TRUE OR FALSE- Donald TRUMP has no racism against anybody?

2016-11-22 6:15 pm

POLITICS- POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is indeed the theme of presidential elections in the us

回答 (664)

2016-11-22 9:29 pm
He may have said some things that some may find discriminating, But people have forgotten what the word "Racism" even means. Racism means that a person thinks his/her race is superior to any other race.So as far as im concerned Trump hasn't said that any race is less worth than another or that a person from another race is less worth than a white person. He won 1/4 of the black votes and 1/5 of the hispanic votes. He has a lot people from other races and religions that works for him so my answer is no, Donald Trump is not a racist.
2016-11-23 6:02 pm
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2016-11-23 10:37 pm
2016-11-23 7:34 pm
2016-11-22 7:00 pm
Congratulations President Trump
2016-11-23 3:10 am
2016-11-22 6:32 pm
TRUE OR FALSE- Donald TRUMP has no racism against anybody?
Trump has never expressed RACISM towards any one of any Race / Color but he does call & bring out the STUPID in People of all Color / Race, LOL !
2016-11-25 7:10 am
2016-11-23 7:31 pm
2016-11-23 5:47 pm
2016-11-23 4:00 am
2016-11-23 10:30 pm
2016-11-22 9:48 pm
True. I'd like to see ANY evidence that says otherwise.

I can discount all of the false allegations right now:

Illegal aliens are NOT the same as legal Hispanic immigrants. People who say he hates Mexicans are too ignorant to realize this.

Most Muslims aren't terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslims. It makes all of the sense in the world to temporarily ban them from coming to our country temporarily until we can figure out how to properly vet them. People getting offended is not as important as potentially saving American lives.

Trump has never said anything disparaging against blacks.
2016-11-22 9:08 pm
2016-11-23 3:02 am

I have yet to see any unedited footage or hear any audio indicating racism on the part of Donald Trump. The devious Democrats ran a smear campaign that was indeed very effective, but there was no evidence provided.

Border security is the right of every sovereign nation in the world, so keeping illegals out is considered to be a positive step forward.

A moratorium on Islamic travel or migration to America is a sensible approach to the terrorism threat. However since Islam is not a race or ethnicity, then banning their entry is not racism.

Political correctness is hopefully a foolish phase that we can all look back upon with a giggle, snicker or perhaps even derision. Trump doesn't buy into that nonsense and neither do I.
2016-11-25 8:44 am
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2016-11-22 9:21 pm
2016-11-23 3:03 am
2016-11-25 8:09 am
2016-11-22 9:04 pm
Donald Trump wasn't labeled a racist until after he took sides against the Democratic Party. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton has stated publicly, that one of her heroes is the racist Margaret Sanger, the founder of the murderous organization, Planned Parenthood. So who's the racist?
2016-11-23 12:15 pm
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2016-11-23 12:54 pm
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2016-11-23 2:01 am
2016-11-22 9:47 pm
2016-11-22 6:21 pm
meh.....I dont think he's racist. I think he's just someone who impulsively says stupid things and the media uses that to spin a story.
2016-11-22 10:49 pm
Happy Thanksgiving to President Trump and his administration and to all Americans who now have a true leader for our country and the free world . We should also all be thankful and proud of our election system that our founding fathers set up for us worthy American citizens to cherish and respect.
2016-11-22 6:25 pm
True , he said that he loves Muslims too but the problem is that he gone too far with his love toward us to hire the NSA Traitor Michael Flynn who openly supports Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists in Qatar , Turkey and Gaza , this is annoying to the majority of muslims , since the muslim brotherhood is a terror organziation , recognized as such by Russia , Egypt , kazakhstan and Emirates . we didn't expect that from Trump , he is doing bad now .

Video shows an American Egyptian Muslim showing his love and support for trump
Video of Trump saying he loves muslims and muslims are great people
video of the NSA Traitor Lobbying for the muslim brotherhood terroists in Turkey he is a Paid Agent by Erdogan at the same time he calls islam a "cancer" , this flynn is a muslim brotherhood agent in trump cabinet he want to spread hatred against muslims to destory american from within this is the goal of the muslim brotherhood , Trump must remove this Traitor Michael Flynn he is the second brzezinski who supported alqaeda and taliban during the 70's
2016-11-22 11:34 pm
2016-11-23 1:53 am
2016-11-23 3:54 am
How on earth could anyone possibly give a definitive answer to this question other than Donald Trump himself? Who among us is qualified to judge what goes on inside his mind and heart?

That having been said, we can only speculate based on the things he's said and the things he's done.

Before we can do that we must have an OBJECTIVE definition of what constitutes "racism". Since, in today's world, someone somewhere will be offended by anything someone else says or does. The Oxford English dictionary defines racism as: Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior

Since his presidential campaign began, I have personally not seen nor heard him say anything fitting this definition. Does that mean he has not said things that might be considered "offensive"? Of course not. But because "offense" is so subjective, he could literally take the stage and say, "Hello, my name is Donald Trump" and some idiot liberal would be 'offended'. Since the beginning of his presidential run, I have not seen or read about any actions he's taken that could in all fairness be considered 'racist' (again based upon the above definition of racism)

Therefore, while I'm not qualified to judge the man's heart or mind, I can judge his words and actions...and based on the above definition of 'racism'...the answer to your questions is.....TRUE

Just because someone chooses not to follow the libtard mandate of Political Correctness, does not automatically make that person a racist...before PC, people in America had something more important it was called FREEDOM OF SPEECH...
2016-11-22 10:12 pm
True, if you had been watching him, he never said a word that attacked a race. All he said was that we need to limit Chinese manufacturing and bring some of it to the States, and that we should be more cautious of Middle Eastern visitors, but that's about it. The way he worded these things were outspoken, but he certainly doesn't hate immigrants. His wife is one too. He's also close friends with many black celebrities.
2016-11-23 7:02 pm
2016-11-22 11:59 pm
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2016-11-23 1:30 am
2016-11-22 9:22 pm
I see a lot of Clowns, saying that Mr Trump is a Raciest if so many People thinks this how did he Win?

Cause Hillary is a Bigger Bull$hitter the anyone I've ever meet.
2016-11-22 10:34 pm
Everyone is a little racist (at least just a little), but Trump hasn't said anything that actually suggests he hates any race of people. Some people just love to overreact to everything.
2016-11-23 12:54 pm
True. How could he - he hires and works them all. Does he like everybody? No and neither do I. How do you like a lazy free loader? Evidently, you don't like Donald Trump so you don't like everybody either. Racism and ethnicity at one time were different words. We have a large group of people on the racism bandwagon and it needs to stop. It is dividing this country and that is what people like Louis Farrakhan and Obama's Rev. Wright seem to want. The Lord has no racism in His commandments or in His Word. Jesus does not want any to perish, but that all come to know Him. Our Founding Fathers knew Jesus and for that reason we have the "Lord" in the dateline of the Constitution.
2016-11-22 9:16 pm
Donald Trump has no racist feelings/beliefs/actions toward anyone. He tells the truth about all of the problems caused by immigration, whether legal or illegal. Especially illegal.
2016-11-23 10:04 pm
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2016-11-23 6:58 pm
2016-11-23 6:21 am
2016-11-23 3:59 am
False. He said mexicans are brining rapists and drug addicts and thats why he wants a wall. He called all muslims terrorist and they should not be allowed into tbe county. Hes also sexist if that counds for anything. Hes also a hyprocite since hes already going back on things he promised. I know this has to do with his racism but he has so many inhuman qualities, i couldnt stop myself. He may be offically president but i damn sure wouldnt follow his crazy *** anywhere. As soon as he goes to negotiate with another country, all hell will break loose. Lets see if you happy trump supporters would be so happy when he sets america up like a buisness and we end up on a nuclear war. Its a country, not a buisness and trump isnt the best choice for president. Neither is hillary. Which is why 2016 is the worse year of my ******* life.
2016-11-23 6:14 pm
Donald Trump says a lot of stupid things but the media has over exaggerated everything and made it seem racist. It's very easy to take a clip from one of his speeches and twist it around to manipulate the mind of their viewers. I'm no Trump supporter but throwing out racism without doing research is how Donald Trump wins because the left loses credibility and no one takes them seriously.
2016-11-23 1:06 am
True Protecting US borders is Not Racist Just Common sense

Islam is a Cult Not a Race
2016-11-22 8:24 pm
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2016-11-22 6:25 pm
False......cons refuse to admit it, but the ENTIRE Birther movement was nothing BUT flaming RACISM.

they *NEVER* had ONE legitimate reason to question his place of place of Birth. Not ONE.

and *every* last reason or excuse they used, was PROVEN to be FALSE, countless times over, and yet they STILL continued to repeat the RACIST lies.

Trump was the biggest BIRTHER MORON of all. He claims he's so smart.......he claims he's surrounded by the BEST people......all these ivy grad brainiacs.................then HOW THE HELL did he not know all this crap was just FALSE and racist based?

the answer is..............of course he KNEW...........but he pandered to that brain dead win their votes, and it worked.

He used the racist agenda to advance his cause. Now he's the KING of racist idiots, standing there, saying he's NOT racist.

He only *finally* admitted Obama was born in America when the PRESS cornered him, and FORCED him to do it. He has NEVER *apologized* for the 8 years of stupidity and false accusations and in fact, still believes it was HE who "finally settled the matter"..........when in fact, there was NEVERRRRRRRR any matter to settle, and smart people knew where Hawaii was 8 freaking years ago.

Trump only admitted it THIS year..........under duress from the press.
2016-11-24 11:19 pm
True... His top trusted business confidant is a sexy very intelligent African American woman. She was the winner of his apprentice show and has been a staple in his crew of advisors which is a big job considering he has businesses in 22 countries. In all fairness have we any facts or evidence that Trump has injured anyone based solely on race nationality religion? Trump has many folks in his upper echelon of business Latino Asian women etc but it's ridiculous that that we look at race of his friends business associates to dismiss claims of racism where none exists... The truest data w regard to presidents and or candidates tied to racial issues is Obama's ties to support from black panthers and AL sharpton who is and has been anti semetic and had made a living from racial tensions. Hillary Clinton although I disagree w the intent of the predator bill and what folks claim which was the Clintons signed the predator bill which caused massive incarceration of black folks Farrakhan agrees.
2016-11-24 6:05 am
TRUE. People accuse him of racism because of the comments he has made about muslims and mexicans. Everything he said about them is the TRUTH but liberals cannot handle the truth since the truth is not politically correct. Muslims ARE a threat to this country. Islam is a dangerous religion aka cult that breeds terrorists like no other religion or ideology. There have been 18,000 muslim terrorist attacks in the last 10 years around the world while there have only been 12 non-muslim terrorist attacks during that time span. Muslims have been the cause of death for thousands of people in a pretty short span of time. People will say "terrorists are NOT real muslims, they are radicals and extremists! Not all muslims are terrorists!". Fair enough. Not ALL muslims are terrorists but 99% of terrorists are muslim! And yes, terrorists ARE real muslims. The "radicals" and "extremists" are actually following their religion. The "peaceful" muslims are liberal muslims who do NOT follow their religion. Where do people think the "radical" muslims got the idea to commit acts of terror in the first place? They got it from their religion! The Qu'ran promotes terrorism, murder, and any violent means necessary to spread Islam. If islam didn't exist, terrorism would stop for the most part.

As for trump's stance towards mexicans... no, its not racist. He doesn't have anything against LEGAL mexicans. His only problem is with ILLEGAL immigrants. The truth is that many mexicans who come here are indeed criminals. They are murderers, rapists, gang members, etc who come here and traffic drugs etc. Why shouldn't we protect our borders and prevent people like that from coming here?? Why is it only racist when America does it? EVERY OTHER FIRST WORLD COUNTRY PROTECTS ITS BORDERS AND HAS STRICT IMMIGRATION POLICIES!
2016-11-23 1:49 am
I don't know how racist he might personally be... but I think he's frequently unfairly confused and it's blown out of proportion.

When claims are made about him saying/doing something racist, I would go to the source and try to find the video/audio and watch it in context... I try not to impose intentions on what he's saying and just try to listen and understand what he means.

I don't find nearly the rampant racism, sexism, etc. that he's accused of.
2016-11-25 12:50 am

There is not one iota or shred of evidence to support he is racist or sexist in any manner.

HilLIARy was proven to have paid her female employees 27% LESS than her male employees, yet the libtard press puts her forth as "supporting women's rights" and a "champion of equality" and they regurgitated those lies for years while carefully concealing the fact that Hillary's lies had been documented. Donald Trump pays his male and female employees on the exact same pay scale - the same as he does for white/Asian/black employees.

This is a very similar thing as when the liberal democrats started the KKK and now want to blame the very existence of the Klan on someone else - same with the racist organization known as the BLM.

The dimotards lost!


Asians for Trump, 2016!
2016-11-23 1:06 am
The guy has been a billionaire, reality TV star, entrepreneur, real estate developer. He's been in the public eye for a very long time. Only when he runs against Democrats is he considered a racist.
2016-11-24 5:25 am
True! Donald Trump is the most wonderful god like saint of a human. he could never be prejudiced against anyone. In fact, he's not even a republican (We know this, because he said so). So even though he SO OBVIOUSLY rigged the election, just Shvt up and help erect the giant Donald faces on buildings we are about to see, and prepare for the 20% tax cut for rich people, with the corresponding 20% increase on YOUR taxes. because he wants to make america great again, and that means rich people only. Whoops, did i say that out loud? no, I meant, he's god. Worship him. Send him money. You dont deserve any.
2016-11-23 12:25 pm
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2016-11-23 3:35 pm
2016-11-23 5:31 pm
2016-11-23 12:15 am
2016-11-25 2:11 pm
True, President elect Donald Trump has no, no racism against anybody!!!
2016-11-23 6:34 am
Well when he announced his candidacy he said "When Mexico sends its people they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists.. and some I assume are good people..." And the media always left out that last part, of course- it is a fact they are bringing crime/drugs and some of them are rapists. There are numerous news stories to confirm this and with no legal way to vet them, how do we know how many rape cases go unnoticed or unreported because we don't even know who they are and have no way of identifying them.

I think when a country loses control of it's law and order, you have chaos ensue slowly. You either believe in the laws on the book and enforce them, or you get rid of them. They are called illegals because they are here ILLEGALLY. It's not just a word made up for fun, it's fact.
2016-11-23 2:13 pm
False Man.
2016-11-25 3:13 am
To make a statement that a particular person has No Racism. You could probably find evidence that is false for most anybody. It is my opinion that Donald Trump is no more racist than Barack Obama.
2016-11-23 4:26 pm
2016-11-23 6:55 am
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2016-11-24 7:17 pm
2016-11-24 12:00 pm
2016-11-23 9:07 pm
2016-11-23 2:44 pm
2016-11-25 1:57 am
A definite gender bias toward women. Racism? When he called Mexicans rapist and murders did he call all of them that, define a entire race as such, or just the criminals that were. When he said no Muslims in the country did he say all Muslims, or just the combative ones that want too destroy this country and question the methods too ensure the safety of Americans. Claming a judge was biased because he was mexican, sure do you not believe people can be biased due too them feeling offended, is everyone purely without conflict and able too make professional and unbiased decisions. What about being sued for not allowing blacks onto his residence, take away the black part and it was purely a business decision based on keeping the value of the property from possibly racist white residents.

I would argue on two types of racism, passive racism and full blown KKK racism. He does fit the category but on the lower end of the spectrum. He definitely missed the classes on how too be politically correct.

Rated mostly true.
2016-11-24 5:06 pm
2016-11-24 1:13 am
2016-11-22 9:45 pm
Definitely false
2016-11-23 9:19 pm
2016-11-23 1:09 am
Donald Trump is a good person.
2016-11-23 5:09 pm
2016-11-22 7:55 pm
First thing first, what is racism?

Simple, for humanity and skin color or features when making horrible judgment against anyone or mistreating anyone based their skin color, culture, even religion.

Next try to recall did Donald Duck say anything like that? Umm...

Recalling: Mexcico rapist, Muslim terrorist, bomb the crap outta Finland,ISIS, grab em by pussîes, mocking asian accent, everyone is stealing our job, after all denied all of it.

Finally we can top it all, umm how am I gonna put it... well you tell me.

參考: Troll
2016-11-25 7:08 am
2016-11-22 6:16 pm

His whole campaign was based on racism
2016-11-24 3:23 am
I am not sure. The situation in the USA is such that even if he was not racist, he may have helped his situation by pretending to be. Why? Law enforcement has been effectively neutralized by political correctness.

I am white. I was one of maybe two dozen white kids at my school. The white faculty allowed the Mexican kids to beat the crap out of us. It was not unusual for a Mexican kid to take my work assignment from me, and rip it up. When the teacher asked me why my assignment was not done, or why it was taped together, I would say "Because so and so took it from me and tore it up". I always received the same "Quit blaming your problems on others". The teacher would call my father. My father would whip my ***.

People had the nerve to ask why my brother dropped out of school. He could not take the beating, that is why.

Expecting people to follow the rules, is not racist.
2016-11-22 11:37 pm
2016-11-22 11:00 pm
2016-11-24 8:20 pm
"Racism against anybody"
Racism is not a personal attack, it is a generalization of a group of people with similar ethnic origin and physical features.

So Trump is not a racist. He doesnt generalize a single race as having a defined personality
2016-11-23 4:52 am
2016-11-23 4:52 am
I don't think he's racist. But then again, I don't get how it's racist to want illegals to get out of here. There are no issues with immigration as long as it's done legally.
2016-11-22 10:03 pm
2016-11-22 9:32 pm
2016-11-25 2:26 am
We all have racist tendencies, some less worse than that of other people. I think Trump however was put down by a corrupted media and by corrupted people within our government. So In the worst sense of the word I would say True. Trump is not a racist. Many may disagree but again I think that means they let their mind get polluted by lies in the media.
2016-11-23 2:15 pm
False obviously
2016-11-23 2:07 pm
Definitely false. The first time he showed his colors to the country was in the 1970's when he was charged with discriminatory housing practices. He's never shown any signs of changing his ways. And by surrounding himself with bigots, he is only signalling that he thinks the way they do.
2016-11-22 6:22 pm
2016-11-23 1:05 pm
True. From what I've understood, Donald Trump is just against illegal immigrants. I may be wrong guys so don't attack me.
2016-11-25 1:40 am
2016-11-23 4:46 pm
2016-11-23 10:55 am
Hi Jennifer.

True, for decades he has worked with people of all races on his businesses. He possibly made win Latin American women on Miss Universe and just because he was joking with Alicia Machado and calling her Miss Piggy, something from Hillary Clinton took advantage given the advise from her experts in debates to sell the idea that it was an insult from Trump's part, but it was too obvious and a too forged cheap idea that sounded a lot just because the mainstream media works with the DP.

Probably one man who blacks loved the most, Muhammad Ali would have voted for Trump. Abstracting from the bad light with the media focuses him, what do you get? He has not killed anyone, he divorced because his first wives didn't want to behave as traditional housewives, even if most Americans are protestants and support divorce they don't solidarize with him in this, although ironically the catholics should because of his respect for family values, overall he likes the miracle of multiplication of family and he is who he is, he sounds no polite because he hates to stick to the norms that would make him feel that substracts genuineness to his personality in which his lifelong hearty charisma has always been his presentation card.
2016-11-24 9:45 am
2016-11-22 8:30 pm
-It is widely known that Trump instructed employees of his new York apartments not to rent to blacks during the 70's.
-A black contestant at one of trump's pageants was warned that trump doesn't like black people, and to tread lightly around him
-Trump noted there were black accountants working in one of his businesses, and said he hated it
-He said "laziness is a trait in the blacks"
-He insists that all blacks live in inner city ghettos and are unemployed
-He jumped onto the birther bandwagon, saying the current US president was born in Kenya
-He is packing his cabinet with known racists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites.
-He had a group of black students thrown out of one of his campus rallies
The list goes on and on...
2016-11-22 6:18 pm

Virtually everybody has at least some trace of racism somewhere in their worldview.
2016-11-23 9:05 pm
2016-11-25 3:15 am
Wow, Every person has a little bit of some kind of prejudice in them, I didn't even vote for trump nor Hilary but I've never heard an actual racist thing from trumps mouth.
2016-11-24 7:20 am
The Chinese don't like Donald Trump
The Japanese don't like Donald Trump
The Koreans don't like Donald Trump
The Russians don't like Donald Trump
The Europeans don't like Donald Trump
The Africans don't like Donald Trump
The Mexicans don't like Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the fairest man alive - he doesn't like ANYBODY
2016-11-23 12:34 am
True, there is no evidence for racism.
2016-11-23 12:26 am
2016-11-22 9:39 pm
racism is made up by libs and was coined by (((trotsky)))
2016-11-23 5:48 pm
Donald trump is not a racist
2016-11-23 12:48 pm
2016-11-23 5:05 am
2016-11-23 3:57 am
2016-11-23 3:25 am
2016-11-23 2:36 am
True, but maybe against Hillary.
2016-11-23 2:17 am
he is definatly not racist
but hillory and obama are racist bigots
2016-11-22 7:48 pm
2016-11-23 9:04 am
That is irrelevant as he will be our best President since Ronald Reagan! People especially minorities need to get over this racism issue and do their business!
2016-11-22 9:25 pm
He hates anyone, any color, if they deserve it.
2016-11-25 2:40 am
2016-11-24 12:37 am
Well, I could be wrong, but I think he's changing. Society teaches that once a so and so, always a so and so. I think this isn't exactly true. People are ever changing. Some for the worse, some for the better. What I see is a man who had some racists views at first, but now that he's won, he is realizing he's better then that. I honestly feel like this is a learning experience for him, I don't think he is a bad guy deep down. I do not think his ultimate goal is to hurt people. I think it is to figure out how to fix things, but he wants to do it without being unfair.

He was angry at first (it doesn't matter what race you are, every race gets fed up eventually), but like any good person, once the anger subsided he is now thinking more clearly, and he will hopefully do this world good, not evil. I think he wants a peaceful world, just like anyone. I honestly don't see someone who will hurt others in him.

He won't hurt gay people, he won't hurt people of colour, and he won't make white people look evil. I have a feeling he will do good for everyone.
2016-11-22 8:11 pm
False. There is not one human on the planet that does not
hold racist feelings at one time or another. To say otherwise
is pure Bullshit.
2016-11-22 6:18 pm
true. but still, the dirty mexicans and muslims need to get out of our country anyways ????????????
2016-11-25 5:51 am
2016-11-24 7:26 am
2016-11-23 4:24 pm
2016-11-22 6:18 pm
I do not believe in judging a person by their words, only their actions. He dished out a LOT of Political Rhetoric, as did Clinton. I will judge him on his actions, and his actions alone!
2016-11-24 3:12 pm
2016-11-24 8:58 am
2016-11-24 5:07 am
2016-11-23 10:01 pm
2016-11-22 10:28 pm
Likely false.
2016-11-25 12:25 am
2016-11-23 12:46 am
2016-11-22 6:21 pm
False. I think he hates most of the human race. He see's everyone as a sucker to be fleeced. People fell for a slick, crooked, and avaricious NYC real estate developer.

Also, though carefully worded, his positions and demeanor have emboldened racists and bigots whose vociferous support he gained. When white separatists, the KKK, and other hate groups like what is being said there is an obvious conclusion about what is being said.
2016-11-26 5:11 am
False - Donald Trump is an extremely racist person.

It's NOT too late to get rid of Trump!!! We can still get Donald Trump out of The Oval Office. It's NOT too late!!!! Come on! It's time to stand up and FIGHT!!! We need to stop being so nice!! We don't want this guy representing The USA!! We are better than this.

>>>>>>>The "election" you saw on November 8, WAS FOR TV RATINGS.<<<<<<< We have been played. It was just a guesstimate of who would win.

##### What to do?!? #####

>>>>>The "real" election is December 19. (US Constitution, Article II, Amendment 12) The Electors of The Electoral College haven't voted yet- they vote on December 19th. Donald isn't "locked in" as President-Elect until the Electors vote. If we tell the Electors what we want, and how we want them to vote, it could happen.

The Founding Fathers wrote this method of overriding the people's vote just in case something went wrong- for example just like this. All we have to do is use this method. It hasn't been done before, but we could give it a try.

(1) Go to the website: and sign The Petition. Make sure you get the right one. It is entitled: "Electoral College: Make Hillary Clinton President on December 19"- it is usually on the first page. We currently have 4.5+ MILLION signatures!!!

(2) Write to the Electors of The Electoral College and request save the country, and vote Trump OUT of the Office of President!!! Start with the Electors in the state that you reside. THIS was the reason the Founding Fathers designed this clause in The US Constitution!! Let's use it!

(3) Please tell everyone you know that wants Donald Trump OUT of The Oval Office about this. >>>The REAL election voting for president occurs on December 19 when the Electors of The Electoral College vote. We are running out of time!! Tell everyone you know that wants Donald Trump OUT of The Oval Office about this! The people have spoken! >>>HILLARY CLINTON ALREADY WON THE POPULAR VOTE!!!

Come on people! It's time to save our country and stand up and FIGHT!!!!
2016-11-25 4:30 am
2016-11-25 12:41 am
2016-11-24 11:27 pm
True hes not racist at all
2016-11-24 10:13 pm
2016-11-24 10:10 pm
2016-11-24 9:40 pm
2016-11-24 7:24 pm
2016-11-24 1:21 pm
2016-11-24 6:27 am
Donald Trump loves hot white women.
參考: nonAmerican.
2016-11-23 7:31 pm
2016-11-22 7:16 pm
He is no more no less racist than any other politician
2016-11-22 6:19 pm
George Washington never chopped down a cherry tree. It's a good story, though.
2016-11-25 11:18 pm
2016-11-23 9:19 pm
2016-11-23 6:42 pm
Trump is NOT a racist. Dont believe CNN and their selective hearing
2016-11-23 5:04 pm
2016-11-23 5:04 pm
2016-11-23 4:02 pm
False he doesn't pick on anyone specifically he just makes comments about it.
2016-11-23 3:34 pm
2016-11-23 3:12 pm
******* Fulse
2016-11-23 2:38 pm
I think he is just a greedy, self-centered, arrogant, pompous, imbecile that only loves himself and money. Racist? maybe.
2016-11-23 1:37 pm
2016-11-23 11:48 am
The white man that speaks frankly to you isn't your enemy. True racists are the people that pander.
2016-11-23 10:20 am
2016-11-23 7:05 am
True. he is not racist. Loves jews. He is just closing borders to prevent drug flow, and Mexico is paying for it because they are sending the drugs in America.
2016-11-23 4:31 am
TRUE! Those that say he does are at best lowlifes with much inbreeding.
2016-11-22 9:49 pm
2016-11-25 11:37 pm
2016-11-25 2:48 am
2016-11-25 12:14 am
While I do realize that this is false and I do not support Trump, politicians do change their opinions for the public and their country. You guys do know that, right? President Barack Obama actually said in an interview that he did not support gay marriage in 2008 (or 09). But now every state has legalized gay marriage. There's your proof.
2016-11-24 10:34 pm
No he isn't racist at all! He never said anything bad about Mexicans, he NEVER said that ALL Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers, he said that some are. And he never said anything bad about blacks, he said some are living in poverty so he wants to help them.
Also he might have said Muslims are destroying this country he's kind of right BUT Islam isn't a race, it's a religion so yeah he is NOT racist.
2016-11-23 2:49 pm
2016-11-23 2:42 pm
2016-11-23 2:34 pm
2016-11-23 1:13 pm
False. Almost everyone has SOME racism in them.
2016-11-23 12:58 pm
2016-11-25 2:48 am
2016-11-23 1:04 pm
True as being against a religion such as islam is not racism to have racism you have to be against a race and since we are all part of the human race there is no racism
2016-11-24 6:16 am
2016-11-23 3:12 am
Sorry it took so long to answer this, but I had to wait until I stopped laughing.

False, BTW.
2016-11-22 6:18 pm
man r u serious? FALSE
2016-11-24 9:37 am
2016-11-24 5:43 am
2016-11-23 5:03 am
False. He always makes racist comments towards hispanics and asians. It is also rumored that Trump has molested several women.
2016-11-25 4:57 am
2016-11-23 4:58 pm
2016-11-23 1:47 pm
True or False: The KKK endorsed Donald Trump. There s your answer.
2016-11-25 12:15 am
2016-11-25 12:12 am
2016-11-22 6:17 pm
he is indeed racist. thats does not disqualify him from being the president though
2016-11-22 6:16 pm
donald trump has been accused of being racist by so many angles. it would be very hard how he could pass as not being so
2016-11-22 6:16 pm
false. donald trump wants to deport all the illegals. that seems unfair and discriminatory considering how many mexicans are there
2016-11-28 12:18 am
2016-11-27 9:30 pm
2016-11-27 4:40 am
2016-11-26 8:54 pm
True. Very true. Unless you believe the lying hypocritical MSM.
2016-11-26 2:58 pm
Anyone else reading through the comments to see if anyone said true?
2016-11-26 10:37 am
2016-11-26 6:35 am
True, as in absolute fact, since in his world all people pay with the same currency. Not saying he is for sale, because nothing could be further from the truth, but just that racism and prejudice of most any type in the business world is definitely "Bad for Business"
2016-11-25 11:54 pm
2016-11-25 10:00 pm
Trump has singled out the presence of Latinos in this country as the cause of unemployment, when that was caused by his rich friend outsourcing jobs. That is racism and Trump is a demagogue.
2016-11-25 8:42 pm
2016-11-25 7:29 pm
2016-11-25 6:45 pm
true, niggggers suck and dont count
2016-11-25 4:53 pm
False. I think you're just pissed that he won. Lol
2016-11-25 4:37 pm
In sane person will answer false.
2016-11-25 3:46 pm
Does hating the poor count?
2016-11-25 12:35 pm
Allow me to put it this way: I now know how Adolf Hitler came to power how hatred and separation were justly elected for I have seen it happen in the USA.
2016-11-25 11:11 am
true or false, the average american (including yourself and most everyone posting here) has no racist feelings toward anyone? Almost every American has misconceptions and negative ideas about other races BUT it is ignorance-inspired racism...we dislike or feel uncomfortable around people we are unfamiliar with and sadly many races in the United States still remain stay with blacks, whites with whites, asian with asian, etc...most racism results from ignorance about different races and would be fixed if all races would truly unite and be interwoven together in society...we SHOULD be able to step outside on any given day and see a half dozen different races represented just outside our front door, instead I have indian neighbors who won t even let their daughter stand with the rest of the kids at the bus stop because they feel so awkward and shy in this culture...people should be able to come here and bbe amazed at how friendly our country is and how easily you can be accepted into society...sorry, didn t mean to rant...the misunderstanding of racism in our country really bothers me...
2016-11-25 8:09 am
I don't think he is racist.. certainly not as racist as most blacks against whites anyway. It is just the Democratic way to say that.. they have nothing else to say!
2016-11-25 6:46 am
2016-11-25 6:34 am
2016-11-25 5:11 am
2016-11-25 4:19 am
2016-11-25 3:50 am
2016-11-25 3:34 am
2016-11-25 2:59 am
True. Wanting to deport illegal immigrants is not racist and neither is wanting to stop immigration from countries where terrorism is a big problem.
2016-11-25 2:02 am
False af
2016-11-25 1:58 am
How the hell am I suppose to know? We can't read into people we don't personally know. Sure enough, though, the liberal media is going to make it seem like Trump is literally Satan, and the weak-minded, P.C. police, that are liberals are going to believe that, but none of us know for sure. So, to answer your question: Tralse.
2016-11-24 10:37 pm
Who cares if he is or not.
2016-11-24 9:28 pm
False, very false. The same thing goes for his supporters.
2016-11-24 8:26 pm
I think you mean prejudices, not racism.
2016-11-24 8:03 pm
2016-11-24 7:56 pm
2016-11-24 7:41 pm
True, Mexican isn't a race. Muslim isn't a race. Woman isn't a race. Illegal immigrant isn't a race.
2016-11-24 11:05 am
2016-11-24 7:57 am
Ease up on the politi-trolling the election is done with, lets do simething productive now..
2016-11-24 5:37 am
2016-11-24 2:42 am
2016-11-23 9:06 pm
True and False, only he knows.
2016-11-23 4:17 pm
The Donald said

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
2016-11-23 3:08 pm
You know, honestly I do not know. There are some things that may have said or done in the past, but the media plays everything out of proportion these days, that I am just not sure what to believe anymore.
2016-11-23 2:38 pm
2016-11-23 2:21 pm
Its amazing what people are calling racist these days.
2016-11-23 1:32 pm
Well the lady on TV says he is a racist. So it has to be true. True?
2016-11-23 1:00 pm
False. Everyone's a bit racist. Wether they accept it or deny it.
2016-11-23 2:08 am
we'll find out in due course
2016-11-22 8:26 pm
I do not have any animosity towards words that other say about a person. I would like to witness for myself. I do not get involve in he say or they say.
2016-11-22 6:56 pm
I think he hates wahabbism, but that is not racism.
2016-11-26 7:10 pm
True. Donald Trump is not racist towards Mexicans or African Americans. He is against illegal immigrants. 52% of 11.4 million illegal US immigrants are Mexican. That's 5,928,000 illegal Mexican immigrants. It's a good thing that he wants the illegal immigrants out. They truly are taking our jobs. A lot of them truly are involved in crime (though probably not as much as Trump makes them out to be. He exaggerates). 60% of the prison population are colored. That means African Americans and Mexicans and other colored races. Trump sounds racist because he only refers to the colored people who commit crimes. He has never said all blacks or Mexicans are criminals. But he has also never specifically said that a lot of them are good honest people. Pence will help Trump be a better speaker.
2016-11-26 4:12 pm
True. In spite of all the False comments, not once has anyone other than the media and the left claimed Trump is a racist. He made comments about Mexicans and Syrian refugees along with radical Muslims, none of which are a race. He's never been accused of racism until he ran for President. But what the hell, let's not let FACTS get in the way of left wing truth.
2016-11-26 1:56 am
2016-11-26 1:20 am
2016-11-26 1:03 am
2016-11-25 10:07 pm
2016-11-25 2:58 am
2016-11-25 2:28 am
False, he said, literally, and I quote, "when Mexico sends its people across the border, they're not sending their best and their brightest...they're bringing crime, they're bringing drugs....they're {Mexicans} are rapists...SOME of them I assume, are good people..." that does not sound like he says just saying there is a problem with Mexican sounds like he's saying the majority of them are criminals!
2016-11-25 12:41 am
2016-11-24 9:37 pm
2016-11-24 9:00 pm
2016-11-24 8:53 pm
I am interested to know why you Americans voted for a racist president!
2016-11-24 8:44 pm
2016-11-24 7:14 pm
2016-11-24 12:53 am
2016-11-24 12:24 am
2016-11-23 11:57 pm
His comments are constantly taken out of context!!! He is not racist!
2016-11-23 11:40 pm
True, disliking illegal immigrants is not being racist... **** this of bullshit
2016-11-23 11:12 pm
2016-11-23 10:52 pm
2016-11-23 10:45 pm
trump has shown his true colors about people who are different from himself he's an as.s hole plain and simple
2016-11-23 10:20 pm
2016-11-23 10:09 pm
True. He just has race realism - which everyone needs to have.
2016-11-23 9:44 pm
2016-11-23 8:56 pm
2016-11-23 8:20 pm
False...He's full of s hit!
2016-11-23 8:09 pm
2016-11-23 7:39 pm
2016-11-23 7:30 pm
true. stop believing everything you hear.
2016-11-23 7:23 pm
about 50/50
2016-11-23 6:46 pm
False he has already stated in public the people he dislikes because of their race or ethnicity
2016-11-23 6:35 pm
2016-11-23 6:14 pm
2016-11-23 6:09 pm
true hes not racist
2016-11-23 6:05 pm
2016-11-23 5:35 pm
2016-11-23 5:26 pm
he is a good man and i wish him well
2016-11-23 5:23 pm
True - illegals of any race are criminal by the act of not following our laws.
2016-11-23 5:21 pm
absolutely true
2016-11-23 5:19 pm
False, Trump is one of the most Racist people i have seen in my life.
2016-11-23 4:53 pm
2016-11-23 4:50 pm
2016-11-23 1:45 pm
Like everyone, we all can have some racist tendencies, but not to the extent the stupid liberals and generation snowflake makes out :)
2016-11-23 1:39 pm
True, Mexican is not a race, Muslim is not a race and no, he hasn't said anything racist about black people.
參考: A Mexican man who has lived in the US for 18 years
2016-11-23 1:13 pm
2016-11-23 12:48 pm
This should not be up for debate...FALSE in all and every level...
2016-11-23 12:17 pm
Look,;the negroes just want to take over the world & they will do anything to do it: A race card here ,a bomb there,going far beyond MLK dreams to dreams of Mohammed or his daddy.
2016-11-23 11:57 am
2016-11-23 11:36 am
True. He doesn't even deport Mexicans, because he knows Mexicans are hard working and lovely , and really good people.
2016-11-23 10:31 am
How is it that Hillary's mentor can be a former member of the KKK and one of the kitchen staff overheard her use the word N*GGER but Trump is the racist?
2016-11-23 10:07 am
false i think
2016-11-23 9:45 am
Wait when he will be president
2016-11-23 7:42 am
Hmm! I agree, I don't like everybody and it isn't a race thing. If I enjoy people great, if I don't tough cookies
2016-11-23 7:10 am
Virtual Reality Daydream!!!False No scientifically....Omid12Omitted....
參考: Knowledge
2016-11-23 4:32 am
2016-11-23 1:44 am
NO trump will stump the liberal chumps!!!!!!! he loves blapck people !!!!!

god bless america
2016-11-22 8:10 pm
i'm for trump but i believe all people have a type of racism against someone but not neccessary due to color or etnic background
2016-11-26 1:43 am
2016-11-25 11:31 pm
2016-11-25 4:43 pm
That is a comlpex question that would be difficult to come up with a definitive answer for ANY PERSON, not just Trump. I see no racism, only zealous self-righteous wanna be do gooders with no rational side. You are either a champion of anti-rqcism or you like the KK. That's sill. they won't admit this but their behavior reflects it. Yes, I'm talking about some of the liberals misled by a ridiculous "movement". I saw the dems sart to lose their tact and sesibility before Obama's second win. I voted for him in 2008 but in 8 years I have studied, studied, read, watched, etc and I have seen the light. I'm an indy with conservative sympahies.
2016-11-25 2:48 pm
2016-11-25 3:32 am
2016-11-25 2:54 am
False af
2016-11-24 9:32 pm
a big false, not to mention a pervert, as well. Here is a man who likes to hang out in the dressing room at the Miss --and teen-- Universe contest.
2016-11-23 7:56 pm
FALSE, he has been quoted saying he doesn't like blacks counting his money. Also, he has said very hateful things against Muslims, like taunting them with pig's blood.
2016-11-23 7:43 pm
True, whenever someone tries to call trump racist, i only am told things about muslims (a religion) and mexico (a country).
2016-11-23 5:39 pm
2016-11-23 4:38 pm
2016-11-23 3:39 pm
2016-11-23 3:34 pm
50/50 false.
2016-11-23 3:20 pm
Donald Trump is very much a racist. He hates orange people.
2016-11-23 1:29 pm
FALSE , All of us are known by our associates , who we listen to and who we let advise us. Brennen, Giuliani and talk of interment camps again.
2016-11-23 7:37 am
2016-11-23 6:27 am
Like every other answer, FALSE
2016-11-23 6:05 am
2016-11-25 3:55 am
2016-11-25 3:24 am
2016-11-25 3:01 am
2016-11-25 2:07 am
2016-11-24 12:18 am
All these people saying false can only mean one thing...
It's False.
2016-11-23 8:34 am
2016-11-23 8:19 am
2016-11-23 4:53 am
False :/
2016-11-23 4:02 am
the biggest false
2016-11-23 3:23 am
2016-11-23 2:24 am
False ofcoarse everybody does
2016-11-23 1:56 am
2016-11-23 1:07 am
False but he isn't as bad as most people say he is
2016-11-23 1:04 am
I do not know what is in his heart, but I can judge his actions. He ran a campaign based on dividing Americans along racial and ethnic lines, and has surrounded himself with persons who espouse white nationalism, and attack non white minorities. The KKK has endorsed him as "one of us"

So, to paraphrase Forest Gump, racist is as racist does.
2016-11-23 12:14 am
You are right
but Trump know there are lots of nutters in America that's how he won votes.
2016-11-22 11:32 pm
Impossible to define. Is it possible for someone who is racist to say non-racist things? Is it possible for someone who is not racist to say racist things? The answer to both is yes, and so far all he has done is spoken.

The real test will come with his ACTIONS. If he actually starts to deport Hispanic people, and some of those people have, according to our current laws, legal rights to be here and he deports them anyway, in my opinion THAT is racist behavior. Already some of the people he has chosen to be in power alongside him have been accused, quite vehemently, of racist behavior, and he has to know that. Although it doesn't prove that he is racist, it does prove that he probably doesn't care if they are, which means he doesn't truly care about anyone but himself, which cannot possibly surprise anyone if you look at the summation of his actions, his speakings, and his history.
2016-11-22 7:38 pm
2016-11-25 3:56 am
2016-11-24 8:38 pm
2016-11-23 4:54 am
2016-11-23 4:28 am
2016-11-23 1:26 am
False mofos
2016-11-22 9:11 pm
2016-11-25 6:16 am
To be honest, I really think the answer is false.

Donald Trump said he wanted to ban Muslims from the United States, and that should say enough. It doesn't matter if he was lying or not, the fact that he would say that shows he has enough bias to wish ill on Muslims.

Even if Donald isn't as bad as people say he is, he's a victim of something that plagues everyone to an extent unfortunately, and that happens to be bigotry.
2016-11-25 5:14 am
Absolutely False
2016-11-23 4:06 am
True but maybeeeeeeeee false
2016-11-23 7:22 pm
2016-11-22 6:15 pm
false. based on what he has been saying, thats why minorities oppose him being the president
2016-12-17 10:23 am
2016-12-03 12:40 pm
2016-11-30 8:52 am
2016-11-30 8:39 am
You don't have to be a racist to support Donald Trump, but you have to be okay with racism.
2016-11-30 8:22 am
You don't have to be a racist to support Donald Trump, but you have to be okay with racism.
2016-11-29 2:00 am
2016-11-28 10:42 pm
2016-11-28 2:10 am
2016-11-27 11:48 pm
2016-11-27 10:40 pm
2016-11-27 8:03 pm
2016-11-27 5:16 pm
2016-11-27 11:36 am
2016-11-27 9:44 am
True, media spins his alleged racism
2016-11-27 7:59 am
700th answer
2016-11-27 6:43 am
False-anyone who says otherwise is in denial.
2016-11-27 6:24 am
True. The man simply just doesn't care about race. That doesn't make him racist. Although I wills say he did target the majority of voters, white Americans, to win the election.
2016-11-27 6:18 am
I believe this is false
2016-11-27 4:49 am
false, google his past history with not renting his apartment rooms to anyone of color in the earlier 1980's, and that was when racism was already "done". Much past slavery. And also "past segregation" days. Feel free to check. Everyone "was equal" then. And people sued trump and his father multiple times over treating people of a different color differently, and not allowing them to stay in his apartments. The Actual proof papers are there as well. Is he still racist? Not sure. But he was then.
2016-11-27 4:24 am
2016-11-27 4:16 am
2016-11-27 4:05 am
2016-11-27 3:48 am
2016-11-27 2:44 am
2016-11-27 2:43 am
2016-11-27 1:39 am
2016-11-26 11:25 pm
Since "Muslim" is not a race and he's only against illegals, not legal Hispanics and Latinos, I'd say true.
2016-11-26 11:04 pm
quit posting the same damn question my god
2016-11-26 10:50 pm
2016-11-26 10:38 pm
2016-11-26 10:26 pm
2016-11-26 9:48 pm
Trump Is just trying to minimize the undesirables from undermining America's society & future.
2016-11-26 9:11 pm
2016-11-26 8:41 pm
False he admitted he wanted to build a wall to keep the neighbours out of his country or something along those lines
2016-11-26 8:40 pm
2016-11-26 8:04 pm
2016-11-26 8:00 pm
2016-11-26 7:50 pm
2016-11-26 7:28 pm
angst pitted
2016-11-26 6:28 pm
2016-11-26 6:24 pm
2016-11-26 6:21 pm
Quick Answer: False. Everyone at least has some racial preference against a group of people.

Long Answer: Donald Trump (spelled with a capital "T" in his last name) is the president-elect of the 2017 term. Being the type of person he is, he is considerably racist. The press has constantly bombarded us with information from his campaign, from building a wall (or a "great fence" at this point) to stop the "rapist" Mexicans and to dismantle trade agreements with China to cause them to suffer. Ouch.

However, we cannot forget the other parties involved. 100% of people in the world are racist, depending on how we classify racism. Simply saying the "N" word to black people may be racist to others, while not letting a white person get a job and letting a Hispanic get one may be racist. In the end, we can say Donald Trump is not racist because he is trying to get through life, or he is racist for attacking minorities verbally. What can we do?
2016-11-26 6:18 pm
2016-11-26 5:59 pm
2016-11-26 5:50 pm
True! If you ask a retarded liberal they will tell you false! But these are the people that praise Hillary Clinton! LMAO!
2016-11-26 5:50 pm
2016-11-26 5:30 pm
2016-11-26 5:25 pm
False , Have you hear this man talk ?
2016-11-26 5:04 pm
2016-11-26 4:44 pm
No.. Donald Trump has no racism whatsoever. Obviously false
2016-11-26 4:23 pm
2016-11-26 4:00 pm
2016-11-26 3:53 pm
2016-11-26 3:40 pm
True or false minorties aren't racist
2016-11-26 3:32 pm
who cares! I AM NOT VOTING FOR A CLINTON OR A BUSH! even if they run against a ham sandwich.
2016-11-26 3:24 pm
true theres no evidence. what he says could just be for votes
2016-11-26 3:14 pm
2016-11-26 3:11 pm
2016-11-26 3:04 pm
2016-11-26 2:56 pm
2016-11-26 2:38 pm
2016-11-26 2:13 pm
2016-11-26 2:12 pm
True. You cannot get on in business if you are or are known to be.
Race is a big issue in the US as it is in Australia because both know they stole the continent, and are currently treating those originals with such cruelty.
Its why these two relatively new countries act as they do. Which is more a reflection on their immaturity than anything else.
2016-11-26 2:12 pm
false- he's racist toward mexicans/latinxs and people of arabic descent
2016-11-26 1:28 pm
That is a really, really stupid question to be asking, and even worse to post here to try to get answers for.
2016-11-26 1:14 pm
False...... Watch: 20 Celebrities who are against Donald Trump
2016-11-26 12:46 pm
2016-11-26 12:21 pm
True...he's proven it by talking. He's sexist too.
2016-11-26 11:54 am
2016-11-26 11:29 am
2016-11-26 11:18 am
He likes money; I doubt it matters where or who it's coming from.
2016-11-26 10:58 am
Objectively false.
2016-11-26 10:05 am
2016-11-26 9:23 am
False. I think all people on this earth have subconscious prejudices weather we realize it or not. But, I don't think he's as bad as some say
2016-11-26 9:04 am
He's damn good at selling himself as a racist to get himself elected. As far as his personal views? Who knows?
2016-11-26 8:56 am
Don't know and don't really care

There is nothing wrong with racism
2016-11-26 8:29 am
2016-11-26 8:20 am
2016-11-26 7:52 am
2016-11-26 7:42 am
2016-11-26 7:06 am
2016-11-26 6:54 am
2016-11-26 6:45 am
I can't get inside his head but he has not said anything to suggest that some races are inherently superior to others.
2016-11-26 6:23 am
2016-11-26 5:59 am
2016-11-26 5:56 am
2016-11-26 5:54 am
2016-11-26 5:53 am
Dolnald trumps mind is only his meaning maybe its only some people like you or anyone else
2016-11-26 5:52 am
2016-11-26 5:14 am
Interesting how the yuge majority of his followers admit that statement is false. That must have been part of the reason they voted for him. Ugh.
2016-11-26 5:04 am
No one is free of having some feeling of racism. Stereotyping is another form. So I would have to say false. But I don't think it is as bad as everyone thinks. Even though I'm going to catch major crap for posting this.
2016-11-26 4:58 am
Still it's false.
2016-11-26 4:15 am
False, the racism charge was brought out last year when he suggested suspending the program that brought islamic "refugees" into the Country. Last Christmas 2 muslims went into a christmas party and gunned down 14 innocent, unarmed people. Come to find out one of the shooters lied on her entrance papers. A mistake someone should have caught. the liberal idea is similar to a line from one of the Shek movies, "some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice Im willing to make".
2016-11-26 4:13 am
2016-11-26 3:53 am
False and why all the dislikes. Are y'all rascist??
2016-11-26 3:03 am
False - Everybody is a little racist. I don't think he's overtly racist and he seems to really want to help everyone despite their race. He wants to make America Great Again.
2016-11-26 3:03 am
He has denied any sort of racism, and has not shown any signs of racism. He has many different ethnicities working for him.
2016-11-26 2:12 am
False he is preferential toward blacks so he is a racist.
2016-11-26 1:55 am
2016-11-26 1:35 am
2016-11-26 12:58 am
He has racism but don't we all to an extent. Many people don't understand the word racist and get it confused with trying to stand up with rights. He has never said anything racist but I am sure he has though of thing that are by the book racist- he is a 70 ish year old white guy what do you expect my grandpas the same
2016-11-26 12:58 am
2016-11-26 12:32 am
2016-11-26 12:25 am
SJW bait
2016-11-26 12:22 am
I bet there isn't one person alive who doesn't have a spec of racism of some sort skewed in their thoughts.
2016-11-26 12:21 am
This is incorrect. Not only is he racist but he's transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and just overall ignorant .
2016-11-26 12:16 am
2016-11-25 11:37 pm
2016-11-25 11:00 pm
Wtf lmao
2016-11-25 10:53 pm
he hates white people!
2016-11-25 10:27 pm
2016-11-25 10:20 pm
2016-11-25 10:02 pm
False as there are numerous place on the media proving he is racist,
參考: The media
2016-11-25 10:01 pm
2016-11-25 9:35 pm
2016-11-25 9:32 pm
He's not racist
2016-11-25 9:21 pm
2016-11-25 9:19 pm
2016-11-25 9:12 pm
Just stop
2016-11-25 8:56 pm
Racism implies hatred and a desire to oppress or eliminate persons of other races. Trump is just a stupid bigot who stereotypes people of other races and isn't considerate enough to watch his mouth. There is a difference.
2016-11-25 8:47 pm
Very very false....

as false as false can be
2016-11-25 8:29 pm
LMAO false
2016-11-25 8:24 pm
2016-11-25 8:24 pm
2016-11-25 8:24 pm
False. It's public record he had lawsuits against him.
2016-11-25 8:19 pm
2016-11-25 8:00 pm
He is probably more "culturist" than "racist". I am like that, since I am not racist at all. I just happen to believe that some cultures and ideologies are superior to others.
It's really the only rational position to take - otherwise would you try to convince me that a cannibalistic culture is equal to a culture that values all humans?
2016-11-25 7:51 pm
Many people believe or fears he is because some things he said but protecting the current Americans is important too. Our economy hurt and we hurt as a people after 9/11. Just like if we get physically hurt we have to heal before we jump on our feet. I believe we will help us get back on our feet before worrying about new waves of Americans go us competition.
2016-11-25 7:42 pm
2016-11-25 7:30 pm
2016-11-25 7:29 pm
True. Donald Trump is in no way racist, but all the left-wingers who are racist themselves will say he is. That is just propaganda 101, what racists will always do is accuse somebody else of racism to deflect from their own hateful and racist views.
2016-11-25 7:14 pm
2016-11-25 7:13 pm
2016-11-25 6:54 pm
True, sorry biting my tongue so much it is bleeding.
2016-11-25 6:47 pm
2016-11-25 6:26 pm
**** that ***** old hillbilly *** *****
2016-11-25 5:56 pm
2016-11-25 5:51 pm
2016-11-25 5:21 pm
i believe its false because he said i want immigrants to come in legally and everybody assumes he is racist because he wants to keep the USA how its always been (nobody is above the law)(is a law)( think) anyways they have been coming in illegally and when he said im putting a stop to that people naturrally assumed he doesnt like the race ...................buttttttttttttttt...........................i really dont know (nobody does)
2016-11-25 5:17 pm
True! Quit being such cry babby bi tch es! You act like being racist is a crime well fu ck **** ers and beaners! Seen kyle!
2016-11-25 5:16 pm
2016-11-25 5:02 pm
2016-11-25 4:31 pm
2016-11-25 4:29 pm
2016-11-25 4:23 pm
2016-11-25 4:12 pm
trump is a good president. he likes all his country people.
2016-11-25 4:07 pm
2016-11-25 4:06 pm
That would be very, very difficult to say about anyone. So, I will say false.
2016-11-25 3:53 pm
You're a racist for asking this!!!!!!!!, I'm gonna tell my momma on you
2016-11-25 3:07 pm
False, he hates everyone
2016-11-25 2:35 pm
Well, his wife is Mexican so.....true?
2016-11-25 1:38 pm
False are u living under a rock
2016-11-25 1:25 pm
2016-11-25 1:22 pm
2016-11-25 12:53 pm
False he's racist personified.
2016-11-25 12:49 pm
True the guy is racist.
2016-11-25 12:18 pm
2016-11-25 11:00 am
This is false
The last sentences wast false..that it was false so it's false that it's false..
2016-11-25 10:32 am
2016-11-25 7:52 am
False. A good example is back when he called Mexicans Criminals, Rapists, and Drug Dealers.
2016-11-25 7:51 am
2016-11-25 7:26 am
He might have been faking it to get disenfranchised poorer whites who usually didn't vote out to the poles.
2016-11-25 5:54 am
I voted for him. But everyone is a little racist. Even you
2016-11-25 5:50 am
Ill say false
2016-11-25 5:04 am
2016-11-25 3:31 am
True. He's the least racist person that you would ever meet.
2016-11-25 3:05 am
2016-11-25 2:56 am
A little but he doesn't REALLY care to be honest
2016-11-25 2:44 am
2016-11-25 2:42 am
Only a white man can make racial slurs off his on biased opinion and win. His daddy was ten times worse and instilled that in him. Only White America and the really light skinned Hispanic population that think they are NOT Mexican still not sure if he's a racist smh...
2016-11-25 1:22 am
Maybe, or maybe not. Almost everyone has been racist at one point, so almost all of us are guilty as well. I don't think the things that he's said are racist, but he might personally be. None of my business.
2016-11-25 1:07 am
Ask him yourself and see if he shows signs that he's lying. Idk what to tell you. The Internet thinks he must be racist and everything on the Internet is true. So there ya go
2016-11-24 11:01 pm
Nooooo lol
2016-11-24 7:56 pm
He is racist against races whose race wants to be racist.
2016-11-24 4:20 am
He LOVES Mexicans.
He loves mexican food, and he loves their cheap labor skills as house maids.
2016-11-23 10:59 pm
Silly question. Everyone has prejudices against various humans/groups/classes; those who deny it, are lying through their teeth.
2016-11-23 2:10 pm
Why ask if america voted for him?
2016-11-23 11:48 am
I don't know, I mean Hilary could never too. Do you know what people discuss in their homes? Nit everyone is open it racists lol.
2016-11-23 10:59 am
People can actually conceal that tendency, and you wouldn't be able to tell.

That is, until they have a couple of fender-benders. One with a white person,

the other with a non-white. Check how they react in both cases.
2016-11-23 8:39 am
I don't think he is racist, although I think he does to some degree pander to them.
2016-11-22 11:32 pm
False its all media bullshit
2016-11-22 7:24 pm
The evidence against HIM being a racist is thin, the evidence against the Trump corporation being racist is stronger however that is nit the same is he being racist
2016-11-27 6:38 am
Donald Trump is awesome. No, I'm not some back woods redneck, either. I live in DC and I'm so glad to finally have a political outsider take office. Listen, I was happy for Obama in 2008, people were dancing in the street here when he won as the first African American president .. But at this point.. it's politicians like Obama and liberal retards that make racist stereotypes ..
2016-11-26 11:46 pm
2016-11-26 6:43 pm
False oh and you forgot sexist
2016-11-26 5:38 pm
2016-11-26 2:51 pm
True. None of the evidence presented ever seems to be telling the whole story. When you actually see the entire picture, you will realize that none of it portrays him as a racist. Of course, you could never prove that someone is not racist, but, here in the U.S., everyone is innocent until proven guilty. This principle is one of the things we fought the British for, and it makes me sad that people are just throwing it out today by accusing all whites of being racist, etc.
2016-11-26 2:39 pm
10000000000000000% FALSE!
2016-11-26 2:53 am
2016-11-26 12:29 am
2016-11-25 11:06 pm
2016-11-25 9:22 pm
2016-11-25 9:22 pm
2016-11-25 7:12 pm
It's funny all those supremacist Trumpsters cannot handle the truth.

Just look at the thumbs down. Pathetic breed.
2016-11-25 2:42 pm
FALSE, he picks on races and religion
2016-11-25 1:40 pm
False. "anti-pc" is just a pc term for closeted racists.
2016-11-25 10:55 am
Love trumps hate. I swear if I see any more Trump stickers I am going to go ballistic.
2016-11-25 7:22 am
2016-11-25 7:08 am
False. He is just a huge screw up!:(
2016-11-25 7:01 am
2016-11-25 6:42 am
2016-11-25 6:22 am
This is a stupid question, what do you expect anyone to say?
Obviously Trump voters aren t going to say True
2016-11-25 5:56 am
2016-11-25 5:23 am
2016-11-25 5:11 am
2016-11-25 4:34 am
2016-11-25 3:49 am
False. He isn't as hateful as people make him sound.
2016-11-25 2:35 am
everyone is a little racist.
2016-11-25 1:29 am
2016-11-25 1:14 am
2016-11-25 1:11 am
No trump is cool
2016-11-25 12:46 am
2016-11-25 12:37 am
2016-11-24 11:25 pm
2016-11-24 11:17 pm
2016-11-24 11:16 pm
2016-11-24 10:40 pm
2016-11-24 9:50 pm
Some people will think that it is true because they think that Trump hates Mexicans even though he clearly said ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS(Not that I'm annoyed by it it's just that I put the illegal immigrants part capitalized because many people think that he hates Mexicans, not supporting just saying, and I'm not sure whether Trump said he would get rid of illegal immigrants someone told me about this)
2016-11-24 9:39 pm
2016-11-24 9:26 pm
Dunno false
2016-11-24 9:03 pm
False. Trump is a racist and a general hater, as he's nasty to white people, too.
2016-11-24 8:56 pm
He is not racist
2016-11-24 8:30 pm
2016-11-24 8:19 pm
2016-11-24 8:08 pm
3,000 per cent false
2016-11-24 8:01 pm
2016-11-24 7:53 pm
2016-11-24 7:49 pm
FLASE *****
2016-11-24 7:45 pm
He is racist.
2016-11-24 7:10 pm
False because anybody who lives in a country with a lot of other races is and if they they aren't, that's a lie and they're in denial
2016-11-24 7:05 pm
Faaaaalssssseeeeee as heeeeeell !
2016-11-24 7:03 pm
2016-11-24 6:13 pm
2016-11-24 5:16 pm
no its False
2016-11-24 4:47 pm
2016-11-24 1:59 pm
2016-11-24 1:14 pm
2016-11-24 12:20 pm
he is schizophrenic
2016-11-24 12:18 pm
well it seems false from what everyone says
2016-11-24 11:36 am
2016-11-24 7:33 am
2016-11-24 5:12 am
Is that even a fooking question?
參考: Obviously false.
2016-11-24 3:34 am
False duh
2016-11-24 2:29 am
why even ask
2016-11-24 2:04 am
I personally don't believe that deporting illegal immigrants is racist, but I do strongly believe that Trump is bigoted.
2016-11-24 2:00 am
2016-11-23 11:52 pm
2016-11-23 6:24 pm
How would you know?
2016-11-23 6:10 pm
f4f anyone?
2016-11-23 5:01 pm
2016-11-23 3:13 pm
2016-11-23 2:48 pm
who knows, he stirs it up, better to ask, is he a sociopath.
2016-11-23 2:40 pm
Everyone has a little racism in em
2016-11-23 2:07 pm
2016-11-23 1:56 pm
2016-11-23 1:20 pm
We all have some racism in us!
2016-11-23 12:09 pm
I would say false but you can't prove that he definetly doesn't like unattractive women tho
2016-11-23 6:54 am
There are people behind him (not all). Who are the worst of the worst.
2016-11-23 6:20 am
2016-11-23 4:00 am
2016-11-23 3:43 am
I do not know.
2016-11-22 10:11 pm
Where do you know?
2016-11-26 3:00 am
False, that's an easy one
2016-11-25 10:59 pm
100% false
2016-11-25 9:40 pm
2016-11-25 7:29 pm
2016-11-25 6:34 pm
2016-11-25 5:39 pm
2016-11-25 5:37 pm
2016-11-25 4:35 pm
2016-11-25 4:03 pm
2016-11-25 2:45 pm
100% False
2016-11-25 7:41 am
False af
2016-11-25 4:28 am
2016-11-25 4:17 am
2016-11-25 12:59 am
2016-11-25 12:54 am
2016-11-25 12:38 am
2016-11-24 10:13 pm
A guy who calls black people, 'the blacks' is definitely racist. I mean, we don't call him, 'the orange.'

Well some of us do.
2016-11-24 8:19 pm

I'm personally not a fan of the term 'political correctness'.
Not only because of the way 'certain' people use the term to discredit people who challenge prejudice and discrimination; but also because I think the term actually implies who believes the words of a politician. (Review one D. Trump if you're still undecided)

But aside from its clumsy (or deliberate) joining of words, it is actually a good thing, that we should all be aspiring to. Our language/ behaviour should not be prejudice or discrimitory towards people. And if it is we should be asking ourselves why over and over until we find the core belief. We need people to call us up on this stuff.......and be politically correct.

We learn and we evolve.
2016-11-24 8:08 am
False. If that were true, he wouldn't be appointing racists.
2016-11-24 7:01 am
2016-11-24 6:55 am
2016-11-23 1:10 pm
Everyone will say false even the ones that voted for him. They didn't seem to care. Somehow Hillary was so bad that he was their logical choice.
2016-11-23 4:17 am
I assume you actually mean the very definition of racist. There's no way to know what he really thinks. If you go by his previous actions and words you could assume he leans towards it but he could just as well just be insensitive, not PC or just dumb. Take your pick but remember; don't shove your opinion down other peoples throats.
2016-11-23 12:42 am
Arnold for President
2016-11-23 12:20 am
The world may never know..
2016-11-22 10:52 pm
2016-11-22 8:45 pm
Perhaps as much as your mom does.
2016-11-25 5:43 am
2016-11-22 11:09 pm
False. There is proof many times of him saying racist comments.
2016-11-22 7:18 pm
Personally I don't give a sh*t if he is or not because it doesn't affect me one bit...I'm white and proud of it...I'm what Adolf Hitler claimed to be the MASTER race (blond hair and blue eyes) so I'm not worried about the ni**ers Sp*cs Jews zipperheads chinks & towel head sand ni**ers should be worried...
2016-11-22 6:58 pm
He could be viewed as 'a bit' racist to every illegal Immigrant :)
2016-11-25 12:05 am
2016-11-24 10:42 pm
2016-11-24 10:21 pm
2016-11-24 10:18 pm
2016-11-23 3:18 pm
2016-11-23 1:43 am
Trump is not a racist just because his friends are all racists
2016-11-22 10:41 pm
2016-11-22 10:36 pm
2016-11-24 7:39 pm
2016-11-22 10:57 pm
He did say that Mexicans are criminals and rapists. That is somewhat racist.

Therefore - False.
2016-11-23 4:20 pm
Probably true. He does not consider anybody other than himself. If you can make him money, or make him feel important, or help him win something, he will like you. If you oppose him, he considers you the garbage under his feet, Not racist, just a narcissistic bully. BUT he is surrounded by racists and will not get rid of them because they do all of the above, and that makes him as dangerous as if he were actually a racist
2016-11-23 5:29 am
He better be racist, it's the only reason I took the effort to register and go vote November 8th. I still can't believe he won. My stupid state (MN) went to Hillary, but only by 41,000 votes. That's less than the number of Somali vote cattle Obama and our governor Mark Dayton imported before the election. When you look at my state by county it's all red with a few little blue dots where the 3 biggest urban areas are. I have the misfortune of living smack in the middle of Minneapolis. We not quite the middle, more south, near the airport. I practically doxxed myself and I DGAF, I'm racist and don't care who knows it.
2016-11-22 6:29 pm
He pays for 500 Romanian work permits so he doesn't have to hire American minorities to work in his hotels. Well, now, let's think, could that be racist? Oh, surely not.

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