Do you think Global Warming is hoax?

2020-05-07 1:53 am

回答 (21)

2020-05-07 2:21 am
The atmosphere has always changed from cold to warm. We've had heat waves and ice ages. Always see if there is a money motivator when you hear such stuff.
2020-05-07 2:26 am
Climate change is real.  The category is Climate Change, and Climatology is a legitimate field of science.   EDIT: What the hell is going on with you people, and this category? 
2020-05-07 11:08 pm
No, I personally don't think it's a hoax. What we do about it, how we deal with it - that should be the subject for exploration. I took Environmental Science back in the 1970's and it was already showing itself then. It's only accelerated since then. 
The term "global warming" is generally replaced with "climate change" these days. Extreme weather of all sorts, but the end effect is flooding, because the glaciers are melting. Water's self-leveling and got to go some place.   
Based on many of the answers you've gotten so far, though, maybe "hoax" should be replaced with "inconvenient truth."
2020-05-07 12:52 pm
It's definitely not a hoax.
2020-05-08 3:50 am
No.  Try not to be stupid.                                 
2020-05-14 12:34 am
Absolutely a proven hoax! Anybody that has been on this site very long and is reasonable knows that. The main aim of these fiends that propose Calamitous Anthropogenic Global warming, Calamitous Anthropogenic Climate Change, an impending Ice Age, etc is to promote confusion and distrust. Then these creeps can walk in and take away your liberties and wealth without firing a shot. Just look at what condition the Coronavirus-19 has done to the world. It has broken many companies. It has made people in the land of plenty searching for food. It has promoted tyranny. And, in many cases like in New York, it has caused the death of many people, all in the name of saving the world. 
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin
And that is what you see today, these 'snowflakes' crying out for 100% control of the virus. That is impossible for any man or group of men to do. And it is unreasonable for anyone to suspect such.
But as long as you have these ignorant snowflakes wanting a perfect world but not knowing how to achieve it, they will always go after that carrot on a stick of a perfect world. Russia did that in the early 1900s and look what they got. Hiler tried the same in the mid-1900s and what resulted was far from a perfect world. 
Sure GW is a hoax. And no wise person is falling for it.
2020-05-09 3:23 pm
I tend to be skeptical about 'causes', but some change is happening. Whether it is a natural cycle or man-made, I can't say.
I've lived in Switzerland for  30+ years. We used to have snow several times every winter. Now we have none. The glaciers were there for centuries. Now they have largely receded. Many ski resorts need to make snow. These are changes anyone can see. This is happening in many alpine regions. It's not some wacko political agenda. It can be seen by anyone willing to trust their own eyes.
2020-05-08 7:03 pm
Not sure about Global Warming, but I know that Climate change exists, you just have to watch the weird weather we're having world wide.  Plus arid countries are getting fewer wet seasons and becoming too dry for humans to successfully live.

Plus what will happen to the sea levels in the Mediteranean, now that Israel have started harvesting sea water.
2020-05-08 12:07 am
I know it is not
It is time to start arresting those who do think it is.
2020-05-08 3:55 am

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