Is the Theory of Evolution a beautiful story?

2020-09-26 11:12 pm

回答 (56)

2020-09-27 7:12 pm
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Darwin noted the problem and it still remains. The evolutionary family trees in textbooks are based on imagination, not fossil evidence. Famous Harvard paleontologist (and evolutionist), Stephen Jay Gould, wrote, “The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology”.
2020-09-27 3:30 am
Yes, the theory of evolution is a beautiful story, just like gravity and the germ theory of disease.  Isn't it all just wonderful?
2020-09-26 11:14 pm
It's reality.  .........
2020-09-27 11:42 pm
It is beautiful.  Just look at the diversity of life evolution has given rise to.  We have flying things, walking things, swimming things, floating things, jumping things.  We have things with brilliant colors, camoflauged bodies and colors, and some that even CHANGE color both on land and at sea.  We have smart things.  Social things.  And not just humans or social insects.  Orcas are believed to have a greater emotional connection between pod members than humans have to their families.  Many animals problem solve.  We have extremophiles living in conditions so hostile to what we thought of as life that we only recently even developed the technology to find them.

But the most beautiful part is that it's real.  You don't have to make up magic sky people to explain their existence.  
2020-09-27 3:15 am
When I consider Pilt Down man, I think of a great lie.
2020-09-27 1:50 am
Some see it that way, but most people just recognize it for what it is - a well understood natural process that allows living species to remain well adapted to an ever-changing environment, which over time results in the formation of new species.
born again Christian biologist
2020-09-27 4:58 am
No, I don't think it's a beautiful story. Convince me.
2020-09-27 3:59 pm
It's a deception.
2020-09-28 1:56 pm
Evolution is a fantasy thriller without the gore, but the goo; directed by Charley (and further reinforced by his victims) minus any supernatural elements that replaced 'God's creation' with photoshop (or so he thought). Now the next-in-line think they're experts. Masters of deception for sure.

Oh, how easy it is to just close your eyes and follow one school of thought that leads to a dead end. The only question any wise and honest man will ask himself is whether a doctrine (in this case, scientific knowledge) is true or false.
2020-09-27 2:11 pm
It is a conspiracy from Western world, I think so. I don't know behind, but it is strange, because it has nothing reasonable Enough, ALL even Scientists know nothing complex is made without engineering, ALL know that It is not even possible AND we never saw something designed without designer during generations which had no designer, even very simple things. Do you believe a pen is made by itself? Thus, how do you believe a man is created randomly? It is just impossible... They are mostly kids' stories that Optimistic G-dless people believe might be right. Many of them even lie and know that's too simple world was created so..
2020-09-29 4:40 am
What Entropy said

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