Does cancel-culture America really believe they can shape the country in their image using passive/aggressive force? Then what happens?

2021-04-11 1:19 am
Has it even thought things through that far? Has it considered how many factions currently aligned to eradicate conservatives will refuse to play well with each other once liberalism is the only game in town?

Let’s avoid playing Devil’s Advocate locally and jump ahead where all like-minded liberals are all on the same page or at least have reached some kind of détente with each other. What happens after that? Anyone think China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and others are just going to roll-over when they see the Utopian perfection liberals have created in the U.S.? 

Think you can wait to cross that bridge when you come to it? If so, you haven’t been keeping up with current events. Those countries aren’t going to wait for liberal/socialist America to get all its ducks in a row. 

I expect no one will answer this question or will refuse to accept the premise if they write anything at all. It doesn’t matter anyway since this forum won’t exist soon, but I just thought some of you should think about everything that’s happening all the way through to the end. 

Maybe, the world would actually be a better place if everyone would just do what liberal America says. I’m pretty certain that’s not going to happen. Y’all got a Plan ‘B’? Maybe, you should create one before marching the entirety of conservative America over the cliff's edge.

回答 (22)

2021-04-11 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Regardless of which political party you affiliate with or don't, if you're an American you have the right to speak freely. If someone tries to cancel or silence you that's all the more reason to get loud. 
To the person who said, get over it things change... Yes things change because of people who stand up for their rights. Segregation, black Civil rights movement, women and blacks getting the right to vote, gay marriages, interracial marriages... it was the people that refused to be canceled that gave us these rights by speaking out in the face of adversity. They didn't just "get over it."
2021-04-11 1:21 am
Get over it-. Colonialism and slavery, segregation and borders with walls and guns in your hands are wrong.  Things change.
2021-04-11 1:21 am
Censorship has never worked before. No reason to think it will work now.
2021-04-11 2:02 am
Are you talking about trump trying to cancel coke and baseball?
2021-04-11 8:39 am
I think they are hoping that they will have total control of politics and culture.
2021-04-11 9:39 am
Republicans got conquered by liberals. The rest of the world got nothing to worry about. 

Republicans cant say nothing cuz they got cancelled themselves. If you let that happen, you'd have been no match for China, Russia or whomever.

You talk a big game but you cant even keep your own people in check.

Cancel culture isnt  liberals fault. Its what happens when get tired of paying your rent
2021-04-11 2:22 pm
Did you just let out a long protracted fart from that greasy McDonald’s banquet you just inhaled which is still fermenting and gurgling in that preggers potbelly that serves double duty for you as an auxiliary steering wheel airbag when you’re driving,  or was that actually intended to be some type of question? Because It’s really difficult to tell the difference.  What will you will you do in a little over a week when you can’t come on here and make a total @sshole of yourself anymore?

2021-04-11 10:58 pm
Liberalism will never be the only game in town.  There is a God in heaven who controls the affairs of men and there has always been the cancel culture who have tried to eliminate Jews and Christians for thousands of years.  The only thing the ungodly can look forward to facing is the wrath of an Almighty God.  
2021-04-11 4:45 am
IKR why are religious people trying to cancer culture that dude that stripped in front of the devil? he has a right to do his first abreastments!! 
durr hurr
2021-04-11 4:36 pm
Extremists will go back expressing their opinions on SW radio and restroom walls.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:42:02
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