Does racism still exist in USA?

2018-05-18 5:59 pm

回答 (248)

2018-05-19 11:59 pm
Most against white people.
2018-05-19 10:30 am
Do you still exist? Is the pope catholic?
2018-05-18 11:08 pm
Yes. It's getting worse not that the annoying orange is president. Black people are being publicly lynched in the south and no one is talking about it. It's being covered up as suicide. People are justifying police killing unarmed people (as if someone should be killed for selling cigarettes on the street, give me a fu**ing break) in the name of feeling threatened. Racism in the US is not over and it probably never will be. It's sad.
2018-05-19 12:39 am
Racism, to some degree, exists in every person on Earth regardless of where they live.
2018-05-19 9:40 pm
yes but its still some good white ppl out here
2018-05-20 6:50 pm
Yes, but in my opinion, less so than the media makes it out to be.
For instance, "all cops are racist pigs."
SOME cops are racist pigs.
It's people's failure to realize that you can't make a generalization about an entire group of people based on some people's actions.
I live in the South, and I've seen blatant racism with my own eyes, BUT for the most part, we coexist peacefully. I'm a believer that someone's ethnicity does not have an effect on who they are as a person.
2018-05-18 6:49 pm
Yes and it’s here to stay. Racism in America endures as a political tool
2018-05-18 6:11 pm
In the last 12 months it has been worse than ever
2018-05-19 4:03 am
2018-05-20 6:46 am
Whites relented and gave all races equality and then all races turned against whites and reversed it.
2018-05-18 11:47 pm
racism will always exist its a state of mind of the individual its not something someone can erase however alot of things can be taken out of context as racism and to many people get butt hurt these days if your pretty much white people will automaticly call it out as raciest were say if a black guy calls a white guy something raciest its fine apparently i see this alot in society were a white guy gets grinded for saying something considered raciest but you can read the whole arguement there was plenty the other party said yet hes not being crucified.
2018-05-20 7:04 pm
Yes, and not just white racism.
2018-05-18 9:08 pm
Yes. It is the national sin.
2018-05-18 6:12 pm
You think?
2018-05-19 1:12 am
Not notice Ferguson mo?

Not noticed what Trump called illegal immigrants? Since he's prezzy, it indicates a segment of his voters agreed with him.

Went viral.
2018-05-21 12:26 am
2018-05-19 9:20 am
In the democrat party
2018-05-19 7:35 am
YES Democrats thrive on racism.
2018-05-19 1:49 pm
It has pretty much changed there are good people in every race but no one wants to admit it
2018-05-19 7:36 am
It has waned, but it still exists
2018-05-18 10:52 pm
2018-05-18 6:31 pm
To my experience in the US I do think racism still exists, but very implicitly. Me and my family moved from China to California in 2012, and over time I do encounter some people e.g waiters in the restaurants that will take forever to come to our table or turn their smiles upside down immediately when they take our orders. I don't think Americans are willing to admit the fact that Racism does exist and they seem to focus on racism in the past and ignore the fact that they still have those issues today (mainly on Asians).

When I'm at school in the US racism is heavily prohibited, but I do get the impression from some students that they have some kind of discomfort inside them, and it's probably the fact that they have some stereotypical ideas about races but they can't really talk about it.

I know this because now that our family lives in the UK, and the school I go to is much more open-minded about racism (especially homosexuals actually). The British people generally do not condemn racism and we make racist jokes all the time, yet from those jokes, I do see the fact that they are not actually serious about it, and they know damn well that those comments are not true, which is something I am 'grateful' about.

What I'm saying is that the Americans are 'hiding' the racism in the countries to make it look like it doesn't exist, when it's compared to other countries it's pretty obvious.
2018-05-18 6:01 pm
Yes, in fact they have harsher punishment especially for crimes with a racist background because it's such a big problem.
2018-05-19 7:05 am
Of course, you SEE it ALL the time on yahoo answers from the wingnuts.
2018-05-18 10:17 pm
of course. and in every other world country as well.
2018-05-19 12:42 pm
It exists everywhere ,not just the us.infact us is less racist in comparison to some other countries.
2018-05-21 10:02 am
2018-05-19 4:39 pm
No. Someone waved a magic wand and it went away.
2018-05-19 4:27 am
2018-05-18 7:35 pm
Racism is alive and well in every single country in the world, including the US. Anyone who claims a country has no racism is a liar.
2018-05-19 2:25 am
YUP every body hates everybody
2018-05-19 7:54 am
Racist exist. Do racist laws exist? No
2018-05-18 11:08 pm
Yes, Will never disappear and exits in most nations in some form.
2018-05-18 6:04 pm
No, thankfully, it's all gone now, permanently. And people who aren't sure about that must be mistaken, the correct answer is yes, racism is all gone forever in America. You see, if you avert your eyes long enough then racist notions will be starved for attention and wither away like the wicked witch of the west, or so the theory goes...
2018-05-22 1:14 am
Yes, of course. But, i think the racism is more fought nowadays.
2018-05-19 8:15 pm
If it didn't, Trump wouldn't have been elected.
2018-05-19 7:11 pm
What you should be asking is does backwardness still exist in the US ?.

Did I say home schooled......
2018-05-18 10:00 pm
Just like everywhere else in the world. Although one might temper that and call it "inappropriate generalization leading to discrimination." Because if it isn't discrimination by race, then it is by national origin, or religion, or gender identity, or some other perceived reason to hate. You can choose your favorite reason for people to use when they know they are themselves trash and pick on some other group so they can feel "better than the <pick your favorite target>". It all comes down to some people who have such little life of their own that they need to vent their misery on someone else because they don't want to face the fact that they are their own worst enemies.
2018-05-18 9:33 pm
Oh yes. It was partially buried for a few decades after the Civil Rights Movement, but it seems like it's coming back into the light full force. :(
2018-05-18 7:20 pm
It’s getting better but it still exists
2018-05-18 6:29 pm
Ya of course and it probably always will exist, not only in the USA but everywhere in the world where there are mixed races living together. Racism is something that I don't understand.
2018-05-18 6:28 pm
2018-05-21 8:57 am
Yes. They call themselves liberals.
2018-05-21 6:57 am
yes trump has made it a national sport
2018-05-20 10:22 pm
You've never been to the Indy 500?
2018-05-20 8:11 am
It's coming from a majority of Sub Saharan descent & Hispanics (Mestizo, Caucasoid, Sub Saharan decent) mostly to hustle their way for special privileges above others, hand outs, wealth & power, because Caucasians made Sub Saharan descent & Hispanics into a protected class, they can't be discriminated upon or they'll sue even if their claim is bogus (Sub Saharan descent Air Force cadet wrote derogatory words on his dorm room door to blame racism). Sub Saharan & Hispanics do however discriminates on the smaller minorities even each other. The KKK still holds to their pride & arrogance, but wouldn't want to bring back slavery by law the way middle eastern (Levant) Islamist wants to bring it back under the law. Sub Saharan descent living in vicinity of KKK groups are largely left alone by KKK groups. Muhammad Ali spoke at a KKK rally in 1975. MS-13 & Islamist Jihadist are far worst with their prejudice & evil mindset.

The USA is the least racist Nation compared to North Africa, East Africa, the Middle East & South Asia (Indian Sub Continent). The Arabian peninsula & East Africa continued Slavery practice of enslaving Sub Saharans well into the 1960s. Zanzibar had a slave revolt in 1963-4 ending the practice after Saudi Arabia abolished it under the law to appease pressure from N. America & Europe to abolish the practice, enforcement however is another matter. Mauritania & other former slave trading Sub Saharan kingdoms still practiced it well into the 21st century legally/illegally.

Sub Saharan slaves sold by Sub Saharans kingdoms & Arabs were not castrated in the Americas as those sold to the middle east & India. Abolition of Slavery was & is primarily a Caucasian-European cause in the Americas & Europe which expanded to influence the rest of the world.

People all around the world choose the U.S. & Canada after the 60s because besides the great society programs & further expansion the U.S. & Canada are the least Prejudice Nation in the Americas. However Canada has a far more strict merit base immigration policy. Western & Northern Europe tries to compete with the U.S. by allowing floods of illegal immigrants & refugees from the middle east & N Africa giving them welfare & employment opportunities above their own citizens. This is why Jordan, & the Arabian peninsula don't give welfare & employment opportunities to refugees they've allowed inside their border confined in refugee camps so that they eventually move to another country because Jordan & other middle eastern countries have an obligation to their own citizen 1st.
2018-05-19 2:45 pm
Racism is alive and well in the USA
2018-05-19 8:28 am
Yes sadly.
2018-05-19 4:30 am
Yes, and it will as long as political opportunists exist.
2018-05-19 1:46 am
Unfortunately, yes.
2018-05-19 12:53 am
Yes. It's obvious, if you're open to recognizing it when you see it.

Given the USA's national history, it would be surprising if racism disappeared. Many American families, whether white, black, Latino, Native America or Asian American, have been worried about race, fighting over race, and being obsessed about race for hundreds of years. And as somebody else in here points out, racism is a handy tool for unscrupulous US politicians, which makes it even harder to eliminate.

-- democratic socialist

Source: for more detail on how politicians use racism, see Ian Haney Lopez, "Dog Whistle Politics: How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class."
2018-05-22 8:38 am
blacks are experts at it.
2018-05-19 7:56 pm
Trump gives you blatent proof of this every hour on Twitter, yet you still need to ask this question?
2018-05-19 11:26 am
Racism will always exist....
2018-05-19 10:43 am
Yes! Black Americans are still as racist, prejudiced and bigoted as ever.
2018-05-18 9:45 pm
Yes - and there are large groups of people that make a living perpetuating it.
2018-05-18 8:01 pm
No and it never did. It's a myth made up by blacks to get money and free stuff.
2018-05-19 5:12 am
Donald trump is our present you tell me
2018-05-18 8:27 pm
Define "racism" and I could answer. By my definition the answer is yes but very small.
2018-05-21 8:03 pm
2018-05-21 6:23 pm
2018-05-21 4:36 pm
Y'all ain't from around here, are ya?
2018-05-21 11:21 am
Oh yes, very much so... only now it is the blacks racist against whites... and they are enjoying it!
2018-05-21 1:16 am
Yeah sure
Donald trump !
2018-05-20 11:10 am
Racism exists EVERYWHERE. Of course there is still racism in the USA.
2018-05-20 8:49 am
Obviously not.
2018-05-20 7:19 am
What planet are you from?
2018-05-20 5:33 am
Geeze ????
2018-05-19 11:00 pm
2018-05-19 6:57 pm
Yes. But overall USA is a friendly country
2018-05-19 5:21 pm
Yes, very much so
2018-05-19 4:42 pm
Everyone except the people that get racist aggression think racism in America is dead lol All people do now is hide there intentions and think because they have a friend from a different race that they are racist when in actuality you can be surrounded by nothing but other people from another race and still be racist. Racism lies in your perception of another race as bad or worse or not good enough or less than or something you think aren’t worthy. Does racism still exist? Ask yourself do stereotypes still exist then answer that question lol
2018-05-19 10:47 am
No very many ***'s are around to say so,
so I don't know.
are you a pig, pigs r Racism. they just hate every body in the world
they so want to pin a rap or a ticket on anybody everybody eye witness.
2018-05-19 8:07 am
2018-05-19 7:33 am
Yes just not as much as leftist snowflakes think it does.
2018-05-19 6:31 am
Definitely. Democrats and black people are extremely racist, especially against Jews and Christians. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
2018-05-19 4:52 am
Racism exist anywhere not just USA which i believe will never goes away as long got uneducated people.
2018-05-19 12:12 am
2018-05-18 9:55 pm
Yes it dose unfortunately
2018-05-18 8:30 pm
Yes. But its not as rampid as the liberal media acts like. Look in the mirror.
2018-05-21 8:02 am
USA still have Republicans don't they?
2018-05-21 5:11 am
Yes, minorities are very hateful toward whites
2018-05-21 2:50 am
Yes. Just not as much as some liberals would make you think.
2018-05-20 12:52 am
Yes. Racism still exists in America. Very alive my friend.
2018-05-19 1:11 am
Yes it does in every country
2018-05-18 10:01 pm
It mainly exists because the Democratic party and the liberal media need to exist to get people riled up an vote for them. The more anger, the more controversy the better!
2018-05-18 6:38 pm

The blatant discrimination, and racism by our justice system continues to create a cycle of having black men thrown in prison for longer sentences. There is a wide gap in sentencing.

There is also job, housing, and many other forms.

There are no hard-fast rules in defining races, they can be defined by religion, national-origin, culture, common physical characteristics etc. ***There is no reliable or consistent biological categories. *** Arabs, Persians, Mexicans, Jews, Muslims, Italians, Irish Catholics, blacks can all, and have all been called another race. Discrimination against any group based on this fluid definition can be called racism. 
2018-05-21 3:09 am
Racism will always exist in this nation up on black people anyone else is just being hit with real prejudiced Mexicans have Mexico to focus and build their economics blacks in America have been denied their 40 acres and a mule. Therefore they have to get jobs predominantly through white on economic structures.....

Everyone is emotionally weak and I think racism is racial Slanders when they're not!
2018-05-19 3:16 am
Did you not see what happened in Chancellorsville? What about Root killing all of those black people in a church just because he hated blacks. How about the incident in Starbucks where two black men were arrested just because the did not order and were waiting for someone. I can think of many times when I walked into a restaurant and said to the waitress I am meeting someone so I will wait to order. I never worried or dreamed of being arrested in such a situation.
2018-05-18 6:36 pm
Um, duh.
The question should be, why are stupid fking racists still around.
2018-05-19 7:31 am
Is the pope still catholic? Are green vegetables still green. Is water still wet?
2018-05-19 2:36 pm
alive and well, never been stronger
2018-05-18 6:43 pm
Alive and well!

Now though, racists exist in all races. Yay, equality!
2018-05-19 6:58 am
Barely. Almost not enough to mention, at least not by white people
2018-05-18 6:18 pm
Yes, but not nearly as much as the media and the left would like one to believe. Not nearly the one sided affair that they also would like one to believe.
2018-05-26 6:21 am
Now come on, what do you think?

It exists in the world, and will always exists, and it
is not just against Black folks.
2018-05-23 5:47 pm
2018-05-23 8:45 am
It has to do with gang affiliation hate and Neo Nazi, Confederate or Nationalist Pride. Opposite sides who hate each other and the rest of the world.
2018-05-23 4:37 am
2018-05-23 2:38 am
Yes... it very much does. Especially in the south.
2018-05-23 1:48 am
I think it still exist in USA.
2018-05-22 8:29 pm
2018-05-22 8:10 pm
yes, you bet.
2018-05-22 5:40 pm
Of course not,just ask the U.S. Supreme Court.
WE have all those anti discrimination laws and hate crime laws on the books,so according to them - racism does not exist.
On the other hand,the laws do not apply to one's personal opinions about people of other cultures.
And as long as you say "IN my opinion...." then it may be protected as 1 st. Amend. free political speech!
2018-05-22 4:11 pm
yes, of course
2018-05-22 10:27 am
Yes but I don’t think it’s just the black community that are victims. I think all races are looked down on by someone. White, black, Muslim, Asian, we are all judged by someone based on our skin tones.
2018-05-22 9:05 am
It does, unfortunately. Even when you think it doesn't, it's just because people pretend not to be racist because it wouldn't look good.

And mostly, sometimes people say racist things without even realizing it... because it's so normal.
2018-05-22 7:32 am
Yes, sadly.
2018-05-22 6:33 am
as long as there is sin especially addictive and perverted sins there will always be racism
2018-05-22 6:10 am
Yes, it will always exist everywhere.
2018-05-22 5:30 am
2018-05-22 5:10 am
Oh yes, and it doesn't seem to be going away soon either.
2018-05-22 4:27 am
Obviously and it will always exist. The issue is that people make it a bigger deal than it is now. Racism has no power and there are multiple laws against it in the workplace and such. Even if everyone is the same race, people will find other ways to divide. It is human nature because people want what is similar to them. I do think less people are racist now, but that is just another label for separation. All of these "ists" like sexist, racist, etc. Are just the same thing. It is separation.

I will say that there is much proof we are less racist in the US now. We had a president of a different color, we have many is highly powerful positions. They rule the entertainment and sports industry for the most part. Some companies will hire minorities over whites because they want "more diversity". One thing I see happening though is racism isn't coming from whites much anymore, it is coming from blacks. A giant chunk of "racist attacks" are found to be faked by blacks. Camera's got em.
2018-05-22 3:49 am
Yes, it was exacerbated by Obama. Sorry to those who think different but before his presidency I thought we were pretty much through with racism. He set us back by 50 years. From the get go he started dividing this country rather than allowing the police to handle things he got most blacks against the cops who are just doing their job. I remember him saying when he walked the streets he could hear people lock their doors. He hated his white side and so did his mother. He and his family believed that America and other white countries stole from the poor black countries of their minerals, valuable assets and wasn't given enough in return. He had a chip on his shoulder, like Trayvon could have been his son, those cops acted stupidly. He just kept sticking his nose into society to divide it every which way but sunday. He could care less about his own town of Chicago. It is not Trump creating the hate is people who believe in socialism and want a whole turnabout in our country who are angry. I really think people need to calm down and get along with their lives and make progress like our country is doing. Right now there are enough job openings for anyone that wants a job and is willing to work. Stop with the hate and racism because it just isn't worth it. Have you noticed the protests are way down? Why? Because Obama and company are not paying them to riot right now.
2018-05-22 2:14 am
Yes but only to a certain extent
2018-05-22 1:36 am
Yes, it will exist as long as Dems control the minds of non-whites.
2018-05-22 1:05 am
Holy **** you must be blind and deaf
2018-05-21 9:57 pm
Racism mostly is directed towards white males especially young white males who are nowadays more likely to live in poverty than the generation before them because of employment discrimination.
2018-05-21 8:49 pm
Yes it most definitely does , just a couple days ago we were standing outside our store n checking were some customer of our parked cause they came in out store n was acting a bit shady , so we wanted to know what car they came in so we went outside to check in the car park to see where they were going to their parked car & a guy comes n parks his car in a parking spot and says” Are you guys staring at me and I can’t park here ( why would we stare at him ) I find that racist cause I’m Indian n he was white (no offence but whites can be racist not all of them but some of them are )
2018-05-21 8:41 pm
no, not actually because blacks can live without chains and indians can go to the casinos...
2018-05-21 8:35 pm
Of course
2018-05-21 8:30 pm
2018-05-21 7:34 pm
of course it is everywhere
2018-05-21 6:54 pm
Of course, it's on Yahoo Answers everyday.
2018-05-21 5:23 pm
Racism does still exist in the U.S. Many races converse with other people of there race about another race. Any race can try anything, but there are still going to be those people who just converse with each other about other races. It's definitely not only the Caucasian race it's basically every race.
2018-05-21 4:19 pm
???????????? I have a dream! LOL
2018-05-21 2:43 pm
No racism has been over for 200 years at least
2018-05-21 11:22 am
The coin has flipped and racism is now against white Christians.
2018-05-21 10:18 am
2018-05-21 10:03 am
Yes. We need to admit racism is a big problem and address it.
2018-05-21 9:54 am
What planet do you live on
2018-05-21 8:21 am
Only at trump kkk nazi rallies with cars
2018-05-21 7:10 am
Yes.but thier are tons of non racist nice people out thier too.although alot of people do like to think that its gone because its 2018
2018-05-21 7:04 am
Other than an occasional slur, no, not really.
2018-05-21 6:29 am
2018-05-21 5:58 am
2018-05-21 4:56 am
2018-05-21 4:40 am
Yes as it does in every single country. I
2018-05-21 4:33 am
If Whites are so evil and racist, then why do all of the non-Whites want to come to our Country?
2018-05-21 3:31 am
2018-05-21 3:31 am
Bigotry and Racism exist in all countries
2018-05-21 3:30 am
Blacks n Whites n Hispanics and other groups have, and will always have, preferences. These preferences should not necessarily be ascribed to racism
2018-05-21 2:56 am
2018-05-21 2:38 am
2018-05-21 2:32 am
hatte still exists because of our society
2018-05-21 2:28 am
Yes ignorant people still exist
2018-05-21 2:04 am
Unfortunately, yes. And there's no assurance that it will stop completely.
2018-05-21 1:56 am
It exists every where in this planet. If it doesnt, why whould they still have it in the dictionary?
2018-05-21 1:03 am
Of course
2018-05-20 11:09 pm
2018-05-20 10:27 pm
Yes and it always will until Christ returns. Not only will racism exist but the poor will always be with you.
2018-05-20 10:05 pm
2018-05-20 9:42 pm
I have a neighbor that’s really racist.
2018-05-20 9:09 pm
Yes it does sadly
2018-05-20 8:17 pm
Alabama didnt lift ban on interracial marriage until the year 2000. 2000!
2018-05-20 5:22 pm
Yes unfortunately
2018-05-20 4:49 pm
Of course. Look at how the Royal bride only invited black and white americans
2018-05-20 2:50 pm
yeah. most of the racism is afro-centric though. you are 1000 times more likely to get killed by a crip or a blood, than you are to get killed by a klansman. i never even encounted a klansman my whole entire life, and I live in Mississippi, which is in the deep south. seen plenty of ghetto black assh*les who are muggers though. gangsters have pretty much taken over Mississippi. this place isn't the stereotype that the mainstream media portrays it to be.
2018-05-20 1:01 pm
2018-05-20 12:51 pm
Yes, sadly
2018-05-20 12:37 pm
Unfortunately I think yes...
People are racist against whites, blacks, Chinese, Hindus .... You name it. Unfortunately, I think it is a stereo type hate. Someone of a certain race did something so now the whole race is disliked. Just my opinion of why racism exists.
2018-05-20 11:43 am
Very much.
2018-05-20 11:06 am
2018-05-20 11:04 am
2018-05-20 10:19 am
Yes of course
2018-05-20 10:14 am
Pride and arrogance had and will always exist among savages, barbarians, even the civilized and individuals merited or delusional. The U.S. is far more tolerant than most, if not all of None Western Countries in the world.
2018-05-20 8:52 am
Yup among people unfortunately
2018-05-20 8:46 am
1. If you live not in the USA I understand the question, so yes racism still exists. Although there are good people.

2. If you don't live in the USA are you a ******* idiot?!

3 (only answer if you apply to #2) do you live under a ******* rock
2018-05-20 8:40 am
It exists everywhere.
2018-05-20 8:11 am
2018-05-20 8:03 am
2018-05-20 7:32 am
They'll always be racism and sexism all over the world, so most likely.
2018-05-20 7:19 am
I have no clue mate.
2018-05-20 7:15 am
2018-05-20 6:52 am
It's Because all not ethnicities treated equally by the government. The same goes for gender and status.

Also, certain ethnicities are at a higher % when tax dollars are spent.

My tax dollars pay for black people to live in prison (I use blacks because the highest % rate of inmates are black).

I not only hate leeches. I hate feeding children of these leeches with my tax dollars. I say "let them starve and be

I'm not racist, but I am prejudice against people who don't pull their own weight. That included regards,socially unfit and people with self inflicted diseases like drug addicts and alcoholics.

The less someone contributes, the more their given.

The week should die.
2018-05-20 6:01 am
The United States of America is populated by people who are obsessed with the ethnic and racial make-up of its citizens. I do not know why, but Americans are way too interested and concerned about race and use it to make excuses for some pretty terrible acts against their fellow Americans. I don't exclude any group from this either. I don't think Americans (in general) look at other Americans without automatically classifying them by race. Gotta shove everyone into one pigeon-hole or another.
2018-05-20 5:48 am
Is water wet?
2018-05-20 3:41 am
2018-05-20 2:34 am
Im racist against my own cock
2018-05-20 1:57 am
Racism still exists the world over, it’s not exclusivly a USA thing!
2018-05-20 1:29 am
after 8 years of hussein obama it does
2018-05-20 12:57 am
Unfortunately yes.
2018-05-20 12:55 am
Yes an in every race.
2018-05-20 12:47 am
Yes. It still exists around the whole world.
2018-05-20 12:35 am
It exists everywhere.
2018-05-19 11:40 pm
Yes... racism exist everywhere sadly
2018-05-19 11:35 pm
2018-05-19 11:33 pm
Racism started at the beginning of time, all over the world. It will continue until the end of time, all over the world. Stop asking this, already.
2018-05-19 11:22 pm
Yes... and it exists EVERYWHERE...
2018-05-19 11:20 pm
Yes and it is everywhere.
2018-05-19 10:40 pm
Unfortunately, racism still exists in the USA. Read, D. Blackmon, Another Name for Slavery. I hope that the author's name is correct; book recently published; author is a journalist in Alabama/a southern state; got interested in the historical stories he found in the files of his newspaper; did some research, decided to write a book using the historical articles as a major source. Traces the racism in the USA after to the Civil War to WWI; second book is the same discussion and continues to trace racism from WWII to current time. More books Ive read include Yellow Crocus. Good insight into racism when you read Team Rivalry and more books about Lincoln. I reread Dr. King's speeches and Letter in Birmingham Jail -- yearly on MLK Day. There are many resources that are good; easy to read on Kindle.... Perhaps one day we can be that city on the hill--that Camelot that Kennedy spoke about, and actually have justice roll down like the waters that MLK dreamt of.... perhaps... we can't tolerate the current attitudes in the WH and have those dreams come true.
2018-05-19 9:43 pm
Yes. Against whites.
2018-05-19 9:18 pm
Feminism is officially endorsed by the State. Hating white males is the way to go now
2018-05-19 9:05 pm
Sad to say it still does.
2018-05-19 7:21 pm
2018-05-19 7:07 pm
To a certain degree. It won’t go away completely.
2018-05-19 5:57 pm
Almost certainly, yes.
Unfortunately it still exists everywhere.
2018-05-19 5:55 pm
No, it's illegal since 1876. We're good people and treat everyone equally and fairly. Don't believe what others say.
2018-05-19 4:52 pm
2018-05-19 4:26 pm
Um lol yeah. Sadly enough in some ways its gotton worse
2018-05-19 3:49 pm
Yes I had a real experience of racism with a Heavy Metal band from Florida but I gave to their vocalist his deserved lesson when they did a concert in my town in Brazil I stand from audience raising a board and my middle finger in direction him then he walked from stage towards me and I yelled on his face 'you racist pig' he knew what I was referring about and got completely mad. He tried beat me but lol I was surrounded by my crew. All this because Trayvon Martin case.
參考: I am Brazilian
2018-05-19 2:39 pm
2018-05-19 2:26 pm
2018-05-19 12:26 pm
2018-05-19 11:16 am
Of course
2018-05-19 10:28 am
Racism exists in every country just more open in USA because it's an open society.
2018-05-19 10:06 am
You don't watch the news, do you?
2018-05-19 9:37 am
2018-05-19 9:23 am
2018-05-19 9:23 am
It till exists but has decreased a lot over the last 50 years. The Ku Klux Klan has decreased but are still there but are a lot more secretive as they know the law will no longer tolerate open racist behaviour it did years ago where blacks were bashed and even killed just for being black and many white people did not care. These days violent attacks on blacks as police try and arrest them and stories if blacks being arrested even though there is no proof they actually broke the law are still being reported by the media whereas years ago the media blindly ignored such events.
It will take at least another 50 years before racism is largely wiped out in the US
2018-05-19 9:05 am
It exists, as both anti-black racism and anti-white racism.
2018-05-19 8:43 am
Yes, all because so many people refuse to judge others for their opinions rather than their race!
2018-05-19 7:48 am
Yes, inverse too.
2018-05-19 7:40 am
I feel like the word's been misused to DEATH, but as long as groups of humans exist with obstructing racial stereotypes in society and demeaning others due to their skin color, it will continue to persist.
2018-05-19 7:31 am
2018-05-19 7:12 am
It exists everywhere, not just USA. We live in a very, very sick world...
2018-05-19 6:27 am
Do unto thy neighbor then run away
2018-05-19 6:11 am
Define racism.
2018-05-19 5:57 am
Yes, and it exists everywhere.
2018-05-19 5:53 am
2018-05-19 5:39 am
I think yes.
2018-05-19 5:18 am
yes it does
2018-05-19 4:55 am
why don't you ask uncle sam

if you can't find him he probably died

2018-05-19 4:25 am
2018-05-19 3:41 am
2018-05-19 2:58 am
Unfortunately yes
2018-05-19 1:36 am
It is all over the world. Not just in the US.
2018-05-23 3:50 pm
racism exists in all countries and at all times
it is a matter of dominance.don't we all see the orientals looking down upon westerners as gross coarse people
did not we see the conquistadors decimating the incas and others the white races decimating native indians[native americans],,, religious genocide of jews in europe?
one african tribe annihilating other, there is nothing new.this will remain.---oppressor and oppressed--
the beauty of it is, once the pecking order is firmly established, a transformation takes place with cross breeding and the oppressed gets the upper hand over the decadent oppressor who withers away and is swallowed by the oppressed
unless a decimation takes place ending in extinction
the sad aspect is, the enjoyment and exploitation by the professional "rights groups" derive using and egging on these
opposing races, into bitter irreconcilable divided groups living with distrust and no peace.
there is racism-- whiteXblack ,whiteX asian ,asianXblack asianXlatino latinoX black and th sub groups with different
there is co-existence too and that is u s of a
參考: looking around and at what passed
2018-05-23 2:18 pm
Yes. You cat thank obama
2018-05-23 12:13 am
they need a wake up call a nice foot in the butt
its dead mixed races have better looking KIDS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no more back woods looking kids you can spot them a mile away
crossed eyes and buck teeth racism family's calling brother daddy LOL
2018-05-22 11:43 pm
I'm afraid that as long as humans are humans, racism will still exist all around the globe.
2018-05-22 9:49 pm
Nope we beat that in 1964, asked Lyndon Johnson......................oh wait hes dead.......................and loved to say the N-word.
2018-05-22 9:21 am
One of many things that will never totally go away.
2018-05-21 7:15 am
YES, it exists everywhere
2018-05-21 1:23 am
2018-05-20 11:59 pm
2018-05-20 10:57 pm
You asked a broad question and makes the same assumption that most people fall into. There is NO systemic racism in the USA. It is illegal and prosecuted often. Individual racism exists world wide and anyone saying it doesn't is lying. You CANNOT stop individual racist comments or actions from happening. And making broad claims of racism in any country assumes you know every person in that country. That crap should end today.
2018-05-20 3:50 pm
Yes. It exists in every nation.
2018-05-20 12:04 pm
This is posted in politics so I'm assuming it's FAKE NEWS.
2018-05-20 10:37 am
Yes, we all are guilty of this.
2018-05-20 2:54 am
Yes you see it on the news wish it did not but it dose
2018-05-20 12:39 am
For sure not.
2018-05-19 4:28 pm
Yes. BUT, define racism. Is it me having a legitimate complaint about someone who isn't the same color as me, or is it me negatively generalizing about an entire group of people based on their skin tone? The racists would say either--maybe not out loud so as not to get caught being idiots, but in the way they get upset with both and label both. It's not nearly as prevalent as you'd think by watching most media outlets, especially concerning our President.

The people bitching about it are the ones actually showing most of it. People who aren't saying anything--aren't saying ANYTHING. See how that works??
2018-05-19 8:50 am
It still exists, and other forms of prejudices are still ignored.
2018-05-19 8:27 am
Yes a little bit
2018-05-19 7:05 am
It does everywhere!!!
2018-05-19 5:18 am
Racism exist all over the World in one form or another. We, as humans fear the unknown and a different colors of people are scary but some bury it deep within and in time it is not consciously on our minds. There will be times when something happens and the thought will cross your mind.
2018-05-19 4:04 am
The KKK is still here so yes slavery is alive and well. It's funny though some will say they don't like Black people because of how some of them act an they are barbaric An disrespectful selling drugs, violent, etc. However it was white people who set the table for black people to survive like this, (the ghetto). metaphorically Black people could only eat if they did some of these things. Now times have changed and that's not okay but to answer your question Yes. In the South black people are being lynched and it's 2018.
2018-05-19 2:30 am
Yes no thanks to trumpsky
2018-05-18 6:55 pm
No, gulp a bit water, you are doin, too much bad and things!!
2018-05-21 9:36 am
Racism exist all over the world. All races think theirs is the best. It has always been that way and will always be that way. Even though I have great friends who are of a different races, I still feel more comfortable around people of my own race, especially when in a large group of people I don't know. Truth is, I expect the feeling is universal. Does that make an evil person?
2018-05-19 11:54 pm
Yes and since it is born from ignorance it will be around for a long time
2018-05-19 7:19 am
Sure does
The president is racist. His latest remark was about gang members and was accurate but he has made enough previous remarks to show his racisim
2018-05-19 7:33 am
Only a stupid honkey would ask a dumb question like that. Get off this site honkey!
2018-05-18 7:52 pm
USA and racism - one and the same.
2018-05-19 6:35 am
2018-05-18 6:00 pm
Yes. There are gases and rocks in space.

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