Will the Coronavirus be a lot less severe by July and August?

2020-05-28 12:29 am

回答 (92)

2020-05-28 8:19 am
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Based on what I've been hearing and reading, it is seasonal in the sense that heat and humidity greatly reduce its transmission rates.  The expectation seems to be that transmission will plateau or even go down in July and August, and likely make a resurgence in November and December.  However, it does remain to be seen.  It may be premature to definitively assert anything at this time.
2020-05-28 5:09 am
I hope so, but I don't know so. I don't think anybody can really know ahead of time.
2020-05-28 5:24 am
Hopefully it'll slow down so that everything would be back to normal.
2020-05-28 2:54 am
Who really knows.. The best that even scientists can do is make educated guesses. 
My prediction is that it will improve in these urban areas that have been hit hard because people have seen it, believe it & are adjusting their behavior. It will get worse in the food producing communities because the M.O for the way this work is accomplished is difficult to change.
2020-05-28 2:45 am
Why do people keep asking these questions ? How is anybody supposed to answer that? You have to learn how to live with uncertainty. Because that’s the ‘new normal’
2020-05-28 12:30 am
I'm worry about the side effects after the coronavirus. Look at the rashes of the children at NY.

Also, will we having a second coming in the fall around the election?
2020-05-29 2:29 am
it will rise as summer goes hotter it will spike and anyone in water
will be at a risk ! the feeds off of heat and body heat the core of the host
you may think that cold and heat changes the virus nope , just like the ones going to the beach and putting others at risk really need to be getting heavy fines and really know the risks they are putting others at heavy risk ,,,,,,but they dont care and think they are fine grouping up

thinking that they are doing a good thing on the beach .hell they need to go take a bath really and cool of that way ..the dorks and hoes are down right being rude and breaking the law really ...............if it was up to me everyone on the beachs needs to be bent over at smacked 120000 times with a big stick
2020-05-29 6:08 am
If you know the Lord, you know His word is health to your bones.  When the doctor tells you to take a medicine, you take it.  The same is true with reading God's word daily.  God's word is our BREAD for LIFE.  The Coronavirus is an enemy of Satan's that has come in like a flood because of increased sin.  And since sin has been increasing, God allows it.  The Coronavirus is a curse, not at blessing.  Curses are caused by sins, not God.  Because of sin, the curse (virus-pestilence) can become less severe, if we study God's word and repent of our sins.  Christians do not ever want to hear, "I never knew you," from Jesus.
2020-05-28 6:17 pm
sure it will disappear
2020-05-30 11:37 pm
Coronavirus is going to less if we follow the guidelines of world health organization. It is important to respect the health authorities and maintain the guidelines of social distancing. 
2020-06-01 9:26 am
Your best answer is an alt-right fantasy. Nobody knows any such thing, which is science.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:37:03
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