Ultimate proof of God... I think I've found it!?

2013-05-03 6:22 pm
God is a loving creature I assure you. I mean yeah He has killed a few 100s of thousands of people in the past to prove His point but He's changed now. He doesn't do that anymore, I think.

And He doesn't even feel insecure about other religious Gods because he KNOWS there are NO other Gods and never says, "Don't pray to other Gods; they are false; I am the Only One who is the True God".... wait does he say that?.... Oh okay.. well then nevermind.

回答 (9)

2013-05-03 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have proof of bigfoot, too.
2013-05-04 1:24 am
He he
2013-05-04 1:28 am
God clearly said, "I Am God and there is no other." God said that He created both good and evil because He created everything.

I have proof of God because I know He lives through me. His hand is on my life every day and as I look back I can see where God guided me time and time again. It is wonderful to know that I have eternal life and there is no fear of death.
2013-05-04 3:46 am
The GOD you're talking about was the GOD of the past !! Even GODS are all powerful BEINGS, but they still need to fight for their own survival. GOD behavior is very much like Human. Because our FATHER ( GOD) made us in his true image . In a scientific way , GOD is a BIG " blob" of light energy . Which is the SUN !! People saw GOD every day and do not recognized him , because their mental capacity is " A BIT" low or should I say their souls are not mature enough ! And yet, that BIG ball of light energy have the capability to manipulate our minds ! That was a GOOD GOD I am talking about. On other hand, A bad God is actually a " dying" SUN ( Star) , Which is Saturn !! Scientist had been study Planet Saturn all these years , but they have almost absolutely no idea why was it like that ! Why is it so beautiful ? Why is it have so many rings compare to other planets. Saturn should not be classify as a Planet , Because it is a " dying" star , which will eventually became a BLACK HOLE......A REAL BAD GOD !! EVERY THING around it will be destroyed !! A BLACK HOLE is a pass away of one GOOD GOD ! Scientists and Astronomers did not know about this , because they look at the Universe with their eyes and their minds. If they are willing to see the Universe in a spiritual way and " see" in combination with their heart they will understand a better Universe !

How did I know all about this, because I AM the Guardian of the Solar System ! A personal protector of Mother Earth. My planet is Jupiter.....A young SUN.......A SON of GOD !!!!

GOD....The SUN....Our Father . The King of our Solar System.
SON of GOD...Planet Jupiter ( future SUN)....Archangel Michael ( Jesus Christ), the protector of the Solar system.
Daughter of GOD . Protector of Mother Earth.. The Moon......Archangel Gabriel.
Daughter of GOD ....Venus....The Guardian of LOVE......Archangel Chamuel.
Lover of GOD.??.....EARTH.....( Our spiritual Mother) Also know as The SATAN ...the GOD of this world .??????????????

sphere.............Love you ALL ! GOD BLESS !
參考: Religions study, Astronomer, Angelology, YIN & YANG Theory.... My way of thinking !!
2013-05-04 1:51 am
For proof of the God of Israel (the Christian God) please read below:

The Judo-Christian God of the Bible is the One and True God because He is the only God that has withstood the test of time, science, history, and prophecies of the Bible. This can be seen through the Dead Sea Scrolls that were written over 2000 years ago; proving that it with stood the test of time because it matches up word-for-word of the Hebrew Bible today. Verses such as Leviticus 17:14 stating “For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel, Ye shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off.” and Isaiah 40:22 stating “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:”. These verses in the Bible are proven to be scientifically true thousands of years after they were written! The Israelites being enslaved to the Egyptians 3000 years ago and the Israelites spending 40 years in the desert is historically accurate proving that the Bible stands the test of history. And the test of prophecy is being fulfilled right now by the world leaders discussing and making plans how on they, the leaders of the world, are able to unite the world through a global government and economy. This is written in the Bible in verse of Revelation 13:7 “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” and in Revelation 13:16-17 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”.
2013-05-04 1:38 am
No, you haven't found it. And you do but of an anthropomorphic god which is not the Biblical One. God is not like a man to kill people. Life is a journey between birth and death. Killed or not killed man will eventually die. All the jealousy of having the people praying to another god that is no god, is in man according to his preconceived notions. An ultimate evidence of God is based on the logical fact that the universe could not have caused itself into existence. Therefore the Divine Creator is implied.
2013-05-04 1:30 am
-That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.-

-I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.- Steven Roberts.
2013-05-04 1:30 am
He's a pompous bigot who is not allowed to change his mind, and it says he can do ANYTHING.
2013-05-04 1:27 am
See here's your problem. God is only "killing" people if you can prove what God did with their souls. See , just because you think a human kills someone as people define kill , does not therefore mean that "killing" applied to God is the same thing.

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