Is Joe Biden a Better president Than Trump?

2021-02-26 11:01 pm

回答 (13)

2021-02-26 11:03 pm
He's been in office a month and gas prices have gone up and he's already starting another war.

What a great American leader.
2021-02-26 11:02 pm
So far. But, he has only been in for a little over a month. 
2021-02-26 11:06 pm
JILL Biden is a better President than Trump..
2021-02-26 11:02 pm
Not by a long shot. 
參考: Nope
2021-02-26 11:08 pm
God yes! He's only been in office a month and has done more than Trump ever did in his 4 miserable years.
2021-02-26 11:06 pm
No.  Heck no.  Nope.  Not a chance.
2021-02-26 11:07 pm
Not even close. President Trump is a top President of all time.

Under AntiPOTUS Biden, unemployment has risen, fuel prices are soaring, the stock market is wavering, we're getting back into bad international deals and organizations, and we're heading towards another Middle East war. 
2021-02-26 11:08 pm
For China, Iran, the Soviet Union and transgenders?
You Betcha!
2021-02-27 12:08 pm
Joe is only qualified to shine Trumps shoes & that's about it.
2021-02-27 1:04 am
A circus monkey would have been a better president than trump.
2021-02-26 11:24 pm
Yes. Of course Biden is a better president than Trump. And, time will prove him to be a good president. But, know that anyone would be a better president than that treasonous Trump who believed he had the right to do whatever he wanted and organized and incited an insurrection in an attempted coup to overthrow the government of the United States ... Trump's a traitor. And, any American who continues to support him after the 6th of January is a traitor as well.
2021-02-26 11:13 pm
Ask yourself, what has Joe Biden done for the American people?  Do we have more jobs?  Do we have less taxes?  Is our life happier?  Are we better protected?  Are our soldiers better off?  Are our police better off?  Are our car dealerships better off?  Is our energy better protected?  There were 86 cultures that stretched across 5,000 years studied by anthropologist J.D. Umvin in Britain in the 1930s.  Have you ever considered his findings on a nation that embraces homosexuality and sexual perversions?  There are great benefits throughout history for traditional marriage and monogamy.
2021-02-26 11:09 pm
So far Biden has shown himself to be a much better  president than Trump.  However, that being said as far as the MAGA groupies and Trumpsters are concerned no human being on this planet can be as good as Trump because he is their god. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:18
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