sacrifice of the wicked is detestable to Jehovah, But the prayer of the upright is a pleasure to Him.
So, we also need to step back and see if our lives are in harmony with God's requirements. God doesn't listen to all prayers.
2017-04-24 7:34 pm
cuz jesus died for your sins :D
2017-04-24 7:27 pm
You seem to be asking God for some particular things that might not be compatible with your character, conduct, style or inkling - there are other fields out there for you to explore. So why just try some other kinds of fields whether they might be in sport, catering, construction, tourism etc or even a pastoral life as well!?
2017-04-24 7:17 pm
He did answer; he said "no."
2017-04-24 6:39 pm
Please don't worry. In future I will also pray for your sake. If more number of people pray, it will be efficacious.
參考: own
2017-04-24 5:25 pm
You can not petition the Lord with prayer. god has his eternal Plan and each of us plays out the role he intended . Prayer for an outcome presumes that God wil change his plan for the world if we ask him , that will never happen
2017-04-24 4:55 pm
... perhaps because God isn't a glorified Father Christmas.

Let's put it this way... He's God you're not!

Contemplate on that and when you get it you'll understand. Everything else is nonsense!
2017-04-24 4:20 pm
maybe there is no God
2017-04-24 2:04 pm
1. God does not exist. Done.
2017-04-24 1:56 pm
praying to god is like a rocking chair it gives you somthiing to do but it dosent get you anyware
think of all the starving in this world as they pray for their next food?
2017-04-24 1:30 pm
2017-04-24 1:00 pm
probaby because he wants you to work on yourself. FIrst of all think positive. Maybe there was a reason and better things to come also read the secret and law of atraction
2017-04-24 12:38 pm
God isn't a genie that grants wishes. He does not fulfill His role by giving us what we "want", but by giving us what we need. Who are we to say that we know better than God? If so, why are we "here'", and He, "there"? Life is not about acquiring trivial and petty possession, or achieving worldly status. The attachment to that $hit that makes life $uck, not God. If you need to pray for something for yourself, start with 'wisdom' and 'understanding', you might get better results.
2017-04-24 8:32 am
You have confused the Creator of Creation with your fairy godmother or personal genie. He does not grant wishes.
If you ever become a Christian, you say, "Lord, I am yours. Use me in Your service however You please" and He will.
2017-04-24 7:27 am
When asking about prayers......GOD always answers in HIS OWN TIME AND OWN WAY.
We may not always like the answers, but since GOD is all knowing HE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST FOR EACH OF US.
Now about being accepted to certain colleges .....have you met their complete requirements to be admitted?
Do more inquiring and maybe there is more you need to know before applying.....try and try again.
Wishing the best of luck in finding the right college ............
2017-04-24 3:39 am
First off, you are not asking something that is according to Jehovah's will (1 John 5:14). Jehovah wants everyone to be saved (Ezekiel 33:11). Jesus, himself, commissioned us to go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations (Matthew 28:19, 20). Jesus also said that the harvest is great but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37, 38). Does that really sound like we have time to go to a university?
2017-04-24 2:48 am
God is not Santa Claus or a Genie or some universal servant. If he doesn't believe you should have it, it won't happen. Plus, prayers get blocked by people, agrieved angels, and The Devil all the time. Plus, in my case, other people take advantage of my kindness & sweetness and view it as weakness. Instead of the compassion, empathy, and love it is. There is always someone trying to set you up, sabotage you, or are too arrogant to give you work or chances you deserve.
2017-04-24 12:17 am
Well dao, mao, pow wow and how?
If you are saved in Christ to at least thank God and Christ..He/they hear you.
Yes the teachings tell us that we should go to school full length, gain degrees, Master Degrees, doctrites.
Yet all the degrees still not guarantee a good job near you, for you.
You could become a full scholastic like junky going to colleges and universities all your life. Look at the terms for lawyers and doctors.
2017-04-23 10:24 pm
He did answer your prayers--his answer was "No." God does not do our hard work for us; he expects us to work hard first, then ask for his help. While you were praying for 3 years, did you also study hard and get good grades? If not, then you have only yourself to blame for college rejections.

Sometimes God can treat us like a strict parent. He doesn't always give us what we want, but does always give us what we need. You need to take control of your life and decide what to do if you cannot go to a university. Praying doesn't relieve you of responsibility for your own choices.
2017-04-26 5:58 pm
he also hear don't worry he did that is better for you not a u know that better for u
so bilieve on his
and don't hurt..
2017-04-26 10:04 am
God doesn't exist. the bible was made up to brainwash billions of peasants to be obedient to the feudal system, feudalism. Work for free.
2017-04-25 10:33 pm
There is a little skill required to get God to answer prayers. First, stop praying to Jesus; that will get you nowhere. [Jesus is not God Almighty, nor has God authorized him or anyone else to hear our prayers.]

You must believe the Bible when it says that God doesn’t hear some prayers. For example, Jeremiah 7:16-20, in God’s own words: “As for you, do not pray in behalf of this people. Do not cry out or offer a prayer or plead with me in their behalf, for I will not listen to you.”

Other examples of God not hearing prayers are: Deut. 1:45; Isaiah 1:15; and, Jeremiah 14:11; Lamentations 3:44.

You MUST pray to know: 1) who He is, and, 2). what is His will and purpose for humans and our earth.

This is vital. When God hears your prayers, he will alert angels who are in every corner of the earth, waiting for God's direction (Revelation/Apocalypse 14:6). These will send God's representatives to your home. Whatever you do, please, please, please, do not turn them away.

They may use names that anger you, but, please listen to them. Chill out, and remember, they are my friends, so be nice. I have tens of thousands of people who felt life's frustration just as we all do. These listened and benefited themselves. You are not alone.
參考: www.jw.org
2017-04-25 10:17 pm
If you are serious, which I doubt. Read the book of James in the New Testament. James was Jesus step Brother and he was the head of the church in Jerusalem where all of that Apostles went to Church. He tells in his book among other things, why some people gtet their prayers answered by God and some don't.
2017-04-25 3:02 am
God is not there just to supply your shopping list!
2017-04-25 12:38 am
The reason you didn't get into University is because
... your GPA needs to be higher.
... you need to be more engaged in extracurricular including sports
... you need to pay better attention to your applications
... you need to know what you are doing
... you did not bother enrolling into a 2 year community college so that you could transfer to a 4 year university. If you had, you would be a Junior at a University by now.

Your "Wish thinking" of babbling to an imaginary fantasy best friend is no substitute for a REAL plan and hard work.
2017-04-24 11:51 pm
He's busy these days
2017-04-24 10:56 pm
did you try islam ,
2017-04-24 7:30 pm
Abraham was 75 years when God promised him a child but it didn't come till 25 years.

Don't murmur or complain. It is sin.

Job said "Even though he slay me yet I will trust in him. For in my flesh I shall see God."

2017-04-24 10:37 am
Christians claim unanswered prayers are either "no" or "not yets." The Bible says if you have enough faith, you can tell a mountain to jump in the sea and it will. Oddly, I've never seen a man command a mountain to do this; and Ive certainly never seen a mountain jump into the ocean. God hasnt answered your prayers for one of two reasons.. either he doesn't give a fuc k, or he doesn't exist. It's probably the latter.
2017-04-24 3:17 am
Because the prayer is a double minded person...sez so in James in the KJ bible.
2017-04-25 2:36 pm
Gods don't and cannot answer anybodies prayers. You only have yourself to rely on.
2017-04-24 10:18 am
Ok, ex-Christian here. Give me room. The ugly truth I found is when I was looking up the race debate on Egypt. Bear with me. It turns out it was not the Pharoah that ran Egypt but the priesthood. Now Egyptian religion included burnt offerings and hatred of pigs and bathing and prayer with absolute faith in the Gods. What does that sound like to you? Did Jews come from Egypt? What better way to control somone then to give them an unattainable goal and faith for when the religion fails? Are not the pyramids the greatest weapons on earth at the time? An army of willing slaves....I was staunch Christian....now I am a scientist. God is there but not in the bible friend.
2017-04-24 12:30 am
the first sin is lust, men need to repent of their sins, the whole decree of Jesus telling the world that no signs will be given to an adukterous generation is an absolute decree unless one repents
2017-04-24 12:25 am
If we ask God for anything, we must ask it only if it is his will and through his Son and our King, Jesus Christ. If a person is not living according to God's standards his prayers will never be answered. God hears prayers of those faithful to him and those who are wanting to know him and do his will in all things. If you would like to "come to know the only true God" and his Son, Jesus Christ, he will answer your prayer. John 17:3 How only can we "come to know the only true God" and his personal name? Is it not by means of the Bible? Do you now who "the only true God" is? Do you ever wonder what his purpose is for you? Have you ever wondered what God's purpose for this beautiful life-filled earth we live on is? If you have, then I invite you to go to the international website, jw.org and see About Us > Activities and About Us > Conventions. These people permeate with love for each other just as Jesus commanded them at John 13:34 and 35: "I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples--if you have love among yourselves." These people are from over 240 countries of all nationalities, religions, cultures, languages and backgrounds and yet are in unity with Christ Jesus and his Father because of the love among themselves. Their prayers are answered because they are doing "the will of the Father" as did Jesus. If you like what you learned and would like to learn more, you are invited to request your FREE personal Bible study online. Thank you so much for this question.
2017-04-25 11:19 am
Ok, think about this? Why would a diety answer /your/ prayers? No offense or anything; it's just that God works on a universal scale. God can't answer everyone's prayers. Imagine this:

Person A: God, can you let me get 1st place?

Person B: God, can you let me get 1st place?

God can't, therefor, answer everyone's prayers
2017-04-24 7:15 pm
Because "GOD" is a phantom of everybody's Imagination, just because of a book called "The Holy Bible" which the majority of people believe to be true BUT who (apart from [as written in the book] Moses, Mary & Jesus) nobody has ever heard "GOD" speak !

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