What is it like to read the bible?

2020-04-06 10:54 pm

回答 (63)

2020-04-07 4:31 am
I learn something of value every time I read it.
2020-04-06 10:56 pm
Trying to read it as if it were a modern novel it’s boring, hard to understand and in most parts makes little sense.
參考: Jesus follower
2020-04-07 5:20 am
It is kind of like standing in an Iron Maiden and having someone keep opening and closing the door, except way more painful.
2020-04-08 5:08 am
Everytime I pick it up and read the words of our Lord, I honestly yearn for more.  It is food for the soul.
2020-04-08 4:24 am
I don't just read the Word of God, I study it. I delve into it. I rejoice it. I love it. I meditate on it. I write of it. I preach it. I share it. but most importantly I live it!!!!
2020-04-07 9:14 pm
great book, should read the whole thing. book of revelations will scare anyone who reads it, so much in there that is going on today,
2020-04-08 3:14 pm
That depends how you read it. As with any book. But far moreso with the Bible because it claims to be the inspired word of God, men writing as they were directed by God's Holy Spirit. Many laugh at the very idea, then wonder why they make no sense out of it. The Bible judges us, even as we would judge it. "The word of God is alive and exerts power, and is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of thoughts and intentions of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." -  Hebrew 4:12-13

Start reading with those statements in mind and you will find it 'speaks' to you, your personal circumstances, and to your soul. The same Spirit who caused it to be written will give the understanding to those who read it reverently, prayerfully seeking to know what God would say to them.
2020-04-06 11:21 pm
Peter gave us Mark(except 16:9-20), Matthew, and"Q" which is a daily log of Jesus' Ministry: teaching only the words of Eternal Life as Jesus taught.

Mark and Matthew are basily the same except the last few chapters of Mark were accidently burned.
2020-04-09 12:54 am
It's a long slog, but it's a rewarding one, because if you know the text you can argue the points with confidence. Learning something about the history of the Bible is good too, the reasons why this collection of writings evolved the way it did; knowing the themes, the verifiable background history, why the authors considered what they chose to write was important. for me, discovering the gaps, the assumptions, the wishful thinking, behind the Christianity I was taught at school and church and elsewhere   and getting the intellectual tool-kit to challenge those assumptions. Evaluating the evidence means reading the evidence critically and with understanding. Breaking away from rote-learning and catechisms and asking myself -
"I know what i am meant to think and believe here. But is it true?"

There is no substitute for reading it for yourself. I would say - do it.
2020-04-06 11:59 pm
Read it as you would any book which you have never read. Consider carefully what the book claims, and remember the bible is a large advertisement for a religion.  Notice the contradictions and also disclaimers, yes disclaimers are all over that book, particularly the NT by which the writers are actually telling you that their claims are not true.Ex. Heaven is offered only to those who believe the false stories, become a foolish believer. That is a rhetorical device (lie), as are all the other fantastic claims that the writers invented for one purpose only, to snare the uninformed and trick them to believe the lies. The NT gospels are not spiritual, and not about what is claimed in the story nor the persons real, except for  few Romans. The gospels are about a long war, and the Roman commander  and his father; this shows and proves that the NT,Jesus and all else  is a lie, except the war and a very few real persons.

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