How does intuition relate to "truth?"?

2016-05-16 7:32 pm

回答 (27)

2016-05-16 7:33 pm
Intuition is the ability to read subtle signs well

Often it can tell you more about a person than their words

use it as a guide but never fully rely on it, because it can easily be wrong
2016-05-16 7:35 pm
Intuition tends to be a fairly good indicator of truth in scenarios that we experience in every-day life. It is very poor in circumstances far outside our daily experience, as in quantum physics, for example.
2016-05-16 7:33 pm
it doesn't but broadly speaking, intuition is a good guide for interpersonal matters but a wholly misleading guide for matters about reality
2016-05-16 7:37 pm
There is no definable relationship. Something you intuit, may or may not be true.
2016-05-16 7:34 pm
Unreliably. That's where logic comes in.
2016-05-17 6:26 am
Truth exists in very limited realms of mathematics. Words and statements about what we call the real world are frail tracings (a map if you will) that point to an infinitely complex reality. These tracings are too incomplete and imperfect to be called truth. Our intuition provides us with a much better "map" of reality than any logic and intellect can provide.
2016-05-17 12:33 am
Well, the truth is that intuition is correct sometimes and wrong at other times, therefore rendering it unreliable.
2016-05-16 7:35 pm
It's what your body wants at that moment in time, in many ways intuition is far superior and more honest than logic, more fun too

Whilst logic is just something you have learned from others, intuition is always 100% genuine
2016-05-16 7:37 pm
It is important to know that 'intuition' is not always right. Adam, although perfect, let his heart be enticed; he rejected the truth and turned away from God. (See Jas 1:14, 15.) Consequently, all humans, the offspring of fallen Adam, have been conceived in sin and brought forth in error. (Ps 51:5) After the Flood, God said regarding sinful mankind in general: “The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up.”—Ge 8:21.
God told the rebellious nation of Judah: “The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate.” (Jer 17:9) This constitutes a serious warning that those seeking to please God must give attention not merely to what other humans see but to the kind of person they really are, the inner man. A person may have been a Christian for many years, have a fine knowledge of the Bible, and feel confident that he can safely handle any situation that may arise. Yet, although he knows full well that an act is wrong and specifically condemned by God’s law, the thoughts and desires that he has secretly cherished may entice him into sinful action.
參考: something many people don't think on often.
2016-05-20 1:20 pm
Intution is the wisdom of soul gained through experiences in past lives.
Truth is what exists and what is ultimate.
Soul passing through the phases of millions of lifes and deaths gains wisdom to realize what is ultimnate truth, and attains salvation
This way it can be said that intution leads to finding ultimate truth and attaining salvation.
2016-05-19 7:20 am
intuition is colored by subjectivity
2016-05-18 11:14 pm
It doesn't.
2016-05-18 4:02 am
Intuition is a difficult concept to define but one that most people recognize as an important factor in thought and judgment. Intuition permits the acceptance of logic and mathematics as both true and valid realities without material evidence. Psychologists have tended to avoid the topic of intuition considering it as just one of many unobservable mental entities scientists are therefore unable to test. Students of innovation, however, see an interesting connection between innovation and intuition. According to certain philosophies, intuition may even exert a paranormal or magical influence on everything new. Yet no such belief is essential to an understanding of what most people mean by intuition. In Educating Intuition Robin Hogarth describes various ways that intuition might be improved or educated. There are two notable impediments to the education of intuition.
2016-05-18 3:39 am
It depends on the clarity of the individual.
Some people have their intuitions distorted and confused by false beliefs and "programming". Forgive the term.

The closer one walks with truth, the clearer their intuitive voice becomes. What I mean by truth is, how shall we say? To know thyself? You could ask what is intuition? That one small voice uncontaminated.

Some will have nothing to do with intuitive knowings, some will follow them and be led astray....deeper even though, there is the inner self, that even smaller voice. There is a way to hone your intuitive knowings. All is not physical. There are layers of reality. You are multitidimensional.
If you can notice from which timeline, from which layer of reality, from which part of you, the feeling came from...then you begin to heighten your intuitive senses.

The ego, the outer senses are not the only tellers of truths. Intuition can be much more effective, but it must be trained.

Truth is layered,

Edit" Also there is a filtering process that goes on between the intuitive self and the operating ego. The ego might say, "ignore that", or the ego might wonder "what is that"?. The ego may come to the wrong conclusion., and as a result learn not to trust intuition.
2016-05-18 3:09 am
Good question...
2016-05-18 12:17 am
Hold on all yazz shut up. Intiuition is not some amazing phenomenon, its amazing don't get me wrong. Your subconscious is receiving the environment through the 5 senses, you consciously and unconsciously know that a knife is dangerous. That's why you get theses weird feelings in the gut!. If you had to conciously try to beat your heart digest your food..its just to much bull ****. Your sub does it all. Everything is built in, stop philosophying and go digest a hotdog.
2016-05-17 8:29 pm
First - The concept of "Truth" is a problem. There is no such thing as absolute truth and any claims about it lead to problems. There is only ever improving approximation. Facts are experimental data.

Second - Human cognition only needed to evolve to the point that humanity dominated the planet. We are vastly more rational than the next smartest species on the planet but humans are highly irrational.

My conclusion - They are related well enough to beat any other species on the planet. It depends on whether it's good enough for you to be better than the chimps or if you want scientific proof or if you want a mythical absolute truth.
2016-05-17 5:58 pm
In my opinion, intuition is the power of immediate understanding of something without conscious reasoning or study while truth which is the quality or state of being true. In view of that, the former is a kind of emotional impulse while the latter the concept of basic knowledge about facts; therefore, they would seem to me not
being related either.
2016-05-17 5:36 pm
My guess is...
2016-05-17 4:57 am
Because intuition is just the subconscious mind communicating to the body.
參考: Blink by Malcom Gladwell.
2016-05-17 3:26 am
It does not.
2016-05-17 2:23 am
There is no difference.
2016-05-17 1:25 am
Intuition is a difficult concept to define but one that most people recognize as an important factor in thought and judgment. Intuition permits the acceptance of logic and mathematics as both true and valid realities without material evidence. Psychologists have tended to avoid the topic of intuition considering it as just one of many unobservable mental entities scientists are therefore unable to test. Students of innovation, however, see an interesting connection between innovation and intuition. According to certain philosophies, intuition may even exert a paranormal or magical influence on everything new. Yet no such belief is essential to an understanding of what most people mean by intuition. In Educating Intuition Robin Hogarth describes various ways that intuition might be improved or educated. There are two notable impediments to the education of intuition.
參考: Googled.
2016-05-16 7:48 pm
At best, intuition can offer testable hypotheses.
2016-05-16 7:44 pm
It depends on the individual case. Sometimes intuition is accurate, sometimes it's not.
2016-05-16 7:43 pm
It depends on your interpretation of the word "truth".

Some use it to mean something that is determined by facts. In which case intuition has nothing to do with "truth".

Some use it to mean something personal i.e. not relating to others. In this case intuition has much to do with "truth".

I personally go with the first and think the second is a cop out for lazy people who just do not bother to find things out.

"Whilst logic is just something you have learned from others," Nonsense. You may have confused logic with rationality. Logic is hard wired into the brain, it is a mathematical form. It is the maths of sentence (and - or - if...then - not).

"intuition is always 100% genuine" not at all, it is shown to be wrong in many cases.

The best explanation for 'intuition' is that it is information that has been naturally learned (as apposed to classroom or book learned) that is recovered subliminally.
2016-05-16 7:40 pm
We are to be discerners of the spirits and when one has the Holy Spirit you can rely on intuition. The Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance Scripture to be used in every circumstance. God is truth. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except by Me."

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