Why does the us have such high racial tensions?

2020-06-03 2:45 am

回答 (110)

2020-06-03 5:20 am
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Most people, myself included, want everybody to be equal but that doesn't happen.  In our state, unless your father is the hiring manager, Caucasians don't stand a chance at obtaining that good federal, state, or municipal job with outstanding benefits.
2020-06-03 1:38 pm
That's the narrative that the mainstream media is pushing and you have a bunch of people who are very gullible and can't distinguish lies from the truth!

According to MSM, all Trump supporters are white supremacist, all cops are white supremacist(yes, even the black cops), and everybody that disagrees with the democrat party!

So, apparently half the country is either a white supremacist or a Nazi!

It's not so much racism that's the problem, it is false accusation of racism and the hatred that ensues in that persons heart torward the person they THINK is racist that is the real problem, all started by the MSM!
2020-06-03 2:47 am
The Liberal movement is designed to set people at eachother throats so they can watch America burn.
2020-06-03 7:34 pm
Lack of intelligence and respect for all races
2020-06-03 9:33 am
It’s a nation of high tensions in general. That’s why everybody here is on psychiatric drugs and has anxiety disorders etc. Because there’s a huge discrepancy between the wealthy and the poor and it’s basically run by corporations, this country. So people feel powerless.
2020-06-03 2:57 am
The farther to the right one goes, the more authoritarian they become. This leads to a superiority complex that wants to blame groups of people they consider inferior for problems. I'll give you another example of the US right wing. These are the only group of people in all first world countries who don't think health care is a human right. As long as they have theirs, screw the rest (until they are the one saddled w/ a health condition they can't afford). The rest of us in this country have to endure these righties too.
2020-06-04 4:59 pm
Ask Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi that they and Moron Obama created it in the horrendous 8 years of Obama and Joe Biden
2020-06-04 11:26 am
Our PREVIOUS President Divided us and him and George Soros are paying people to cause havoc.
2020-06-03 9:29 pm
I am not sure.  Even countries like Australia and Canada don't (they both have similar "pioneer" lifestyles). But it doesn't seem that you are REALLY asking a question to know the answer, but merely saying what you think in the form of a question. (It is sort of like 'asking'  why Belgians like pommes frites or why German supermarkets are closed on Sunday.)
2020-06-06 12:11 am
Because we have instigators that stir it up constantly to bring this nation down.  
2020-06-07 1:27 am
We don't really have high race tensions, if you look at protests you see every race coming together to fight a cause. The problem we face is police brutality that many times unfairly targets blacks. This is a problem that needs to be fixed. The majority of police officers are good people who serve the community, but we have a lot of bad people that use unecessary force/are racist. These people should not be cops, and its something that has to change.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:51
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