2018-03-08 7:58 am

回答 (47)

2018-03-09 2:01 am
Young 1-35
Middle 36-55
Old 56-100 At this age you've experienced many things and done many things and know many things. You can reflect back on your life and try to help the younger crowd through the hard times.
2018-03-08 7:41 pm
the older i get, the higher those thresholds become... when you are young you think anyone older than you is ancient. when you are old anyone younger than you is a kid... location & lifestyle does have a lot to do with it.. my next door neighbor is 98.. i teach water aerobics. many of the people that come to the pool are in their 80s & 90s. a recurring theme i hear from the active much older folks is - just keep going out & doing what you're doing and don't think about it....
2018-03-11 1:54 am
"60> - elder age. When we just can't do much anymore. "

What a crock of poop!

I am 70, run 6 miles most days then come home and get ready to go out and manage my multiple businesses at around 60 hours per week and then go out and party a few nights a week. Age is not a number it is an attitude and hell yes I do much anymore!
2018-03-08 8:22 am
i think its all about maturity than age
2018-03-08 10:46 pm
That is an interesting question.
I go for the health organizations' definitions.
0 to12 months - baby, 1 to 3 years - toddler, 3 to 5 years - preschooler, 5 to 12 years - gradeschooler. I consider these as younglings. When all worries you have are solved with a quick cry and you're untouchable by the law.
12 to 18 - teen, 18 to 21 - young adult. I consider these something to come before the middle. The best time to discover the world.
22 to 40 - adult age. Gues it's the middle ground. The best time to put your world discoveries to work.
40 to 60 - young elder. The middle between adult and old. The preparation for retirement.
60> - elder age. When we just can't do much anymore.

I base my opinion on 40s to 60s being a middleground between adult and old because we almost completely lost the youth we had when teens, configuring "old age", but are still up and kicking.

And I find a necessity to exist a middle ground between young and adult, because we don't become full adults in an instant.
參考: World Health Organization
2018-03-08 7:59 am
location location location
2018-03-08 8:03 am
5, then 10, and then 15
2018-03-11 3:52 am
OLD, that term annoys me. Senior is correct. What amazes me is how this country worships youth. Seniors are rich. It's lost on this generation!
2018-03-09 3:25 am
I am 57 and for me young was under 14 and middle was 14 to 65, after that you was just older ! I still believe this today !
2018-03-09 5:02 am
20 age-30

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