Why did Yahoo News suspends comments?

2020-07-23 5:55 am
Should everyone stop using it until they respect our free speech more than themselves?

回答 (471)

2020-07-23 5:57 am
They are trying to suspend free speech so they don't look bad. I mean when you post garbage, and call it news, it looks pretty bad when you have 100,000 comments at the bottom saying "thins is garbage, not news".
2020-07-23 8:11 pm
Yahoo News suspended comments because the most popular comments almost always challenged the liberal, PC, anti-white narrative.  Liberal tech companies like Yahoo, google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have been on a concerted campaign to silence conservative speech.  They have also been working hard 
to make it look like no one supports Trump and everyone is on board with their radical leftist agenda.  Of course, this censorship is done under the guise of fighting “racism” and “hate speech”, but we all know any opposition to leftism is now labeled as such.  Essentially, they are closing some of the final loopholes that prevent them from completely controlling the narrative.
參考: Common sense
2020-07-23 9:52 pm
This is partly reputation management, partly left-wing sentiment. They didn't like the fact that the comments were overwhelmingly conservative, and so soundly out-debated the minority left voices, but also that so many people were saying Yahoo sucks. Not good for the brand image, don'tcha know.
2020-07-25 7:26 pm
Yahoo, without comments your news service is dry and dusty!
2020-07-24 2:46 pm
I guess they won't mind the drop in advertising revenue. If I can't comment I don't view and they can't thrust advertisements at me.
2020-07-24 3:41 am
They were already banning people from commenting to articles for disagreeing with them, so this is just the next step. 

I got banned from commenting on articles a good year ago because I flamed Yahoo for promoting people being fat and having hormonal imbalances. No idea where Yahoo gets the idea that promoting unhealthy life choices and medical conditions is acceptable behavior. 
2020-07-23 9:17 pm
Seems Yahoo is starting to realize that most folks support our president and that he will win in November.  Case in point.....stocks are sky rocketing.  Good times.
See.....8 likes and 4 dislikes.  
2020-07-26 6:32 pm
I suspect it is for political reasons, especially concerning being called out for fake news.
2020-07-23 8:10 am
I have been following comments mostly about political issues and stories........and with out a doubt the conservative opinion has been and was until today......very overwhelming in numbers supporting conservative views, and most importantly gave fact and correct informative information that was correct and up to date......especially when the articles seemed libera based.
2020-07-23 2:19 pm
Yahoo is not a news organization. It is purely liberal propaganda and doesn't even try to hide that fact. They cannot have any opposition to their agenda so they are stopping commenting because the reality is it doesn't relect their line they are feeding everyone. The comments show that overwhelmingly people are opposed to the "woke" agenda they are pushing and thus they must censor all comments until they figure out a way to get them all to support their baloney nonsense articles
2020-07-24 2:23 am
Since Yahoo promotes DNC echo-chamber  journalism they are confused as to why anyone would ever want to have different opinions. To reduce their confusion they simply removed the comments section.
2020-07-23 2:54 pm
People are citing sources and facts that disprove the zionist trolls that plague the comment section.  Shutting down the comments is their way of silencing our voices and realizing their dream of turning us into Palestinians. 
2020-07-25 4:56 am
Yahoo is at the forefront of the anti-law enforcement, anti-white, anti-conservative, anti-US history, "blacks are all oppressed," "violent mobs are really peaceful protests" movement currently shaking this country.  Most of the reader's comments depicted a much more accurate and true picture of the real facts behind Yahoo's dubious "news" articles.  Most of Yahoo's "journalists" are extremely left wing, anti-freedom of speech, and completely lacking in understanding of the importance of the Bill of Rights guarantee of freedom of speech and press.  Censorship, "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" are the underpinnings of the education that these folks received.  Therefore, it is no surprise that Yahoo as a company has now gone "all in" to censor opinion that does not conform to their narrative.
2020-07-23 10:07 pm
If they don't bring it back as it was (which was already censored for certain words, mind you) then I'll simply cancel my account and move on. If they can't handle people in the centre/right having opinions then they'll soon find themselves in the "get woke, go broke" category.
2020-07-25 7:20 am
Honestly. If yahoo takes our first ammendment right Freedom of Free Speech away, than America inches closer, and closer to a dictatorship, just like Putins Russia, Chinas Xin, North Korea Kim UnYiung.
I urge Yahoo to open up the reviews. Or we the people should boycott them.
Perhaps all the companies that pay for advertising also should take their adds off of Yahoo.
So when Yahoo looses its clientell plus donating, sponsored advertisement revenues, perhaps then Yahoo is getting a clue.
Also Allow Freedom of Word choice. Even thus I dont like mean words its our rights.
To each its own.
If not we might should boycott Yahoo.
Oh Yahoo are you now going to shut my response down?
參考: AngelikaYahooArticle Review
2020-07-23 6:33 am
I believe they did it because the comments are not supporting their narrative.
2020-07-23 5:58 am
Take my word for it =when the click count goes down like Cnn ratings the comment ban will go away. 
2020-07-23 10:39 pm
Bias.  They noticed a lot of the comments were actively against the agenda they supported.  
2020-07-24 7:04 pm
I think they banned comments because most of their articles were anti-white, anti-male, and anti-American, but the comments themselves would always defend whites, defend males, and defend Americans, besides pointing out missing information or the spelling/grammatical errors to be seen in nearly every article. Upset at being shown time and again what a joke their "journalism" is, besides that their propaganda clearly wasn't working, Yahoo resorted to full - on censorship. Typical leftist move.
2020-07-23 6:36 am
Easier for Yahoo to spread lies and portray it as the truth. They got tired of getting called out for their spreading of false information.
參考: Yahoo news.
2020-07-23 6:56 pm
Because Yahoo realises that the vast majority of comments disagree with their "version" of the truth so have decided not to allow any more comments as they are afraid everyone will see that they are liars!
2020-07-23 9:51 pm
Angry white right racists comments and threats is why. See more above and below 
2020-07-23 10:37 am
It seems Yahoo suspended comments after they saw overwhelming support for President Trump and his polices regarding the out of control violence happening in Portland Oregon, Chicago Illinois and New York City. Over the past week I had noticed a huge pro Trump shift on their comments pages which have now been suspiciously suspended. Yet I see their over sensationalized anti Trump headlines continue on now, without any way to respond to the issues. Trump 2020, Trump's numbers are solid.
2020-07-23 1:15 pm
Because they're LOOOOOSERRRRRRRRRS now, that's why.
2020-07-23 10:24 pm
The Majority of comments are always against Yahoo's liberal narrative, that's why.
2020-07-24 12:21 am
Yahoo encouraging a diverse and broad discussion is like Colonel Sanders encouraging chickens to jump in a fryer.

I knew this day would come and it is no coincidence it happens a few months before an election. 

This may very well be my last post. In over 15 years I have seen Yahoo slowly restrict, censor and eliminate dissenting opinion from its stories, to the point where it had censored probably half the words found in Webster's dictionary.

Without us exposing the hypocrisy, falsehood and misleading headlines they are free to advance any agenda they see fit without any opposition. 

What they don't realize is I won't be back until comments are restored. No clicks, no ad revenue. No soup for you. Not everyone commenting on Yahoo was a bot. 

Enjoy your liberal echo chamber Yahoo. CYA.
Jbeezy 2014-2020
Basementbeast73 2004-2014
2020-07-23 2:06 pm
Ok my last and final post on Yahoo! as I see it this site here is allowed to continue to allow people to voice there opinion about there shutting down comments they are pigeonholing those with dissenting comments.  Don't come back to Yahoo! you just feed there bottom line and give them what they want a way to remove conservative comments.
2020-07-23 11:26 pm
Yahoo suspended comments because they do not want the public to know what the public thinks. So I cam here to comment I am suspending Yahoo News temporarily until they reinstate them.
參考: public thinks. So I cam here to comment I am suspending Yahoo news temporarily Silencing people's opinions is censorship and removing a freedom of expression. bye.
2020-07-25 2:42 pm
I have what I hope is not too controversial an answer.... It goes like this... The media's  job is not only to inform.  It is to manipulate and lie...  The problem Yahoo Comments was that we ('the people') stop their lies and manipulation immediately they are published in the Yahoo main page.  For example, yesterday Yahoo News stated that the Madeleine McCann case was "closed and re-opened several times" and that is a LIE.   The Portuguese Judiciary FILED the case ONCE because the McCanns were no longer in Portugal and had fled as soon as they were made prime suspects ('arguidos')....  Anyone who is familiar with Yahoo Comments knows that people are extremely well informed about current events including the McCann case and will immediately leave a comment .... Hmmmm... neutralizing the effect Yahoo is trying to achieve with their BS.  Another point, Yahoo claim that the Portuguese are dying to be able to come to England without being subject to quarantine.  This is just not true.  The vast majority of Portuguese people are scared to travel to the countries most affected by corona virus like England, Spain, Italy and France so to say that the Portuguese are"furious" with the decision to put them in quarantine is ludicrous to say the least. The Portuguese value  their great achievement of being one of the very few countries in Europe with the smallest corona virus problem.   This is the only reason why I am convinced Yahoo stopped Y/Comments and without the Coments I have no interest in reading anything Yahoo 'print' and I told them so in the 'survey' I filled in yesterday
2020-07-23 10:20 am
Most of the comments didn't support their liberal narrative...
2020-07-23 5:58 am
Its a desperation move, let me see, liberal yahoo rejects free speech. Thats just plain dumb.
2020-08-04 12:36 am
Because Yahoo is Democrat like the Washington Post, NY Times....This way every anti Trump article posted will not receive a counter in the comments section. You should be able to respond again after Nov.4,2020.
參考: My thoughts only!
2020-07-23 7:42 pm
you are wrong to suspend  comments and reactions
2020-07-24 3:14 am
Yahoo has put an end to the ability to comment on their articles, like MSN before them, because they cannot accept that their articles that were sympathetic to the Leftist perspective were not well received.  Problem is that Yahoo can censor the opinions of Conservatives and others all they want, but the sentiment never disappears.  We are still out here and we are voting in November.  If they think we are voting for Biden, Yahoo and the Left are in for a rude awakening.  When you seek to censor, you find that the opinions go underground and not only grow, but flower.
2020-07-24 10:55 pm
They got angry that no one buys their constant far left wing propaganda.
2020-07-24 4:26 am
Without the comments calling out biased and misleading article headlines, people won't bother visiting Yahoo.  They go elsewhere to call out fake news.  Which means a big drop in ad revenue for Yahoo, which is good for free speech and rational thought everywhere.
2020-07-23 8:14 am
Yahoo wants people to live in a bubble of mob approved opinion.
2020-07-24 8:18 am
It's scary that they think censoring the thoughts of people is better than reading a comment that disagrees with one's opinion. 

That is why things are discussed.

This would be like ending debates at schools because... it might get dramatic.

We are headed towards some scary... scarier... times...

Opinions differ and that is a fact of life and I, personally, want to know what everyone else is thinking.

There are weirdos that go extra-obnoxious about how they convey their thoughts, yeah, but there is always that good ol' report button if they go over the top are aren't reasonable about their presentation of opinion - 

Eliminating comments altogether is just bizarre and seems to go against the 1st Amendment, although I don't think that is a concern to them.

We use at our own risk - so if we read an obnoxious "retort" that makes us uncomfortable it is what it is. 

If people don't like the drama they can just avoid use or - comment and not read the replies if thumbs-downs denote that there might be some harsh ones. 

My $0.02. 
2020-07-24 5:36 am
Yahoo did not like that most of the comments were definitely conservative leaning, supportive of free speech, law and order, the police, and our President. From the tone of most articles it was very apparent yahoo had a one sided approach to anything they printed and were on a mission to influence their readers'. Which is not what journalism should do. It was in the comments that I was able to get a feel for what others thought and why. The comments were also where you often found links to the rest of the story that yahoo was conveniently omitting. Yahoo did not like that their readers were doing a better job at journalism than yahoo was doing. If someone was unnecessarily rude, yahoo had given you the ability to mute that user. But no problem, yahoo. Without comments I will not be reading your articles. I can scan the headlines and then google any topic i might want more info about. But i will not be giving my clicks to the mighty yahoo counter so that I can be indoctrinated to their way of thinking.  I am also investigating old school print sources for subscription rates as well as their unbiased ratings. I don't necessarily need to read news stories that agree with my leaning. What I would like to read is unbiased reporting.  This is also, btw, why i stopped listening to NPR. Interesting stories that took me sometimes to parts of the world I was unfamiliar with. But most of the time there was nothing objective about their reporting. 

I have subscribed to The Washington Times. No more yahoo clicks from me. Life is better.
2020-07-23 8:17 am
Goodbye yahoo!!! I won’t visit your site ever again as you are too afraid of all the views that were expressed in your comment section that oppose your own very left agenda, (which apparently is very very fragile).
2020-07-23 7:25 pm
Yahoo suspended comments because their Free Speech Suppression Squad couldn't keep up with the Q Squad and they are afraid the Truth will shine through their vicious biased lies! Yahoo hates Free Speech along with all conservative opinions and truths! They are trying to silence us, while claiming they're fighting toxic opinions!,
參考: Everyone Knows It
2020-07-23 8:36 am
Liberal agenda..... with most garbage reposted  from HuffPost. Leaning far to the Left.... with their feelings hurt.
2020-07-24 7:17 am
I wish people would just stop. Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom to be a trolling jerk. Yahoo comments were so full of vitriol it was sickening. Aside of that, free speech does not apply here—that only applies when the government tries to censor you. I hope they stay gone. That way I’m not tempted to read the comments or respond to them. 

What troubles me is so many people claim yahoo is a “left leaning” site, but from all of the bigotry and hatred I read in those comments seems to me that the far right was pretty we represented. And if yahoo was so bad and so left leaning, why are you there to begin with?
2020-07-23 5:57 am
They were getting too many comments on how their coverage was blatantly far Left. So they silenced those voices. 
2020-07-28 11:17 am
they want you to think that everyone out there agrees with there complete libaral bias articles, when in fact when they post that BS 95% of the comments are negative and that interferes with their brainwashing efforts its just more cancel culture folks this is the LAST time i use there site until and unless they put the comments back in. just look at the negative comments here, and the person blaiming angry white racists lol you are outnumbered 3-1 asswad, get real and quit blaming your lack of success on ANYONE other than yourself.
2020-07-23 7:13 am
Articles are so obviously biased that they are useless. The ONLY thing of value to me is seeing how people respond to the propaganda. It interests me to see what people believe, what they don't and why. It interests me to see how far people will go to "spin" a story to suit their ideology and agenda. The articles don't interest me at all by comparison.  If they don't bring back comments, I will spend my time elsewhere besides Yahoo.
2020-07-23 9:41 am
Can't be certain, but it's to their detriment as there are some good opinions on the
site, as much as there are uninformed, and ignorant ones. Free expression means 
you receive real opinions, and some people have a hard time hearing the truth. This
is only a time out, I have no doubt they'll return.
2020-07-26 9:41 pm
 Some of the comments are better than the answers so it would expose more people to read those comments as answers. 
2020-07-23 11:55 pm
2020-07-25 2:30 am
I hate this move as many seem to. I will stop using Yahoo if this is longterm, I already hand many issues with them and this is the last straw.
2020-07-31 5:53 am
Free speech is hard won and should be welcomed. Abuse is not necessary.
George Orwell’s 1984 is worth reading.
2020-07-24 1:15 am
If you take away user comments, I will take away yahoo. I am furious that you are taking away free speech! No, I do not want Big Brother taking away my freedom of thought! 
2020-07-23 9:54 am
No surprise, since Yahoo can now Post Far left LIES with no fear of anyone exposing the FACTS!
2020-07-23 1:10 pm
Because they're LOOOOOSERRRRRRRRRS now, that's why.
2020-07-26 4:08 am
Anyone who has spent time in Yahoo’s comments knows how rude and abusive most of them are.  If you really care about what Yahoo is doing with their comments go complete their survey.  You can make your own statement in your own words at the end, and I believe that those comments will be read.I suspect the point of the suspension and survey is a response to complaints about how rude and abuse they are.  I enjoy the comments sections for the extra information, the entertainment value on some (frankly, really dumb) posts and the opportunity to give my own opinion.  But have to filter through / ignore / look past the abusers.Plus all the stupid political responses that are probably just bots.I would love it if Yahoo came up with some sort of “filter” that got rid of most of the abusers and bots.
2020-08-01 10:33 am
Many of the comments pointed out errors and bias, and frankly often showed deeper and more intricate thought than the articles themselves.  They showed them up and made Yahoo look lightweight.  It was a service to us, though, because we had pushback and found community with like-minded commenters.  We were stronger than they were and they knew it.  The comments almost made it a conservative engine.  They had to take us down.  But like many progressive policies, instead of standing there and taking it, like they assume we will do, they will drive us and our revenue away.  Ta-ta.
2020-07-23 10:42 pm
Because the mainstream media is a radical extension of the democratic party and will stop at nothing to get Trump out of office. This includes censorship.
2020-07-24 12:07 am
Most comments were conservative, because ANONYMOUS trolls cannot hide their mug in the comment section...This has always been a leftist cesspool...
2020-07-23 6:00 am
To pretend to be the crowd without crowd interference.  My comments never ever appeared in public!
2020-07-23 10:18 pm
Most Americans have conservative values and it goes against the yahoo company culture...
2020-07-24 9:17 pm
To ban conservative viewpoints.  The amount they had to spend on moderators to delete conservative talking points from all of their news (if you can call it that) articles had to be astronomical as most pro Trump comments were deleted in under 60 seconds.
參考: Yahoo hates conservatives and worships celebrities.
2020-07-23 12:02 pm
Free speech is a civil concept that doesn't apply to privately owned websites. If you don't like it, take a hike. That's how the free market works.
2020-07-26 12:53 am
I like that people think Yahoo is taking their First Amendment rights away! First Amendment applies to the government not corporations.
2020-07-23 9:31 am
I agree with you. If yahoo permanently removes the comments I will look for a new platform to get my news, comments, and entertainment. MSN/Bing did the same thing a few years ago which lead me to yahoo in the first place. I do not believe in drinking any one person's or political organization's kool-aid. I want to see a wide range of views and opinions. 
2020-07-24 9:42 pm
I hope they immediately correct this mess
2020-07-24 1:38 am
That's not what free speech is
2020-07-24 2:32 am
Because Democrats were getting destroyed.
Vote here to bring comments back https://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/924010-yahoo-answers/suggestions/40973842-bring-back-comments
2020-07-27 4:05 am
They were watching the credibility of their propaganda "news articles" fall apart in real time thanks to normal American Trump supporter comments.
2020-07-25 12:25 am
Yahoo wants you to believe there lies and have cut us out.
2020-07-25 5:37 am
They didn't like what people had to say about their articles.  They have closed minds.  They don't like Republicans.  The fear public opinion.  Okay, I'm just guessing.  I don't know.  I prefer Fox News any way.
2020-07-24 5:27 am
YAHOO! has become a 24/7/365 campaign ad for whatever democrat is running for office.  Without the comment section YAHOO! is useless.  These same liberal talking points can be heard from the alphabet networks each night on the evening news.  I suspect their click-count will plummet. 
2020-07-23 5:15 pm
Because their biased Cowards that can’t support their own narratives. I might as well go to another site. . .these bastards can’t handle truth.
2020-07-23 11:06 am
Yahoo couldn't handle how there was real news in the comments section. 
2020-07-23 8:28 pm
The Left will always use censorship because their ideas can't withstand critical thinking or basic commonsense.
2020-07-23 4:42 pm
News are facts. They are not opinions. 
2020-07-23 10:29 pm
yahoo had become a left wing propaganda tool and they got a frosty response which they didnt like so they cancelled all comments entirely as they couldnt handle the response
2020-07-23 9:21 am
They couldn't stand how pro Trump it's become and like every liberal who can't debate they ran and buried their head's in the sand.
2020-07-26 12:49 pm
If the comment section served as a sentiment meter on the article, the votes were clearly and overwhelmingly for the conservative view while the articles themselves were mostly left leaning. By removing the comments all you get is the left view.
2020-07-23 12:55 pm
seems its so they can make a safe space.
basically they mean censorship of everything that doesnt progress Verizon Communications agendas.
remember this is the company thats been paying off FCC members to get obamas title 2 decree turned over. allowing them and others to double dip you on services like netflix which they then deliberatly throttle because they use bandwidth.. ERM YOU PAID FOR THAT BANDWIDTH ALREADY! and then they say you cant use it all...
yeah thats verizon...
so why wouldnt you expect them to start censoring any voices that dont push there agendas.
or they have been threatened to be canceled >.<   .... 
2020-07-24 11:11 pm
Comments were a great place to get 'additional' info when Yahoo runs stories that deceives by omission. I'm guessing the liberal left establishment didn't like that. 
2020-07-29 12:35 am
Purely political. Roadie and Ken need to reevaluate their views or pull their heads out whatever comes first.
2020-07-24 4:56 am
Why did yahoo decide to shut down the comment section. This seems so much like we are being censored. 
2020-07-23 9:55 pm
Because they can and they ban people accounts for silly reasons too.
2020-07-25 2:10 pm
Yahoo might be a privately owned company, but when such a company offers to the public a site like Y!A, it has lost the right to censure anything posted on that site, except for threats or perhaps certain curse words and expletives. BTW, has anyone else been subjected to not be allowed the usual 2 points per answer?  That has happened to me very often.  Usually I get the 2 points about 1 out of 5 answers.
2020-07-23 10:22 am
It’s because Biden and his liberal owned media are about to have their a—es handed to them in November. 
2020-07-23 11:38 am
Liberal crap. I'm done with Yahoo. 
2020-07-24 10:15 am
That is why other websites are struggling to get readers. Trying to charge us. Writers don't make much money. So if yahoo doesn't want us to write, then why should we read hired writers' article.
2020-07-23 10:59 pm
P.C. Cowards, liberalism is a true mental disorder.
2020-07-24 12:11 am
Free speech is dead. The leftists don't even try to pretend they support it anymore. Any time they're confronted with it, they argue against it. 
2020-07-24 4:23 am
Yahoo was having trouble controlling the narrative. Thou shalt have no opinion that the DNC does not give you!
2020-07-23 10:36 pm
It does explains what happened.

I have mixed feelings about this.
2020-07-27 10:35 pm
So Yahoo disabled comments...heaven forbid that people can debate and call out misleading articles!  100% political and another sign how the media is mostly corrupt!
2020-07-24 6:44 am
Because they are Left biased and did not like that so many comments disagreed with their biased articles.
2020-07-23 12:47 pm
so much for freedom of speech! Damn liberals!
2020-07-24 1:27 pm
There certainly are a lot fewer vulgar answers from RNC- and Putin-paid sock puppets, too.  Much appreciated!
2020-07-25 1:52 am
Comments were suspended because of rightwing MAGAtroll conspiracy nonsense, as well as violence and bigotry. In nearly every thread, regardless of subject, there would be some NRA nutter saying they welcome a new Civil War. Conservatives are why we can't have nice things.
2020-07-24 11:36 pm
I believe everyone has a right to speak their thoughts and feelings about all topics. Yahoo comments should not end because I believe it helps our society's overall mental health, to let out frustration, anger, compassion and all emotions in general especially during our times in crisis, and allows all people to connect good and bad. Ignorance cannot be avoided or silenced as well as sound mindedness. Most "news" programs and articles went astray when journalist and editors started including their personal opinions, and that is why many people consider it Fake News. As a democrat I see the problem that companys including (Yahoo), (Fox), and so on..hire people with bias and only want to fuel misinformation and create divide amongst the general public. People will find outlets to speak their minds no matter what Yahoo decides to do about the comments section, but if they really want to fix the problem they should look at the writers of articles and only promote a workforce that has integrity and facts without writers biased opinions.
2020-07-23 1:46 pm
Yahoo is losing the hearts and minds.  This is their response.
2020-07-24 12:21 am
Yahoo doesn’t respect free speech under the first amendment, the search engine is just another arm of the extreme left, otherwise they would show ALL comments all the time!
2020-07-23 9:45 pm
It ended because they could no longer deflect their failed journalism on racists and Russian trolls. They realized they couldn't refute facts,numbers, and common sense no matter how they tried to spin a story.
2020-07-24 7:22 am
Yahoo gives biased political opinions and they did not desire opposition. 
2020-07-24 5:48 am
Comments were suspended because the commenters are more intelligent than the 12 year olds writing the articles.  This made the authors sad.  Since it is not okay to feel sad (but it is okay to tell the world how stupid you are), Yahoo gave all of their "reporters" a fake chocolate chip and chia cookie and promised to make it so that those whose intellect the "reporters" obviously could not match or even hope to aspire to, would not be challenged intellectually.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I will only be checking into Yahoo now to see what advertisers believe that free speech is not allowed and will be sure to spend my money at their most direct competitors.  

By the way, no matter if you are liberal or conservative or neither, this should really make you think about Yahoo's decision to control free speech.
2020-07-24 7:20 am
Too many right wing comments voicing their opinions that disagree with the left wing propaganda and narrative. Yahoo is extremely biased. 
2020-09-05 7:54 am
They say it is to protect, but that is a very short step from censorship. when opinions become 'hurtful language', freedom of speech is endangered. I always chuckle at those who denigrate 'white privilege' but somehow miss the fact that land-owning, slave-owning white guys gave all of us the Constitution with a Bill of Rights.
2020-07-24 2:59 am
Not about 'cost & expense' is it? The 'comments' are the ONLY things worth reading sometimes...Hilariously funny, poignant, sad, frightened, angry, critical etc., & the purely offensive were removed! It was a brilliant system & gauged human life...& the feelings in UK - Positive & Negative.'  Removing  'Yahoo comments section' for no apparent reason, smacks of 'control'  & has definitely removed elements of 'Free Speech' in UK!  LEAST Yahoo could do - from 'common courtesy is to tell us WHY? They get 48hrs... then I'm closing my Yahoo Account! This behaviour is rude, ignorant... & I've no reason to stay. Keep safe everyone. 
2020-07-23 7:49 pm
Yahoo has been poor for years... and only the comments were worth reading 
2020-07-24 3:45 am
Democrats politicians in America has ganged up with Yahoo on their witchcraft hunts against Trump administration and freedom of speech because of November 3rd Presidential election 
2020-07-26 1:47 am
Social media, which includes comments, have become the principal means of communications throughout the world. Unfortunately, control of social media rests in the hands of a few private corporations with a very specific political agenda which they cannot achieve unless they remove the people's right to dissent. The First Amendment is the right of every citizen that nobody has the right to suppress.
2020-07-24 1:38 am
Yahoo is owned by Verizon, who really needs step in and clean house. Any telecom that deliberately prevents the people from expressing themselves should be boycotted.  
2020-07-24 2:04 am
Probably had too many whiny progressives complaining that people were being mean to them. Either that or perhaps there was some doxing of Yahoo’s writers’ personal information, but that’s just me speculating. Either way, Yahoo seems to be incredibly biased in what they are “reporting” (if you can even call it that) and people would often leave comments pointing out inaccuracies or outright lies in their articles. I completely support a free media but as a journalist, you should put forth at least some effort to remain impartial, which clearly Yahoo is not. If you haven’t noticed lately though, Yahoo has been filtering out more and more comments challenging their opinions and now, I wouldn’t be surprised if they ban commenting altogether for good. Weak as f... imo.
2020-07-24 2:19 am
Because they can't handle the truth about SJW's and BLM's racism. They CAN'T STAND when we whites stick up for ourselves. They also coddle and cater to Zionist Jews.
2020-07-23 10:40 pm
The comments were the only reason that I clicked on the articles. Yahoo writers are brain dead libturds and the company probably got tired of people pointing that out.
If Yahoo decides to do away with comments I'll cancel my account and move on. 
There is nothing else about the site that interests me. It's basically trash.
2020-07-24 2:13 am
They shouldn't disallow comments just because joe biden is a dill doe
2020-07-23 8:15 pm
yahoo is owned by communist china
2020-07-23 11:30 pm
Yahoo is considered a news outlet???? I thought it was comedy.
2020-07-24 1:07 am
Oh I see they suspended the comments on here too. Yeah I asked a question a about it but didn't get as much answers as you, anon.....
2020-07-24 12:55 am
Yahoo! is removing their comment section because...as one of the older email platforms, most of their users are 35 or older. These adults don't fall for their agenda pieces and ridiculous narratives. The comment section is FILLED with facts, insight, links to better articles, counterpoints, statistics, corrections and more. Yahoo! needs to remove these in order to better sell their political product. 

I have had a Yahoo! email since 2005. I disagree with their articles 90% of the time (crazy that journalism has become opinionism) but Yahoo! was convenient and I used the comment sections to find real news.

Remember the Giant Dust Cloud coming to wreak havoc on the Atlantic Ocean and the East Coast?!!?! Well it was the comment section that repeatedly pointed out it is a natural and annual occurrence that helps the food cycle of the ocean and prevents powerful hurricanes.

1941? 1984? 2020? Nazi Germany? Russia? China? The United States? 

The whole world is slowly becoming a one world global conglomerate of brainwashing and control.
2020-07-24 12:35 am
probably due to the liberal left and pc brigade getting their way, its very wrong as it goes against free expression.
2020-07-23 8:26 pm
Because they want to feed you "their" version of the news and do not want you countering it with real facts...and of course attempt to interfere with an election  remember Facebook / Cambridge Analytical ? 

P.S I came here specially to ask the same question.
2020-07-23 4:45 pm
Because they are dumb
2020-07-27 2:51 am
99% of these so called "political" articles from Yahoo just bash, law enforcement,conservatives and Trump daily. 
2020-07-24 8:24 pm
Yahoo, a division of the anti-competitive Verizon conglomerate, that also includes HuffPo and AOL, is doing what the others did long ago - i. e., creating a "safe space" for their millennial woke snowflake reporters, editors etc. to propagandize without fear of contradiction of their narrative by commentators. 

That is, the others, and almost all other news sites have either eliminated comments, required separate registration (with selective banning of individuals who challenged their narrative), required subscriptions, or continued to use Disqus but with selective banning of individuals who successfully challenge the basis of their narratives. All attempt to create comment sections that appear to support their narratives "safely" and create a "bubble of like-minded people", who breathe each others exhaust, echo, and mirror-reflect "the narrative". It's much like the bad old "Letters to the Editor" used to do in the days of the print media - i. e., just another form of "broadcast" media, wherein they talk, readers, viewers and listeners can only listen, read or watch, with the only option for responding being through the heavily filtered "letters".
2020-07-26 2:23 am
Yahoo "news" is a Socialist supportive "media outlet" also supportive of the Democrat Party. 

Years ago, a dear friend of mine, critical of Obama's presidency, was very expressive about his views on Yahoo Answers and comment sections--and Yahoo BLOCKED him from commenting!!  Clear First Amendment Rights suppression!!

What we're seeing here now, sadly, is no different: Despite the popularity polls, their Joe Biden is TRAILING President Trump ( and the LIBERALS HATE IT ); Yahoo is of the belief it's because WE THE PEOPLE are clear in our detestment of Socialist indoctrination efforts IN America. 

Yahoo--and their comrades within the LIBERAL SOCIALIST MEDIA OUTLETS--can't cover up the fact the Democrat Party IS TOAST!!
2020-07-24 12:17 am
They couldn't control the narrative.  People were questioning the stories.   We can't have that now, can we?
2020-07-23 11:25 pm
They Stopped comments because Cummings does not like freedom of speech, ,remember even MPs are not allowed to speak freely ,and we must be aware that Civil servants must toe the line or they are out ,looks as if we are heading for a dictatorship 
2020-07-26 8:19 pm
Probably far too many comments about Joe Biden's obvious senile dementia and disqualification under the 25th amendment for the office of President.

Yahoo wants a consistant message. One that elects Joe Biden even though he's impaired.
2020-07-23 8:50 pm
Because Yahoo wants to report their version of the news and not have anyone publicly disagree or challenge it.
2020-07-23 9:50 pm
Yahoo sucks, that's why. They are so bias against anything Trump or even Conservatives related. Every time I look at a political so-call article from them, the majority of the commenters are against their narrative. 
2020-07-26 4:25 am
The comments ability on Yahoo was one of it's best features.  Whatever buffoon decided to get rid of it, we all hope they are in the unemployment line reading this comment.
2020-07-24 2:29 am
Probably because too many people were posting stuff that was true and the MSM doesn't want to lose control of the narative.
2020-07-23 11:58 pm
I, and others, will start a boycott and revolt against Yahoo, for silencing our opinions for no cause except for furthering their marxist political ambitions. Care to join?
2020-07-23 10:38 pm
Because they are scared to death having realized that most comments trend conservative and that their pro communist/socialist/antifa/BLM/ far left agenda has been met with resistance.
2020-07-23 6:43 pm
Because as usual , trolls and stalkers and idiots were wildly abusing it. 

This is why we can't have nice things. 
2020-07-23 10:36 pm
Yahoo has routinely posted biased news articles that clearly reflect a radical left-leaning agenda, and readers have consistently refuted the lies, distortions, omissions, and exaggerations produced by Yahoo’s “journalists.” In suspending comments, all Yahoo has done is create a vacuum which will soon be filled by some other entity that is not afraid to give people the option of expressing diverse viewpoints. Screw you, Yahoo. Your efforts to brainwash us will FAIL.
2020-07-23 5:14 pm
Because Yahoo News is a Liberal News site that only conservatives read and comment on instead of Fox News for some reason.
2020-07-23 9:39 pm
because its run by politically correct leftist socialist marxist anti american criminals
2020-07-24 4:43 am
Because I started asking for empirical evidence for dangerous (obama) man made climate change. I was banned twice from Facebook for the same thing. MSM go to pieces when the money spinning belief system is scrutinized.
2020-07-27 12:04 am
Let me get this straight. This is a Yahoo message board where I am being asked why Yahoo "temporarily suspended" other Yahoo message boards? Is there a prize for answering correctly?
2020-07-24 7:54 am
I only come to Yahoo for the comments section, if that’s gone I no longer have any purpose in visiting yahoo. 
2020-07-25 7:41 pm
Yahoos laughable propaganda was exposed daily in the comment section. Why would anyone go to Yahoo just to read lies and misinformation? The left wing media and big tech are going down with the Democrats ship! Enjoy the four more *******! 
2020-07-24 3:21 am
Yahoo conveniently stop comments when they started posting article filled with even more lies and NO facts to support them.  The AOC article proves that reporting for a Yahoo article involves nothing but repeating lies and baseless statements which are not supported by any facts presented in the article.
2020-07-26 4:26 am
Because they never liked the comments to the BLM pages. Yahoo is getting very left-wing in the articles and did not like people speaking the truth
2020-07-23 11:03 pm
suppression of free speech.  yahoo can say anything without challenge.  I'll be moving my email if this is not restored within the week.
2020-07-23 10:39 pm
There is no better example than this of what happens to freedom of speech when Leftists (HuffPost) take over. 
2020-07-24 5:33 am
Yahoo ! Why must you censor people ! That's not fair !
2020-07-24 12:06 am
Getting close to the election, and they are silencing the conservatives.
2020-07-24 12:34 am
Not only to just silence our opinions on their left leaning political agendas that are very present and clear, they also don't like people pointing out every ad they have that is disguised as an "article". 
參考: Common Sense
2020-07-23 11:56 pm
Yahoo has found it could not control the narrative without silencing about 90% of the people! And when they did allow uncensored comments they were overwhelmed with opposing view points! They can not handle the truth that their views are are not accepted! 
2020-07-24 4:30 am
Just count the number of anti-Trump articles on yahoos front page, they USED to get heat for those, now they don't !!!
2020-07-23 11:29 pm
More proof the left biased Nazi MSM want to ban free speech coming from the right. 
2020-07-24 12:07 am
 This is just the tip of the iceberg. Censorship on the Internet will be increasing exponentially as you Americans get closer to the November election.
 They are already censoring the Presidents's own election ads and trying to deplatform his supporters.
 ------------ LIKE THE MAN SAID ---------
---------"" You ain't seen nothing yet ""
2020-07-23 10:36 pm
Just so you know, free speech only means you can’t be arrested or charged based on what you say—with certain necessary limitations. 

What you crybabies need to realize is that it’s not freedom from consequences or that you can say anything on a private website. 
2020-07-24 7:52 am
Personally I only gravitated towards Yahoo for the comments section. I enjoyed seeing what other people had to say, even if I disagreed with them, but more importantly you had people fact checking the so called "fact checkers" and made a strong argument that most articles are biased in so many ways. In this day and age there are other sources for news, so if they want to get rid of comments I'll just go to the next source.
2020-07-23 11:58 pm
Because they didn't like that there are more Pro Trump, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matters, Legal Immigrations, etc. people commenting.
2020-07-23 9:28 pm
I take it they don’t like certain view points. I sure do miss the comment section.
2020-07-24 4:25 am
They don't like being made out to be the dictators they are and hate the constitution. 
2020-07-24 12:34 pm
Trump administration silenced peaceful protesters outside White House with tear gas and rubber/wooden bullets, then sent unmarked federal troops to Portland (uninvited) to shut down protests there.  Now Yahoo wants to keep people's opinions out of a national media platform, apparently because feelings get hurt.  Those who don't like the comments don't have to read them but aren't happy unless they're whining.  This is Yahoo's loss..... I'll get my news elsewhere.
2020-07-23 1:09 pm
My guess is that they want to recalibrate the types of news stories that they are posting. According to the caption at the end of all their articles, "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting." 

I'm also guessing that they want to mainstream their reviewing techniques to eliminate as much legitimate hate speech as possible, since more and more anonymous keyboard warriors are feeling emboldened to post their hateful rhetoric and trolling comments on Yahoo these days. 

With so much deliberate disinformation and misinformation being churned out over the Internet these days, it makes sense for Yahoo to finally declare, "Enough!" and simply shut down the ability to comment for a while, if only to catch up and eliminate definitive false information. 

Personally, I have no problem with Yahoo doing this. Everything happens for a reason, and I choose to think that Yahoo is getting rid of all things KarTrashian and unnecessary Hollywierd articles that serve as mindless brain candy. I hope I'm right!

Shalom and be well and be safe in this time of COVID-19.
2020-07-24 3:21 am
Based on the comments here, I am convinced that not one conservative understands the 1st amendment.  
2020-07-25 12:12 am
The typical Yahoo news reader is someone who got their Yahoo email address 20 years ago and is now about 50.  They are WAY less woke than the editors supplying a steady stream of left wing "news," and their comments reflect their animosity toward the bs these editors are providing.  Is ANYONE surprised the comments are gone?  You shouldn't be.
2020-07-25 9:30 am
They can count. Comments generally opposed their leftist views by large margins, often as much as 10 to 1. In the run up to the November election and with the left desperate to do ANYTHING to defeat Trump, they couldn't tolerate the truth of public opinion. Standard liberal hypocrisy.
2020-07-24 2:18 am
Yes.  Do not click on their stories anymore. Poorly written lefty garbage is worth nothing without the ability to see and participate in the bashing.
2020-07-24 1:49 am
Maybe they got tired of all the liberal squeal cats flagging comments 
2020-07-23 10:58 pm
Yeah .  My account has been  somehow deactivated by  Yahoo News   for over 2 years . I was forced to stop use it  now.  Yahoo News's censorship is very bothering. 
2020-07-23 6:31 pm
Yahoo users are saying it has something to with the American election.  
However this suspension is for Yahoo users in every country and for every article and every category.

I want Yahoo to contact us to explain why this has happened.

I suspect that this suspension as nothing to with unsavoury comments because we had the option to report and mute.

I want to know if there has been security issues and if there has been a breach. As this would be the most likely reason for this decision.
2020-07-24 11:46 am
My humble opinion of southern South America. It is so that users do not give their opinion in favor of Trump in these upcoming elections. At least that happens in yahoo in Spanish, where the president is better treated in the comments than in the yahoo notes that are absolutely critical and tend to communism (today called progressivism).

Maybe if Biden wins, yahoo will re-enable comments.
2020-07-24 7:46 am
They favor  democrats 
2020-07-24 2:29 am
I didn't expect anything less from a bunch a miserable lefty BLM sluts,verizon they know nothing but grabbing money from every users data and virtue signalling a river of vile poison,they deserve to go bust jumping on every bandwagon that shoots out of the news turd shitchute,disgusting cowardice uttery, and completely idiotic,their website is run by amateur regressive leftist twonks.
2020-07-24 8:19 am
Because Yahoo is owned by the Chinese if you haven't paid attention and they are afraid people might vote for Trump again.

Yahoo answers was plagued with pro-Republican comments.

And yes, many Russians probably were trolling. 

You need to understand what's going on. Russia is competition to China also.

Yes it is true that the Russians played a small part in helping Trump get elected, but the Chinese are pro-Democratic Party.

The Chinese are against Trump because he opposes neoliberalism. China would lose money if the US moved all companies back to the US.
2020-07-23 11:54 pm
The left wing nut jobs were getting hammered in the comment section so Yahoo had to turn them off because too much truth was getting out.  Yahoo has a narrative to help the deep state control.
2020-07-24 1:10 am
The super vast majority of animosity was provoked by uncalled for rudeness f/ people abusing comments to attack people for expressing an alternate view. Comments was mostly counterproductive. However, I would have been satisfied to be given the option to eliminate mine. I rarely used comments but if I did it was for an appropriate link or pleasantries to the author of the answer. I suspect YA is watching "block" numbers. When/if these go down substantially, it will consider eliminating comments a success. The spirit of the forum is to fill in blanks for the sincerely inquisitive. Abusers of the forum resort to making it a personality contest irrespective of the point of contention in the issue.
Notice the TDs in my answer. These strongly reflect the displeasure of forum abusers who are upset YA took their tool away.
2020-07-25 5:55 am
A company doing away with a comment section isn't doing away with free speech as it's the company's right to have or not have a comment section. Although knowing that most comment sections on Yahoo News pages are right leaning, it was probably done to drown out conservative rhetoric. This is a popular tactic among Democrats and progressives.
2020-07-24 11:32 pm
Because they are fake news and hate when someone calls them out ????
2020-07-24 2:32 am
Suspending comments - during a major bribery/collusion/cronyism scandal in Canada? It doesn't matter how anti-liberal many posts are people still vote for these people so they have nothing to fear. Sometimes, there is information in the comments that the media won't print. I appreciate that. There are some posters who harass other posters - don't like that. All perspectives matter. 
2020-07-24 12:03 am
I think they want people to quit using it. Why? I don't know.
2020-07-26 9:47 am
If it wasn't for Yahoo I never would have learned the Truth: 
If you celebrate and embrace your cultural roots, your part the diversity that enriches America. 
Unless you're white. 
Then you're a... 
wait for it... 
racist through and through.
2020-07-25 9:49 am
because they didnt want to hear the truth. 

The truth being that there articles are SO bogus.
2020-07-24 2:56 am
yahoo with their one sided stories couldnt take the ridicule is my guess! OR kardashians threatened to file suit over the being told how lame they are. but lets not forget who yahoo is owned by. yes, verizon. do a negative review on that website about their service they delete the comment as well. 
2020-07-24 7:42 pm
There were entirely to many positive responses to
right leaning commentary.  Yahoo and its agents
can not allow this to be seen. Pulls the rug out from
underneath their feet,
2020-07-23 10:08 pm
Because yahoo is so far left ,but they're not getting the responses they want.So Anti-Trump,yet there are so many Trump supporters and yahoo can't have that so it's time to suspend. I hope I played a part in your decision.
2020-07-25 11:40 pm
Other news services did this 5-10 years ago.   It just takes up computer memory for the news service and there is the new issue,  thanks to Facebook,  of the people running the site being responsible for the comments posted on the site or not.   If someone makes libelous claims about someone else would Yahoo be responsible for letting it get posted?    Would someone try to sue Yahoo for millions over it?   For that reason other news services got rid of comments long ago and Yahoo is just getting around to it.   I doubt they will bring back their comment.   If that happens then I will move off Yahoo completely.   (Have you notice it is also harder to get to Answers?)  
2020-07-24 6:01 am
Too many right-wing conspiracy comments
2020-07-23 9:43 pm
Not sure it has anything to do with free speech as much as much as it has to do with people acting like spoiled little brats. Just read some of the responses. I've seen more intelligent comments from an auditorium full of Down's patients.
2020-07-25 1:18 am
Yahoo suspends comments right before a presidential election. Gee, I wonder what their motivation might be.
2020-07-24 11:52 pm
It would appear so.  Darn, I would go straight to the comments section, especially for the propaganda articles to see what the real public thought.   The silent majority for law and order will prevail this Nov.  Unfortunately that will lead to another 4 years of crybaby leftists.
2020-07-24 1:59 pm
Yes. Yahoo hates freedom of speech.
2020-07-23 9:30 pm
'We the people' hereby proclaim & declare it is a 'Constitutional RIGHT' our 1st amendment freedom of speech 'RIGHTS!' Meaning we 'ALL' have the 'RIGHT' to agree or disagree, accept opinion or to not accept opinion on 'ANY' content! It is our 'VOICE our CHOICE!' =<)
參考: 'Truth & justice!' =<)
2020-07-23 10:18 pm
We’re getting closer to the election... only 3 months away.  Yahoo doesn’t want anyone to dispute their version of the truth, they want Biden to get elected, and they’ll constantly try to brainwash the America people into believing that Trump doesn’t have a chance of winning.  The liberal media is the right hand of the democrat party.  This “banning “ of commentary should be a wake up call for America... your right to an opinion and your right to express that opinion is being denied.  The liberal media is the biggest threat to our democracy that exist today.  They are determined to control this election... remember in November.  
2020-07-25 5:00 am
There are those that post links that will put malicious software on your computer.
There are those that do nothing to add to the conversation other than reposting what the article already said.  They just copy/paste.
There are those that don't have a liberal/conservative agenda ... they are just trolls.  They will go out of their way to attack whomever to make everyone else have a bad time.

our lives don't revolve around the comments section of Yahoo. 
The articles aren't that good.
Most are just reposts from other sites (you see how often they dredge up "National Review" 'articles' from 1-4 years ago)
They spend way too much time with articles about "celebrities" ... especially the Kardashians.
They are loaded with spelling and grammatical errors.
Are you really missing that much when we could probably do without the articles themselves, let alone the comments section?
2020-07-24 9:02 am
Hmmm...  I don't know.. but Yahoo News isn't a governmental site...   I bet you think somehow "wearing a mask at a supermarket is a violation" or "I woke up in America!"   Sorry,  "free speech" is in  common in most first world countries countries, including Canada
2020-07-25 2:43 am
I guess they didn't like being challenged on their daily marxist BS. It's going to hurt them big time if they don't bring comments back. 
2020-07-25 8:55 am
And Trump still wins by a landslide.
2020-07-25 12:27 am
Election Year.....Yahoo is doing all they can for a Creepy Biden win. Comment section allow for people to post the truth about the corrupt democrat party and Yahoo does not want to truth exposed.
2020-07-24 7:07 am
The voters get it, most of the media is biased against Trump and conservatives, and cutting out the comments means they are afraid Trump will win re-election,  which is a good thing!
2020-07-24 8:44 pm
You want the Truth?  Yahoo can't Handle the Truth!
參考: The Truth and Nothing but the Truth!
2020-07-23 10:20 pm
They will also close this since Trumpers and Russian bot operators  think they can do anything they please on a company’s site and break every rule written! 
2020-08-03 10:55 am
Saying Yahoo removed comments for political reasons is absolutely ludicrous. Yahoo is a private company and it is all about revenue vs costs and they are not bound by the first amendment. I am sure there have been crazy people and stalkers who have caused some to complain and possibly file lawsuits. The amount of comments that came in must have been enormous. People can not only comment on all current articles, but all of the old archived content. They must have had some kind of algorithm checking keywords, phrases, and duplication because there is no way they could monitor in real time, It would take an army of employees which would not be cost effective. Even just reviewing flagged comments must cost a lot of overhead.

That said, I really think they will lose many readers by not restoring the function. Engaging in the comments has become an integral part of many people's lives and will be sorely missed. Being able to share opinions, views, and additional information allows for an intellectually satisfying interactive experience. The comments were often more entertaining than the articles themselves. Perhaps they can come up with a way of earning additional revenue by selling advertising space within the comment section. I could live with that. Whatever it takes. I really hope they restore them soon as I am sure many others do as well. 
2020-07-23 7:30 am
I had a bunch of fun jousting with the trump fans.  I will miss doing that.  In reality, I could care less about politics.  I will miss having fun with all the right wingers.  bye trump fans, will miss your nutty posts.
2020-07-25 5:05 pm
Why does everyone go on about America? Yahoo news is Global, it is not just  limited to the US. I noticed that replies are disabled too. 
2020-08-01 7:06 pm
If yahoo simply reported facts then comments might not be as important but when Yahoo publishes articles that are opinions and perspectives of the writer and then doesn’t give the reader a forum to reply then why read the article? It’s not a book or paper, this is a medium capable of interaction. When will Yahoo respect and be interested in the reader’s views? Or is there another agenda?
2020-07-26 5:31 am
Perhaps, Yahoo news didn't like it that people were more interested in reading the comments than their poor written news reports.  
2020-07-24 3:17 am
they suck big time
2020-07-27 6:23 am
It's clearly because the comments were always pro trump no matter how hard hufftpost and the alt left tried to drive the narrative.
2020-07-25 3:10 am
Comment section actually revealed how dangerous democrats and liberals are, and Yahoo could not afford exposing their brand of people.
2020-07-24 5:31 am
to quote "strengthen and improve community engagement "

2020-07-27 5:58 am
Liberals can't stand being fact-checked.
2020-07-24 7:59 pm
What good were they anyway, 
they never changed anybody's mind. 
Comments are mostly just people getting their sh*t off. 

Edit: I owe Yahoo a ton of gratitude because I would've probably wasted much of my day commenting to many of the answers to your question. You probably ended up with more answers because there was no other way for people to get their sh*t off.  It's saving everyone a lot of time and caused more answers. I imagine Yahoo will probably notice that.  Lately, askers have been lucky to get ten answers to their question, and look at you now, you're getting hundreds ;)  
參考: Y!A never tells its users why they do anything they do. We don't know what they are doing until they do it. At least they didn't seek my input.. Maybe they did seek input from other users, but I would be surprised.
2020-07-23 10:15 pm
They got tired of people calling them out for spelling and grammar errors in Every article they publish.
2020-07-26 4:17 pm
They don't have the funding to properly moderate the comments, so they removed them for the time being.

The implementation was garbage anyways. Notifications of responses were shared with yet more news story alerts as if they very badly wanted to cram every crevasse of the site with headlines.

I honestly hope they do the same with this place. It's overrun with Russian political spam and one definite fact is that this is not the place you go for answers to real questions.
2020-07-25 1:18 am
They improve free-speech by removing free-speech.  They increase choice by reducing our options.  They increase our freedoms by banning movement and comment.  They promote democracy with the most hideously biased media:  When did the media ever say anything good about the Left, or bad about the Right; though the impact of their respective policies are in complete contrast to the impression created by the media!  This world is insane!!!!
2020-07-24 11:31 pm
They don't like challenges to their biased leftist shilling "articles".
2020-07-24 1:59 am
i don't know but it's driving me crazy
2020-07-24 6:53 am
Yahoo can do whatever they want to do on their own platform.
2020-07-28 3:16 am
They want to support Biden's presidential campaign and want to remove comments or facts  about Joe that are derogatory. After the election they will go back to allowing comments.
2020-07-24 8:47 am
This is Yahoo kowtowing to the Deep State. Yahoo already has the technical means to ban or block comments that are racist or threatening. The pretense that Yahoo "is protecting us from horrible comments" is both disingenuous and laughable. 
The Deep State simply don't want people to challenge the narrative and by doing so, make others change their perspective. The deep state and Pompeo are ratcheting up tensions with China and don't want any comments that challenge the war narrative. 
Freedom of speech is being stripped away from us EVERYDAY. Protecting free speech isn't about protecting speech that YOU like, but protecting the right of those YOU disagree with to have their say, no matter how ridiculous it is. Yahoo already has the mechanism to ban racist or violent comments, it has no real justification to block all comments. 
Let's fight for free speech!!! 
2020-07-25 6:55 am
Yahoo supports anti-white racism, it is anti-Trump, communist, progressive, feminist, indigenist, ecologist. Why would it be striking that it is a censorship of opinions? It is what those groups do.
Communist like the Black Lives Matter and the antifa.

What distinguishes all these groups is intolerance.
2020-08-02 7:58 pm
I suppose it gives Yahoo as much licence as it wants to put whatever it wants on its pages without any recourse from its readers. Its a form of censorship really !
2020-07-24 5:35 pm
Answers were getting loaded with comments.
2020-07-26 5:21 pm
Far too many comments were dissecting the Yahoo propaganda messaging.
Propaganda loses effectiveness if it is challenged.
2020-07-25 2:29 am
It's just a disgusting, ham-fisted attempt to control information.  It was really helpful to scroll down to comments to find out what really happened.  As a 20+ year customer of Verizon and Yahoo, I will celebrate the day I end this abusive relationship.
2020-07-24 9:46 pm
Comment section: "We should care about everyone regardless of race. Looting isn't helping anything, and in fact, many of these small businesses being destroyed are minority owned."

Yahoo: " Scram kid. I'm trying to get a cheap emotional reaction out of people to get lots of easy clicks and ad sales. Your common sense and critical thinking is a buzz kill.."
2020-07-24 3:54 am
Yaboo has failed the people. What happens when you take freedom of speech away ? I always said I pray that something replaces this pedophilia web site.
2020-07-27 7:13 am
What I bet happened is that people are commenting offensive comments on articles and answers to questions (because Yahoo Answers also suspended comments to answers), the United States is in terrible conditions (and so are many other countries), and the United States is having an upcoming election. All sorts of debates are happening. Should we go back to a tougher lockdown? Is it worth ruining the economy? What should we do about black lives being in danger? There's so much more than ever to argue about and much more to be offended by, even if some (not all!) of those reasons aren't worth being offended by. There would probably be a lot of comments reported as well, and Yahoo would rather not deal with it, so comments are suspended. Again this is just a guess.
2020-07-25 9:38 am
I have been with Yahoo ( on & off ) , for about 15 years ...way back when Yang had it ---before he was " forced out " to sell it .
There were times when I would take a break---stay away ..., and not even use it , or post any comments ...I would go to these other places for my news and then posting my comments with them ......more to my level  than Yahoo had become .
Freedom of Speech ~~~is something that does not exist , on these "private platforms "-----just go back and read up on " terms & conditions of use " box that you ticked ~~~which many people never bother with ....too long , and fine print ...If you do read it ..then you will see that " they " can do anything they want to do pretty much ...even close out your account , and ban you .....for any reason they come up with ~~`, or for no stated reason at all.
" It's our toy , and you can not play on it anymore ".............. 
This goes for the others as well . on their "terms & conditions "....Youtube ...Facebook ...Twitter ---and more ----they are the same .....say the wrong thing , and you will get kicked off for a period of time ..., or banned completely .
I have never set-up accounts with any of them .....
I ...personally will go to Bitshute , or Brighteon ...The Liberty Daily ...is good too ...plus there are others  who are concerned about Free Speech .
Yahoo's timing on this raises certain questions ....notably about shutting down comments on their news articles ---thus making it " a one-way street of information " ..., at this certain time just shortly before the coming election .....For me ----it shows me "their color "....
So I guess it's good-bye for me here on Yahoo ...it's been fun ---at least some of it ...........I will be closing out my Yahoo e-mail , as well ...and cleaning up my computers of all other traces .
 " I do not wish to feed the beast...that will eat me  "
Time to wake up~~~~
See all of you around town  ...........
Have a nice day.
2020-07-27 6:27 am
Probably because 80% of the comments were conservative and knocking Yahoo's bias "news". However, they don't owe anyone the right to comment and  your freedom of speech has nothing to do with a company running their business.
2020-07-29 4:07 am
I dont go to their news page anymore,  why?  to be indoctrinated?
2020-07-27 1:28 am
So according to the replies it's because of Yahoo's slanted leftist / right wing articles. They sometimes have really badly put together articles and most on line news articles are meant to be quick hitters.They are concerned about the rage and hatred coming out of the comments, but if you consider the people or situations we comment on that shouldn't come as a surprise. A lot of the articles are also written or have head lines that stoke the passion in our replies. 
2020-07-27 12:14 am
Since Verizon owns Yahoo, a person might want to research them instead.  I don't know Verizon's politics but if they are hardcore leaners, either to the right or left, then that might indicate why they've suspended the My Comment section.  I do think people should voice their displeasure at not being able to comment on an article featured on Yahoo.  I mean this is America and we should be able to voice our opinions without the threat of being suspended or having our accounts closed.
2020-07-25 10:35 pm
What's the point of Yahoo News without the comment section?
2020-07-25 10:23 am
Because the Yahoo comments contained the truth more often than the articles! Most of the comments were conservative in nature while their articles were liberally biased to say the least. When liberals don't like what you have to say they would rather just kill all the comments and free speech altogether rather than come face to face with the truth or any opposing voices. Conservative free speech is being eliminated everywhere. From the internet to the workplace to universities it's the "cancel culture". They will also try to silence you by calling you racist, homophobic, xenophobic etc. Get you fired from your job for speaking your mind. We all need to band together to fight this elimination of free speech or we will lose this fight. 
2020-07-27 5:18 am
My guess is that they are covering their behinds with the election coming up. 

Yahoo 2020: Biden guaranteed to crush Trump.
Yahoo 2016: Hillary guaranteed to crush Trump. 

They don't believe their own rhetoric anymore than most anyone else does.
2020-07-25 12:03 am
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over..."  Stop there.  That word "safe" says it all.  It's code for "We don't like hearing things we disagree with."  If this really is about "safety", would be curious if Yahoo could publish how many records of injuries or deaths have been caused by Yahoo News comment section?
2020-07-27 3:27 am
Certain people in power forced Yahoo to close comments, as they did not like the comments to expose their crimes.
2020-07-24 11:08 am
Those bots that posted detailed articles in the comments were 10x more informative than the actual yahoo article.
2020-07-23 11:43 pm
It's very expensive & time consuming to monitor comments that do not follow the rules.
You might try other Home Pages.
2020-07-24 12:27 pm
Because it was full of vitriol, attacks, bullying, racism, right wing/ Trumptardian conspiracy nuttery, right wing/ Trumptardian bots and right wing/ Trumptardian trolls. It has essentially become a cesspool for the right wing/ Trumpian false narrative and just another vehicle to divide and misinform. The world is better off without it. Since Yahoo owns the platform, it is not a "free speech" or "censorship" issue. Get over it and move on. You are free to spew your hatred to anyone willing to listen. The problem is, not too many are willing anymore. 
2020-07-24 6:26 am
While I’m not a fan of censorship in any form, it is their company and they’re allowed to make these decisions. It is funny how Conservatives love pushing for corporations and capitalists rights, but then freak out when a company does what they feel is best for their business. The comment section of Yahoo has become populated by a lot of racist groups that specifically target the comments section in coordinated ways . Also as is the case all over... Russia coordinates responses on certain articles as well. Personally I’d love to see the comments section return because it really only highlights and exposes a lot of these people for who they are. Again censorship only emboldens these types and makes them feel justified in their paranoid delusions of oppression. Although an update to the format would be great - Such as greater security to prevent trolling and coordinated responses that are clearly copies... Can’t tell you how often I’ve seen word for word reposts that push agendas where you know it is an actual planned attack! Instead of blaming liberals, how bout looking at the propaganda campaigns and the groups behind these misinformation teams that are ruining the internet  it for all of us
2020-07-25 1:49 pm
becuase its yahoo and they are a failure
2020-07-26 9:15 pm
Lots of Yahoo's audience cared more for the comments than for the articles.  Most of the articles were biased toward a liberal point of view and the comments at least allowed for some balance.
2020-07-25 2:42 am
The whole point of free speech is that it is going to have views opposed by others. If people cannot accept that there might be alternative reasons then they should be less blinkered and maybe open their minds.
2020-07-24 10:58 pm
it is no longer my home page
2020-07-26 6:59 am
A great deal of the posters were more informed, fair minded and intelligent than the journalists who write for Yahoo. The comments were the only reason that I liked Yahoo. I quit Yahoo if they continue this censorship!
2020-07-26 4:40 am
Yahoo is trying to silence all the comments in support of Trump.
2020-07-26 2:50 am
Yahoo is owned by Verizon; a company full of salty snowflakes.
2020-07-25 3:05 am
They don't like it when someone disagrees with them. White people exist and are feed up with being treated as they are the racist one's. If you are part of the Republican party and share your opinion they get triggered. Most likely that's why. But the outcome is people are not going to click on the news articles for their ad revenue is going to go down. 
2020-07-24 11:30 pm
Freedom of Speech - hate, love, nice, mean, funny, sad, etc etc - It's freedom of speech - Yahoo doesn't realize that nor like it
2020-07-24 8:29 pm
That's the only reason they even exist in this day in age. 
2020-07-24 10:16 am
We could start a Reddit group that contains the same Yahoo stories. Just link the articles and people can comment. It would be up to a moderator to delete or ban posts that are too out of line.  Probably about 10% of the articles would get linked as most stuff on Yahoo is click bait fluff.
2020-07-27 3:44 am
Yahoo News suspends comments because fake news hates the truth. The truth can always be found somewhere in the common section.
2020-07-24 7:41 am
The use of Comments was very important to help the asker get good answers and good information. 

It seems that every weekend Yahoo has been messing with "Answers". 

They've improved a few things over the last 2 years that I found irritating, but they have unimproved far too much more.  :-(

In years past, I used Comments to help explain my own answers when only 1000 characters of answer space was given.  Now with the 10,000 character space allowed for answers, I have enough room to finally answer some questions. 

But with Comments now gone, many of my older answers that are still accessible on this database,  are now useless. 

I'm about ready to stop using Yahoo! Answers.  Oh well. 

It's too political. 

July 23, 2020
2020-07-24 8:20 pm
Free speech yes until there's a policy about it.
2020-07-23 10:30 pm
Probably because the boards have become impossible to moderate.  There is the potential for legal problems for Yahoo when this stuff spills over into real life.  You have:

The angry and obsessive posters.  You know, the ones with tens of thousands of comments who post messages full of insults and threats.  

The probability that Yahoo will become a platform for foreign actors using bots and trolls to attempt to influence the election.

The Q conspiracy theory fans are extremely obsessive and potentially dangerous.  Unstable people are attracted to this kind of stuff.  If Yahoo gives them a platform, they can be held responsible for the actions of the worst of them.  This is why other social media is purging the Qnuts.  

This definitely falls into the category of "This is why we can't have nice things".
2020-07-23 9:42 pm
Well I see where all the moron Trumptards are posting now!
2020-07-23 5:25 pm
They're trying to clean up their website. Especially, from Russian interference like Facebook went through during the last election. It's been proven, Russians hack and manipulate America's election process through websites and other media. Hackers has had control of their website for years and many of their best account holders, who gave educated and factual answers are long gone. Some categories on Answers are under total control of hackers and Russians. Reddit, Quora provide better educated answers than Yahoo Answers to a question because of their Mods, but Yahoo was supposed to be a fun place that anyone of any ethnicity, nationality, race, social class, education level could come too and feel free, and welcome as it was before the year 2010. Not anymore. The entire culture of Yahoo Answers and Yahoo has changed because divide and hatred aim at people because of their race, social class, education level, religion and etc. 
2020-07-27 2:48 pm
it's not a "free speech" problem. The Yahoo purchase has not gone well for Verizon and I suspect that they cut costs by reducing the number of complaints and disputes that arose from the comments.  If they didn't have to deal with those complaints they could lay off some Indian staff.   For months, you've had to know where to find Answers--it's been hidden in the "other" menu.   ALSO, I've started to see some Russians answering political questions. 
2020-07-31 8:40 am
I suspect that Yahoo News will resume their comments feature the day after the Presidential election.  The political debate and comments against Joe Biden just weren't fitting with their narrative! 
2020-07-26 9:21 am
Its pretty simple.....yahoo doesn't like it when they are constantly called out on their inaccurate/left wing reporting. 
參考: Me
2020-07-25 8:56 pm
I wont be staying with yahoo if comments goes for good , whats the point . their writers are uselss leftist snowflakes . the news is nicked from other sites . reality shows and kardashians is all yahoo posts about , yahoo has been **** for years and without comments yahoo will be pointless . RIP yahoo another great decision , well done !!!
2020-07-26 10:42 pm
I felt it was my duty to fact check Yahoo! so called “News” bias on a daily basis. Now that they are repressing comments that were mostly negative toward their narrative, there is no need to read Yahoo! Any more. Our job is done here, time to move on!
2020-07-26 2:49 pm
Tech companies can no longer stand to hear people's free opinions. They must control what they can and destroy the rest.
2020-07-26 12:26 pm
Yahoo answers is just like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all social media platforms, they're all liberal and never lets us conservatives tell the truth of facts on them to let everyone know what is really going on in America right now about the china virus, race baiting war on police, and Trump's soon to be reelection. But I'm not never giving up and I am no longer a silent majority.
2020-07-26 10:00 am
Yahoo is nothing but fake news promotion for Biden and the Democrats. Everyone knows they lie and that Trump will win re-election. Yet by banning the opposition voices, they run the risk of FB and other left wing social media going the way of the dinosaur. Listen to Tim Pool on YouTube for the real truth. PS. He hates Trump, but knows he will win in November. I have repeatedly called out Yahoo for lying and promoting fake news. Never said Trump doesn’t lie, but Democrats lie 24/7 about Trump. Democrats are fleeing their party, like blue collar workers in 2016, and so are those in the #walkaway movement and blacks in #Blexit movement.
2020-07-25 7:04 pm
Because they're a bunch of paedophiles!
2020-07-25 10:25 am
Because the sheep are waking up and seeing that Biden is a gun grabbing communist tax raiser. 
2020-07-27 4:59 am
Everyone knows why - in just about every set of comments, they were called out for their ridiculously blatant leftist bias, double standard, and hypocrisy.  They couldn't stand the feedback so they shut it down... sad but not surprising.  Liberals love all opinions, unless you disagree with them.
2020-07-25 10:21 pm
Yahoo is suppressing the comments that don't support the collapsing liberal narrative in this country. The REAL, patriotic Americans far outnumber the liberal leftists that Yahoo is pushing in their articles and they are afraid of us. Keep it up my fellow Americans! TRUMP 2020!!!
2020-07-25 7:41 pm
People who disagree with any Leftist comment are the ones that are being restricted. My better half, who doesn't comment 99% of the time, can access the 'Comments' of any article currently on Yahoo. Those of us that have any opinion that doesn't conform to the Leftist Narrative, are the ones being restricted. This is a direct violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Even though Yahoo, Twitter, Google, Facebook, and whomever keep on saying that they're all 'Private Companies', they Operate 99.9999999% in the Public Domain.
2020-07-25 7:41 am
From what I saw of the comments that forced this situation they were mostly middle of the road or conservtive.  Most of the complaining on line was from the disgruntled Democrats/liberals/peace & freedom types.  Yahoo needs to allow their users to still comment.  Alot of the comments were thought provoking and more factual than the current news media
2020-07-24 4:14 pm
If you had ever read many comments, you would understand.  They were mostly insults and rants.  I'm sure Yahoo won't miss the idiots who kept insulting and ranting. Yahoo staff were probably overwhelmed with requests to delete those posts. It would be easier to disallow comments than to keep up with deleting the posts that violated community guidelines.  You've heard of Yahoo's community guidelines, right?  You agreed to them when you signed up.  So posting any crazy thing you want is NOT your right, and that's what I think is behind the suspension of comments... too many people not understanding they were supposed to be following the guidelines they agreed to when they signed up.
2020-07-23 9:59 pm
There's a problem when people come to Yahoo looking for news in the first place. And the comment section is pretty useless in the grand scheme of things, anyway. Free speech only protects people from government prosecution. Try telling off your boss, or say something in conflict with your company's code of conduct policy, citing free speech, and see if you are still employed. Yahoo is a private company, and viewers are their customers. They can do whatever they want in the running of their business. I'm pretty right-wing when it comes to government being hands-off with business. 
2020-07-23 11:38 pm
too much fighting.
free speech does not apply here.
2020-07-24 4:17 am
Commenting started off good, but has become very negative and full of hate.
Being anonymous allows people to hide behind a name.
2020-07-24 1:43 am
To be honest, it didn't matter what the news story was about, the comments were always littered with idiotic, racist, sexist, or just plain nasty comments. I'm happy to see them removed. 
2020-07-29 9:57 am
Yahoo has an agenda to promote political correctness and try and make the readers more woke. The people commenting generally are conservatives that negate and sometime disprove some articles. It is also an election year and yahoo being liberal naturally wants to silent the conservatives. Interestingly, it seem most of the people that read yahoo are not liberal, but older conservatives. I think the younger liberal crowd get their news from other social media outlets like twitter and tik tok.
2020-07-27 11:07 pm
The comments were the only reason I visited the site - I’ll check in periodically to see if they come back, but I’m already getting my “news” from elsewhere.
2020-07-27 9:47 pm
Yahoo comments friends. . . are you really surprised?  Yahoo is part of the "accomplice media" (a.k.a. fake news), so they'll sacrifice free speech in favor of only their speech.
2020-07-28 11:53 pm
"Why did Yahoo News suspends comments?".  Maybe Yahoo should post a common sense answer.  I'm guessing that there was too much push back to their left-leaning articles and agenda.  Commentators routinely trashed the content of their articles with facts; the facts that they left out.  Now, Yahoo's myopic view is all that is left.  The opposition has been silenced but, so has the useful discussion.  Outside of the prolific name calling, there were many comments that brought rational thought.
2020-07-27 1:09 pm
Simple... because a vast majority of commenters are better writers, better investigators, and knew when yahoo was just driving a wedge, and let everyone know so. They made them look bad 
2020-07-27 8:52 am
Just changed my home page from Yahoo.  Their advertisers should take note.
2020-07-27 3:37 am
Good idea!  One of the basic tenents of marketing is "involvement."  The more a viewer is involved the more likely to be receptive to promotions.  I guess the Yahoo marketing whizzes missed that class.  They'll find out when advertisers start dropping out.  
2020-07-26 10:37 pm
I don't read the news, I want to see what people think of the news. 
2020-07-26 1:27 am
Because Verizon doesn't think people are capable of ignoring comments they don't like? Because Verizon has no regard for autonomy? Because Verizon doesn't like their stories being fact-checked by the populace? Because Verizon doesn't want us using their stories as jumping off points to do our own research and then comparing their stories to other published versions of the same account? Because Verizon thinks we can't have civil discourse in the midst of all that  trolling? Because Verizon doesn't want to spend money on server space and moderators because Verizon only cares about the bottom line? Or because we don't look at ads while we are commenting so they are looking at ways of monetizing the comments section? 

Who knows the real reasons? They haven't bothered to give an explanation, nor did they ask us first. 
2020-07-25 6:32 pm
It makes them feel better when they're not constantly reading how much they suck at journalism.
2020-07-25 12:57 pm
I am not sure why Yahoo chose to stop comments, but the people who agree with the bulk of their articles are the same type of people who need a "safe space" from differing views often found in the comments section. I know there is also a pretty big problem with bot accounts as well, but that could be easily solved with captcha programs. Whatever their so called reason for doing this, I do feel that people should stop going to Yahoo for their news and entertainment, and be sure to be vocal about your reason for doing so with the people who advertise on their News site. Suppressing the exchanging of ideas is the most certain way to stifle growth, and only leads to deepening the divide that separates us. 
2020-07-25 8:52 am
When Yahoo post articles I will provide the real facts and I consistently get flagged by Yahoo or other commenters. It’s obvious Yahoo is bias but I can’t stand that they allow Blatant lies and pass it on as news. 
2020-07-27 7:23 pm
Yahoo is a socialist/communist rag. They want the power of free speech, but god forbid your comment goes against their left-wing FAKE news. 
2020-07-27 1:36 am
Looks like they have gone more libtard since they cut off the comments. Guess they feel free to do what they wish now that they ban. They need to drop those trump re-election ads Off their site to be full libtard though.
2020-07-26 11:03 am
Because they hate the truth (which they don’t report) which was coming out in some of the comments. They don’t like it when ppl say that something happening like riots is based on a lie or fraud and shouldn’t be happening. In a nutshell they’ve gone black supremacist like many others in the media. They even removed the comments under answers. It’s bad, it’s anti free speech.

They hated my comments so much they removed the entire comments section. Yahoo has always censored truths they hate by removing questions and answers. Rarely this is good when questions or answers are very bad but often it’s the good Qs and As that get axed.

If enough ppl protest they might listen but really things are going in a dangerous and bad direction globally like I’ve never seen in my life before. So yeah definitely protest this egregious decision. 
2020-07-26 8:16 am
Probably to annoy blue faced trolls who post Yahoo Answers rants into the Politics section.
2020-07-26 3:07 am
Guess they got tired of the commenters knowing more about what was being posted in articles than the so called journalists posting the articles. Seriously all you had to do was read the headline then skip down to the comments to get the full story.
2020-07-25 9:42 pm
the only thing good about yahoo is us, the users. seriously what even is yahoo compared to an actual new sources like new york times or the christian science monitor or you know, real news media. the only thing that makes yahoo stand out is the community,  yahoo answers is famous and it is entirely because WE THE PEOPLE generate 100 percent of its content. yahoo is run by a bunch of yahoos...
2020-07-25 7:10 am
vote 2020, folks. Vote BECAUSE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.
2020-07-26 8:08 pm
Yahoo is owned by Verizon, which IS NOT a privately-held company as many are claiming gives them the right to publish lies and liberal biased garbage.  
2020-07-25 12:06 am
Who cares?  Yahoo is a dying company who's older user base is literally dying with it. Most likely couldn't afford the server cost.
2020-07-24 1:03 pm
All of Yahoo has suspended comments. I thought because of Trolls but someone said they did it in 2016 because of the election. I think I remember that also but thought it was just for a few weeks leading up the election, not this far out. I joined in 2013 after learning about the site at my grandfather's funeral when a cousin told me about it. 
2020-07-26 10:59 pm
For starters, it costs money for the platform to manage a comments option. Most likely it’s determined that it cost more clicks than it generates. Yahoo is a business, it’s all about money. Yahoo’s revenue comes from ads.  The price of adds is based solely on viewership. Lose viewers, lose ad revenues. 
2020-07-25 11:39 pm
Socialists practice discrimination against intelligent people.
2020-07-25 2:04 am
New world order Beitchesss!!!!
2020-07-24 5:08 am
Why was no notice given?  I commented on an article.   5 minutes later, the suspension was enforced.   Yahoo should provide more than a general, meaningless statement about peace and safety, which  commenters were opining that the left was neither peaceful nor safe.  I suppose any type of, "We'll be shutting off comments in 24 hours",  would've been met with a landslide of public disapproval that they weren't willing to take.   
Not a good sign.  People were already being censored,  many articles were inflammatory and beyond biased;   one-sided to the point of support for looters' rights, only  anti-Trump articles, support for BLM even during violence.   It was clear that readers weren't buying it and were calling them out.  Yahoo has cut off the silent majority.  It  cuts ties so the silent majority won't be able to communicate,  with the hope they'll lose heart , feel isolated , and resign themselves to violence,  lawlessness,  and lies. 
Pulling the rug out under our feet, so to speak; scattering opponents of PC with its  Orwellian fist.
2020-07-24 2:49 am
Probably the trolls who run amuck on here. There's too many trolls and not enough moderators. So shut down comments for a bit, then probably put them back up. This is a regular pattern. If you can post a question complaining about free speech, your free speech is fine, idiot. 
2020-07-24 12:41 am
20 year old account holder here. I've been using the comments section actively for the same amount of time. I can't speak for Yahoo, but I can say what I've seen, and let you make your own conclusions. First off, I'm sort of glad they did this, and hope it stays this way. Now, on to my observations. I started noticing a drastic change in the comments section sometime between 2014 and 2015. Things were happening here in the US around the same time. Take that how you will. The comments became much more aggressive in tone. It's like a large group of a totally different type of person moved in all at once. At first, I couldn't understand what was going on. When commenting on an article, I used to enjoy the back and forth with people who have different perspectives on various things, and it was all pretty good natured and respectful. Then all of a sudden, things got really nasty. People started labeling you as a leftist or liberal if you didn't adopt this hyper aggressive, fairly intolerant point of view. Like I said, it was at first really confusing. That's about the time I started to see the first openly racist comments, and a sudden shift in anti immigrant sentiment. I couldn't figure out what was going on. What happened? Had everyone suddenly just changed on a whim? That's when I started seeing comments exposing accounts with tens and even hundreds of thousands of comments. Digging a little more, I started noticing a lot of the really nasty ones had insanely high comment counts, but we're only a couple years old. I started noticing word for word comments posted across multiple accounts. I tried out a theory, and posted gibberish, with a few key words thrown in, and got back replies calling me names, or some pro-trump or anti democrat response. Odd. I started getting suspicious that maybe there was something weird going on. How could someone post 20 thousand comments in 3 years? Hmmm. I began to realize that maybe some of them were automated, or scripted somehow. After searching on Google, I found that you can purchase Yahoo accounts in bulk. About the same time, I learned about the fake Facebook and Twitter accounts trying to boost Trump, or create chaos and spread misinformation and conspiracy theories. Take my experience how you will, but I have noticed that the only people squealing about it now are the same ones who seem to hate Yahoo, yet undoubtedly spent countless hours posting comments on articles they can't stand reading. Nobody in their right mind would do that unless they have some kind of agenda going on. I for one am ecstatic that the misinformation trolls have lost a platform, and hope it stays permanent. 
2020-07-23 8:56 am
I have always liked yahoo and their news reporting, still do. Also, I did like reading some of the comment sections on some of the articles. Although, to be quite frank, and in defense of yahoo, there has been a lot of hateful comments as of late. For example, I made a comment on an article recently and someone replied by stating, I shoot just go shoot myself in the head. Very cruel. I think yahoo will eventually come back with their comment section, but with closer monitoring. As a suggestion, maybe they should wait to do so until after the November election, 2020.
2020-07-23 11:22 pm
I believe that they are censoring items which simply do not tell the truth or are obviously offensive. Seems reasonable not to allow lies or abuse.
2020-07-29 2:26 pm
Yahoo doesn’t like it when readers criticize their constant spewage of anti-Trump, anti-white, anti-man propaganda. Also, their censor algorithm was seriously broken.  The real surprise is that Yahoo Answers is still functional (for now).  Maybe they will fix things? Nah. 
2020-07-29 10:47 am
Because yahoo is scared of FREE SPEECH that's why!
參考: American Public
2020-07-25 5:44 am
When this happened a few days ago, l thought it was just me being banded again!
2020-07-28 9:05 am
Yahoo News and Yahoo Answers are nothing without the comments.
2020-07-28 2:19 am
The federal government should require that ANY and ALL services claiming to post "news" stories MUST allow comments.  This will ensure a reduction in fake news, circumvent the intolerant Thought Police and the agenda-driven mainstream media.
2020-07-27 10:04 am
The comments section allowed for people to call out yahoos liberal bias, fake news and the black lying marxists.
2020-07-27 12:12 am
I honestly think the Owners... the Verizon company —-  I guess it’s on them — intend to keep its article comments going.   They currently seem to want our feedback about how to improve the feature.  Or something’s up! Evil trolls! It could be a lot of reasons... 
Yahoo did this suddenly.  No warning.  Just turned it off.    I guess they wanted to gage the general level of devotion for comments.  Most people are angry, some hurt...  a very small group of people, Noam Chomsky stands out, are happy, but most want it back.  I can’t stand most yahoo media...  And if I can’t vent, I figure I should look elsewhere.. even YouTube.  People say they are biased and they are, but compared with Yahoo, YouTube fares better.  In my opinion.   
Yahoo Answers used to be a phenomenal place.  You felt among others.  It was a powerful social experience for some at times.   It was really interesting at times.   But the magic has been stripped away...   , and soon..  Hopefully, Yahoo will make it better in the spirit of what Yahoo Answers once was ... or something more interesting and of course, safe! 
It’s not good for business to get rid of the comments... or sell them... whatever... they have to get it up and running...  their articles cannot go unchallenged... It’s automatic..  With me... 
Yahoo was so awesome once upon a time...  It’s just not the free forum it really was at its best...  They even made chess games a place to hook up with people...  I hope their mail doesn’t go... that’s where I’m at now....  Seriously ???? 
2020-07-26 2:38 am
Put the comments back!  I check out yahoo articles everyday, and then I check the comment section.  Yahoo, you said no comments were temporary, I answered your survey.  There’s not much to do these days outside the house, and reading and commenting on articles is something to pass the time.
2020-07-24 9:10 pm
Maybe they are taking a hint from Google Answers.
2020-07-27 10:53 am
They can't handle the truth.
2020-07-24 2:43 am
Is there a glitch? ... Or, did Yahoo suspend comments to answers
2020-07-28 5:15 am
So instead of being able to address the liberal BS articles with comments that balance the equation, Yahoo has effectively silenced yet another conservative voice, just like Google, Facebook and Twitter. Move to Parler and your voice will be heard.
2020-07-26 3:21 pm
To prevent people from communicating with each other and catching on to the government shenanigans going on.  Total conspiracy.
2020-07-26 2:53 pm
Yahoo is funded by democrats and that is the reason they want to silence republican supporters. It's a blatant stalinist approach by yahoo.
2020-07-26 9:31 pm
It was fun commenting before, but I kind of like the peace and quiet.  It's like reading an old-time newspaper.  If comments come back, after the election would be a good time.  That way, Yahoo won't get embroilled in questionable post controversies like Twitter and Facebook.
2020-07-24 8:19 am
Because we need to drown out conservative comments. I a member of Yahoo that voted for this. We didn't like the narrative conservatives are pushing. We needed to reorganize and reprioritize. Their free speech and pro law enforcement narrative was dividing others. So we cut them off.
2020-07-25 6:06 pm
You mean why did it take them 15 years to suspend them?
2020-07-24 6:41 am
Trumptards lie and he needs to go! Thank God yahoo suspended comments! Conservatives are the fake news.
2020-07-25 1:46 pm
Yahoo comments were a safe space for racist Trolls.
They've ruined it for everyone. 
Thanks Trump. 
2020-08-11 10:35 am
Yes, I've been on Yahoo for over 20 years. Yes they are biased. Yes they run ads in their top news banner as news. When they do run "news" it's not the full story. Is it any coincidence that they stopped doing this in an reelection year?  Not allowing comments? Seriously? Deleting my account. Taking a stand. 
2020-08-07 6:27 am
The comments were suspended because parent company Verizon is suffering from stock losses. Specifically, their 2015 purchase of Yahoo has been disappointing to say the least. It was an easy decision to cull the labor costs required to police the enormous comments section, especially considering the intense scrutiny from the recent congressional hearings on monopoly and political bias in tech companies. 
2020-07-30 4:48 am
That’s because they were getting owned in the comments and people were putting the stories into perspective. Yahoo only wants you to see what they want you to see.
2020-07-30 1:41 am
Because they were tired of their stories being "vetted" through the comments. Since dropping comments their stories have gone from leftists to ultra left. The accuracy of the stories they post and create is also slipping as they are again, not challenged in the comments. I went to the comments most times without reading the article as I knew the truth or at least the other side of the story was in there. 
2020-07-28 1:31 am
We are getting closer and closer to November election.  Yahoo News swings more left than right.  I expect they want to surpress conservative comments in an effort to dissuade voters from re-electing Trump.  "Don't encourage them."
2020-07-27 1:56 pm
Definitely because of the election.
2020-08-08 7:55 am
It seems pretty clear that they were suspended because the 2020 election is ramping up, and the comments section was becoming a platform for more moderate to conservative viewpoints. While it depended on the story, there was a discernible conservative weight to the comments that Yahoo abhorred. It depended on the type of story involved, certain themes could be detected. 

Those who oppose Trump usually would weigh in with various obnoxious ad hominem attacks, making degraded comments about skin complexion ("cheeto") or mental ability. Hence stories that were specifically anti-Trump, and those are many, and remain so, would bring out those folks. Immigration stories would bring out a legion of people asking that the immigration laws be enforced vigorously and attacking the story, which would invariably be an attempt to mawkishly highlight the propriety of "open borders" and encouraging illegal entry. 

The comments on BLM stories, and this is where Yahoo likely began to get scared, showed that people were not afraid of describing just how extreme the "protesters" really are, and how they are anything but peaceful, since who are you going to believe? Yahoo wants you to ignore your eyes and believe their fictional narratives. The problem was not with outright racists, everyone ignores them and there were so few as to be negligible. The problem was with the rational, articulate bulk of people saying that "black lives matter of course, but Black Lives Matter the organization doesn't care about them, and are radically anti-American." Truth hurts. 

As a general matter, comments were often very short, not worth much, but if you scrolled through them, certain longer ones, sometimes very long, would provide a good deal of information that was lacking in the original article. In fact, many of those comments were better written and better informed than the article itself -- and let's face it, journalism is no longer really taught. It is a wonder some of these writers graduated from any accredited school. 

Yahoo obviously reviewed what was going on, and became alarmed that its agenda, which its news division is busy pushing without disguise, was being undermined through the comment section. When people are getting more information and better and more accurate through the comments, it was undercutting their determination to see Trump removed from office come January 20, 2021. The last thing they need is for the truth to come out as the campaign for President begins in earnest and Joe Biden can no longer hide in his basement -- what would the avalanche of commenters have to say when his gaffe-athon commences? 

They realized they were contributing to open discussion and open debate, and the communication of the very ideas they are attempting to quash. That they chose to eliminate the comments for a least the time before November voting makes sense from an Orwellian monocratic political standpoint. The Yahoo philosophy is quite simple -- "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to change your mind and agree with me." 

2020-08-03 6:48 pm
censorship...plain and simple. I mean how obvious does it have to be??
2020-08-03 2:54 pm
Yahoo is far left news and does not want any contrary views expressed.
Verizon should be ashamed and fix this mess
2020-08-01 2:35 am
Yes. Yahoo w/o comments just are not relevant. I am dropping yahoo as my home page.
2020-08-01 1:24 am
Trump had suggested delaying the elections. He was jumped on by politicians from both side. The reason Trump gave was because of the democrats favorite way to vote. Send ballots to everyone, dead or alive gone elsewhere and gone rather than absentee ballots.
Politicians would rather have a fraudulent election rather than a delayed one.
2020-07-31 12:36 am
Yahoo looked out at its creation and saw it had become a wicked, hateful, and evil thing.  Destroying it was the only way to cease its harm.
2020-07-30 10:58 am
They don't like anything that goes against their fake bias agenda. They love it when you point out that the president is an uneducated idiot, and the Reps love to legislate away rights, but if you point out that they promote that same mentality, when it comes to the left pulling the same BS. Poof, comments disappear, and the freedom to have an opinion and state it. Disappears as quickly as the Dems talking about taxing the wealthy, now that Bernies gone. LOLOLOL
2020-07-29 1:23 am
AOL will let you comment without needing to log-in to anything.
Same news...same adds as Yahoo.
2020-07-28 12:53 pm
Social engineering. We can’t call out their bias anymore. Most comments called them out on their cause of division in our country. They are silencing us. 
2020-07-27 5:06 pm
Censorship, some don't like free comments.
2020-07-26 11:55 pm
I don't really read the story.entirely  I go directly to the comments.
2020-07-29 12:58 am
It is sad that there are so many tolls that don't respect other's opinions.  However without the comments it's just milk toast!  Yahoo is really far left leaning and without comments then the liberals get a false sense that everyone agrees with the socialist narrative. 
There is no reason to make racist comments (of course any disagreement is considered racism by some) but to state fact or opinion is not racist, just truth.
I'm worried that without an option to give opinions, it will force some of these trolls into other actions as an outlet for their frustrations.  We have seen a lot of this in the past couple of months where people are physically destroying property to get their point across.
It's easier to clean up comments rather than rebuild court houses or business'.
Even though Yahoo was way off base on many articles, at least they were providing a service by allowing a difference of opinion to be stated.  Now it just appears that they are pushing an agenda and trying to remove any opposition...the dictators of the world would be pleased.
2020-07-28 6:12 am
Because they do not want their false and misleading articles shown to be propaganda for the DNC ... Like the one today why Kamala Harris has DNC members not wanting her as Bidens Pick ... It is NOT because she did not show remorse for going after Obama it is because of her SLEEPING her way into politics ... they do not want people to [point that and other problems out
2020-07-26 9:13 am
Honestly with some of the psychotic comments I recieve I wouldn't be surprised if someone said something really threatening and the police got involved and they decided to get rid of comments to save face. I don't even write on politics and was getting sick of people blowing up and degrading me for having an opinion. It's for the better they made a change. I think what will happen in the future is these sites will start employing people to moderate the comments.
2020-07-25 1:26 pm
Better than Facebook anytime 
2020-07-25 3:55 am
Initially, the quiet was welcomed. NOW, it seems like a GAG order. Even UNCONSTITUTIONAL. While THERE MUST be a BOUNDARY for HATE SPEECH, People SHOULD respond to the information being "fed" to them. Since the suspension, I've seen NOTHING but stories of CORRUPTION and VIOLENCE. If you're not changing your CONTENT, then you SHOULDN'T be able to SILENCE our response.
2020-07-24 4:16 am
so yahoo answers is the new comment section, they used to have a thing called chat rooms years ago, maybe they want to send everyone straight
  to their appropriate room without dinner, nothing wrong with online arguments, I've been corrected myself for my mistakes from spelling to donnie getting four more years, better to play here than in the streets
2020-07-25 5:10 am
Yahoo! banning comments on news stories, while not something I agree with, is not a violation of your First Amendment rights. You might not like to hear this, but they are not stifling your free speech by doing so. 
2020-07-25 11:13 pm
With the surging of martial law, right wing terrorism, Russian influence and cyber attacks, it's probably good the comments end until the election is over. An army of bots flood them on a daily basis and Qanon/Christianity, right wing religions dominate these comment pages in an organized way. They cry about rights but they're trying to rape our country on a daily basis. The only rights they care about is their "right" to take away your "right". There's a reason that no Libertarians are voting for Trump or his soviet loving goons: They're fascist punks. It's not "antifa" vs" Fascists", it's Trump VS literally everyone who isn't a sheep
2020-07-23 10:36 pm
We don't and won't know.  They might have used the data they mine from us to spot mal troll hot spots from Boris and Natasha land.  The comments might have been hard to try and moderate (they don't do a good job of that).  It might just be a $ thing.

Good time to take a breath.  I read and respond to comments, but it might be a corrosive time waster.  Why take the time to respond to an AGW denier in a Tennessee assisted living facility with multiple peer reviewed links?  He won't read them, and no one else cares.  A pig fighting waste of time.  Time I could spend with superterranean letters to the editor of the Post Dispatch, or doing free on line advanced statistics tutorials.
2020-07-24 3:56 am
Probably because the comments section is such a mess with all the toxic comments from left and right leaning trolls and the fact that its buggy as hell.

I'm also seeing people claiming that yahoo is silencing Free Speech.

People who say that just don't realize that the 1st Amendment only applies to the government and not privately owned companies. ????
2020-07-25 2:50 am
Nah, you’ll live.
2020-07-25 12:48 am
Because right-wingers almost never have anything nice to say.
2020-07-24 11:18 pm
People were using it to incite violence and push anerica towards war.  both russia and china had paid trolls posting propaganda en masse.
2020-07-27 7:19 am
1). Yahoo gathers news articles from multiple sources. Conservative, liberal, political, religious. Yahoo news articles are not written exclusively by Yahoo employees. Some people just don't get that and blame Yahoo for everything they don't like even when it's from another news agency.

2). Yahoo is a privately owned company and not subject to the laws of free speech. They can print whatever they want, and if you don't like it you can start your own internet company. Let us know how that works out for you.

- - -

It's fairly obvious why Yahoo suspended all comments on its news  site.

It's because of all the trolls with multiple accounts spamming any news story they don't like.

Normal people leave a positive or negative comment, then move on with their lives.

Not habitual psychotic trolls.

I have seen trolls with 10 different accounts post THE EXACT SAME COMMENT WORD FOR WORD 10 times under the name of 10 different users, all within 2 minutes of each other.

Apparently they are not intelligent enough to realize WE CAN TELL YOU ARE ALL THE SAME PERSON USING MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.

First the IMDb kicked out all of its trolls (they are now relegated to instigating road rage incidents and parking lot fights at Walmart) then Yahoo kicked them all out, next will be YouTube.

Looks like the trolls will have to start their own website to "cry on" and see how many people show up.

Good luck with that.
2020-07-24 7:02 pm
The majority of the comments are right-wingers spreading disinformation and the left trying to correct their lies.  Then you have the trolls and those that just want to foment argument, not a true conversation, like the comments section used to be.  So my vote was to totally eliminate the comments section.  Personally, if they don't and return to the same chaos, I'm finding another news feed. 
2020-09-12 1:45 am
Most assuredly comments were suspended because too many anti liberal facts were being posted by readers. Yahoo is now trying to  influence the election by their posts. Approximately 90% are anti Trump either directly or indirectly. 
2020-09-09 5:15 am
The fact that Yahoo has now done away with its faux "survey" further reflects that they are not (and never were) interested in reworking comments to make them "safer."  They are just shilling for the Dems in the run up to the election and don't want their Neanderthal-liberal propaganda challenged and diluted on the spot, for all to see.  Hopefully, their advertising revenue dries up as a result of pulling the plug on comments. 
2020-08-21 1:20 am
Because they do NOT want people hearing both sides of a story.  Only their liberal side  is allowed.
2020-08-19 3:23 am
Because there is an upcoming election and the comments don't fit the narrative. Simple.
2020-08-13 7:54 am
Now we can’t immediately see when an article is complete BS. I just saw one that talked about a helicopter that was shot at that was a UH-1N Huey but the article kept showing pictures of an AH-1 Cobra. I really missed the comments that roast the lazy “writer”. They know what they are doing.  
2020-08-12 5:47 pm
Yahoo is completely a democratic forum, NO DOUBT. Yahoo can see clearly that the Democrats have no chance at all with BIDEN, Therefor instead of letting Repubs comment they have decided to take the COWARDS way out and to suspend the comment section. SHAME ON YAHOO..........
2020-08-09 11:19 pm
Because they’re hiden Biden! Keeping the right quiet! 
2020-08-07 3:10 am
Yahoo said this: we are temporarily suspending article commenting.  How temporarily is temporary?  You can bet comments on yahoo wont be coming back at all.
2020-08-03 11:31 am
I think there are just too many sensitive people out there who get their panties in a wad over certain words or names and its ridiculous.  They are just that, words!!!   Surely there are more important things to get upset about.....you can call me whatever you want and I am not going to go crying on the internet because I don't care...I know who I am.  Grow up and quit acting elementary....geeze
2020-07-31 5:47 am
The powers that be don't want us talking to each other and finding out all the things we need to know about them.  Not allowing us to have a voice.
2020-07-31 2:18 am
Will Yahoo comments ever be back? Is there a time frame for a decision to be made?
2020-07-30 8:38 pm
Because comments were coming up 3 to 1 anti-BLM and anti-Antifa. The constant anti-Trump articles were getting 2-1 pro-Trump replies. And plenty of COVID-19 vaccine and mask articles were getting healthy normal skeptical questions.

So Yahoo chose to jettison comments they don't like over ad revenue. That's most of the reason people looked at Yahoo's news section. Instead, other news aggregates like News360 will get a surge in visitors. News360 is neither left nor right. It genuinely lets you choose the news topics and outlets you want.

Yahoo without comments = Yahoo Buh-Bye
2020-07-29 6:03 am
Not interested in diverse opinions. Don't want people questioning there liberal bias. Most of the articles are absurd click bait. I believe most people go strait to the comment section.
2020-07-28 1:07 am
I didnt even know this.  I once had a good conversation with a canadian who didnt understand why gun saftey classes would be beneficial and we both enjoyed the conversation
2020-08-05 4:38 am
I think yoho added up the number of Conservative/Republican posts they censured and saw their Leftist Social Agenda was being rejected by a vast number. But censuring all those posts still made it look like there was lots of support for their Agenda of DemSocJustice Cuban style of dictatorial Govt. even though there isn't.
2020-08-02 8:22 am
"This coronavirus is the strangest virus I've ever heard of. It's very dangerous the way it spreads. It is so mysterious the way it lurks in schools but then dies at Home Depot. It can wreak havoc in churches; praying people are exceptionally vulnerable! Although it’s mind-boggling how it vanishes when people stand close together holding signs, destroying businesses, homes, property, monuments, etc. Yet, standing to watch a marathon or a concert triggers its wrath.
It is sneaky. It can spread when buying clothes at Kohl's but not at Target. It is non-alcoholic. It can't spread when you are buying beer. It lives for two days on Amazon boxes, you must wait 48 hours to touch them but It can't survive on Dunkin Donuts coffee cups, so enjoying a hot cup of joe is safe. It is the most curious thing, how it lives on basketballs, baseball bats, and ballet bars, but dies on WWE ropes and Walmart shopping carts. It is spread by hairstylists, dog groomers, and dentists, but not by bank tellers, cashiers, and fast-food workers.It's so smart. It won’t bother the first 10 people but it knows when the 11th person shows up so be careful if that’s you. It even knows what you want vs what you need. If you want a massage or your nails done it is very active on the prowl and not even a mask can stop it but If you need a plumber, it is weak, and a mask will keep it away. It also seems to be most dangerous after 5:30pm so businesses must start to close before the virus comes out and wreaks havoc upon the populations. Whoever heard of such a smart sneaky virus?!?"
2020-08-02 1:52 am
Yahoo,like most Liberal outlets, can't provide a platform for opposing viewpoints.
2020-07-29 3:06 am
You can't be 100% tabloid with all fake news and have comments too.
2020-07-28 8:41 am
100 days until the election what do you think. Censoring comments that don't promote yahoo's agenda is their goal. Yahoo wants us to think its about caring for people, and protecting others. If that were true, Yahoo would publish true articles and not articles of opinions from their writers. This is clearly censorship, and I hope millions and millions leave Yahoo for good. We the people can censor them too. 
2020-07-26 8:35 am
lol they can't silence the people ! ^_^

i mean they silenced me individually which was awful, I can't use the comments cos Im banned.

however I created a diferent account on a laptop and used a different mobile number and email and hey presto - im back again lol

but man i miss the news comments.  i love reading the biased opinions of people lol
2020-07-28 10:02 am
They disrespect the freedom of speech.
2020-07-28 9:42 am
My money says the snowflakes running fake news yahoo couldn't stand the fact that most readers were anti democrat, too many people laughing at and insulting the
 lunatic left.
2020-07-27 8:27 pm
Yahoo wants first and foremost to ensure that conservative voices are silenced especially concerning abortion.  Yahoo wants people of color to continue letting their children be ripped apart while alive in the womb, so that their little body parts, having been picked through by Stem Express types, can sell them for more per ounce than gold.  Why did Planned Parenthood distance themselves only days ago from the Margret Sanger label?  because they are racist, and so is Yahoo.
2020-07-26 9:17 am
There where to many people leaving very Rude and Abusive comments that kept getting reported.  The Bots on here came to the conclusion that it would be so much easier to just get rid of them.
2020-07-28 4:29 am
There are a ton - and I mean a ton of foreign trolls on Yahoo - come even impersonating Americans and they are doing a lot to stir the pot of our politics and social commentary
2020-07-24 2:14 am
Hi british brother's 
2020-08-08 5:52 am
Yahoo news comments section was likely forced to shut down by the Trump Administration who have made concerted efforts to suppress and attack free speech and the First Amendment  rights . That Yahoo stated that they were temporarily suspending the comments section weeks ago without a further update likely means it's not coming back . Sad state of affairs . We need a new administration voted in on November 3rd without interference from Trump and his minions .
2020-07-27 11:27 am
Their comments tasted like chicken pot pie....................
2020-07-26 12:33 am
In fairness I suspect it's because it becomes obvious that those with a political axe to grind end up acting like jerks.  As long as rules are being enforced equally across the board, I can't say I'm really bothered by the change.
2020-07-26 12:22 am
comment spaces are the true toilet bowl of the internet, nearly as bad as this pathetic place
2020-07-24 8:18 pm
I am the most censored person on yahoo because i post questions about my race
2020-07-24 8:51 am
Too much fodder for gov't computers. There's such a thing as TOO MUCH information. They already know everything about us. They didn't need to know what jerks we are, too.
2020-07-26 1:43 am
Because the comments were unfit for Christian reading.
2020-07-25 5:59 am
considering the amount of idiots i'm amazed they took this long
2020-07-25 1:50 am
I do read their articles and I'm a Liberal. I can see both sides. Yahoo is not the only forum canceled comments, so did AOL. Even I don't agree with every article but I guess some of the hate speech went over the top and hate groups used their forums. 
2020-07-25 1:35 pm
Because look at the answers. It was a cesspool of alt right white supremacist conspiracy theorists that basically copied and pasted directly from sites like the daily stormer and hate sites. Much of the time you just had people attacking the few people who would link peer reviewed articles and data that proved the truth. I left yahoo comments for this exact reason. 
“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain
2020-07-27 4:40 am
This isn't unique to Yahoo.  Many privately owned news and social media outlets have disabled comments or otherwise restricted speech that doesn't suit their political agenda.   I remember when Rotten Tomatoes restricted comments on their site when many users criticised Bree Larson for her mediocre performance and anti-white male sentiments she publicly expressed.

It's an interesting issue.  On the one hand I respect private companies making their own rules and deciding what they will and will not make publicly available, but as more and more turn to social media and other private "news" outlets, censorship also becomes a bigger issue.
2020-07-26 3:24 am
There were too many Russian/Chinese/trumpian bots commenting and thumb voting everything. It was a useless mess of unbending beliefs. Good riddance.
2020-07-25 5:07 am
I can't believe how many people on here just turned a blind eye to all the comments saying black people were stupid or violent. I did see those comments even on positive articles and as an African American it did kind of hurt sometimes. I would chalk it up to trolling but people on here saying anti-white are ridiculous. They just didn't want comments like Nate saying black people are the worst thing to happen to society and so forth. You have to admit those nate comments were in every article and even spread to other people commenting like that. 

I don't agree with suspending all comments though since there were some positive but a lot were bad/negative. 
2020-07-25 6:29 am
Have you ever, ever been helped by a comment?
2020-07-25 1:03 am
Those of you who think Yahoo did this for political content reasons are kidding themselves.  They are considering a business move.  Message boards are a lot of hassle to keep up and get them to have to answer things like Moms saying "my 8-year-old son read" this or that.   

Went through the same on IMDb when used to hit their boards, which made the place  at the start.  They had all kinds of reason but then the key one came out -- IMDb was reconfiguring it's platforn and keeping the message boards would cost like $3 million.  Buh Bye comment boards.
2020-10-09 10:30 pm
Yahoo has sunk to the lowest of lows to sully Trump and the Republicans. I don't know if Yahoo classifies itself as a news outlet, but clearly the majority of articles they post are liberal in nature leaning way left than center. 
I have one question to the tech billionares: If you want socialism that bad are you willing to give up your billions? Or will you be hypocritical and claim some kind of an exception? Who do you think will pay for all this stuff? Do you realize that you are hurting the people who made you billionares?
Bring back coments so we can have a legitimate back and forth with differening opinions instead of the censorship you presently have.
2020-10-09 10:06 am
Yahoo sucks.    Talk about trying to sway voters. Disgusting.   Liberals will ruin this country.   Let’s be stupid and let ignorant black athletes who receive a free pass thru all schooling’s tell you how to vote 
2020-09-28 6:30 pm
Yahoos can't handle that most Americans disagree with their Goebbels Garbage. 
2020-08-28 9:52 am
Yahoo sucks, even MORE now that we can't comment. Oh, poor celebs and political jackasses that can't stand the truth.
2020-08-26 7:17 pm
Obviously Yahoo does not want readers to post counter opinions to their articles. It is kind of like a child who calls someone a name and then plugs their ears so they don't have to hear a response.
2020-08-13 9:09 pm
Yahoo is known to print out right lies. The comments help lead you to the truth. If you can't handle opinions different than your own or the real facts then you should stay in your basement.
2020-08-13 2:45 am
I will bet as soon as the election is over yahoo will restore the comments section! If anyone else has noticed since the  "suspension" if an article on yahoo is supportive of the conservative viewpoint it has 1 or 2 sentences of "article" BUT if it's supporting the liberal agenda it has 8,937 paragraphs explaining why this story is correct and the conservative views are wrong. 
2020-08-07 3:53 pm
Yahoo's Attitude is ...Its my bat and my ball and if i can't win im not playing...Grow up yahoo and stick your comments section where the sun don't shine..
2020-07-29 5:51 am
Because most comments were criticising the blatant propaganda that yahoo news propagates.  People are just not having it anymore. The game's up for the global elite that control the mainstream media, they are on the backfoot now.
2020-07-28 2:00 am
Yahoo was getting called out by political higher up's for having stories that called out the politicians for being the crooks, lairs that they are and the president, was getting fed up with reading about himself in a negative way. I wish they would put the comments back in. They, Yahoo, is no better than MSN now, giving one sided stories that the reader cannot comment on or find additional information that adds to the story and gives more info so the story actually makes sense. I'm going to have to find some other site, this is BS. 
2020-07-27 2:06 pm
They did it because they can, and honestly the things people said were often awful anyway so what's the big deal. Respect for your right to do what? Blather on and argue with some anonymous dumbass over cliché BS. Why bother?
2020-07-26 12:31 pm
I thought I was the problem and that they just blocked me... oh well
2020-08-08 11:14 pm
If you ever read the comments section you know why. Too many abusive far right, left and foreign trolls.
2020-08-04 3:05 pm
I found the comments more interesting than the actual articles!

2020-07-26 12:05 pm
Most likely more people commented on the ROBOT Answers, and the liberals didn't like it when they were being over taxed. Most cost more money to them than we suspected.
2020-07-28 12:34 pm
Yahoo comments were interesting and entertaining.

Reactions and rebuttals were enlightening but sometimes disappointing. Baseless and bogus claims (left and right) generally got the rebuke they deserved.

But with an election looming what could steer the course of the next 100 years (no exaggeration) plus a health & community crisis which the enemies of America exploit - it's probably wise to close off comments for a while.No company is obliged to provide a platform for comments as far as I know.

We hope the comments come back soon and may God bless truth-seeking, free and kind people everywhere.
2020-07-27 5:24 am
Maybe because we started serving racist their own bigotry and they started complaining...When you stop the ignorance we will stop. I said what I said ????
2020-07-25 12:02 pm
If someone disagree with what you say then they suspend your comments, answers and questions. Earlier we notified when this happened but today you have monitor you account. You have to know what questions, what answers and what comments you ask. With questions and answers you to monitor your points. 
2020-07-27 8:58 pm
Because it is generally abused to carry on off topic conversations or carry out flame wars instead of anything productive.
2020-07-25 5:42 am
You need to cry some more about it
2020-07-24 8:31 am
For some reason.
2020-07-24 1:16 am
Because Lewis Hamilton told them to
2020-07-25 6:14 pm
Trump must have bought the licence, as he doesn't believe in 'freedom of speech' now that the USA has become a dictatorship under his governance.
2020-07-24 8:09 am
Yes! Yes! Yes! 
2020-07-25 11:29 am
You "free speech" folks misunderstand.  This is a COMMERCIAL web site run by a PRIVATE company.  Free speech here is incidental at best.  "Free speech" refers to government censorship at any level.  It has NOTHING to do with what a private web site chooses to do.  It's their computers and out of the kindness of their hearts (plus advertising revenue) that they allow us to post.  If you want to be a good citizen, understand what your rights are - and what they aren't.
2020-07-25 4:44 am
Private company free speech is irrelevant - 2nd ammendment "Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech" Yahoo is NOT congress and congress did not make them suspend comments
2020-07-25 11:36 am
I supported the elimination of comments.  If you don't like reading Yahoo, then don't.  I find Yahoo carries many articles that are on other news sites that require you to pay, but Yahoo carries them for no charge, so I will stick with them and, yes, I told them that in their survey. 
2020-07-25 1:14 am
Probably overwhelmed by all the reports of the many, many racist comments.
2020-07-27 1:51 pm
On trump orders ! 
2021-04-14 9:15 pm
參考: MY OWN
2021-03-29 10:21 pm
yahoo or other news media doesn't wants comments so they don't wants hear real opinions and truth from general population. They wants to control us and they think we are idiots without brain like them
2021-03-06 4:56 am
Cancel Culture!  If you are free speech. They will find you and hunt you down. Cancel your life. only if you agree to take in illegal alien's if they agree for a vote Democrat
2020-10-11 8:56 am
They know that 70 percent of the country or more is smart and doesn’t support blm ect cnn or the articles they post. We go on the comments and can easily talk and speak out opinions with like minded individuals. Obviously they got bought out by someone democrat with money. I stopped going in yahoo until they get there comments back 
2020-10-10 3:31 am
Yahoo is apparently "controlled" by Pelosi and the radical left, AOC and her stooges. These women are stark raving lunatics who constantly prove that they are unfit to remain in US Government. They both hate Trump so bad that they would sacrifice ALL of America to hurt or get rid of Trump and his family. I have nothing but pity for all the women of America who "think" these radical and crazy socialists/Marxists represent their interests! C'MON, are American voters so dumbed down that they look forward to what these lunatics offer?
2020-09-28 1:44 am
Very simple because like their article denouncing Amy Coney Barrett they have realized that by quelling the overwhelming majority of comments that invoke support for her they can prevent facts that counter their biased false narrative which everyone knows is focused on swaying minds hoping to generate support and an increased voter base favoring the "direction" they have sold out to.. Clearly the comments have backed their relentless attacks on any and all who dispute their biased carefully programed articles into a dark corner. Their only resolve was to use their power of control to completely shut down words of rebuke and rebuttal.  
2020-09-16 8:31 am
It seems that yahoo is not the only comment site that has shut down microsoft have just closed theirs, so maybe twitter is next.
2020-09-07 9:11 am
I used yahoo to gain an insight on public opinion. In this case, YAHOO has made its own public opinion very unfavorable.  Started using google more often!!!
2020-08-29 9:22 am
Because they are in inclusion with the Leftists.
2020-08-24 10:55 pm
If you read the older comments Yahoo has been getting it handed to them for lousy left wing reporting from some time - Yahoo decided to take its ball and go home like a whiny little kid 
2020-08-24 10:27 am
bye bye yah00 Vote Trump again in 2020
2020-08-18 2:50 am
Yahoo believes in free speech as long as it agrees with their obvious liberal slant. Based on the number of non-liberal comments I've seen, too many commenters aren’t playing along yahoo’s idea of free speech. “What is good for me is not for thee”. Not enough pro-liberals Socialists, anti-Constitutionalists or anti-Trumpers. We may or may not see comments turned back on after Nov. 3. In the mean time yahoo doesn’t want anyone to be influenced against voting for Biden by reading facts about him or Kamala, so they turned off comments.
2020-08-14 2:27 am
My feelings on this issue are mixed. When it comes right down to it, I am only inconvenienced not being able to comment when I read a story that I strongly disagree with or if I feel there was something important left out. On the other hand, I find it refreshing that, when I do agree with the content of a story, I no longer have to read the hate-filled opinions of alt-right wing numb skulls that usually pull me in to making my own comments, which are usually based on real facts and are therefore ignored by the targets of my replies as facts mean nothing to them. Talking to these mental midgets truly is a waste of time as they are already too far gone to be saved and should therefore also be ignored. I guess I should say 'thank you yahoo' for sparing me from the toxic hatred that often sets me off, but I do feel that there may be a free speech issue as well. Face it, we are always going to have a certain amount of ignorant people spouting hatred on the internet. It is a sad reflection of the inferior education system in this country due to decades of defunding, predominantly by right wing legislatures. We reap what they have sown.  Unfortunately, these intelligence challenged people always seem to be the ones who are the most outspoken. But should we really censor them? Sometimes, I think it might be better to let them expose their ignorance for all to see. Change the rules for comments if it will help, but don't silence all because of the ignorance of a very loud minority. For now, I will enjoy the peace and quiet on Yahoo for a while. Hopefully, not permanently.
2020-08-12 11:04 pm
Nazi’s controlled all media  leading up to the Holocaust.  
2020-08-12 2:00 pm
Because of the liberal media agenda is why.
2020-08-10 9:17 pm
seems to me yahoo stopped the comments because trump is losing - and they couldnt take the real facts about trumps tweets and out right lies he tells all the time - either way yahoo will lose viewers and already has - they can keep their russian robots who flood every article about trump and his gang of liars - i will move on to google and reddit - see ya yahoo hope you go broke 
2020-08-05 8:41 pm
Yes, and I believe it's being done due to all the rightful negative comments about the President. Or Yahoo for censoring normal words like "passing". And they will probably reinstate it after the election. Yahoo doesn't realize that they are not the only plattform, or the best rated browser. They can't stop people's from commenting on twitter....for example 
2020-08-02 11:56 pm
Because they're just a bunch of meanies that don't want me to have any fun.
參考: inside my brain
2020-08-02 10:02 pm
Yes, Yahoo, seems to think they and their opinion are important, with the internet and so many ways to get the news and true facts, they are just a mouth piece for the left, people mainly went their to laugh at the comments and get a dig into the left, I found it to be humorous
2020-07-27 11:19 am
-chuckles-   "free speech"

as if that ever existed.
2020-07-25 1:35 pm
I don't like the change. I want to get that out of the way since I'm going to be defending the company here.

First of all this is the UK yahoo answers. We don't have free speech laws like in the US. Even though Yahoo is based in the US, I'm not terribly sure if the UK sites are obliged to follow the US laws and regulations. Now I don't know enough about websites and how they work to say that, but that's a possibility.

Second of all, even in the US, your freedom of speech ammendments only apply to the government. As Yahoo is a private business, the freedom of speech laws do not apply to it. There are laws in the US regarding speech that businesses have to follow, however as long as the business follows those laws, they can impose any additional rules to their business and platform as they want. If they want to censor stuff, they can. If they want to insult people, they can. They can do whatever they want as long as they stick to the laws that govern them. So they have every right to restrict your speech if that is what they choose. 

Finally, is suspending comments really restricting free speech? I mean you can still write whatever you want within the questions as long as it's within the Yahoo guidelines. In fact the Yahoo guidelines itself is more of a restriction of speech than removing comments.

So in conclusion, they have every right to remove the comment section if they wish. However it is certainly a poor business strategy. 
The comments were what was preventing poor advice and incorrect facts and statistics from being accepted blindly by the person questioning since someone could comment on an answer and disagree. Removing comments increases the likelihood of people blindly believing answers and it could result in disaster in people's personal lives since people do follow some of the advice people give. And you could argue that the thumbs up and down would tell people whether it's good advice or not, however people sometimes just thumbs up things that sound good rather than what's true. So I would think that whatever comments people can share would be valuable for the person asking the question.

Lets just hope this isn't permanent. 
2020-08-06 9:00 am
I had been telling everyone on Yahoo comments that if they think Socialism is so great then they need to get a pen pal in a socialist country and find out what they think of Socialism. I have lived all around the world and believe me when I say most of the people in the Socialist countries want what we have yet there are those who want to destroy what we have. Even the countries they point to that have medical for everyone and free education are questioning their decision because it is causing a huge drain on their coffers even though the people are paying up to 80% in taxes. Socialism doesn't work except for those at the top just like a ponzi scheme. I feel that people like me were finally starting to get our point across when Yahoo cut off the comments.
2020-07-28 12:51 am
Tambien lo hicieron en yahoo spanish
2020-07-25 10:16 pm
2020-07-28 3:43 am
One or more of a number of reasons:

Free up storage space on their servers
Switching to a third party comment service
Reduce trolling
Stopping people from expressing thoughts that are against the narrative. 
2020-07-27 9:47 am
because its probably the only thing they do well Unlike securing its users personal information as its been proven many times already
2020-07-27 8:49 am
Who knows. I’d rather them suspend comments than censoring anything against their agenda like they were doing. 
2020-07-26 9:16 am
Costs too much.
2020-07-28 8:02 am
The First Amendment does not require any outlets to provide comment sections for people to share their thoughts. So all of you crying about your "freedom of speech" being taken away are just blowing hot air and you're likely the ones posting the hateful comments, crazy conspiracy theories and other rhetoric you've heard from Fox News. There are plenty of other outlets on the internet available for you to call "fake news" because it doesn't fit your skewed narratives and where you can bash democrats for being "libtards".
2020-07-26 7:33 pm
Yea, that's not what free speech means. A company not having a comments section is not a violation of your free speech. There are many other more important battles to fight if you are actually interested in protecting free speech and human rights which I assume you are concerned about.
Maybe if enough people stop visiting Yahoo they will change. I'm not sure that all the people commenting on your question works towards that goal of non usage. Congrats on it being popular, but your asking of this question may be counterproductive toward that idea.Also for this fake news nonsense that I see, most major news corporations can be credited with giving fake news. Some more than others, but don't pretend now that this is an issue and don't just single out one or two companies. It only seems to be fake when a person doesn't agree with it. Most people did not start using this term until the president used it. You'll be hard-pressed to find this many mentions a fake news prior to this administration. My second point is that these news organizations are largely entertainment based. There's nothing in their company charter that states that they must tell the truth at all times or even at all. The viewer is the fool for relying on any one network for their news and information. The fact is we have been trained to be lazy and listen to these people. If a person hates fake news, but they believe and support whatever the president says or anyone for that matter, without doing diligent research then they have 0 credibility to call something fake news. I admit, fact finding can be difficult sometimes, especially if you dont know where to look, but at least if a person tried I would gladly have the fake news discussion with them.

Note: seeing a post on social media does not constitute as diligent research. 
2020-07-25 3:58 am
Too much snark
2020-07-30 3:11 am
For the public’s own protection I guess.
2020-07-26 1:22 am
Jews want to control your speech.
2020-07-25 6:12 pm
Perhqaps the CCP's long tentacles have reached into Yahoo !. We are going to see more of this crack down imho. The whole internet will become under the NWO control.
2020-07-25 7:28 pm
Because Yahoo is blatently right wing. Pro Israel, and vehemently anti Labour party. They have silenced any pro Labour commenters.
2020-07-29 2:56 am
I do miss the comments section. They were what kept me coming back. But I can understand why they did this. In recent years it has got more and more toxic. It has became a cesspool for toxicity and platform for hate groups and extreme conservatives to spread hatred and misinformation. For a while you could littlery watch how the comment section we be normal, then like a switch got turned on the Pro-Trump crowd would come in and go on the attack and spread lies, hatred and viscous attacks. Its one thing to be supportive of one side or the other, but it was becoming a breeding ground of this type of behavior that. It was causing a domino effect that went base the borders of Yahoo. Unfortunally I am now seeing this negative energy being releases onto other outlets such as Facebook. Since the removal of comments on yahoo, Facebook has become very toxic. I lost a few friends within the last week or two because of it. But again, clearly they are not friends. And guess which group of people this is? The Pro-Trump crowd spreading misinformation and hate. Some of these people I had no idea were this way. So I defiantly think the yahoo comments section was a breeding ground for hate and unrest in this country. We are now finding out who these people are because they are taking it to other outlets such as social media. 
2021-04-01 8:17 pm
Because they do not cherish an environment of people engaging with each other civilly when they have opposing views. They just want to present one side with no pushback.
2021-02-08 6:14 am
Trolls, Haters & Sicko's ruined it for everyone else, & themselves.  Except everyone else amounted to maybe 1000 people : /  It was so polluted with Vermon it became trolls trolling haters, haters hating sicko's, & sicko's hating themselves. Actually, they all hated themselves. Although it wasn't at all difficult to hate on the mostly ridiculous columns & their subjects: The Kardassians, The Bella Space Aliens, J-Lo's progressively disgusting body, John Cena's failing movie career, The Rocks Steroid induced physique, & just about everything else. I don't miss it 1 bit, & I no longer read Yahoo "News." 
2021-02-06 12:01 am
come on put the comments back
2020-12-28 1:58 am
Boycott verizon
2020-11-19 7:19 pm
What about the lives that probably have been saved by having a Yahoo Comment section, it more than likely prevented some or someone from going out acting out of character by having an opportunty to get it out their system.

Lets not forget every HUMAN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL MAKE - UP are not uniform, I have indicated this to say there are always the GOOD and BAD.

Can the Comment section be controlled, YES....at the inception tell individuals what you can and cannot post and it will be deleted if it does not conform to Yahoo Comment Regulations.

The Yahoo Comment section in some scenarios can be EDUCATIONAL when someone could correct something that was incorrectly stated or tell you something you were not aware of.

Compare Yahoo Comment section to Background Checks....are Background Checks 100%  FOOLPROOF  " NO " .

Anyone should be able to utilize the Yahoo Comment section, as long as they adhere to Yahoo Comment Regulations.

No HUMANS are perfect.
2020-09-04 7:59 pm
Quoted Post...

Hmmm...  I don't know.. but Yahoo News isn't a governmental site...   I bet you think somehow "wearing a mask at a supermarket is a violation" or "I woke up in America!"   Sorry,  "free speech" is in  common in most first world countries countries, including Canada



Wearing a mask is not a violation, but imposing a mandate on individuals to do so is illegal and a violation of the 4th and 9th amendments of the constitution.  It would be no different than forcing individuals to consume a certain substance.  Of course, I wouldn't expect the Millennial trust fund babies of Yahoo News to comprehend this, since they've not been taught the Constitution.  Instead, they've been reared on a diet of inclusion, diversity LGBTQ - in a nutshell, Cultural Marxism.
The decision as to whether or not to wear a mask should be left to the individual, not subject to mandate.  Also, at least in my own home state, the governor's EO to mandate masks is only binding on state agencies, it does not apply to individual citizens.  Not many people actually know this.  Of course, leftist shill media outlets in my home state, like Yahoo news, would never tell you that.  If you believe masks work, then wear a mask.  I'm not sure how me not wearing one would change that fact.

Now, as to the question, Yahoo News is not "news", it is leftist political activism.  I'd be okay with this if they just stuck an "editorial" tag on their articles and let the debate take place in the comments.  Instead, they now do neither.  Every article on POTUS has been critical of him.  Even our worse presidents were never wrong 100% of the time.
2020-08-26 2:52 am
It's about time!!  Too many trolls and too much back and forth visceral banter. 
2020-08-21 7:54 pm
People must have been posting a lot of COVAIDS truth and they were worried it might wake up the normie programmed by the TV weight gainers.
2020-08-05 8:53 pm
2020-07-28 6:06 pm
It looks as if you,ve taken that for a fact news,which is also a non stop and exaggerate of its advertisement,please and meanwhile, don,t be pessimist when now we can,t open our already dry mouth,because our exaggeration is also a redundant and matter of laughter!So why don,t you stay and be administrating so,the policy and matters?
2020-08-12 11:14 pm
It had everything to do with criticism of ISISrael.
Because the Truth is hate, because Zionists hate the truth.
2020-07-25 10:18 pm
"yes, wee goo-goo..gah-gah..shoold..!"

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